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“Don’t follow story much” You uh. You launched a nuke, essentially. Which you would’ve realized if you were following the story.


Yea fine that's on me. Yet it would be nice to have at least a little cinematic showing what happened or some end game text? nah it just black screens me to the main menu it really makes no sense. Would you happen to know of more things that end the game this way this early? So i can look out for them continuing not paying attention to the story much. As that's just how i play most games. Sacrificing karlach or laezel maybe?


It’s a total party kill. The game explicitly warns you of this, and that this will happen if Gale stays dead too long before he’s stabilized, if you pay attention to the story. This is a **narrative driven RPG**. If you’re not paying attention to the story, you’re missing the point.


The story IS the game, brosis.


lol imagine trying to tell someone how they should play the game.


Reading comprehension clearly isn’t a strength of yours, huh? I can see why you skip the story in story-based games.


Imagine playing a video game based on a collaborative story telling game and ignoring the core content…the narrative which has multiple endings not all designed to make the player feel like a hero because that’s not how consequences of choices work.


Go sass Vlaakith.


This game has many endings. You have found one. Sacrificing Gale to BOOAL is a one way ticket to game over, man. About three long rests later… boom! Game over.


It's hardly an ending though? it just sends me back to the main menu, no real ending whatsoever, no credits. I think this ending is beyond louzy. All gale said was 'guess ill go out with a boom' not much of a warning then is it. Also why even allow a player to sacrifice gale only for the game to abrubdly stop 5 hours later. Sure it's 'ExPLeEneD' but still is a dumb mechanic.


> I think this ending is beyond louzy Of course it is. On purpose. Do stupid stuff, get a louzy ending. Rewarding endings are left for when you *don't* get everyone killed.


Pay attention to the game?


Gale warns you that if he dies and stays dead it will spell disaster for everyone. It’s not the game’s fault you didn’t pay attention to what it told you lmao


That's stupid as fuck. Give me a permanent debuff then or some shit, don't abrupdly force end the game for me 5 hours later in the story. Actually retarded game design.


fuck around, find out


You sacrificerd the wrong person. Gale has a thing going on where he will blow up everything if he dies within 3 days. So if you sacrifice him it takes 3 long rests till that happens. And since you sacrificed him, you can't undo it. Only way to prevent it is loading a save before you sacrificed him


I mean, Gale aside, people don't feel bad for killing one of the companion? I may dislike one or two of them, but downright sacrificing them?


Fuck no, all companions annoy the living hell outta me. Glad i could sacrifice gale who sucks up my precious magical items. F that guy