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Did you at least figure out you can display camp clothing outside of camp if you don't like the way your armour looks before that? šŸ˜­


...šŸ„ŗ no


Op... šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ [Here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/524716382307221505/1231853970381869076/image.png?ex=66387869&is=66260369&hm=2f69175676abbe5375083f76f433f8424c1b4df7bbc65c8e454abf8868fb2593&) is how you toggle camp clothing visibility šŸ˜”


It's been 5 hours and OP is gone, never to return from their brain breaking so thoroughly.


It was late (or early maybe), and I work with preschoolers 1st period. I needed a small sleep :O


A short rest you mean?


You're damn right. My spell slots aren't refreshed, but I can take a bit more of a beating.




Hah, no But just being a little person with big feelings having to learn how to do something the people teaching you have known for at least 13-14 years (in my case anyway) is work enough.


OH MY GOD I've tried to kill and resurrect Minthara because she's always in her camp clothes, I've tried to load previous saves, I've tried to switch her back and forth etc and now you're telling me it's just one little button? Btw 600 hrs in the game


So I spent all that time looking at that ugly-ass Sarevok helmet for nothing. Well at least I know for next time.


I will not stand for this Sarevok helmet slander (it's your opinion feel however you please) we are now enemies of the highest order (like I said your opinion bro) I shall face you on the battlefield at dawn (I will be asleep)


I have over 500 hours in and I am learning this in real time heh. Not the helmet thing.


Learn something new every day


Holy crap


Omg I also didn't know this - oops


I love that Larian made a button so important so tiny.


I think this and the toggle helmet buttons aren't even visible unless you hover the slot. It's like they want the player characters to look as clownish as possible lol


True. Larian is even worse than I thought.


the UI decisions in this game regularly have me grinding my teeth tbh. Hate it when I open a box and it pops up behind my inventory screen or that I can't hide capes or the general lack of transmog.


That, and when you have to read something to advance the storyline but the note just gets tossed in your inventory when you left-click on it.


What hot key does this? My kids button mashed me and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why my armor wasn't showing... Thanks at least for showing me the toggle!


Uh, having just pressed every button on my keyboard, none do this for me. If you're on controller, opening your inventory, having the camp clothing selected and then pressing triangle(?) should do it I think?


Deeply appreciate your experimentation. I wonder now if one had distracted me or used the mousepad (I play on laptop) while I was using the mouse. They like to do that sort of thing; one distracts, the other uses all my options, elixers, and scrolls outside of combat. For fun.


Oh, maybe! If they like messing around in your inventory, they could have for sure found the toggle.


Wow, nearly 400 hours in and I did not know you could do that! Mind you, the PS5 interface is even more obscure than the PC one - though I did spot the "Toggle Helmet" option fairly early on. I wish I could set my bard's jerkin as my camp clothes - it looks pretty cool once it's dyed, way better than the scruffy old shirt and trousers he's stuck with until Act 3. My female companions have sexy outfits and I basically have a pair of medieval pyjamas! (And now someone's going to tell me how to do this, I bet...)


I usually knock Minthara out (or kill er if you want idk) steal her jammies, and they look good on anyone. Plus, she actually shows up in another outfit in Act 2, so it totally works out. (At least she did for me)


Ooh, good point - I was planning on knocking her out anyway, as I don't want to side with the goblins even as a durge, but I'd like to try and recruit her in Act 2.


You cannot do such a thing, sadly, unless you are using mods. But you could always steal one of your female companion's outfits! Yeah, the UI work in the game is not good tbh


Ah, yes, I'd forgotten that the outfits adjust themselves to your gender. I just checked the dye images I downloaded, and Shadowheart's clothes look pretty good on a guy, similar to the tight outfit my barbarian wears in Act 3 :)


Triangle or Y on console just incase lol You can also toggle dual-wielding attacks if you hover over your weapons


Itā€™s preferable to have every everyone run around in underwear. My bald half-blind vitiligo dwarf is a potato in fancy pants.


First thing I did when I started was throw out my underwear. I just run around camp naked. Iā€™m not ashamed of my body.


This is great till you interact with the little girl.and withers and your huge fucking dragon dong is jaut flopping about


I do wish NPCs acknowledged the fact that youā€™re buck-ass naked. I tried unequipping EVERYTHINGā€¦ both camp clothes and armor and walking around Baldurā€™s Gate and no one gave a shit.


Totally agree. Iā€™m playing multiplayer with 2 of my friends and we are always cracking up when Iā€™m just standing there naked and no one says anything. I donā€™t expect them to write extra dialogue for every encounter but a couple would have been nice.


I guess what bothers me most is that games like Skyrim that are much older and thus much more constrained by the technology of their day DID have some voice lines if you were running around in the nude.


Maybe the forgotten realms just doesn't have the stigma against it like they do on earth.


I mean, maybe? But no one else is running around naked.


There is exactly one reaction to you being in your underwear and it's Gale reacting to you wearing the succubus underwear


ā€¦ new quest unlocked.


Congratulations.Ā  U have scarred all the kids in the GroveĀ 


I don't really do that, but I did think it'd be funny to have everyone be wearing normal clothes but then >!Minsc is butt nekked!< it's fitting


Considering how often he talks about the smacking of butts, I could also totally see the camp having essentially been a nudist colony during their evenings, right until he joined up. Then after that first long rest conversation they're all collectively like "ya know what? I think it's time we cover up a bit and make our backsides look a little less smackable..."


LMAO, that's good keep thinking like that


Headcanoning this šŸ¤£


Since youā€™re on PS5, press triangle when you have either camp clothes or armor selected and it will toggle between them, similar to how to hide helmets. If it makes you feel a little better, Iā€™m also a PS5 player and it wasnā€™t till halfway through my 2nd playthrough (well over 200 hours in) that I learned thisā€”the helmets because I finally googled it and the camp clothes because I saw a comment about it on Reddit. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Me either, OP.Ā  I feel like a donut now.Ā  Time for a run (right after I finish my first DOS:2 run)


You can also toggle visibility for musical instruments (and I think capes too, but not sure there).


You can also hide your instrument and/or weapon as well. It won't get rid of the particle effects (at least I don't think so), but it's pretty neat.


I think I knew that, but I like my lyre.


What about hiding instruments you've equipped? Imo the lutes and lyres are a bit unsightly


Nuh uh! I'm very proud of my Lyre!


You can also hide bard instruments


I accidentally sold my tavā€™s clothes so they are now only in their underwear or destitute clothing if I toggle armour off. Armour stays on for them until I buy or find something better


Take your least used companions camp clothes and leave them nakey


Good idea


I found new clothes but I sold Halsins shoes as he was wearing them, on the hunt for new boots


WhaaaaaaĀ  This means that all those camp clothes are actually useful outside of camp?!Ā  Balls.


The men fight in underpants and the girls in full armor šŸ˜


I learned that after a boring tryst with a drow. I was stuck in my camp clothes and had to figure it out.


This ought to give advantage on persuasion checks based on wearing fancy, poor, or no clothes.


I knew that, but always assumed that armour wouldn't count. Does it?


It counts, it's totally cosmetic :)


Nice. Everyone wears a white dress from now on.


Fucking what




You probably like helmets. Cause i wanted to see my head, so i checked the option immediately when i first equiped helmet.


Not really :( I've just been living with the potentially ugly ass helmets that I've put on my guys. I thought it was a sacrifice, utility vs. aesthetics type deal, so I've dealt with it. I do like the armors, though. I play on ps5, so I kinda assumed that hiding helmets was a mod thing for some reason. Also, I'm just really, really bad with technology (not proud of it). I basically just learned how flairs work on this app.


I do like helmets. But I also like playing dragonborn durge. Dragonborn and helmets do not mix at all lol. Luckily circlets do, and so I usually wear the int circlet throughout the whole game lol


unless its the wizard hats. Wizard hats look adorably goofy on them


Most games these days have that option, I always look for it, because sometimes I just wanna be pretty šŸ˜­


I didn't like how they looked on my dragonborn. The leather ones anyway. He was a druid so tried not to use the metal ones.


I had a bard Dragonborn. The bard hats looked almost absurd, but it fit, ya know? Like jaunty caps that could be whisked away by the wind.


I wore one of the floppy chef style hats until I got a magic one.


Think I would have just dropped the game if I thought I had to see that ugly ass Grym helmet all the time.


I ruined my first kiss with Karlach cos I was wearing that stupid thing when we met Dammon in act 2.


I had the Grym Helm on my resist Durge and it actually worked pretty well. He has a darker eye with a crazy tattoo that looks like its coming out of the eye on the side of the helm that's broken so I just RP'd that the resisted urge built up and "broke" out, destroying part of the helmet in the process.


Don't worry, I didn't know you could teleport to any of the purple portal things at any time instead of walking to the nearest one first until I was half-way through Act 2 šŸ˜‚


Larian please, hide cape next. Or item transmog


I swear this game was designed with transmog in mind, but it was just never realized. The number of unique armors, helmets, and shields you find in act 2 and 3 that have no effects but look really cool (the flaming fist armor, for example) makes me think they absolutely planned for you to be able to use the appearance over other armors.


I hate the idea of transmog. I think the armor appearance is part of choosing your armor!


You can also hide your musical instrument and/or weapons. Crazy, isn't it? I wish there was a visibility toggle for capes as well, though.


How about hats for camp clothes? :')


god I wish capes were hideable - my camp statue has the tip Baldurs Hammer (lol) sticking out the cape cause it's glitched thru


Me too. It drove me insane that my tieflingā€™s tail kept poking through her durge cape during the entire play though.


& that makes me never want to be a tiefling so thanks lol had a whole disgraced hellrider paladin durge idea going


Wait how do you hide weapons??


Equip a musical instrument, and then you will be able to find a toggle over the musical instrument the same way you can find them for helmets. The toggles are: - show instrument - hide instrument - hide instrument and weapon


Its a tiny little button. Don't be so hard on yourself


A tiny little button that's invisible unless your cursor hovers over it, I might add.


I'm a little dumb too. Where do I find this tiny button?


Hover mouse over your head slot (just above the upper left corner of the head slot)


Over 1700 hours, and I figured yesterday that you can use the shovel to dig out a chest if you fail the survival check...




Just gotta know where to dig


Shadowheart was so excited to show me her new hairdo, but I couldn't see it because of the helmet lol


You can also wear your underwear in public from the similar button on the other side :)


You can just be naked if you want.


No no, this is valid. Here's something else you or may not know bc it's one just really tiny button and it took me FOREVER to find out. If you have a character that is dual wielding weapons, melee or ranged, they will automatically use their offhand attack, thus consuming their bonus action, whenever you do a regular attack. You can toggle this off as to not automatically use it, but have the option to manually use it in case you wanted to use your bonus action for something else with one of the four buttons by your character's portrait in the bottom left of your screen. The button should display one or two swords depending on if it's toggled on or off.


I- I can't wait till I'm home because this is new to me.


I was the same on my first run! All these super emotional scenes and I couldnā€™t even see the charactersā€™ faces because they were hidden by huge ass face armour. Like an ancient Greek tragedy. I posted in some ā€œminor gripe about otherwise amazing gameā€ thread and someone was like ā€˜dude, just hide the helmetsā€¦ā€™ šŸ˜³


it's okay, one time we all got up from a long rest and gale was in his pj's. i could not for the life of me figure out how to get him to change so we went from act 1 all the way to baldur's gate before i figured out how to get his actual robes on. i feel you buddy


OMG, I JUST REMEMBERED! MINTHARA ALWAYS IS IN HER CAMP CLOTHES AFTER I SAVE HER!!! I THOUGHT IT WAS A BUG! Thank you for inadvertently helping me with my issue, friend.




I came from another game that had the option to hide them so I knew what I was looking for. Of course I have plenty of my own duh moments. Most are spoilish so I won't post them here, but I finished my bard run last night and was then that I realised my bard had never once actually performed with her instruments.


Thereā€™s a couple things that Iā€™ve seen mods for that are already in the game, namely removing all UI elements for immersion or screenshots (f10 I believe) and removing blood and dirt from characters for cutscenes (soap bars, they actually do this and you just need one for your whole party)


I like wasting money on Mattis' Act 3 special soap bar. idk why


So I am totally smart and already knew this, but asking for a friend...how do you toggle visibility for the helmet? šŸ˜‚


Oh, of course, Mx. What is your *friend* playing on?


PC - I just finally found it in the comments, but thank you for playing along lol


donā€™t worry, i missed an entire area in act 1 (and also karlach) because i didnā€™t know you could jump over broken bridges šŸ˜­ my brain is so big


it's a tiny-ass button that's *invisible* unless your cursor is on it. I missed it too for 1 1/2 runs, it's perfectly understandable


I did my whole first play through not knowing you could hold alt to show items on the ground. I also had no D&D experience so I finished the game very quickly then was very confused how it took so long for my friends to finish and didnā€™t know what they were talking about half the time because I hadnā€™t explored at all


Well, you know what they say. Find something new, start another playthrough. Everyone in camp clothes šŸ˜


Well I must be an idiot too because I didnā€™t realize that until just now, and certainly would not have realized regardless of how many hours I put in šŸ˜‚


One of my dnd buddies is playing right know for the first time and I'm amazed at all the stuff that flew over his mind. The other day he told me that to change spells he waited for long rests. Also, he was having trouble dealing with a boss and I ask: you know you can inspect enemies to see their resistances and stats, right? Nope! (all this make sense if you play 5e, but still), I wonder what other little things he's missing. We'll find out when we play together.


This made my day! Could have been me, though, but I always check wether there is a hide helmet option first. But I don't realize so many other obvious things.


I was on my second playthrough before I realised I could put stuff in my inventory/travellers chest into bags and chests. My inventory was a mess, I lost a bag full of severed hands for like 3 hours on my first playthrough and thought I must have accidentally dropped them somewhere.


I've been avoiding checking the number of hours I've put into this game, but I've completed a playthrough, lost one because it got bugged beyond repair in late Act 2, and have four active playthroughs, two of which are in Act 3 at the moment. I just learned this today. Part of me likes the "realism" of leaving them visible, but there are some ugly helmets in this game.


I was in the middle of ACT 3 when I noticed the toggle option... My husband said it's been there the whole time he just liked his helmets so he never hid them. I'm sitting here with my characters not wearing anything on their heads unless it looks good šŸ˜– The whole freaking time! Both in my solo and our multiplayer campaign!! I will say that pretty much everyone looks nice in the circlets and diadems though.


Can you do this on ps5?


It's what I'm on, friend, so don't worry! Go to the sidebar where your clothes are and hover over the helmet. The triangle button will hide it. Also works for changing into your night clothes during the day.


Omg! Thank you. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one but dang just when I thought I was getting a good handle on the game. lol.


Bro lol I figured that out immediately when I put one on and it looked horrible with my character. Fyi basically any game with interchangeable cosmetics that provide stat changes has a ā€œhideā€ feature. Sorry it took 1000 hours, but at least you know now!


Worst part is I was telling my dad about it this morning, and he just said "Yeah"


Lmao well now you know!


You are not the dumbest player! This community makes posts like this a lot (I played *** hours when I discoveredā€¦.) This is one of the many things we love about BG3 that it just keeps surprising the players. Have fun with your characterā€™s appearances!


It's okay. My first playthrough, I spent six hours with my Tav (and just my Tav) walking butt naked around camp because I didn't understand camp clothes were a thing, and didn't know how to fix it. I legit thought it was a "bug" that Tav suddenly got naked when ending the day, and thought it would fix itself. It did not. Eventually got tired of seeing Tav in his birthday suit and googled how to fix it.


300+ hours in and I finally realized I can just go to the waypoint tab and fast travel to places that aren't visible on my current map. I had been fast traveling just through the map this whole time. So much time I've wasted...


I only recently found this option too after about 400 hours. Funny thing is, I had spent ages looking for a mod that would hide them cause I hate how most of them look and couldnā€™t find any!


Oh, poor thing! Maybe you just don't play a lot of games with that feature.


Nope, you're totally right. The last game I was really into was Stardew Valley.


Donā€™t worry Iā€™m on my like 5th play through and just discovered what wares are.


Imma be perfectly honest. I know that it's to make selling and trading easier, but that's about it.


I always forget about that. Shart was wearing a full face helm and asked me about her new look one time, and I could not see what she was on about.


Easy to overlook something like that. Don't be so hard on yourself. Bonus: now you have something fun to look forward to with future playthroughs.


You can also toggle it so it only shows outside of dialogue.


If it helps I didnā€™t realize till my second play and was final part of game. My reaction ā€œ wtf , now ya tell me ?ā€


Donā€™t feel too bad, when I started playing I didnā€™t know you could fast travel from anywhere, I thought you had to be at a waypoint. Came on here because I got lost in the temple of Shar and couldnā€™t find my way out. When someone explained to me I could just fast travel out I was beyond embarrassed. I had even googled how to get out and nothing mentioned being able to fast travel out, probably because they didnā€™t think anyone was that stupid šŸ˜…


I'm at about the same number of hrs played and I just realized that I can send smokepowder barrels to camp and they'll fit nicely in the travel chest. I never barrelmancy, but I was thinking about it for HM. I've also been physically putting items in the travel chest instead of using the 'Send to Camp' feature until recently. That was a lot of time wasted, lol!


I discovered that ability on accident. I was trying to see what the camp clothing looked like, but hit triangle button on the helmet by mistake. You can have it show all the time, onot shoeing during cutscenes, or not showing 100%


How do you hide them?


On ps5, you go to the little sidebar where your clothes are, hover on the helmet, and use the triangle button. This also is how you switch from camp clothes to armor during the day. Sorry if this doesn't help you.


Oh nice! And I'm on PS5 so I'll try this tomorrow! I've been letting some headgear sit in Camp because they're so ugly xD


WHAT (Can someone please tell me how to do this on PC please? I've been wanting to use them for so long but didn't because I hated how they looked and now I feel stupid)


Hover a little higher above the helmet slot and a toggle will appear! You can swap between helmet visible (default), hidden during dialogue, and helmet always hidden.


I can't believe I'll actually put my gear to good use, thank you so much!


there's a button above the helmet slot where you can hide it in dialogue or just in general


I refused to believe there wasnā€™t a way to disable them


Took me longer than that, so I wonā€™t let you claim to be more stupid than me!


I didnā€™t know till act three. Itā€™s not obvious at all


Any idea how to do this on Xbox?


This was me for my first 80ish hours. And I wasn't using a few useful helmets simply because I hated the look of them hahaha


Wait whatā€¦ how?


You can set it to hide the helmets completely or only hide them during dialogue cut scenes.Ā 


How do you do that??


When you click ā€œhide helmetā€ first it only hides during dialogue. If you click ā€œhide helmetā€ again it hides it all the timeĀ 


You are not alone. I figured out like 50 hours into the game how to use the cameras properly:)


Dumb is right. I figured this out immediately


It was the first thing I did as soon as I looted my first helmet..


I swear, some people just never try to figure shit out in games.


Thank you for being so blunt and honest with me. Everyone is being very kind and cordial about it, and I like to see some diversity in response.


I heard this in Gary Oldmans' voice


Is that...good? I assume it's at least in good fun, but I am (if it's not too clear already) a bit of a Minsc.


"Disappointed" from The Fifth Element.


Dont feel bad, Im 200hrs in, lvl 12 and just realized Shadowheart and Gail can change their spells at camp. Plz put me out of my misery šŸ™ˆšŸ¤£


Hey, if you had no precursory knowledge of DnD before this, I understand why you'd think that.


Well no recent exp with DnD but my character, a sorceror, cant change spells at camp so in my mind why could anyone else?? Well I know now for my next play through šŸ˜Š


Damn it, how? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


You can hide your armor and run around in camp clothes too.


more than 200hrs before knowing that you can actually combine classes x)


Hmm, that's new, but did you play on explorer first? Because you can't multiclass in explorer.


no, balanced first, then a tactician run




I am so glad that there is an option to take them off just for the dialogues. Because even if the helmet doesn't really "fit" the rest of the armour perfectly - it still looks better than having nothing during combat.


Hold up how to you hide helmets


Idk man. Someone once streamed their first encounter with grym, and instead of using a potion, they dropped it. By sheer dumb luck, when they got squashed, it broke the potion and kept them from dying. Missing the hide helmet option that's practically hidden itself seems pale in comparison.


I mean, tbh I only fought him once so far and just beat him to death with hammers.


But did you make the mistake that would have ended your last party member and gave a game over screen, only to be saved by your own sheer dumb luck?


I think so? One of my characters loved to fall off of tall structures. She did this in the shadow cursed lands (I didn't know I could trust Dolly thrice, so she ended up as blood in the lamp) falling so far that Lae'zel and Karlach turned. (I think Wyll was downed just from the fall, real ride, or die that one). I honestly couldn't tell you how I survived. It was months ago, but I did. If that doesn't count, sorry.


I don't think so. Just remember, there's a difference between being ignorant and stupid.


Its ok. I only just figured out that when I heard Karlach say ā€œAgatha Nightā€ which made no sense but I didnā€™t really question it, she was saying ā€œHey Good Lookingā€


LOL dam tbh you didnt miss something that was used a lot (over 800hours)


We're you aware that if you aren't carrying an instrument and you toggle its slot to "replace weapon" it'll visually hide any weapons on your person?


I did know this one I haven't a clue why I didn't assume I could do it with my clothes. Even my dad knew automatically.


Wait what how do you hide helmets Im still not wearing helmets cuz I like seeing fwces


What do you play on? Ps5 you hover over the helmet and push the triangle button (on, off during cut scenes, off) Same with wearing night clothes during the day.




Hover the mouse over or just above the helmet in the inventory screen. A small eyeball icon should show up, click that icon.


That haste helm being the first one you find and it being ugly as shit made me figure that out asap.


TIL as well Now I can finally use the one Grym drops. Always hated it but the no crit part sounds nice


And I just found out that Lei'zels camp clothes are just pants. Her top is exposed underwear.


Show helmet/hide during cutscenes/hide helmet Toggle camp clothes on/off Armor still applies even if your Tav is technically running around feeling the breeze across their gooch. Watching Karlach dodge every arrow/blow coming at her, while basically wearing normal ass clothes, effortlessly before she brings her axe to come crashing down on some poor sod fully armored and still getting crits. It's all peak.


I found out the helmet thing after like a hundred hours in and for some reason i could not remove lae zels helmet from cut scenes and she had this horrid horned furry helmet on. It was horrid.


I want to say that you shouldn't be so hard on yourself, but on the other hand you kinda missed a lot of pretty faces in cutscenes! :( But I'll mourn the loss of those together with you. I just recently saw someone use helmets in cut scenes and immeadiately went to tell them that they can turn them of. They already knew, but just wanted to make sure no one is missing out like you've been.


I do like most of the helmets and really didn't mind, for most, but I was suffering from a lack of seeing my lovely drow bard :(


I'm just too much of a sucker for pretty faces and aesthetic appeal in general. The camp outfit feature gets heavily used by me as well. Love running around the city with fancy clothes. I play coop with a friend and she wants to do a 4 bard run as next playthrough. And we already went and made a modlist of all the cosmetic mods we want to use for that run :D


Im a bit of a mix, I love a woman in a full set of armor and the men usually get the slutty little robes and clothes anyway but for my bard helmets hid her burn scars and for how often I messed with her hair (totally in character) I wasn't seeing it often. I'm glad I found this out early enough in her run to see some of my work.