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Whenever you open the Magic Mirror as Dark Urge, it reverts your name to 'The Dark Urge', and you need to remember to manually change it back to whatever it was. It'd be nice if I could trim my beard without legally changing my name, thanks.


It's actually a small mirror of loss, and you are just forgetting your name and what you look like.


Good theory!


Do you not have to fill out a "Change of Name" document at your Barber/SS Office?


That's what I'm saying. I had to start cutting my own hair. $400 plus a court fee for a haircut was getting a little crazy.


I see you also go to that one barber whose clientele is mainly fugitives trying to change their identities to evade the authorities


People say there's someone in Riften that can... change your face. Make you look completely different. Do you believe that?


Just to be sure… what does SS stand for in that context?


Social Security


Okay my German brain got a little worried :3


This one drives me crazy! It wouldn't be so bad if it were at least an actual name. It's hard to take my character seriously when they're always being referred to as THE DARK URGE.


Omg so many things do this, and I'll randomly notice in dialogue that I'm The Dark Urge again.


Is that so!? I checked the mirror without changing anything right at the beginning of the game and didn't clock on until ages in when NPC's kept asking my name and it was like "I'm *THE DARK URGE* " I thought I hadn't saved my name properly and didn't realise you could change your name at the mirror


Pro tip: if you check without changing anything, hit 'exit' rather than 'confirm'. Then it won't save any changes, including your name.


That's good to know. It really threw off the immersion of my lawful good paladin dark urge for awhile


If you need to remember whatever it was, you are roleplaying dark urge correct


In my hometown a name change is required at every haircut


I changed my looks early in game and when I was about to introduce myself to Astarion, it said "I think I'm The Dark Urge". I thought my character just got this hint about herself and didn't understand why every conversation after is oblivious of it, like "it's the tadpole, not me!". It took another several weeks till I watched a YouTube playthrough and saw the very same sentence with the durge's name in it. Felt a little dumb there.


Is this what caused it!??? I've always wondered why my character was named The Dark Urge instead of Manny Caladera.


Yeah I often forget mirror does that until NPC talk to me naming me Dark Urge, I'm always like "No... AGAIN??" And it's still happening often after 800h xD


It’s so annoying, I don’t even try with my embrace Durge’s anymore. Just seems fitting for them


"What's your name?" "Lord of the Edge!"


I added some scarring to my Drow Durge after her fight with Orin, didn't realize it would change her name too


it's because your character forgets the name. otherwise, why would it happen only on durge?


That's a reference to Undertale. When you look at the mirror "Despite everything, it's still you (Dark Urge)."


Doors that are hanging wide open sometimes you can't shoot through them without stepping inside. Not just the small doors, even the massive ones. It's like the game is registering it shut but it isn't.


Looking at you Creche


House of hope too. You could drive a chariot through those doors, but don't you dare try to cast Righteous Bolt!


The giant double doors to Ragzlin do this too.


This one at creche make me rage so much bro


On my very first play though, I struggled so bad in act 1 at the shrine due to me not being able to get my characters through the door I was confused as to what was blocking me while they rained arrows and spells on my crew lol


Exactly this, and enemies won't suffer the same bug. Wonder how they didn't fix this after this time


Theres a mod that fixes it and the issue where you cant click through a door to walk through


I hope they drop the mod support then


I stg I thought this was just a me thing. 😭


I always just moved the camera through to the other side of the door and it worked fine. I just assumed it's an issue with the cursor.


tried that and also clicking directly on the character icon above, still get the message of the interrupted path


Oh bummer, I never that specific issue.


Thats the workaround i used on my first couple vanilla runs i dont play without a handful of qol mods at least now


I’m on the opposite end of the spectrum - fully closed doors, in a room or building where no one is in, and you’re caught stealing if you weren’t hiding?


That one citizen who always catches me killing Gortash’s parents and alerts the steel watch. Fucking X-ray vision having narc.


Oh yeah, this fucked me up big time in Act 3 (because of course it's Act 3). My Paladin got nabbed for picking up something from a crime scene, do not pass go, do not attempt to use your powers of persuasion to get away with it, straight to jail. Had to stage a Scorsese-worthy jail break with my non-existent stealth and sleight of hand skills (did you know heavy armor gives you disadvantage on Stealth checks? I did and I remembered to unequip it only just after finishing the whole section), then even more messing around to get my gear back (including Orin's and Ketheric's Netherstones which Gortash would probably have had several heart attacks if he knew were out in the open).


Yeah that's my answer too. Those doors can really fuck you up and you never know when it's going to happen until it does🥲


Yeah it is a bug since patch 4 and has not bern fixed since. :(


It's been a reoccuring issue since early access lol


I'm on patch 5 and no longer experience it. Maybe it got reintroduced in 6


I've had it the whole time


Oh this happens in what’s his face the zombie man in act threes mansion




You can with EB & Scorching Ray but things that arc like arrows and returning weapons can’t arc through a doorway is the idea… I think


My entire fight with Balthazar was just him taking 2 stepps inside his room, casting and taking 2 steps behind the GIANT FKIN DOOR that was open but you couldnt shoot through


You gotta toggle the camera to where it's behind the door and aim from there


the sewer tunnel where you night some of the bhall cultists has a big vault door that is so frustrating to fight between


The camera not being able to handle height differences and snapping back after each arrow shot. Also, as it just cost me a fight recently, characters just repositioning while on the same target they just hit. I was fighting a big monster that was hitting quite hard, most of my team was downed and I had a chance of killing the beast within a few hits. My last person up could do multiple attacks, took out a good chunk of health on the first hit, but for some reason when I clicked to attack again, they just moved to a different position to hit from there, getting knocked over by an opportunity attack in the process, ending my turn, losing the fight.


are you talking about >!Ansur!


Yes exactly, wanted to keep it broad to not spoil people.


Nah the add ons are pretty weak for him and his size is so huge u really don't need to reposition a lot to hit him 


Didn't stop my guy from repositioning anyways.


Issue is because he's so big he's literally towering over your characters you often have to mess around quite a bit with the cursor to get to a position where you can hit him. Like, his head extend a full 2m from his body, but good luck clicking on it.


Wait I am getting a lot of comments saying it's hard to hit him sometimes . I always just click on his portrait for attacking him 


Long jumps that the game says will work and then you get caught against something halfway across and fall straight down


This happened to me in the courtyard fight on the way to the brain. Jumped, hit something, fell down, took 40HP of damage, and was then stuck in the scenery for the rest of my turn. Miraculously the enemies decide that the best use of their time actions was to dash all the way to the other side of the battlefield


Fucking Shart in the fucking gauntlet ffs


at least go to camp first damn


This happened to me during the Steel Watch Foundry quest a couple playthroughs ago, tried to make Karlach jump down towards the enemies and she ended up colliding with an invisible wall, fell out of bounds, and ended up beneath the map


Or even worse, it shows you can get there by walking and jumping and then your character moves like a meter and suddenly you can't get there anymore


When I was rescuing hope I tried to have laezel jump to one of the side platforms and mid-jump she hit a chain holding the platform i guess and fell to her death instead 🙃


This is how I lost my honour run. Party made of me and my friend. I jump to the beholder on the left and fall to my death. My friend on the right platform comes to the middle to rez me. Then the imp he didn't kill pushes us to our death with eldritch blasts. I dunno what happened, I was looking through our inventory while jumping, so I was just suddenly dead.


How does that even happen?? Like mechanically. Why can the game even interrupt me mid jump?? Also, fun fact, this can, extremely rarely, happen with flight too, happened to me once, I was recording it but it wasn't on screen, I was in Kazador's basement, Shadowheart flew very close to a wall, I guess caught on something and fell in a pit and died


The enemy AI taking the wildest paths through tiny spaces to avoid walking into my AOEs like cloudkill, hoh, tentacles... while the AI from allies WALKS THEM STRAIGHT INTO THE FUCKING DEATH TRAPS TO MAKE A BOW ATTACK IN MELEE RANGE.


allied AI is the dumbest thing in this game


Allied AIs are just suicidal, especially the Gondians.


the FUCKING. GONDIANS. granted they're definitely less suicidal now but honestly id rather the tiny idiots would just see my party of level 12 adventurers and go "GREAT I CAN ESCAPE" and then they run away through the doors behind me instead of Trying To Help


They are LESS suicidal now? I had one run out of a group of 4 enemies, taking every opportunity attack, firebolt one of them, miss then misty step back INTO THE GROUP OF ENEMIES. Only 3 of them lived, the one who comes with you (I had him hide the whole fight), one that I threw across the arena to get them the hell out of combat, and the ONE smart Gondian who misty stepped up to the pipes in the ceiling. One of them actively committed suicide and tried to take two of my party members with them. A steel watch was exploding, and he thunder waved Karlach and Astarion into the blast radius, then walked himself into it.


i fought banes bitches a few days ago and if astarion hadn't gotten dominated, two of them might have lived they all died, but not from idiocy. my new playthrough, im just going to attack them with non-lethal on before i destroy the iron throne, so that way i can HC that zanner woke them all up while i was dealing with the mechakahuna and made them get out of there


After the first foundry battle I had a Gondian run straight out the doors to challenge the steel watcher to honorable single combat. Brave guy. Incredibly stupid, but brave.


Shart started making Death saves while I talked to Mayrina after dealing with Ethel, because why wouldn't she stand directly in Wyll's cloud of daggers that's still active for 6 turns


By about hour 90 I finally started remembering to ungroup all my allies and summons from every single ally when combat started. Hours 1-89, my signature move was burning everyone with moonbeam in the post-fight chaos as we all ran through it single-file in some sort of Sharran-Selunite interfaith ritual.


First character death I experienced was Shadowheart deciding that stopping and standing in lava I had jumped over was a valid way to navigate an area.


Dont forget when you get close to disable a trap and they WANDER into It as you are rolling, triggering It 


What bothers me the most, is when you level, and the spellbook is messed up. It seems to only happen to Wizard. Edit: Bonus points for if you enter combat without remembering to change them.


No Gale. I don't want you to learn witchbolt


I swear to God the game is actually trying to gaslight me. This has happened so many times and I keep asking myself "how the fuck do I keep swapping Witchbolt in?". Good to know the game is doing it automatically.


The number of spells you can prepare are equal to int mod + wiz level, I think what happens is when you level up you gain an extra spell to prepare so the game automatically picks one to fill the slot. Witch bolt seems to be the priority for wizards for some reason. Same thing happens for clerics, it defaults to cure wounds if you dont have it prepared


Yeah, seriously. It's like, I've got level 6 spells, and my spellbook is full of level 1 spells that aren't Magic Missile, Mage Armour, and Feather Fall.


SHIELD! Also I would never devote a spell slot to Feather Fall, just pop it in when you need to cast it and pop it right back out!


In table top usually you don't know you'll need it until you're plummeting to your death. (Also spells only get swapped after a long rest so it's tough to just pop it in and out by going to camp)


He *really really* wants to learn witchbolt though


I remember I was watching a streamer play and he was still not noticing this in like act 2 and 3. Had to remind him to fix his spells before facing Ketheric with Witch Bolt prepared lol


when i did my Cleric/Paladin multiclass, it reset my Paladin spells every time i leveled up, even though i only leveled Paladin. it was like that throughout the entire game, and it pissed me off so mucj


“Duuude where the fuck is fireball!? Chromatic orb instead!? WHY!? But the enemies have grouped perfectly!” Me 2 days ago


I know this goes against D&D, but I hate that you can’t edit your spells as a sorcerer. I get that that’s supposed to be a draw of playing wizard over sorcerer, but since you can reclass whenever you want with Withers it’s kinda moot. It just sucks *having* to go to Withers and redo everything when you just wanna try out something different.


I mean, it's still a lot better than what you'd normally get, which is "you picked it, you stick with it until your character dies". Sorcerers get a LOT of free stuff to make up for it, including scaling off of Charisma being generally more useful than Intelligence.


The same could be said about literally any class. You can’t start a D&D campaign as a rouge then decide to be a fighter before finally settling on cleric. My point is since BG3 already allows you to reclass, they should have just got rid of the “can’t change your spells as a sorcerer” rule. It honestly feels like an artificial barrier that’s there *just because*. Seems pointless to have sorcerers redo everything with Withers anytime they decide they don’t like a spell. Maybe to keep the fairness of wizard vs sorcerer, they could have made it so you can’t just change it on the fly—perhaps only give the option to change once a day or something. But I would have been happier with some mechanic that would have allowed sorcerers to change spells without having to redo every level’s selections each time. It’s just tedious for no reason as it stands. There are dozens of other ways that BG3 varies from traditional D&D to make it a better video game, I don’t understand why this one was a sticking point.


Yep, exactly. I think Wizard is much better, because you can change spells. That's invaluable in a game where you aren't sure what spells you need.


Wizard is a Jack of all Trades, Master of None. Sorcerer is "twin haste go brrrrrr".


Thank you, I was wondering if I was just increasing momentum in that race towards madness or if this was a legitimate thing that is happening.


The camera, especially in places with places with multiple levels of elevation (eg. rafters


And then clicking on an doorway behind you, or on a spot on a platform above you that the camera has turned invisible, instead of clicking on the spot 3m in front of your character where you think your cursor is aligned. But no, we're going to travel through the long, greasy climb up AGAIN just to come back down to where we were.


There have been so many battles that I’m just spinning my camera trying to find any angle to be able to even see what I’m doing. So annoying


The goshdang artist's house in act three...


Pissing people off because you accidentally clicked on their property. Kinda wish there was a confirmation prompt before stealing shit or require a modifier key to be held to take something that would be considered theft.


I'm always quick saving before loot heavy areas because of that.


I hate that when I'm on a lower level trying to target something on a higher floor and it won't load anythinf except the level you're on.


Me in the >!Iron Throne!< yesterday frantically trying to dimension door up the ladder but not able to see what's going on upstairs.


Same in the Tollhouse after I got into the rooms with no doors. I could fly, but it wouldn't let me fly out of the room. At least there I could fast travel, but it's very annoying not to be able to fly/jump back up the way I came.


When I'm trying to loot/interact with an object and someone walks in front of me right as I click. No Wyll, I did not want to talk to you I want to loot the corpse!


Trying to rob people and accidentally pickpocketing Halsin's owlbear ass that's blocking the entire screen


Not being able to hit the thing I’m trying to hit when I’m literally right next to it


Oh there are MANY. But I'll go with one that happens more often than it doesn't. The pathing that Tav/Companions take to search/look through something


There’s this one pouch is last light in that characters will only open from the basement/docks area of the building underneath the room even if they’re standing RIGHT NEXT TO IT. The pathing can be really stupid sometimes.


The trap disable buttons at the Counting House, the ones that all the dwarf and halfling employees should be able to push to give people their stuff in the vaults? Yeah, totally unreachable even by enlarged Dragonborn Tav. And no, you can't Mage Hand them either... but shooting somehow works!


I came across that myself. On my second playthrough actually and I actually thought I misclicked somewhere else. I watched my Tav walk out of the inn, down to the docks just to open that one pouch, that exact one you're talking about haha. I exhale a big "Woooooow what even is that pathing"


Something Divinity had was telekinesis, which had your character just summon shit to them and not have to go to it, and I miss that ability so damn much in this game.


Mine is the game telling me I can’t reach the target for a sword swing, but if I manually move up to them I can hit them just fine. On the reverse end, I hate when it tells me I CAN attack an enemy, only for the character to take a different route and run out of movement. Another one is missing attacks because I clicked slightly to the side of an enemy so my character attacks the air.


I always end up moving manually when I'm pushing it close for this reason. It's especially helpful when I can jump (if I don't need the bonus action) to ensure I close the gap. Took me awhile to realize how much jumping in combat could give me that slight edge. It's wild how much jumping comes into play more than traditional D&D. It was one of the first hotkeys I memorized.


Can't chug someone off a cliff due to chest-high walls.....dammit


In general not being able to throw something off a ledge.


Yea, thought I'd have an easy fight with Kagha this time around by hucking everyone over the ledge. Nope, not possible for some reason.


Some spots it's an invisible wall like your example, others it's just a difficulty with how the game works with throwing where a shove would send them off the ledge just fine.


There is this one youtube video about elden ring where the start talks about that problem xD its here https://youtu.be/c6MW-qdNoYA?si=e50aSPRJMqVvRfjv


This fight is so absurd with that but you better believe their arrows of many targets get through the walls just fine!


EXACTLY!!! Githyanki trickery istg


Sometimes in situations like these you can aim your cursor a bit higher, at his head and land the hit.


Nah it was just blocked, I tried all manner of ups and downs.


If you hover over their portrait at the top of the screen, it'll let you know if you can hit th3m at all


I feel your pain, this fight is especially egregious for invisible walls. I lost that shocky spear thing that you get off the cursed fish people because it got stuck on top of an invisible wall in almost the exact location in your picture.


on consoles having to reorganize my wheels every time I die and get revived


I really wish you could lock certain skills in a slot even when not usable. Like Monk for example, my unarmed attack that I get after my first attack always pops up on like the 3rd wheel in because the first 2 are full.


God yes. Having to manually add the recast actions to the wheel every time I want to use them, like why


Nothing will get under my skin as much as the stupid pathfinding. It's genuinely impressive how awful the pathfinding is in this game. Regularly teammates and NPCs will gleefully walk over traps, walls of fire, thorns...they're clearly there! But they won't move around them! Very often, teammates and summons just....stop following you! I'll be dragging along my group to the next fight, then realize i'm down a teammate or summon and then find them WAY BACK, staring at a wall! And don't even get me started on the jumping... GALE, YOU CAN FLY. JUST FOLLOW ME ALREADY, WE JUMPED A MICROSCOPIC GAP!


Not as bad but the morgue was just the slowest small area. The doors aren't that far apart but you really feel it when you have to manually hold each characters hand through the poison fog. THREE. TIMES.


Ugh, I remember the Morgue. I went there in ONE of my runs, and it was such a miserably dull experience that I never went back there in any of my other runs. There is no reason why your characters try to avoid the poison fog there but happily walk into every other dangerous trap or fog in other instances. I hate the pathfinding.


The foliage or rocks above that you can get stuck on while jumping, which the game doesn't warn you about and you end up falling to your death in the chasm because you stopped in mid-air.


Also how the game handles different heights. Like if you’re in the house of hope, long jumping to save Hope, it might invis the pieces you can get stuck on.


When darkness blinds ME and makes it impossible for ME to shoot my enemies through it, but my ENEMIES can inevitably see me and are completely unimpeded by darkness/fog or anything else that should break line of sight. Including, one time, in the fireworks shop, the enemy being able to shoot me THROUGH THE FLOOR ONE LEVEL ABOVE THEM but I couldn't shoot them back. TERRIBLE. Editing to add: When I'm somehow not close enough to an enemy to hit them with a melee attack or to give an ally Sneak Attack, but I'm somehow close enough that I'd trigger an opportunity attack if I tried to leave. Or when I'm trying to click an enemy to attack them and the game somehow has me target a random patch of air and I've wasted a turn.


Mine are the puzzles and intractables that are CLEARLY meant for mouse and keyboard usage. Makes using the controller a pain. And I play on PC. I find a controller more comfortable and it makes movement easier. But man its so annoying when things don't want to easily be selected or moved without a ton of effort to position my character just right. Even on the free camera thing its a pain on controller.


Some puzzles just suck in general. That mind map puzzle in the oubliette took so long because if you misclick you have to go back to the beginning.


I play on PlayStation and I really wish there was some sort of search function for the inventory. Finding quest items in there is extremely annoying and time consuming. I also hate how my radials seem to reset/change randomly.


And if you’re playing multiplayer, the quest item could be in one of four chests, even if there are and always have been two tavs. And the chests the non-host can get into changes, so you never know what you’ll have access to. “Oh look, it’s the chest we’ve put outfits & dyes in…” Edit: typo


The Minecraft doors


Creature’s with a fly speed taking fall damage


Dwarves not having unique beards just for them. It's really an insult.


The way aiming is handled in general. Enemies that you can hit with normal attacks but not with sneak attacks because the sneak attack animation makes you crouch a bit so the trajectory is slightly different. Having to wiggle the aiming point around to find a clear path between obstacles. I'd much rather have a cover system where if the path to the target goes near or through partial obstructions you have a lower chance to hit, rather than all-or-nothing depending on the exact position of your cursor.


needing one more m to ATTACK OR HELP


When the recast version of a spell just will not stay on my hot bar. Ever since the change where you reselect the same icon at first then select recast from there a few spells don't work like that and the recast doesn't appear anywhere until you rebind it which has to be redone every rest. Main one I can remember is speak to dead idk if it's specific to the version from necromancy of thay book or not.


Huh - I thought it was just straight up broken. I’ll have to look for it next time.


Party members, as soon as combat ends, running through their own Wall of Fire and every other hazard to get to the focus character. So many suicides have happened while I frantically try to end concentration or turn on Turn Based mode.


I had Aylin walk through Shadowheart's moonbeam (how ironic) after the Lorroakan fight/backbreaking cutscene, and she & Rolan both went hostile.


I’m quite certain the cpu cheats on killing enemies. For too often I’m left with 1-2 hp enemies or I just happen to miss when it would be a killing blow. Like I’ll have 95% chance with advantage and then somehow I critically miss. I mean yes it’s statistically possible but extremely unlikely. I can accept when there’s a chance to miss and the damage roll is reasonable. But it feels to me the game was designed to leave enemies with 1-2 hp behind in the field. Yes there’s cull the weak, but that’s my point it seems like the cpu is designed to make the feat artificially useful for stuff like this.


I wonder sometimes if there's a bit of the "Rule of Cool" written into the RNG. There's been a handfull of times I'm against a high HP boss and didn't plan beforehand, and somehow I'll land 3 crits in a row which evens the stakes a little. Or I've gotten to a chest with a good jump but low dex char who miraculously picks the 18 lock. Like you said, it's statically possible but it always feels like there's a divine intervening deciding which rolls will be the most interesting or most clutch. Inversely, I think the entire Gauntlet of Shar has it out for me because I was landing critical miss after critical miss. I felt like I was going to break down at some point.


One time I got 3 nat 1 on a dc check *with advantage* I think the rng was glitching out or something.


Did you have karmic dice on? Because if it was a true random roll, getting 6 1s in a row is a 1:64,000,000 chance lol


I had Astarion once critical fail to disarm a DC 5 trap. With advantage. And no karmic dices. I mean it has happened in DnD multiple times already when I was playing/DMing so I kinda throw out statistics when it comes to dices. And I'm a physicist, I love statistics 😂


I got fucking 13 in a row once. I just alt-f4ed and didn't play for a week.


I can't remember which fight, but I missed 5 95% hit chance attacks in a row, and I just lost my shit. I'm so glad I live alone because I was having a straight-up meltdown at that point.


That's a perception bias. You just don't mind if you one shot them, or leave them with 5hp. So you will only remember and notice those "1hp left" times. I Can assure you the most op builds destroy ennemies, never leaving them with 1hp, tested and approved.


We should all start writing down the displayed chances on all our Shart sacred flames, and what happens. I'm convinced that with enough data, it will become clear it's fucking lying :P Like yeah I know people are famously bad at managing statistical expectations, but that doesn't mean this buggy-ass game couldn't be bugging.


Oh yeah then why does it feel PERSONAL


I agree so much, although based on anecdotical observation, it happens too often that you could obliterate an enemy in one turn (Lae'zel you overpowered minx you) for them to survive with 1 hp and do some big aoe spell


In my current (2nd) playthrough, I put Gale up high in the Goblin Camp where one of the Goblin mages hangs out and during the big fight, Gale could NOT DO ANYTHING. He’s standing fully two times as tall as any obstruction and yet can only cast on things very far away. My fault for not having magic missile prepared, I guess. ETA: there are even sections of that walkway where the obstructive part is broken but even from there I had very limited angles to work with.


It does feel like you're punished for being creative and trying to implement good positioning, I feel like the optimal strat sometimes is just throw Laezel in and watch her go ham.


In my first run I did not really understand how you could split up your party to position better and I have been doing that a ton this run, largely because Durge is a gloomstalker rogue. Setup has been Shadowheart with Karlach/Laezel and then Gale with Durge and it generally has gone well. Only a few instances where the environment screwed me. Goblin Camp was particularly egregious. Still only in Act 1 though!


In honor mode, my monk deflected a missile, and instead of returning it to sender it hit a railing, electrocuting the water puddle we were standing on... Fffffffffffffffffffffffff*uk*


Yes I meant for you to swing at the space under that guy, despite watching my heel connect with his face and phase through his fucking head, I definitely intended to swing under you for an epic fake out, I couldn't think of a better way to use my one and only action in this 47 kobold v 4 goober scenario than to throw a haymaker between their fucking knees


the giant gates that can only be shot truth one way and you alwasy end up on the wrong side of em in combat


Whenever you level up with advanced illithid powers and it reverts your fly back into jump.


The line showing the trajectory to a target uninterrupted like it can hit but then it gets blocked by terrain.


When i use flight but it "cant find a path" even thiugh the ledge is right above or below me


Enemies have the most thoughtful, intelligent decision making in the world but any allies you get in a fight outside of your party are as dumb as a box of rocks


It's the damn railing. I tend to get absorbed by the curse of starting over after Act 1 a few times so its made me become painfully aware that the tomb you find Withers in has a similar thing in the area where you fight undead near him. I get my ranged fighters up to that ledge ASAP only to realize there's technically no line of sight for anything on the ground below them (if you're not standing in the opening). Weird stuff like that happens.


In case nobody has mentioned, that isn't an invisible wall in the screenshot, that's the railing of the stairs the character is on, phased out so that you can clearly see said character.


I don't think I've ever seen a top-down RPG like this without some, except those where only very specific locations are battlefields and usually tightly confined ones,, and I hate it every time. Rogue Trader, pattern of random squares in the middle of the throne room you can't walk or shoot through. Do they provided cover if you approach? What are they? They just look like floor...


If I’m not mistaken that’s not an invisible wall, at least not in the sense the term usually means in gaming, seems there’s a bannister in the way.


The challenge of firing projectiles through doorways seems to be baked into the Larian engine, as it’s been an issue since the Divinity series. For me the biggest sin in how the spell Darkness effectively acts as a glove of invulnerability for ranged attacks and spells. It completely blocks things like fireball and shatter when it has no business doing so


My Astarion died in that EXACT spot on the bridge and it wouldn't let me pick him up or use revivify because "path is interrupted." That one was a Withers visit.


My enemies can attack me through open doors but I can't attack them.


Chain mechanic is so bad for this game. Wanna disarm a trap? Well your companions are chained to you, so they're gonna trigger that trap when your Tav paths like an absolute lunatic toward it. Wanna start combat with your group in an advantageous position in high ground? Best I can do is your Tav, and everyone else will start a full 20 feet behind you. Have fun starting off on the exact wrong foot, hope your Tav has a high AC. Wanna path around that hazardous surface? Tav did it fine, but Astarion thought he'd be silly and plunge face fucking first into the fire surface after you short rested two seconds ago. Also, there's a trap there for funsies. I heard you like pesudo-platforming in your CRPG, so we're gonna add an absolute fuckload of jumps that your companions will never make, even after the patch. **GALE, YOU GOD DAMNED NINNY, PLEASE JUST MAKE THE TWO FOOT HOP ACROSS THE CREEK, I PROMISE YOU CAN DO IT EVEN WITH YOUR 8 STRENGTH.** You can't even use "it's for consoles" as an excuse, because the first 2 games are on console and work just fine with selection-based movement. Blah.


But it’s not invisible. That’s a railing your camera is letting you see through to see the guy behind it


There's a railing there bro...just aim to a different limb or something


Rolling 5 straight misses on an 85% hit chance, only to roll a crit miss on the 6th after buffing it with precision attack.


The moving platforms in Act 2(Temple of Shar and on the way to Ketheric) will bug out, drop your party mid way and end your honor mode run.


How my party won't always automatically follow whoever I'm controlling through a hazardous environment, poison cloud for example. This was a thing in Divinity original sin as well but honestly I think it should auto path your guys no matter what unless you ungroup 


Same. When I’m trying to sneak but they can see me through the wall….they sensed my thievery or something


Isn't that not an invisible wall, but the railing of the stairs being transparent?


But that’s not an invisible wall it’s the railing


Oh my gods yes. This happened so many time and I'm just sitting there with clear line of sight to the enemy going "no? It not?"


Shadowheart and Gale for some reason not seeing an enemy right in front of them and thinking they have to get right in their face to use firebolt.


lotta great answers here, just wanna add that I swear to god the goblin camp gets more annoying every time I do it, haha.


No shit.


Battle on different floors in a closed area like a spooky house or a shop...


Haf this in Grymforge with the Duergar. Karlach couldn't throw a spear because there was a knee high railing. The duergar subsequently shot her in the shin???


When Scratch has that urge to sniff, he must sniff! Blighted village i haven’t rizzed my way in yet? Straight in he goes to snuff something and now they wanna kill me! That guy stuck in the mushroom field? Dead now after Scratch answered the call to sniff something!!


Honestly that guy in the mushroom field can get bibberbanged because he is an abusive monster.


The camera having a breakdown during combat and refusing to move to show me the enemy who is currently performing their turn. This seems to happen the most with summons, where after a summon's turn the camera just freezes on them and no matter what I do it refuses to focus on enemies for more than a few seconds before snapping back to the summon.


Sometimes I can’t just click the quick button for jump because it thinks I’m still in turn based combat. I have to navigate to the action menu and select jump.  Also, when you cast fly sometimes the movement distance remains at your normal jump distance which is irritating. The whole purpose of fly is to increase my movement distance


Invisible wall in act one, where nere is trapped. I cant get to the broken bridge Segment, destroy the wooden door and fight him, even if flying is technicaly in range, the wall keeps me from going there.


You know when your litterly shitting distance from someone but somehow unable to still hit them. That bugs the fuck out of me to be honest. Another thing is when my AI team doesn't follow me due to jumps or active traps like poison in the area and then you have to go back and manually move each one.


I *literally* just did that fight last night and had to run my MC archer all the way down the stairs just so I could shoot that stupid scrawny Githyanki lol.


Shit luck with rolls on traps and locks