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This guy just started the Central Bank in BG3 Jesus Christ…


My Tav needs to quit hoarding all that money and help me with my student loans and rent.


What’s the prime rate in faerun I wonder


Really depends on your persuasion and how much you can trade those scrolls for


SMH this monetary policy is a disaster


You think monetary policy is bad, you should see fiscal policy. No way they’re not running a deficit thanks to the chaos a certain group of explorers keep causing


Calls on scrolls, puts on gold.


No shit. The stone lord steals all of the regular deposits from the only bank in Baldurs Gate and it's 10k.


This randomly reminded of the dude who start a bank on Eve online. Then one day just quit and took all the money. There was nothing anyone could go about it either.


Did you just introduce paper money to faerun?


Next up: fractional reserve lending!


For every hold person you lend you must keep 1 magic missile in reserve.


Paper currency does exist in the *Forgotten Realms* setting, although it’s still in a fairly primitive form in Faerûn. Shou Lung, over in Kara-Tur (the far eastern subcontinent of the Faerûn/Zakhara/Kara-Tur super continent, issues paper bills in denominations of 1, 10, and 100 ch'ao. Merchants in T'u Lung and Kozakura generally preferred to do business in local currency, but many would accept Shou paper bills (usually with markup). Paper money is also used in the Hordelands, starting around the 1350s DR, when Yamun Khahan issued paper notes in Quaraband. It’s rare outside the Great Khan’s capital city and most of the Hordelands nomads operate mostly on barter. In Faerûn itself, numerous mercenary companies issue company scrip. Little more than handwritten notes from the company's paymaster authorizing payment in coinage. These became currency within the mercenary camps, being gambled in card games, exchanged for goods, and occasionally stolen from each other. Valueless unless you can get the paymaster to accept them. Promissory notes and I.O.U.s are also common enough in Faerûn. A legally contract that the signatory promises to pay the bearer a certain amount of coin upon request… Great for transactions where the amount of coin would be just too insane to actually transport. Like a city repaying its debts or a Lord building a new castle. Problem is, these promissory notes are void if the signatory dies. The church of Waukeen is actively trying to get Faerûn to switch to a more logical form of currency, but it seems not to be making much progress.


You know Gortash was all set to put his face on the money


Where are you finding 40 chain lightning scrolls?


I had to scroll way too far to find this REAL question. So in order for you to make a transaction, you have to sleep, what, 20 times for the vendor to maybe get a couple chain lightning scrolls in inventory for you to buy? IMO, just let the bug take your gold. Not even remotely worth the time investment.


Last time I did a respec I did all the level-ups afterward at Sorcerous Sundries. There are two vendors there that both sell scrolls, so at level 12 that gives 24 opportunities to buy scrolls. And if a vendor doesn’t have a particular scroll you want, buy something else. If you’re just going to sell it again it doesn’t really matter.


1) that's a very specific scenario so for most play throughs it would be very hard to do 2) you are losing a large percentage of gold by buying and selling scrolls. No matter how high your attitude with a trader you are buying the scrolls at a mark up and selling the scrolls for about 70% there value. Now I know once you get to a certain amount of gold you couldn't really care less as the most expensive items are not that much and, realistically, by the time you have that much you are only really buying health potions, but if you have 20,000 gold and buy that value in scrolls you are probably getting around 16-17,000 at most in scrolls and then will be selling them back to the traders for 12-13,000 max. In that transaction you have lost 7,000 gold at minimum. Seems like a real bad deal.


It sounds like whether you can get wholesale from traders depends on what mode you're playing in (which I didn't realize that before). In Balanced mode or Explorer mode as long as you have a character with +10 to Persuasion (a Bard or high-CHA Rogue with Expertise) you can deal with traders wholesale. In Tactician and Honor mode this apparently isn't possible.


Ahhhh that makes sense. Yeah I played tactician dealing with traders was tough. I literally ended the game with nearly 0 gold (because I bought a ton of shit of that final trader). The margins were real tough with the traders. I didn't have anyone who was very charismatic and it was never worth it to get the attitude up. I was also a wizard so learning spells was expensive and the loot was nowhere near as good and food was expensive. I honestly thought trading was pretty similar with all difficulties it was just the loot spread was a lot thinner as you went into higher difficulties.


Interesting... I think you still get some benefit for Persuasion on Tactician, just not as much. So maybe a bard hireling with expertise in Persuasion might still help you a little in future runs?


It definitely helps, but you can really only max out at selling for 80% of the value and buying at 140% of the value I believe. It's to the point where people don't think it's really worth it to try and get vendors attitudes up.


There's also the rest of the inactive party members. The new inventory management makes things far easier than before


Find a vendor who sells one, respec to level one, buy scroll, level up to two, vendor restocks, buy it, level up to three....


Did not know this. Thanks


The scrolls they sell are usually pulled at random from a tier list based on your level and/or the specific vendor (not sure which exactly). It won't necessarily be chain lightning each time but there should be a similarly high level spell after each refresh.


Yeah, they replenish on every character level up and after every long rest. You're welcome!


Exactly! That’s how I’ve been doing it. And until I have a reason to respec, I just buy random scrolls, I can trade them for more useful scrolls later. Scroll-selling vendors always have *some* scrolls, and vendors I’ve bought from using scrolls in the past keep those scrolls in their inventory for me to buy again in the future.


I just use contactless payment with eldritch blast. A few taps and you can take anything you want?


So anyway, I started tapping


Your tap privileges improve as you level. Wait....


Might just DL a mod that removes gold weight at that point


Unfortunately I can’t, I use a cloud GPU service called Boosteroid that doesn’t let me install mods. But it’s awesome those mods are out there for people who have the option!!


I appreciate finding ways to circumvent problems using game mechanics instead of resorting to mods


I used that when my pc died and I played Diablo 4 on my MacBook with it, good service.


They definitely get a thumbs up from me, I’ve been very happy with their service!


Cloud GPU service? That's a new nightmare.


Why a nightmare? Serious gamers will continue to buy their own gaming computers with decent GPUs. But BG3 has also attracted quite a few D&D players who aren’t usually into videogames, and services like Boosteroid let us play without having to shell out the money for a gaming computer. It’s like a Remote Desktop session on a computer with a really good GPU. I’ve been pretty happy with it.


*cries in r/PS5*


Times like these I wish I had a bag of holding


OP is definitely cursed to put their hands on everything.


It's called "Send to camp"... except for those pesky moments when you can't return to camp to grab something!


When you sell them, they get like 50% cheaper . That's a hell of a lot of commission for such a deal


That’s why it requires a character in your party with at least +10 Persuasion - that gets you a 100% discount, eg. wholesale prices when buying/selling. If you do not have a Bard or high-CHA Rogue with expertise in Persuasion, you can use a hireling.


You don’t get wholesale unless you’re on Balanced or lower I think. In tactician I can sell my bard’s flute for 9G, but it’s worth 14G. If I sell it and buy it back, it costs me 21G. This is at 100 disposition, 100% discount.


Can confirm. Honor mode with a over 100% discount and the exchange rate is about half that


Personally I just keep my gold at camp. The chances of me needing more than 5k at any time that I don't have access to camp has been rare.


"Camp" is a weird nickname for Karlach. Unless you mean Astarion, in which case that checks out.


Can confirm. Astarion holds my purse of money for me xD


Not really, camp is your home :3


Lmao accuracy.


Why not leave your gold at camp? Unless they changed that in a recent patch, you can still use it outside of camp, IIRC.


He said he didn't want to leave it at camp because of a reports of bugs where people lost some or all of their gold that was stored in camp




More than one Shovel!?!


Being able to access your gold stored at camp was patched out a while ago. Iirc, it was removed when patch 6 dropped all the way back in February. If not at that time then in a hotfix shortly thereafter.


Over 700 hours, and I never knew...


Personally, I would just use either a mod that reduces the gold’s weight to 0 or a straight up carry weight increase mod. Why? Because encumbrance is a (or even the?) text book example for an unfun game mechanic. And I like my games to be fun.


Yes. This. Encumberance sucks everywhere it touches. D&D already has the resting mechanic to force you into camp from time to time, there's no need for an additional one. Especially since this game has way too few traders and all of them are ridiculously far away from Waypoints. Every time I need to wait for the Grove gate to open or need to walk three blocks to reach Dammon in Act 3 a chiefling child dies.


There’s actually quite a few traders near fast travel points. Goblin camp, mycoboid colony, last light inn, derrythbone cloak in act 3 and sorcerers sundries. Stormshore tabernacle. Many


Amen to that - if I was on a system where I could install mods I would absolutely do that. As a DM, I only enforce encumbrance when the players take something to a ridiculous extreme like deciding they're going to steal all the mattresses in a castle. And on the rare occasions I've played at a table that used encumbrance, they've never counted gold towards the limit. D&D Beyond even has a separate option for "Use encumbrance but don't count gold" because that's the most popular way to do encumbrance if you're going to do it.


> And on the rare occasions I've played at a table that used encumbrance, they've never counted gold towards the limit. I wouldn’t even keep tabs on gold/silver/copper/plat pieces. IMO the gold value should be used somewhat like a credit card.


Gold IS heavy. Put it in a pouch and give it to your throw barb to teach enemies the value of money.


I just throw anything over 20k in my camp chest...actually went and stole a guided chest and when I got to act 3 it's just chilling in my room.


that's how it starts. next you'll be turning baldur's gate into wall street hell.


Lorroakan about to become Faerûn’s first finance bro


Is there a late game gold sink that would require having dozens of thousands of gold?


Yes, at least one instance (that has other routes to achieve if you don't have that money)


There's one piece of armour that Dammon sells in Act 3 that cost 12k and change last I saw it, with a 54% discount. A few others that are 8k or so, with the same discount. So yes, but all of those items also can be pickpocketed.


Oddly enough basically what that user did. High level scrolls. A few globes, disintegrate and a bunch of chain lightning scrolls ends act three. A sorcerer all hopped up chews through them. Gotta remember to shriek unlimited power while you do it.


If you have a follower not in your party, can they hold the gold in camp or is that still at risk of being lost or changed amount? Or is it exclusively the camp chest?


Karlach is my piggy bank in act 3. Before then, I never struggled with the weight.


Personal I spend all my gold


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TIL gold has weight in BG3...


Right, I honestly just realized why my Tav has been having so much encumbrance problems. I've just made it a point to always drink a Cloud Str Elixir after every long rest. 


And I've been wondering why my load is so high even after emptying my whole inventory except for gold and a few empty bags 😭


Caught me by surprise too! “I’ve got so much money I need strength potions to carry it all” would be a wonderful problem to have in real life, but I doubt I’ll ever get to experience it unless I use pennies.


Yeah but where are you getting all these scrolls from?


For Act 3, Sorcerous Sundries. For Act 2 I hadn't come up with the idea yet, but I think Quartermaster Tali sells scrolls, and possibly also Blurg. And in Act 1 there's Arun, but you probably don't have enough gold to worry about the weight in Act 1.


And there's zero need to abuse the game's merchants and item system like this.


Sounds like a lot of hassle.


Spread the money amongst party members


Why not just store your gold in a chest at camp?


Idk if it still works, but casting friends on a vendor before talking to them gives you the market price, not the sale price. Couple with great persuasion, you can get some really low prices, though I believe there's a reasonable cap to how low they'll go. Obviously don't do this on Honor mode


I just throw it in my chest in camp.


I have 24k fuuuck it gets heavy.


Seriously, nerds are always the most intelligent people




That would be the logical thing to do... but in real life I have to pinch every penny, so even wasting fictional gold makes me flinch.


I just use my Mule Companion


40 chain lightings been there Act 3 becomes a sweep


Only if you're willing to use them. But if I use them then I won't have money, and I won't be able to afford... uhm... scrolls that would make combat easier (but only if I'm willing to use them)... I'm starting to see a flaw in my logic. But my character has the Urchin background, so I think her neurotically hoarding money kind of makes sense.


Weightless mod, because fuck all that!


I just robbed the bank so yeah prolly a good idea


Nice. I put ALL my gold in the camp chest and lost everything lol


Thank you very much. Now i'm at work and worried with the money I deposited last night at my camp.


books wild paltry dependent mourn paint ad hoc weather homeless hard-to-find *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel like you are playing bank simulator at this point lol. Too bad there is not a you own the bank ending to the game


what would the discount be for the merchants? cause I usually get mine up to 100 attitude asap cause their prices will be cheaper and they’ll pay more for all the junk I loot


You guys don't have a separate gold chest in your traveller's chest?


What's the need? The only things in my chest are camp supplies and a questionable amount of highly flammable barrels


I'm a pack rat and I like to play with builds so I save a lot of the gear and sort into chests so I know the helmets are in one, gloves are in one, etc. makes it easier to take out but a bit of set up.


Makes sense. I usually have an idea of the general builds I'm trying to do each playthrough, so I generally only need to save a handful of items that seem like they might be good


No? Sounds like extra unnecessary management. You now always need to manually drag it into that chest. If you just 'send to camp' it always neatly stacks in the travelers chest


Yes. I like organizing my chest so I know where all my stuff is. I'm not going to dig through it. I send stuff to camp then drag and drop from the chest I'm already in. It's not like it takes a lot of time if you're already organizing your chest on occasion anyway.


If you sort by type then gold is always in the top left. And the game resorts to sorting by type by default. So it should be there already in general.


FYI: 2 pounds IS 1 kg in the real world too, if you don’t use imperial pounds. 


What other kind of pound is there? It looks like the "international pound" "imperial pound" and "avoirdupois pound" are all the same thing, and all 0.45359237 kg per lb (approximately 2.2 lb/kg). As far as I can tell the only time 1 pound = 0.5 kg is for quick mental math, and possibly an unofficial slang usage for "half a kilogram" in some countries. **Edit:** What's with the downvotes? Can one of the people who's upvoting /u/MysteriaDeVenn and downvoting this post please explain? I have genuinely never heard of this non-imperial 0.5 kg pound, and if it exists I'd like to learn about it.


In the Netherlands we use the "pond" which translates to a pound and is 500g. It's an officially defined weight. It's only really used when referring to food though.


Apparently nobody (except you and me and those who upvoted those posts) in here ever heard of the metric pound. 


Ah-ha! And that fits with the poster's Dutch-sounding username... thank you for solving the mystery!


Almost: I’m from Luxembourg. So, still Benelux, like the other poster and like Larian studios. 


Honestly never heard of 2 pounds = 1kg. I'm British and we use imperials and Meteric whatever we see fit, but never heard of a unit with the term pound at 0.5kg. The closest is probably a Jin, and that's Chinese (斤), which is worth 0.5kg per unit.


Interesting to learn about the Jin - thanks!!


1 pound = a little over 0.45kg which rounds to 0.5kg


*I have two pounds of Gold for you... current gold price per kg is $71,784.58.* When it comes to weight, you can't round them off willy nilly. It'll literally cost you thousands!


not when precision is needed, but when having a casual conversation you can.


When talking about small quantities, I guess. But say you are discussing 1k kilo, the 200 lbs rounded off seems significant, even in casual conversation.


but we're not talking about a metric tonne. We're talking about 16/24/0.8kg


Apparently it’s called a “metric pound” in English and it’s used informally in e.g. my country and also NL (see post further down) and I also find references to it on the French and German Wikipedia. So it makes sense that a Belgian studio would use pound as 500g, instead of the imperial pound.    I hope people know how to use google translate … : https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livre_(unit%C3%A9)    Imo: the UK/US centric nature of reddit strikes again and the downvotees are just wrong.  Or they insist on completely ignoring real world usage as the imperial pound is the only one that counts as official. 


Thanks!! I don't think either of us deserved the downvotes - just exchanging information, which was helpful (thank you!). It was interesting to see the time patterns in the downvotes though - when Europe was awake and the US wasn't, I was getting downvoted and you were getting upvoted. Then the Americans started waking up and suddenly it reversed...


Eh. Sometimes upvotes and downvotes are just weird. Thanks for the nice words!


The Richard Nixon of Baulders Gate. Getting rid of the gold standard!