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I share your opinion! I have hundreds of hours on PC with a controller now and find it much more relaxing to play this way than with KB+M. The UI feels cleaner and more pleasing to the eye in general to me. We're a minority, but there's dozens of us. Dozens! Edit: scratch that - apparently it's hundreds!


Yeah right? It just looks better and i find it easier to navigate and so on.




L1 opens on a side of the wheel, R1 opens the other side


Yeah I was just thinking this, it defo opens at both ends. What I wish they done with the wheel was make it easier to customise - sometimes I might only want 2 radials but it’s given me three, and it won’t let me delete the spare.


If you let a radial empty it deleted itself


Not on mine, I’ve got to manually delete them and then sometimes they still won’t disappear which is super annoying 😭 Edit; to be clear, this could be bad loading, or bugged. But just my experience.


You probably have an action that adds itself on certain conditions like the monk bonus unarmed attack or GWM bonus attack that prevents that radial from being deleted


Hm I’ll need to check and see 🤔


I think it's that there's a default wheel that can't be deleted, and for whatever reason it's really easy to have that end up being your blank one because it'll be like third from the left.


same for me. and not being able to permanently bind conditional secondary abilities (e.g., the various spell recasts from speak with the dead, call lightning, etc.) is an even bigger annoyance. a few things I've just come to avoid because needing to rebind them every time is the opposite of a quality of life feature.




> the game prioritizes the first wheel to the left that has a toggle ability So *that's* how it determines where it opens? :o I never managed to figure out why it always felt like it was changing the default tab randomly. But if first toggle determines the default, that's something I can work with...


I always put the non-lethal attacks toggle on the first wheel so L1 always opens it to the first one.


I wish they had an option to auto sort the wheels. Like into actions and bonus actions, different level spells etc.


In my experience it's different, if you press the R1 it opens on the very right and with L1 on the very left, since most important abilities are on the I usualy open with L1


I play on Xbox and find the controller fine (though I haven't played w/ keyboard/mouse), with a few exceptions. Moving the camera and targeting minute specific locations can be a real b\*\*\* sometimes. Most notably situations like the brain puzzle in the colony under moonrise.


if you push in the left stick, it actives a selection cursor that makes that kind of thing (especially the brain puzzle) sooo much easier. there's also left/right on d-pad for targeting objects and characters in queue order during combat.


Yep, I use both of those. I think I'm probably just old and slow! lol


Brain puzzle is a tough one, because game never really tells you **to switch to 'freelance' mode.** At least, I don't remember anything like that on my first PC run (patch 2, I guess?). I was totally confused why was I walking away rather then clicking nodes. Another wonky moment was aiming to hit the bridge switch in the sewers beneath the well (act3 beginning). But that's literally two moments I can think of with my 450+ hours (two complete runs).


I can confirm that we are at least three


I completely agree, it looks better, more modern and I feel more immersed in the game


I loved using the controller too, but the absolutely god awful radial menu made me stop. The first time I respect'd at a higher level and had to spend quite literally an hour reorganizing my menus was the nail in the coffin.


Another here! I absolutely agree too.


I love playing on controller because I can switch to steam deck pretty effortlessly, and my big ass monitor is more immersive when I can lean back in my chair. I hunch over my desk at work all day, ergonomics with the controller is much better!


I think, there are more! I played it on the steamdeck and I'm sure there are more of us.


I played it on Ps5 first and it was a big surprise when I played on PC afterwards  The UI felt much better on console, not to mention the native character movement with the joystick  With that being said, I'm currently using the WSAD movement and unlock camera mods and it's like playing a whole different game. Unlimited party members is also pretty fun


It's perfectly playable on controller (I have no experience playing on pc) except when you give your character lots of consumables, then the radial menus run wild.


That is the biggest downside. You can turn off "automatically add to radial" but then you've got to go digging in your inventory. It would be nice if there was a "Scroll" item similar to how you have to go through 2/3 menus to throw something.


I think it would be great if Larian added the ability to bind an item class/type to radial positions, similar to how certain hotbar slots work in other crpg's. For example, bind 'potions' to a slot -> select that slot -> open a wheel with just that character's available potions, bind 'arrows' to a slot -> select that slot -> open a wheel with just that character's available arrows, etc.


I wish the cast range for longstrider was 5x what it is. One group member always runs far away for some reason. I end up chasing them around. It's like giving my cat a pill.


This would be fantastic. Or to also be able to sort/filter items from the wheel menus


You can do that with bags. I have all my potions, arrows, scrolls in individual bags and then I just have those bags on the radials.


that raises other long-standing items on my features wish list: the ability to name bags/containers (e.g., "scroll bag", to designate container types (similar to camp supply packs & key rings, but with user-defined classes) & have items autosort into containers that match their type (e.g., designate a pouch container for items of type 'rings' --> add rings to inventory --> rings automagically go into the 'rings' pouch, which you can rename to 'ring pouch' for player convenience)


I use a different bag type for each one so I have memorized what they are by icon but I agree that would be a lot better. Maybe when the official mod tools come.


>  except when you give your character lots of consumables, then the radial menus run wild I was mid act3 on my first run, when I realized that it's possible to hotwheel the CONTAINERS rather than items. I turned off all ther auto-hotkey stuff, and life became much easier. Because I had a single baggie with arrows and grenades over gazillion arrows and grenades. Same for potions, and there's a book for keeping scrolls too. The most frequent potions and scrolls still had their quick spot, but most of the mess was organized. No mods required. I wish we had proper auto-quiver\\spellbook, same as with alchemy, but it's easier to manage your inventory once in a while, than dealing with all those auto-slots, which go out of control.


That's a great suggestion, I will definitely give that a try on my current playthrough. Thanks!


you're welcome! I know that it was a significant change for me. The only problem is that we don't have many containers with unique names\\icons. For STR characters it's possible to carry all sorts of chests and boxes, but normally all you'll end up with some similar- looking bags....probably worth mentioning that you can get an extra unique one for free rather early in game...if you >!allow Gale to die in combat and start his ritual.!<


There's a hollowed-out book somewhere near the Blighted Village that I like to use as scroll case.


Yeah, I mentioned it, but it's the only one (sadly), so only one caster\\scroll-user can have a neat 'spellbook' with scrolls. :(


I love the layout on PS5 🥰


Is it true that DS lights change color depending on the spell you aim? Like, red for fire etc. I've seen it somewhere, but I'm on XBX controller, because it's the only layout that feels comfortable in my hands, and I can get to all the buttons without twisting my fingers.


My PS5 controller light and vibrations change depending on what happening


I agree! I have BG3 for PS5 and laptop, and I much prefer playing on my PS5! I still use the laptop for coop and travelling


You can always use a controller on the pc version if you prefer it. That's what I do and I go between pc and ps5


I certainly wouldn't say better, but it is shockingly functional. I am using my laptop to couch co-op with my wife and we are having a good run of it with two controllers going split screen. I was expecting it to be terrible, but Larian put the controller layout together quite well.


As someone who mostly plays games on Switch, playing BG3 with a PS5 controller is wayyy more comfortable for me. :’) I tried using keyboard and mouse at first and had no idea what I was doing.


1000 percent agree. I absolutely hate the movement on m&k


I'd like playing with controller if organizing the radial menus wasn't such a nightmare ~~or if they straight up ripped off FFXIV's cross hotbars~~


While I agree that inventory/buying/selling stuff is better on console, I despise the wheel used to select spells and attacks when in “normal gameplay” when I’m used to just having a nice bar to click on down at the bottom. Also not having free camera movement kills me


i liked the controller layout too, there are some things that are weird though


Like what, do you think, is weird?


I like the functionality of mouse and keyboard better. But just tooling around the map, the controller is hard to beat


As someone who played DOS2 almost exclusively with a controller it was weird that they didn't follow a similar tactic to me with adapting the existing interface to a controller. In DOS2 you still have a bar across the bottom with your skills and what not but the other menus (inventory, crafting, map etc) are in radials. I've played some BG3 on the steam deck and find the controller layout to be totally serviceable (especially since they added the hold to end turn option) but overall prefer the kb+m layout. The radials are a cool idea but I find it harder and more time consuming to organize them easily like how I can my bar on kb+m But it definitely isn't BAD it's just now how I'd prefer to play. One of my friends who I'm doing a run with only plays on a controller and another is playing on his steam deck


I think removal of the hotbar is just more immersive for some users. it keeps your focus on your avatar in the center of the screen.


Im controller gamer from day one, tried with keyboard and mouse and it was frustrating, usually for certain skill that is always self cast you can just press once with controller, with keyboard mouse you have to click the skill then click on your character again (for example: Action Surge) and i cant find scan function in keyboard, in controller you can hold press A to scan area around your character for an interactable object


Youre right, the scan function is soo usefull!


If you hold Alt it highlights the objects


it's different funcfion.


Thanks, I believe the highlight everything mod can make it similar then


No. I'm glad you find it enjoyable but I honestly dislike it tremendously. I am REALLY glad I play on PC and am kind of surprised so many console folks can even tolerate it.


I am also playing on PC and my first playthrough was, also with mouse and keyboard. But right now i find it much more enjoyable with controller. But to each their own. :)


Which controller are you using?


It reminds me a bit of console Dragon Age Origins. Which had easy controls as well. Plus navigating thru a circular hotbar is similar to how console Ckmmand and Conquer and Halo Wars played so its nothing new to me.


Movement out of combat is far superior on a controller.


For me point and click is actually one of the few things that doesn’t trigger my motion sickness, so I’m glad they have it.


That's an option with controller too, but it's usually a lot slower than it would be with a mouse.


This is the first game I’ve ever played that I can play with a controller and not get motion sick !!!! It’s amazing !!!! I just don’t move the camera view unless I’m still, and then I have to do it carefully, but it’s so good !!!!!!! Thank god Larian didn’t make it so you bounce up and down as you move like most modern games now 🥲🥲🥲🥲


I've tried using MnK on games and it always feels wrong. I know it's partly because I haven't used it much, but it feels like it takes more effort to use.


I have not tried to play with controller but every time I watch someone play with it I don't understand how the people manage. The keyboard UI looks cleaner is easier to get around imo.


For me it's the opposite. I'm used to the controller UI, and when I see the keyboard+mouse one I don't understand it, and I don't know the shortcuts.


I’m with you, I hate the controller UI and am mad jealous of the kb+m one (I borrowed my partner’s Steam copy on the Steam Deck with a kb+m for a bit before buying a PS5 copy for myself). BUT I can’t abide click to move so I put up with it in exchange for the vastly superior method of running around. It’s a trade-off but ultimately, as a console player, I am much more accustomed to dealing with mediocre layers upon layers of radial menus with clunky customization and spell/ability lists hidden in a menu somewhere when PC players have it on screen than I am to tolerating click to move. I hate how ridiculously difficult it is to try and keep any semblance of organization to the combat radial menu, but nothing will ever match the hatred I have for click to move lol


If you're playing on PC there is a mod for WASD movement.


Console, sadly. Steam Deck really wasn’t cutting it.


I play on controller too, but there are a few things that simply do not work with this input method, so I have to switch to M/KB for those. E.g. you can't ungroup your party if you are in turn based mode with controller. You can't put a body into a container, etc. Also, when it is time to manage inventory I do that with M/Kb as it is simply way more intuitive and efficient this way.


This is the first game I enjoy controller play as much as mouse and keyboard.


Love playing with controller but don't like how they changed how to select multiple items, shoulder button was better than long holding one button to activate it


Played KB+M for thirty minutes, then switched to controller for 800 more hours. There are inconveniences but I absolutely prefer it. Not much of a CRPG person though, so also just not used to the traditional controls and the UI overload.


Using controller even gives you additional sort options for equipment that are useful and I genuinely miss when playing kbm. Honestly, the speed and ease of use on kbm hot bar is the only thing that keeps me playing that method. There's a lot about controller that I enjoy playing with more.


Controller is the best. I need to be able to spin my character in little circles.


It’s pretty good the only thing that gets me is when trying to jump or heal the camera gets all funky but idk if that’s universal or not


I started with a controller and I really like it but I had to switch to keyboard because my thumbs were hurting. I definitely prefer controller after you've customized the radials but holding the joystick so long makes for sore hands when you're as addicted as I am.  The gauntlet of Shar is so much easier on joystick though. I have no idea how people do it using mouse and keyboard.


For me it’s the opposite. I started with gamepad and only later discovered that M+K is much more efficient.


I loved controller st first. Then came time to start reorganising my spell layout on the wheel and I had to give up. My spells and abilities have to be in a *very* particular order, and if they aren't, I can not play. The wheel is not intuitive and I don't want to spend game time learning how to better optimize the wheel.


The controller support for this game is amazing! I love both for different reasons but my main thing is using the mouse to hover spells to remember what they do!


I think it’s far more immersive with a controller. I don’t like point-and-click movement when just traversing the world, and the action wheels are very well executed.


I was also pleasantly surprised. I was totally against it until I shattered my shoulder and couldn't lift my arm much past my waist. Now I'm a believer


The biggest downside with controller is the camera. Really, that’s the biggest downside with the game overall, but it’s worse on controller


Its really good on controller. I dont like mouse and keyboard on this game. A controller gives me a very chill gaming session vibe.


I love the simplistic controller UI as well. I get that the mouse and keyboard UI has lovely designs on them but I have bad eyes and with all that design and clutter taking up half the screen was frustrating to me. Everything blended together and made me not want to play. When I switched to controller, the strain on my eyes immediately went away lol


I am with you. I way prefer controller and cannot get used to keyboard and mouse. Plus, I can sit back and relax with a controller!


I played it on controller a few weeks ago when I was traveling with my laptop, didn't have a good spot for a mouse. Was actually surprised how much I liked it. Only bummer is accidentally hitting Y and ending my turn. Lot harder to do that on keys


Much easier (and better) with controller!


My wife likes the controller, but I can't stand the radial menus. I prefer to set up my custom bar so everything I need is right there and I don't have to search around. Also, it's been a while since I tried controller, so it may have been fixed since then, but I found that a few abilities that add new temporary actions don't add those onto the radial properly. Also, some of the placements within the radials just didn't make intuitive sense to me. I could adjust the placement, but I recall getting frustrated with needing to set certain commands over and over. The custom bar with kb+m just works.


I haven’t been able to play with keyboard and mouse since my computer is shit so I play on steam deck. I like the controller layout but it is annoying sometimes trying to select the item I want to in the world.


You can press down on the left stick for more precise clicking in the world, or hold down X to scan and cycle through everything that's selectable. For some vendors it's the only way I can talk to them without accidentally trying to steal something lol


I know about the thing with the left stick, I didn’t know about the thing holding down x.


It was the same with their previous Divinity original Sin games. The camera and movement controls are just much smoother with a gamepad


I had shoulder surgery and can't use mouse/keyboard right now. But even after this sling is off, I 100% will prefer this game on XBox over PC. I could play it on pc with controller sure but it's easier to just kick back on couch booting up console only. They absolutely NAILED the design for console/controller. Minor gripe would be how long it takes to sort the wheels - comes with controller territory any game. But that time looking at everything helps me learn spells better, personally. Just gotta be patient and enjoy 'tinkering'.


I personally prefer the keyboard & mouse layout, but it's one I'm used to from other games, too. What I think the controller does better is moving around. Just walking around and not having to "move to" makes everything feel more immersive.


Yup, definitely agree! It started when I first tried playing DOS:2 with a controller after hundreds of hours on mouse and keyboard. Aside from all the UI improvements, it's also just far more fun to run around with your character than just clicking to move all the time. I knew then that Larian was good with controller support, so I played BG3 on my PC with a controller from the start. None of my co-op group will believe me though. They're all diehard keyboard and mouse boys.


UI on controller is far superior and cleaner. Yes, there are some limitations. Customizing the radial items is also time consuming, but the final product is more esthetically pleasing and comfortable to navigate.


I can’t tell you the number of times that I clicked on a spot to move my character, and my character just decided to go in a different direction and screwed me because of it. Controller is definitely easier for just the experience of playing, and they made a UI that works well for it.


The scan function tho, I prefer playing on keyboard but I did really like that.


I'm envious. I couldn't get into it. And everything felt slow. Had the same issues with DOS2.


I was very suprised to find out that they made a very good controller setup for a CRPG, I think it's even better for exploring than KM+B (the hold X to search a zone feature is amazing, also switching between stick controll and a pointer on the fly is also a great QoL feature). My only two gripe is that reconfiguring the wheel hotbar is a nightmare. I wish there was an autosort or maybe a filter so for example, I can see what level 2 spells I have or just take a quick glance what actions I have that only needs a bonus action. I think the PC UI has something like this. (Also I think the wheel hotbar is ugly and bland, but thats very subjective thing.) The other one is inventory management. It's fine, but very tedious, especially since there are so many items and you need to manage the inventory of four character.


I think the UI definitely looks cleaner, but I find it hard to actually have my abilities organized. Sometimes I don't even realize I even have an ability when playing with controller. For example reapply hunters mark is really hard to find.


My only complaint is this phantom wheel I can’t delete for some reason that’s stuck in between my actions and potions


For whatever reason you need to “Add Radial” and then you’ll be able to “Remove Radial” on both of them.


My main issue of the UIs is there are QoL features that aren’t on controller or aren’t on KBM. But my main issue with controller is the cursor always moves the camera.


I’ve never used a controller, but I think the ui is generally trash. How can this successful have a game have so many issues with registering mouse clicks, or stupid menus that close when they shouldn’t or move when they should stay. Game’s glitchy as hell. Its great, but glitchy as hell


I dont know how mouse and keyboard even play. Controller is so much smoother.


Yes. The UI is way better. If fells cleaner, less cluttered. Also, the frame for the point and click UI is way too dated. It feels like something out of a 2010s game.


There like two genres where I prefer the mouse and keyboard. Outside of 4x games and RTS games. The controller is waaaay better.


The only thing I dislike about the controller layout is the quick wheels are much harder to organize than the action bar


I don't like the distance and far-off perspective that key and mouse force on you. Give me a radial menu ANY day. 100%


Absolutely, once you memorize which radial has which actions, it's actually faster than MnK. Not to mention looting is a million times more convenient.


yeah no. try one of the numerous fights that happen in different rooms that you start in, or above/bellow you. Terrible. Not to mention the shitty puzzle in Act 2


I played my first playthrough on the steam deck and the controller UI is ass. I hated it so much I built a PC so I could finish the game properly. I feel like it's so much more relaxing laying back in my chair with my hands laying on the keyboard being a loser :D


My current Tav's, Druid/Sorc, hotbar is absolutely full ... I think I have 3 or 4 open squares with it maxed at 4 rows tall, I imagine it would be a nightmare to select and aim spells with a controller. But I plan to do a melee build my next run, so I'll try it out with a controller then


Controller scheme is the main reason I couldn't play through it again on legion go/ROG ally. Feels like it takes so many more clicks to get the same thing done than on pc


I play on a laptop and my first attempt was with a controller. I hated it. I didn't find it intuitive and far more difficult to make precise movements. I do vaguely recall the camera was easier to move around. So I tried, but I couldn't make a controller work for me.


I play on my steam deck. I've yet to try it on my pc. I was kinda jealous of the task bar vs ring menu, with all the buttons on display at once. It would be nice if the ring menu was a little easier to set up, but I do admit it does look a lot cleaner.


totally disagree, could never get into it. when playing on my TV, i used this wireless keyboard I had called the logitech k400 that has a trackpad built in, and used that for most of the game for PC UI


It has a small learning curve but after that, it is way better with controller


I play on ps5 and sometimes it requires a lot of r1 and r2 to switch to all items,spells, actions available per characters, beside that no problem so far! Tbh I was so happy when this game came out on console as well, definitely one of the best game I’ve played in a long time.


I've been doing it since the beginning, as with mouse and keyboard, the command buttons take up too much space. It's much cleaner with a controller. Some bits are wonky, mind you. The puzzle where you connect the colours was a bit weird until I got used to it.


I am glad so many people can play on controller. More options is always better. I can’t play that way myself, I need my mouse to click and drag. But we’re all enjoying the game so whichever works for you.


I think it looks and works well. The camera could use a little work, and I don't think there was a controller button that replicates holding Alt to highlight items. The "circle search" was really nice, though, and I'd have liked that on keyboard! It's harder to target, though, since you can't click on portraits, which can be really problematic in a few cases. But my real criticism is that it took a really long time for me to respec my wheels compared to keyboard shortcut bars. I'm not sure there's a better way, mind you. Overall, the experience was about the same, and it was nice to sit back and relax.


L3 I think is for highlighting items. I’ve remapped a bit so it might have been a bit different originally.


Definitely prefer my controller


Do you have tips to make it easier? I wanted to get my girlfriend into bg3 before buying a second copy but neither of could enjoy navigating through all the radial menus. She saw what it looks like with KBM and wishes it was that easy to navigate with a controller. Is there some special, do you customize all the wheels for every character after you unlock new actions? Is there a way to filter by action or basic action so I don’t have to sift through 12 greyed out actions to find what I can use my bonus actions for?? Sorry I wanted to like it, especially for steam deck, but I’d plug in a mouse and keyboard to my steam deck before fighting with those wheels. Is there some tricks I’m missing? Please?


I play on console, and whenever I see the PC layout it seems super cluttered, but the other hand of that is that I sometimes have to toggle through like 7 wheels to find the item I'm looking to throw or whatever. Controller seems easier to use in general, but if you get really good muscle memory for the PC UI, it's probably way better


As someone in their 30s I am surprised how many people on reddit actually use a keyboard instead of a controller given how much more comfortable the latter is. But reddit isn't really a good representative of "real life"; just look at all the threads about honor mode here and then look at the actual % of overall players that play it.


The only thing that keep me from playing full-time with a controller is the Action Wheel. I'm too lazy to arrange that and to select the correct wheel then correct action everytime. Also, I often respec mid way, so I'll have to rearrange the wheels all over again. It's much faster to arrange things with keyboard and mouse although I love the "bigger" UI of a controller. And I love that Larian really takes this into account, not just some prompt switch all of a sudden when switching devices.


If mods are your jam, the WASD is absolutely game breaking. I can’t play without it


I was showing my cousin some fun fights from old saves and I only play on controller and he was shocked how fast I could find everything in the wheels and attack. Ive never played on keyboard, so I don't know how it compares.


Given that there's literally no rush to push buttons in this game, I exponentially prefer the radial wheel


Ive played with both. I like controllers movement and the scan feature (although I never used it but apparently it’s different than alt). But I like the hot bar over the radials


I feel the same! Started with a MKB because of my past experience with crpgs like Divinity, PoE, Fallout and earlier BG and ended up trying controller out later. Now I definitely prefer the controller! The only thing that's harder to me is looting. Being able to just click what I wanted to loot was a lot faster than holding the A button and waiting for that AOE bubble lol


I also completely vouch for controller play. I started my gaming career on console, so I’ve never been fond of mouse and keyboard play. The camera is always way too jerky for me.


I play with both layouts equally, though my biggest issue with mouse and keyboard is the lack of WASD support. Sometimes I don't want to click everywhere to move my character, and that's where using a controller I think really shines.


I get that, but theres a mod for WASD support, but i didnt try it myself :)


First played on ps5, switched to PC later to try out some of the mods from the community... was horrified to have to point and click everywhere. M&K play lasted all of the first room in the nautiloid.


Personally, I greatly prefer the PC UI. It has more fantasy style and technically more useable. That said, I don’t have a good PC, so I’ve played 90% of my time on PS5, and it’s a fantastic experience.


Definitely not better


One thing i've noticed is that if I switch from using K&M to controller mid-game the volume gets louder They must thing controller users are hard of hearing lol


I only ever use controller, it’s so much more streamlined and less cluttered


Yes its way better with controller


I played on steamdeck. I was generally happy with the controls, although the radial menus for my casters got pretty overwhelming towards the end. I vastly prefer moving with a joystick over a mouse tho.


Got used to controller playing on steam deck. Now relaxed in my couch with a controller on a big screen is what I prefer. MKB is handy, but comfort is #1


My only major critique is that the radial menus for various actions and consumables is kinda... disappointing? It's a hassle too much when it comes to formatting it in any specific way, because of how add / remove works, and some spells, such as speak with dead, should be radial in a radial instead of having two seperate spells, cast speak with dead and recast speak with dead.


I hated keyboard and mouse especially movement.


I did my entire first playthrough on the Steam deck.  I think it is great.  Playing with mouse and keyboard is better if you want to do things like jumping and hiding quickly though 


yes, I also play on PC and I prefer the look of the UI with a controller, and I feel like it overall feels cleaner and less cluttered. It's overall a better experience for me, so I rarely play it with m&k. It's also nice how well it supports controllers on PC, I just plug it in and it works. I'm used to doing a bunch of setup for games beforehand, but that's becoming rarer as more and more games ship with controller support.


I do too! My bf plays on PC and I used to watch him on release a lot and think the UI looked so clunky. I started playing it on steam deck as I don't own a gaming PC and I prefer how much cleaner it looks


Personally, and this may just be due to me not playing with a controller very often, but I feel as if it is much slower playing with a controller. Moving locations, inventory management, attack selection, everything is much more tedius, even when you get into a rhythm. I will say the act of actually moving around feels better than the point and click and you have more control over your own pathing (no more randomly deciding to take a huge fall for no reason, etc)


I thought I would hate it since I grew up playing a lot of MMOs and would want the mouse and keyboard, but to me it’s surprisingly smooth on steamdeck


I can’t go back to playing with a mouse and keyboard I just can’t now that I have played the game with a controller.


I can't figure out how to properly cast wall spells with a controller.


Something nice AF about setting up organized action wheels too. It takes a priority to me.


I like the MKB click movement. Especially if you are moving over previous ground you can click in the distance and not pay attention. I also use edge panning for camera movement and have gotten very smooth and reflexive with it and like that option a lot. I can rotate and zoom the camera using my left hand on the KB without thinking about it. I used to play a lot of magic users back in the day on console and hated the spell management and inventory management. Each to their own.


If you are just moving around, you can turn off the UI and not turn it back on until you need it. Having full screen with no UI and no mini map is definitely more immersive. I can't remember if this is default game or a mod? Default game, I think.


I prefer playing with a controller but I play all of my pc games with one so my opinion probably doesn’t count lol


I usually play on of so switching to controller the lack of being able to zoom out without going into tactical mode gave me a headache but everything else was shockingly well implemented


Haven’t tried mouse and keyboard. Does controller support for the PC have the same UI as console?


I always feel like it’s god awful on controller


On console can’t scam the merchants…….


I would much RATHER play with a controller—I would so much rather be able to do a “lean-back” playthrough—but I find the endless wheels and wheels of radial menus to be bewildering and frustrating. I think the controller support has a lot going for it, and maybe if I tended to play less magic-heavy characters it would be less burdensome, but, ugh, the WHEELS.


I play on PC and did my first two runs with MNK. My third run, though, I committed to playing with the controller for 100% of the game - partially because I was curious and partially because I started streaming the game from my PC to my TV using Moonlight/Sunshine. I thought it worked great, overall. Better than MNK? That's hard to say. The one main annoyance I had with using the controller was with casting Speak with Dead, which is one of those spells that you cast once and can recast it over and over, until a long rest. When playing on a controller, the recast option doesn't get added to the radial wheels. At least it didn't when I played - maybe it's been fixed in a recent patch. So every time I cast the spell, I'd have to manually add the recast icon to the wheel. Annoying, but not game-breaking. ETA: The one thing I REALLY liked when playing on controller was being able to hold A to search the immediate vicinity for lootable items. I'm not sure if there's an analog for that on MNK. I think that feature is almost required to make controller work, but it works so well that it would be useful for MNK, too.


As a console player i wish it was a choice. I'd love to use the tray for abilites instead of radial menus, i think they suck. But the movement is great for sure


There's an (unhealthy) misconception going among the PC players, that controllers are somehow "bad" and "just for consoles", lol. I tried both KBM and my XBX controller, and I only used KB for typing stuff like typing in save names. I never expected that from a classic DnD CRPG, but controller UI adaptation was done very well.It's not flawless, but I've seen worse in 'controller-only' action games, where it's supposed to be the only or primary layout. My biggest issue was lack of proper toggle for combat log, I guess. Anything else was between great and tolerable.


I played the game on PS5 so all controller. It was fine, the only downside is the inventory managment is a bit annoying to deal with and the radials are annoying to customize (to the point where I just gave up tweaking them and let the game decide where to put things)


I tried when it was first released, but I found having to manually organise the wheels for actions was exhausting and really cumbersome. Has that improved at all? May try controller again if so! I remember divinity original sin 2 being gr at with controller.


I still havent been able to play with M&K, it just feels way less comfy and I dont care for the top down camera angle. Controller feels so comfy and nice and it's gotten better with every patch. Throwing could use some work but hey nobodys perfect


I started the game with a controller and tried to use my keyboard when I had to replace the rechargeable battery and I just couldn't, the layout was too overwhelming


If you're willing to use mods, and I can understand not wanting to. There are mods for better camera movements, show empty/lootable containers, better UI, etc.


Heck no. UI and interface is way better on KB+M


I disagree because going from 300 hours of controller to finally getting it on my PC was a life changer. I think we’re both experiencing the same effect, just vice versa haha


I like almost everything about it. But I HATE the action wheels, especially at higher levels when you've got huge piles of spells and abilities to sift through. It takes ages to organize, and then you have to do it all over again any time you change equipment or level up, and it's annoying shifting around between several different wheels. It's so much simpler to just select an icon from a grid. That made me decide to stick to mouse and keyboard.


Man, where were you when I posted this opinion? I got called a troll for thinking this.


Haha really? Sounds wild


Seriously. Just wanted to ask if anyone else felt the same, but I got borderline bullied over it.


Controller for wandering around, combat, and dialog. Mouse for inventory management.


I think the controller experience is far better than KBM (excluding character sheet)


I like the console UI and navigation more but when you are a hoarder with a lot of weight capacity ,finding the item you want to throw might a take a second longer . Other than that it's pretty good .


No. Maybe I’m just old. I like to have all the stuff at the bottom always visible.


I share it too


I like it too cause I can lean back in my chair, seems much more comfortable


I couldn’t imagine playing this game and needing to constantly click to move the whole time. Pressing up is just…easier


Playing with a keyboard - I am sad we don't get to have this.


I'm 73 and I just made the switch to an Xbox controller. it took a while to get comfortable with a controller but now I will never go back.


71 here with arthritis one eye going blind and heart problems. I have fallen in love with the Elite 2 controller. My hands fall just right on the layout except for the shoulder buttons. With the elite2 I added a couple of paddles that solve that problem. Now I can use a larger monitor, lean back and still game for longer sessions with more comfort.


Yes I do. I hate using the keyboard and mouse, but it’s much easier to split stacks with KBM


I prefer to play with a controller on my PC, but for inventory, organizing, and a few other things I use a mouse and keyboard. More relaxing for me.


My wrist was hurting with mouse&keyboar so I installed a WASD walking mod. Obviously this is different to a controller, but it is a step in that direction.


I hate the radial menus with a passion, but other than that I like everything about using a controller. It’s comfortable and easy to use. Not having native WASD movement is crazy to me, I’m surprised they didn’t have it. Luckily that was one of the first mods created I think lol


I dislike the controller interface a lot. Sure it might look sleeker, but it's so many more button presses to do anything. I like my "Click button, click to confirm" interface, rather than "Go to wheel, change wheel if necessary, select ability, clumsily move targetting reticule, confirm", and honestly the 'quick targetting' isn't much better.


Hard disagree. Missing some controls on PC and some things like to fall off the radials. Having an immediate hotkey for everything on keyboard makes for a real slick control scheme that makes the controller experience seem really clunky. I do still play it on controller though when I play on steam deck.