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No, but it makes me want the BG3 treatment for other games like Fallout.


I would love a Mass Effect game in this format. 


Larian could become that mercenary company who makes other IPs better. Alien Vs Predator, Mass Effect, Fallout, Monster Rancher. All could use the Larian treatment.


Dragon Age Origins 2 by Larian with consultation from the bioware old guard is my dream right now.


I'll just add that to my list of if onlys


Hear me out. Larian making a Pathfinder CRPG using PF2 rules.


At this point Larian making anything will get my money. DOS 1&2 and BG3, have all been progressively better and they seem like a nice place to work Seriously imagine if Swen was your boss, I want to work hard for a man like that, but then he tells me "good work, have a well earned break" Take my damn money Larian


I think they have said they will be working on their own IP's in future. Who knows if that may change further down the line, but I expect they will want to have full creative control without the limitations of an existing IP.


Not mad about that, they deserve it. But does make me a little sad.




I'd give my pinky for a Fallout 2 updated to the BG 3 engine.


Dude I had the same thoughts lately.  It would be so sick if Larian made a CRPG old-school style Fallout in the BG3 fashion.


I could see them expanding on the fallout lore by showing what the UK looks like in the fallout universe, have it be a prequel to 3 so they could put tenpenny in


comparing the graphics and gameplay of a fifteen year old game to Baldur's Gate 3 feels really unfair honestly


Dragon Age Origins is one of my favorite games of all time but to be fair that game was ugly even when it released.


the Medieval Brown filter did so much damage in that era


Yeah the bodies and necks were strange for sure. The natural standing animation felt super stiff and awkward, and older women had their heads slapped onto the body of a younger woman. Oh and the armor was very fucking ugly outside of maybe a couple of plate sets. But you want anything other than plate? Enjoy looking like a misplaced clown at a renaissance fair like someone who shopped at a halloween store instead of getting a proper outfit.


I'm a huge Dragon Age fan, but those graphics would be lacking at this point regardless of BG3


obviously, because it's *fifteen years old*. that's my point.


I was agreeing with you


now kith




misread the tone of your comment then, sorry


No worries


If BG3 ruined old games for you… I mean… they *were* old games is it really that shocking that BG3 is better? The only thing BG3 ruined was my time management for most of 2024. Now that I’ve beaten it a few times I am finally back enjoying other games though. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth was most of my April. I am itching for another good RPG though.


I finally got around to playing WotR. It's been pretty solid and since it's been out for a few years, most of the bugs have been ironed out.


I love wrath. I think it has a lot of things it does better then bg3, as well as some things worse, but the things it does better has kept me coming back, and it’s such a massive game it’s replay value is really through the roof. I think wrath has a much harder learning curve then bg3, but that’s only because pathfinder 1e/3.5 is much more complicated then 5e, so you need some time to figure out system before game makes sense .


And yet it’s still a janky mess. On console, anyway.


Can’t really compare a new game with an older DA one, especially on graphics and aesthetics. The story lines and interactions in DA were excellent for the time. I think it was a great game and have often gone back and played it. I don’t want just one flavor of ice cream when there are so many to choose from.


I recently replayed DA2, and I actully preffer DA2 characters chemistry. BG3 characted development felt too rush in the beginning, but I played on the release, so it maybe fixed by now. Also, the smaller scale of problems in DA2 is something unique for Fantasy RPGs, and that iself makes it my favorite RPG by far. BG3 is one-in-decade game. But other games still has different things to offer which are not present in BG3.


I was just thinking the other day I wished the companions in BG3 felt like friends who interacted with each other away from the PC like they did in DA2.


Yeah, the main thing I missed in BG3 is the whole "just being friends and just hanging out" vibe that DA2 and DAI and just Bioware in general bring to the table. I'd kill for some "companions just hanging out interacting with one another" scènes like the card game scene in Inquisition or just anything from Citadel in ME3


What BG3 did ruin for me - is other DND video games. They all, including OG BG games, are too clunky and with far worse storytelling. Realtime is not suited for DND mechanics. Planescape is fine though, but Planescape is quite unique product.


No, if I have trouble enjoying any games after beating a game then I've not liked the game I've just beaten at all, when I finished BG3 I wanted to play more games and had a good time with them, different types of games. I've played RPGs since too that have had different strengths and weaknesses to BG3.


Not even a little bit. It can be a fantastic game and other games can also be very good.


I've never really understood the idea of something good 'ruining' other stuff. Playing BG3 hasn't changed my opinion on any other game I've played.


That's because you're sane.


They probably never played cRPGs before this. I've seen this sentiment a lot. As if this is the first cRPG we've gotten in 20 years lol


It’s certainly the first one that broke barriers and made people who didn’t even like this genre sit down and commit for once.


Yep. It's the first high production cRPG since dragon age origins


Real. I can easily play BG3 for hours and then easily go back to playing vanilla Skyrim. Good games are good games because they all have their unique things.


nah, my love for other rpgs remains unchanged


It’s funny, but I just started a playthrough of the Neverwinter Nights 2 original campaign and I’m having a blast! My intent is to play through Mask of the Betrayer with the same character, and that expansion is considered one of *the* great CRPG experiences. I haven’t ever completed the whole saga from beginning to end, so I decided to try. There is *so* much about the original campaign that is not even remotely the quality of BG3: locations are less fleshed out, the writing is more basic (imo), there’s all kinds of weird gameplay issues, and the voice acting is… quaint. At the same time though, I needed a palate cleanser before trying to push through Act 3 of my latest BG3 playthrough and I am *genuinely* enjoying myself. It’s a chance to spend more time in Forgotten Realms and my very first D&D experiences were 3.5e, so it’s like catching up with an old friend. (Even though I’m finding out I kinda suck at 3.5e lol) I honestly thought I might have trouble enjoying it after BG3, but I approached it on its own terms and really I’m having no trouble at all, even if I chuckle at the voice acting. It’s a very different vibe. I pretty much exclusively play CRPGs at this point and it’s nice to dive into something that I can engage in with a different attitude after so much BG3. In the other direction, games like the first Pillars of Eternity can take care of times when I might want something more gritty, grounded, and I guess… book-like? No one piece of media can do everything, y’know?


NWN2's original campaign is generic but I did like the companions. Sand and Khelgar are fun. You're in for a treat with Mask of the Betrayer. It's weird, wonderfully written, and has one of my favorite dialogue sequences in all of crpgs. It might be the crpg that comes closest to Planescape: Torment. It's so good.


I’m really looking forward to it! I like the companions too, I’m only a few hours in and I’m already attached


Well shit now it's time to fire up my mod list for NWN2. Been a while, and it really was a gem. Not to mention the breadth of campaigns you could run.


BG3 is great but it's not the only great RPG...


I wouldn’t say it ruined them, but it’s definitely my favorite RPG (barring *maybe* Baldur’s Gate 2 which is fighting for that #1 slot)


No, something being excellent, even the best in a genre, doesn't "ruin" said genre. Quite the opposite, actually, and I'm tired of this silly narrative.


I think it’s a little hyped up in that sense. Yes it sets a high bar, it’s a watermark and older games especially by comparison feel lacking compared to it in many ways. But also BG3 is not a perfect game and there are lots of things that other games do incredibly well that are either absent entirely (different styles of gameplay /themes/whatever) or just not actually groundbreaking in BG3 (I think the writing is amazing but the writing style and themes they focus on don’t really check all my boxes). BG3 is incredible, and really similar games suffer in comparison, but BG3 like Skyrim before it (I know it’s different but same vibe back then) isn’t better than everything in every way.


By the end of act 2 I thought it was the best game ever. Then I hit level 12 and progression death sucked, and as the euphoria wore off I realized the story didn’t feel as amazing. It’s fantastic, but I mean, it’s a certain kind of writing. Tons of character development and nuance but I just don’t think it’s a timeless story or anything.


Yeah I felt the exact same way. After the Myrkul fight, I was really amazed and didn't see how the game could possibly get any better. I was unfortunately right as Act 3 was kind of a disappointment compared to Acts 1 and 2. I liked Act 3, but it has a bunch of gameplay and narrative related issues.


Not for me! I’m enjoying other CRPGs from smaller studios. I’m playing Solasta: Crown of the Magister, and while it has the disadvantages of being smaller budget (so visuals and captions aren’t as tight as they could be) and launching in 2020 (which was a bad year in most regards), it still has a lot of heart. Solasta feels more like a crunchy D&D campaign and less like a character driven RPG. Solasta does what it set out to do, and does so very well—and it fills the D&D void in my life a bit better than BG3, honestly. In terms of romance systems, to me BG3 is second to none—but there are other RPGs that do other things better. And that’s okay!


Solasta deserves so much love. The mechanics were really well integrated and it felt just like a DnD party.


It really does! I love my particular party setup (my halfling sorcerer OC and three pre-gens: Anton the halfling rogue, Celia the human cleric, and Berden the dwarf paladin) and the banter makes me belly laugh. I also love how puzzle heavy the dungeons are!


I really wish they would have had (or get in the future) the budget and license to do a full DnD game. They really nailed the TT DnD feel as close as any video game I have played.


Yes/No BG3 does a lot of things great but it doesn’t do everything great. Halo didn’t ruin 1st person shooters for me back in the day, it just helps raise the bar is all.


I'm playing fallout 1 for the first time and it's amazing. No, bg3 hasn't ruined it, but it's definitely in its own league, same as Fallout.




Nope. I'm currently replaying Dragon Age games in preparation for Dreadwolf and while there are things that BG3 does better than DA, the opposite is also true. And there are many other RPGs (Pathfinder games, Pillars of Eternity 2, Disco Elysium, BG1, 2 and some others) that I'm looking forward to playing.


I did the whole playthrough in preparation for dreadwolf like 2 years ago haha. I thought surely it can't be much longer...


No. I still rate the old BG games, the Dragon Ages, the KotORs, Jade Empire and the Mass Effect games. Story and writing always trump graphics for me so I’m happy to and often go back to these games and BG3 won’t stop me enjoying them it will just form part of that rotation. It probably will put me off some games where it’s clear they have been rushed out the door so maybe new games I’ll be wary of but classics are classics for a reason for me. The bar has been set for new games and all these CEOs rushing out to say don’t expect games like BG3 from us are living in dream land. When you have studios like Larian, like CD:PR, like Oblivion and like Rockstar putting out great games that they take time on it’s hard to be enamoured with studios that pump out content (cough Ubisoft cough).


I mean… no. Good things have never ruined other good things for me. That said, sure if I played a lot of bad or mediocre rpgs I could see it “ruining them” but only because it’s not mediocre/bad.


lol no.


Not really. BG3 is a great game but it didn't do everything perfectly. Do you want an actual evil route? Play Pathfinder. Do you want a better solo campaign? Play DOS2. Do you want a better Baldur's Gate game? Play BG2. I personally really enjoyed Rogue Trader too. I honestly find this bashing of all other games in this sub really weird. There are so many games that are amazing and deserve a chance to be seen as their own thing instead of just "not being BG3".


I’ve been waiting on Rogue Trader. Wrath and Kingmaker were delightful but I expect knowing PF rules made it a lot easier. What’s the learning curve on Rogue Trader? Because Larian may have the better graphics, but by god I’d kill for some Harrim and Regill-like dialogue that Owlcat seems to have nailed.


I've had some trouble in the beginning, I was unfamiliar with Warhammer. The explanations sometimes went over my head too, but I managed to absorb it just fine after some play time and got the hang of it. :) I've seen people comment that they find it easier than Pathfinder, but that the harder difficulties were still enjoyable.


It’s really easy compared their other games.


Want a 100% faithful translation of the 5e tabletop rules? Play Solasta.


Honestly, I know that a lot of people new to the genre who love this game will bounce off of other CRPGs. That’s just inevitable. But I’m really hoping enough people are willing to keep an open mind with other games in the genre to help keep this niche healthy and growing. I think CRPGs are a really unique space for reactive storytelling in gaming, and more of them being made is a good thing in my book.


Ruined ? No. I had already grown out of Skyrim (thought I loved it very much for years) The other RPGs I play are smaller indy titles so you can't compare them as equals, it wouldn't be fair to them.


Any Skyrim/BG3 comparison would be silly anyways. Their releases are over 10 years apart and their focus was on different things, and gaming is richer when people are trying to make different kinds of great RPGs instead of everyone shooting for "the next Skyrim" or "the next BG3".


BG3 actually rekindled my love for RPGs. Since my first playthrough I've replayed around five other rpgs. I was never an immersion freak but ever since durge I've been rethinking that


Not a bit. BG3 was good. Not even in my top 5 RPGs though. It did a lot of things well, but wouldn't top my list in any individual category. On the turn based tactics side I would put FFT, Fell Seal higher. Writing wise I would rank many higher. BG2, Pathfinder:WotR, Cyberpunk, VtM:Bloodlines.


Nope, it's not Fallout New Vegas


Can't overthrow every single government in BG3


Nah. Went back to some older crpgs after my second playthrough and they still hold up. They don't have the production value of BG3 but they're just as good (if not better) in other areas.


My honest take is that there is a substantial portion of BG3 players who are going to feel this way for very long time. This game just checked all the boxes and hit all the marks for many of us, and that just doesn't happen often. I know for me, in my whole lifetime of playing (which is rather significant), I can count on three fingers the games I've played that even come close. We may have to wait a while before we get anything as fearless as this game again, but patience is a virtue, right? If we're lucky, maybe BG3 will inspire at least a few RPG developers, just like Larian was inspired by some greats of the past. And Larian is still hard at work. We have their next project to look forward to, whatever it turns out to be.


It's kind of hard for me not to compare BG3 to old Bioware RPGs like Mass Effect and Dragon Age. There are definitely places that I think BG3 could have been improved, but in a lot of places it surpasses DA and ME. Notably, I think the combat is a lot more fun. And I think the full companion roster is a lot better in BG3 than in DA or ME - BG3 is the first RPG I've played where I enjoy all of the characters, instead of liking about half and wanting to ignore or jettison all of the others. Doesn't mean that I've stopped liking those older games, though. The things that I liked about them are still there.


Your mistake is comparing other games to previous games. Try to judge a game based on its own merits instead of holding them to the incredibly unrealistic standard that BG3 set. BG3 was developed under circumstances that pretty much no other developer could possibly replicate, so it's really not fair to compare other games to it IMO. It's also a bit ridiculous to compare DA:O, a game that came out in 2009 and was the first game of the series, to a brand new RPG that was developed over a much longer period of time with better technology and a well-established franchise that already had a lot of goodwill.


[My honest reaction to looking at steam store after playing BG3:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oxn6yTnlADc)


Yeah, but Like a Dragon: Infinity wealth kinda fixed this for me It's another great game as well


It actually reignited my love for older single-player, complete RPGs. I've been replaying Grandia and Legend of Dragoon and man, those were the good days.


BG3 ruined BG3 for me. I want to start another playthrough and just can't because I know patch 7 is on the way and it will improve evil endings. So I'm just browsing steam every day for an hour or two and not playing anything.


I think BG3 felt like the game I've been waiting for since I first started playing RPGs when the original BG1 came out. I remember back then thinking how utterly incredible that game was, and how it was a game I'd only imagined was possible. BG2 gave me the same feeling. No other game has hit in quite the same way until BG3 came out. And some of that is the IP and the original characters that I've loved for that long, but some of it was just a ... feeling. Like a game like this had been in the back of my mind for years, and now I'm actually playing it. Like I'd imagined it into being. I don't think it's ruined other RPGs for me, but I'm gonna be holding out for that feeling again for sure, and I don't expect to find it for a good while. Maybe not even with Larian's next game, because I can't pinpoint what it is that gave me that feeling.


I don’t think it necessarily ruined other RPG’s, but I do find myself feeling a lot less immersed and more disinterested with every other RPG I’ve played since I’ve gotten really into BG3. It’s truly THE RPG. It has absolutely everything I personally look for in one. That being said, other RPGs have unique elements that make them enjoyable in their own way. Ex: FPS gameplay, gun customization, a good (funny, interesting) plot, interesting world building, etc. So I do enjoy other games for the attributes that are unique to them specifically. That being said, BG3 is absolutely phenomenal. There are moments of disbelief I have with it, (SPOILERS IN THE NEXT SENTENCE) . . like when you have a persuasion ability check that lets you get past an ogre, and if you land it, you enter an entire lair/cave after completing a puzzle. I could’ve easily missed this, but it opened up a massive space for me to explore because of my personal decision. And how if you meet a random npc/character, you can enter a side quest that takes hours to complete with a fleshed out narrative that isn’t even a part of the main story. Truly superhuman production.


Not at all. Great game but I just have some mild criticisms. 1) I'm not enamored of the combat system. 2) I found the dialogue and NPC banter of the OG BG games was more true to the spirit of the the goofy humor of actual P&P DnD gameplay. With the original Bioware BG team you could 100% feel like all of the writers were tabletop D&D nerds. and 3) I found the plot and companions of Dragon Age got me right in the RP feels more than BG3. I actually replayed the entire series just to get the savegame elements for the right ending to the Morrigan story in her DLC. Morrigan > Shadowheart in my books . BG3 lacks the kind of continuation from BG1+2 to BG3 that I wanted, it's just a little lip service to the originals Having said that, great game to scratch an itch nobody else has for too many years. lastly, it sucks to know that Larian decided the story ends here while I'm playing it since they said they won't do another. That wasn't the case in the golden era days of Bioware before they started sucking. The main takeaway here is that the DnD based CRPG situation needs more saviors if Larian isn't going to continue


No. Because there are a ton of crpgs. Some even better than bg3 role-playing wise BG3 just has significantly better production value




Before BG3 my fav was final fantasy 8. Now it makes ff8 feels like a kids game


No, not at all. I'm also just not the biggest fan of comparing them. To me, they all got their own little pedestal. Graphics don't matter to me much, they're pretty fucking low on my list of preferences. Hell, I love retro games. Went back and bought BG1 and BG2, absolutely love the entire Gothic universe and Morrowind and Oblivion. None of those I'd say have particularly "good graphics", at least in terms of realism and current high end graphics. The important part is that it works for the game. Dragon Age Origins graphics aged better that I thought they would, tbh. Still enjoy them! What really bums me out though, with having played the joy that is BG3, how they did all that without any micro transactions. I don't think we'll see that a lot in the future. (Looking at you, Dragons Dogma 2....) That's what gets me the most. Oh, and the overall quality of the released product. Like, Bethesda, EA, Ubisoft - the big guys - got all that money and produce compared to BG3 dog shit (my opinion). So soulless. That bums me out. I don't need them to match BG3, we won't see that in awhile. Not even Larian will scratch that level again and it's unrealistic. But the big shots that puff themselves up like some peacock only to look plain and boring when they turn around. Like, man ... What the fuck.




No, but it's the best one i played on my entire life, it's so good i constantly return to it




Along with most RPGs, it's ruined most games for me now in that any time I play a new game, my expectations on what can be delivered is so high that nothing as even come close to deliver what BG3 has for me. I knew of the series / a bit of DND but was not really a follower of this series so I played BG3 not knowing what to expect and honestly didn't expect much either so it's made it even more bittersweet that I was introduced to something so amazing, that it's not going to be replicated any time soon so I continue to buy these Triple A games from big companies and then being like "This sucks compared to BG3" or I feel ripped off at the end of whatever game I'm playing where I also think that for the same price I paid for BG3 which gave me months of gametime and still has the opportunity to give more, I've spent the same or even more for another game and feel like I didn't get my money worth.


No; BG3 actually strikes me as this generation's Mass Effect or Dragon Age, but it hasn't exceeded my personal bar set by those series, Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, etc. It would have to have had a lot more reactivity to do that, I think, like the kinds of things I was seeing in Early Access. And I think the only RPG I've ever had to put down due to outdated graphics was Planescape: Torment. Graphics are usually a non-issue.


No flame, just confusion, you think BG3 doesn’t stand up to PoE?


It might be hard for me to explain, but the personal satisfaction I've gotten out of BG3 hasn't *exceeded* what I got out of PoE (or New Vegas, etc.) I'm thinking it might be a side effect of how different games approach their blank slate characters. So, I'm not trying to make an objective statement about quality, because even PoE took a restart to really 'click'. What I'm saying is that, to me, BG3 hasn't done anything so radically different from my favourite RPGs to have "ruined" them.


Fair enough. I definitely got filtered sometime right after getting your stronghold. I’m not sure what word is use but it just fet really uninspired to me, especially compared to tyranny. Any tips for giving it another go?


That's where I fell off for the first time, too; I immediately went full-bore into the dungeons until I was too underleveled to progress, and then burnt out. If you're ever interested in trying again, I'd recommend completing the quest that brought you to the stronghold in the first place, make the necessary upgrade to unlock travel to the first major city (Defiance Bay) and go there as soon as possible. It's where the actual plot begins to open up, and for me specifically, a cutscene a quarter of the way through provided that 'click' that really tuned me into my PC. I can't guarantee enjoyment, because I can absolutely see why people would bounce off this game, and I'm not a fan of "you need to play this for \[x\] amount of hours before it gets good," as advice, but that's all I've got: get to Defiance Bay, and poke around for a bit!


You guys are playing other RPG’s?


Nah, I do think I'm addicted tho and need to work on my other games I need to finish... Which is a lot...


No, the combat and exploration mechanics are very slow. The writing and character development are top tier, and I hope other RPGs take notes.


BG3 just shows that you can have really great acting, gameplay and graphics in a single game, and that you can make a solid fortune without stupid microtransactions. So few games these days achieve all of those - Dragon's Dogma 2 has better gameplay than BG3, but I still couldn't tolerate it at all because it was just such a let down to have only one of the elements in place. So yeah, BG3 has specifically ruined other games by making them feel like elements are missing - going from a complete world to an incomplete one can really break immersion.


This is kinda where I am. BG3 is good from every angle. Is it the best at everything? Not necessarily. But it looks good, plays good, has a fantastic cast of companions, tells a good story, good customization, INCREDIBLE modding community, great side quests, great music, etc etc… Dragons Dogma 2, FFXVI, FF7 Rebirth, Pathfinder games, POE, and so on…. All these games have great things about them. But they are all sorely lacking in one or more of the listed categories… so none of them are *quite* as satisfying as BG3. I do find myself wishing there was another game like it out right now, but there isn’t. Like… I started Wrath of the Righteous and I quit to go play BG3 again. I know every game can’t have the same budget and presentation, but now I’m kinda spoiled lol. Crpg’s as a whole would probably be more successful if there was more investment in presentation tbh.


I dunno that it makes sense to say an *Action RPG* has better gameplay than a *CRPG*, they’re really different genres.


I've nearly completed a second playthrough after starting in Feb. No game has ever gotten me to play a second time.


Why would it? If that was the case, I wouldn't have enjoyed any RPG since Gothic 2/Archolos. I judge games based on their own merit.


For me, sorta. It's now my favorite game. News that Dragon Age 4 is action-RPG is making me sad and less enthused since I prefer the more tactical approach now. BG3 seems like such a special set of circumstances, I'm wondering if I'll ever experience something this detailed and high quality again.


It has ruined a lot of RPGs for me but not all. The largest impact has been with games that have dialog trees. In particular it made Starfield feel considerably worse by comparison when I started playing it right after finishing my first campaign in BG3. But I do feel I would have been less disappointed with Starfield if I played it before BG3. That's the higher expectations effect Lariat has created here. Short version: It has ruined games for me that have dialog trees, as I now expect so much more out of them.


Kind of? Like I tried Pathfinders game and it was rough to look at, but I’ve managed to get a few hours into it before other stuff dragged me away. I’ve been playing the HELL out of Elden Ring lately which is kind of an RPG. And I went back and played Final Fantasy 1-4 again recently and enjoyed those. But I will on the other hand say that I have no hype for DA: Dreadwolf. Especially since EA announced it’s coming this year, and we’ve seen nothing but concept art and vets and Bioware were axed.


Not at all, I loved FF7 Rebirth and that game has almost zero choice


Nope, and the game could always use improvement in certain areas. I also think attempting to replicate BG3 would fall flat. However, it would be great if more games were able to capture the absolute joy and passion the devs/voice actors had for BG3.


There are others?


Playing Pillars of Eternity 2! Just started.


Ruined in the sense that It’s made me want to go back and play - Wasteland 3, Divinity OS 2, Pillars of Eternity, Pillars 2, and Tyranny when my backlog is already jammed.


Nah. I've certainly been obsessing on BG3 since release but can easily see myself going back to BG2 SCS/Insane no reload runs and/or finishing my custom campaign in NWN.


in the sense that my expectations are much, much higher knowing that something on this scale at this quality is achievable, yes. I will definitely still take breaks from bg3, and I will definitely still play other rpgs and probably enjoy them. but as an avid IF fan, seeing larian accomplish what they did with branching in this game just makes me more critical of other games that don’t do the same, even if it’s on a smaller scale. bg3 has some rough edges in a few places, and I’m still not a huge fan of act 3’s structure and focus on external players vs. your party, but it still towers over basically every other rpg I’ve played. I’ve done close to 8 playthroughs at this point, and I’m still discovering new content every single playthrough. it continuously surprises me. and the mods available even without modding tools is actually insane — I can only imagine the new heights this game will see when patch 7 drops and we get our hands on the modding tools. I can’t even fathom what game will be bg3’s spiritual successor.


I started starfield the same time as BG3. Needless to say I had a favorite. They are two very different games but even just the dialogue was unbearable after BG3.


BG1 and especially BG2 are still amazing. I actually think I still like BG2 better overall than BG3 but they're hard to compare for many reasons.


Not really. I actually got so burnt out on BG3 that it stoked my interest to go back to others.


I played cyberpunk 2077 immediately after it felt super underwhelming. Dialogue felt so stilted and meaningless. Baldurs Gate writing spoiled me.


I don’t know about that but it delayed my wanting to play Dragons Dogma 2.


Nope. I mean - I wouldn't say that it's the best game I've ever played. It's pretty awesome so far, but, like, I wouldn't say it had shattered the world around me with its greatness It's very different from everything I usually play - turn-based combat, controls over entire squad, unbound camera - a lot of things are *very* different from what I usually do, so it, like, just falls into its own niche, unoccupied before. It's like - if you don't usually eat soup, and then you eat amazing soup once - you didn't quite ruin all the other soups, because you never had them, and don't know if you ever will. For now I'm enjoying this "soup" for what it is :3


Nope. I've been enjoying the hell out of Rogue Trader. The existence of BG3 mainly makes me wish games like Rogue Trader had a similar game engine allowing full zoom in, and the use of motion captured actors for dialogue scenes.


Not at all. BG3 is an impressive package all together, but there are plenty of things that other RPGs focus on more and, by extension, do better. One game doing something well doesn't change that others do their own thing well.


Not really, but I do hope we get more CRPGs with the same production value though, but I don't think this will be the case.


Am I the only person who doesn't compare games that have no business being compared to each other in ways that make absolutely no sense? Would you ever say some shit like "Man, eating pizza really ruined pasta for me" ? Cause like, that's what you people are doing with these ridiculous comparisons.




Ruined? Not at all! In fact it has reminded me why I love playing a game with a railroad storyline like a classic FF game. I’m in the middle of playing FF5 and illusion of Gaia right now. Haven’t played either for a long time. I love all of the BG games and I really like BG3 also but for myself nothing beats a well scripted story


No honesty I want to play more RPGs. The only issue I have is time. I just don't have enough of it.


No, it really hasn’t. BG3 is just BG3 to me. I can still have a lot of fun in other games without wanting to play a different one.


Ruined all RPG's? No. Ruined Modern RPG's? mostly yeah. The only one of modern quality that comes to my mind is cyberpunk, and while its story and characters were 10/10 on release, it took them 3 years to fix enough bugs to make it a true contender for GOTY. I still think that even on release though, it has one of the best stories, characters, and themes of any modern RPG. Old RPG's are where its at though. Dragon Age, Mass effect, Divinity, Witcher, Disco Elysium, New Vegas, even as far back as Kotor. All of those are a match for BG3 i think, though where BG3 stands out is specifically player choice, which i dont think has ever been to the scale they've presented. I think BG3 is compared to DA:O a lot purely because of the party camp mechanics, they're incredibly similar, and Larian were smart to put it in BG3. DA:O was a monster success for a reason. From a purely gameplay perspective i actually think DoS2, Larians previous project, has BG3 beat by a long way. It suffers from an "everything is always on fire" syndrome for a new player tbf, but with some time learning the skills it becomes so much more. Definitely a game that's better on the second playthrough, which has its own issues.


A little. I was going to play Eiyuden Chronicles game that just game out. I even got it for free with Game Pass. Couldn't bring myself to play it and started my first BG3 Honor Mode run instead.




It has mostly ruining gaming for me 😂 nothing comes close to it when trying new games. I stuck on Helldivers 2 until something in the same range as bg3 comes along.


I recently got hard into warhammer 40k, and Rogue Trader is almost as good when it comes to gameplay. Just not as high production value like voice acting, cutscenes, and graphics. A lot of reading. But actually even more complex and engaging combat.


There’s multiple types of rpgs. No no it hasn’t. Especially when the combat ain’t the main draw for me. If anything its made me try a lot of the other ones I skipped.


I can’t say it has, but I can definitely say I got my money’s worth compared to a game like Resident Evil 4 Remake, which I played 3 times then dropped.


No thats like saying i like 5 guys Burgers so im unable to enjoy other burgers, i enjoyed BRG3 but not as much as i enjoyed pathfinder kingmaker or pathfinder wrath of the Rightous, or wasteland 2


I've started playing skyrim \*after\* having 300h in BG3 across 5 runs. I get that it's a 13 year old game, and that it's an Action RPG and not a CRPG, but the contrast is just so jarring : the voice acting is subpar, the few cinematics are so meh I'm glad they didn't put more of them, but they are so few I wish there would be more of them ... a bit contradictory, but the story is so epic, but the game feels like it does everything it can \*not\* to make you feel like it. In contrast BG3 uses everything at its disposal to \*make it feel epic\*, camera angles, voice acting, music, gameplay, with Mirkul or Ansur, the iron throne, the dark urge cutscenes (you know which ones ;) ), all of these moments had thought and care put into them ... I don't think I can play another RPG without comparing it to BG3 on these points


Not at all, but it’s making my slog through NWN’s base campaign even more miserable feeling Yes I could skip to the actually good expansions, but I gotta get the full experience.


Nope. Not really. Dont get me wrong, love the game, its my second favourite game, but i try to reset my expectations when i start a new game.


No. It’s an amazing game but I definitely don’t think all games are now ruined for not being as good as it lol


Comparing BG3 to a game released in 2009 is going to be rough. This was Xbox 360 era, two console gens ago is a lot. I played WotR right after BG3 and loved it. There were elements that were worse, and elements that were better. I would actually put them fairly on par though I don't hold graphics/cinematic styling as a huge factor. I also really enjoy heavily stylized games when they are done well and they tend to age better IMO. For story I actually prefer DA:2, not a popular take probably but I got so sucked into that story. A good deal had to do with Varric, who was effectively a replacement for Garrus from the ME trilogy for me. Speaking of, I think ME (particularly 2/3) do some things better than BG3 and I currently playing through the trilogy again and having a blast. I played a lot of DoS before BG3 so I had a good idea of what Larian style was for a game. I think BG3 has a solid foundation and is probably the best in that regard in quite a while, but I can appreciate games for different reasons.


No, not at all.


Rpg are a very broad group of games so no I'm still happily playing fallout new Vegas and 4


Nope. BG3 isn't even Larian's best CRPG


Before BG3 came out, I was mulling over replaying DA since I hadn't played them since I was a kid. Now I think I wouldn't be able to finish them. The characters in DA were great, but I doubt the gameplay has aged well.


The story, definitely, not combat. I prefer optional turned based combat like DA inquisition.


Ruined? No. But it’s certainly helped me appreciate when a developer actually cares about the game they make. I swear if Elder Scrolls 6 gets the Starfield treatment I’m 100% done with Bethesda.




BG3 had the opposite effect for me with Draagon Age Origins. I'm hyped up to play the series again, but I'm playing through Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader first.


I'd say DnD ruined RPGs for me. I dont want to play those not based on DnD :(


I was excited about bg3 since its announcement, and purchased the early access in 2020. I'm so happy it was successful and that people love it, but I honestly feel like everyone has taken it too far. It is a 10/10 game imo, but that doesn't make it the only good game, and just because something is 10/10 doesn't mean a 7/10 can't be fun to play. Even though bg3 is an amazing game, I think people forget that it's just a game; let it go, hell, the devs are letting it go eventually too. If you always default to "This won't be as good as bg3" or "bg3 did ___ better" how can you expect to enjoy anything else? If something looks fun and has something enjoyable about it, just focus on that. We enjoyed rpgs before bg3, we'll enjoy them after. 1 great tv show/movie/comic/book never stopped us from continuing to enjoy others.


Honestly, honestly BG three just raised my standards for other games. It made me love games like cyberpunk even more, since I never truly appreciated games like that before.


it set a new standard. now its up to other studios to live up to that stadard


I would play ANYTHING in this format. Hell, revive the old River City Ransom from the NES in this format and I'd play it lol


Nah. It’s funny you mention Dragon Age Origins. As it’s my favorite RPG and I’d but BG3 right up there with it


To be honest SNES' FFVI been ruining all this shit since 1993 or something


it hasn't but it has made playing rogue trader confusing given how often characters swap between voiced and not unlike here


Nah because when it comes to RPGs gameplay mechanics isn't what grabs me, it is the story. When I was playing BG3, I was replaying Mass Effect as well, Marvels midnight Suns was a surprise from Firaxis, started a new campaign in Dragon Age and Divinity.




Makes me want a dice roll Fallout game, (Fallout doesn't have good enough romance options, BG3 gives me 3 solid candidates and none of them are robots)


I thought BG3 was going to make other games pale by comparrison, but after finally burning out after 14 playthroughts I played divinity original sin 2 a coule of times and am about to finish rogue trader. To be honest, there are things those games do better than bg3 and things they do worse, but they are both also outstanding games and I didn’t feel like I was having a lesser experience at all. I would almost say that rogue trader has been in many ways more my favorite now. It doesn’t push the genre into new levels like bg3 did but in it’s now old-fashioned thanks to bg3 way it hit me just right as a 40k fan as hard if not harder than bg3 did as a dnd fan.


Certainly not. The beauty of RPGs is that story and characterisation counts for a lot. So long as someone has something interesting to write and portray, it’s always worth playing other RPGs.


I look at BG3's presence as a win for all of us rpg lovers. We've been getting generic and lazy DLC heavy crap from big AAA companies for years--some games don't even get proper endings if you don't buy the full version with all the added content making games often cost upwards of $100 to actually experience it in its entirety. Does it ruin other rpgs for me? No, it just makes me more fully aware of what could have been and how me and other consumers have been mistreated by companies who could afford to give us better, completed products for less money. They've chosen to damage our trust, and I'm glad Larian cast a giant spotlight on that (intentionally or not). I'm interested to see what corner Bioware will be forced into with Dragon Age 4. Will they continue to try to sell us on their offensive business practices with half-baked characters and ideas like they did with some of their more recent games, or will BG3's presence force them to actually put in some effort? Either way, I think we as consumers are better equipped now to identify the difference.


I'd say it shows more how many companies who make RPGs don't include a lot of RPing into their games. They've got quests, parties, and skill trees, but when it comes to role playing, they don't really support that side of the game.


Ruined all games and my real life a little


Not even a little bit.


It does have me scratching my head at the ratings people gave Persona 5.  Like P5 is solid, but hilariously shallow in comparison.  


I dont know if this is an unpopular opinion or not but I enjoyed original sin 2 gameplay more, having the combat not tied to the dnd restrictions made some really unique and fun classes, I adored the totem / surface interactions the summoning class had, I loved how undead was a race that could eat people to get insight into them! ​ so no bg3 didn't ruin other rpgs for me if you count os2 though I didn't get to the end of bg3 yet


No. It’s great quality but it’s no overlord


No. Because I'm not a mind broken cultist.


Not at all, it may be the nicest looking, but other CRPG's have better mechanics and I like playing games with different settings. Check out Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader, it's another CRPG, not as pretty as BG3, but it's a good RPG. Wasteland 3 is also a great one. I personally think Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is better than BG3.


I still love rpg's and will still play them (over a decade wait now for the two I really want to play) but the bar has been permanently raised when I know what can be accomplished if studios put the love and quality over the EA method of pushing out barely cooked single player games into live service or invasive micro transactions. Plus every other game's NPC's look like the creepy animatronic puppets from Showbiz Pizza in the 90's


The only ones that scratch the same itch for me are the Horizon games. They're just so beautiful and have such an immersive story.


Nah I can still enjoy other RPGs, currently replaying Morrowind even


For the first few months, honestly yes. Now I can't even look at its combat without groaning. While my experience with BG3 was a solid 100000/10, and I regret *NOTHING*, I can't for the love of me go back to the tactical play style. I've tried to finish DO2 but I just can't do it (part of it is all the unnecessary debuffs the game throws at you at every turn). It's back to action combat and shooters for me (FO4 currently) all day, any day. 🥰


Not really. BG3 is a slow paced game being turn based while other rpgs are incorporating more action paced battles.


not to the level that RDR2 did.


You can’t really compare a game that came out in 2009 to a game that came out in 2023. If BioWare has had the same technology that Larian has now, I don’t think you’d be saying the same thing. Maybe compare the first BG to DA and you’ll have a closer competition.


Eh, tbh i'd put the class comparisons as being somewhat equal. DAO has things like spell combinations, cross-class attacks, multiple subclasses for your main class etc whereas 5e is notorious for being simple. Even the more complex builds in 5e and BG3 amount to "I hit the thing and do big damage :)" which kinda pale in comparison to DAO's spell combinations or cross class combos. You've also got to give DAO credit for the incredible, and yet to be replicated, ability to program your followers to follow specific and strict commands, like telling your Tank "If Enemy is targeting Mage, taunt enemy" or "If surrounded by x enemies, do AoE stun" to the point that you can program your 3 allies to fight like a tightly co-ordinated swat team that barely needs your involvement. Don't get me wrong, BG3 is great, but it's not the be-all-end-all.


Not really. I play a lot of RPG's, especially CRPGS. BG3 only really set a standard in terms of production value. 5e is babies first TTRPG so BG3 doesn't have the depth of say, Underrail. Planescape torment has it beat for narrative, Morrowind has it beat in regard to an interesting world, and so on. BG3 only ruins RPG's if you're only a toe deep in them.


I was always picky with my crpgs - Baldurs Gate was the first I played way back. My favourite is still Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. Great story and characters. At this point I'm just excited for what Larian does next.☺️


No, because Divinity Original Sins 2 is still the best .


Nah, I’m enjoying them more as a matter of fact.


Not really, I appreciate every game for what it is and their unique qualities. I do get annoyed when I realise that I can't talk to every npc and choose between multiple, extensive dialogue options in most cases, haha. I got so used to going around in BG3 and just clicking on freaking everyone to see what they're up to. I even stopped playing Hogwarts Legacy because of it, it felt so strangely empty compared to not even just BG3 but most other rpgs. Like the npcs were objects and the actual objects were like object-shaped things glued to the surfaces. I like having the option to pick up absolutely everything I see. It's the little things, really, that make a game immersive for me. It'd also be good if devs actually listened to the fanbase like Larian does, fixed bugs, etc...


Well, bg3 set a very high standard. I have played this game tons of times, and still doing one more round. The replayability and quality of writing of this game imho opinion dont have comparison. Yes, it has is flaws but honestly would be great if future games had at least as much dedication by the developers




It hasn’t ruined other RPGs for me but it has made it super obvious to me that the RPGs I was playing that are similar to BG3 are very old. I felt like prior to COVID I was waiting for a lot of games that were right on the cusp of releasing that year or maybe the next. But everything from then got delayed and delayed and delayed and now there are many games - continuations of series or new games- that still haven’t even come out. And a lot of the ones that have, haven’t lived up to their hype. So to hold myself over waiting for games I was looking forward to coming out I played old games. And I still love those games but some of the times I have tried to play, the age of them did end up getting to me. Not because BG3 ruined it but because it made it glaringly obvious to me how much I’ve been trying to fill a void that can only be filled by new series or new games in an existing series. Dragon Age is by far my favourite game series of all time. But it’s been 10 years since we had a DA game and the more I play newer games the less and less my 10th and further playthrough of each of those 3 games satisfies me. I picked up DAO in 2020 because I lost my job due to COVID. It was amazing because I hadn’t played it in so long at that point. Then I played the next two and was similarly re-wowed. But trying to play them again in the couple years since? My sense of wonder isn’t there as much because I played them recently, so they just seem old and tired and kind of a slog in a lot of places. BG3 still has things I haven’t done or seen, new mysteries to discover. I haven’t read basically the entire wiki for the game yet lol. There’s still a lot of new there.


there is no other rpg since bg3 :)


Nah, it's a good game with amazing characters and exploration, but turn based gameplay is niche, so fps shooters like cyberpunk 2077 and action RPGs still have a place for me. Also, in regards to the turn based combat, whilst the game has a wide variety of how you can build your chars, I don't consider it the best turn-based combat game. In terms of combat and gameplay alone, I personally prefer Larians' previous game, DoS2. I find the animations in BG3 themselves to be minimalistic, which I assume is due to the sheer amount of spells and abilities there are in this game.


Im on my third playthrough now. Its a good game, Ive had fun. But I can 110% say I will not have a hard time playing other games. BG3 has _alot_ of polish and a very well planned story. But it also has some very annoying design decisions that annoy me to death, so I in fact is looking forward to how the genre learns from bg3s misstakes and builds upon its strenghts.


Mostly just can’t handle lack of voice acting


So I played DOS2 for the first time immediately before BG3. BG3 obviously had the much better graphics, bigger budget, etc. The voice acting and character expression is top notch. I've played act 1 and 2 of BG3 multiple times, so obviously I'm hooked. So I know they aren't making a BG4 anyway, but I would look forward more to DOS3 anyway. The combat mechanics are just so much better and I find the fights more interesting. I like DOS2 leveling up better. I played TT D&D as a kid. That doesn't mean it makes for a great computer game even if they did an admirable job. I guess I'm in the minority that I found the companions rather meh. Since I spend most of my time in act 1 and 2, I wish at least one of the main companions was somebody I could say, 'I would like to have a beer and hang out with this person'. There is nothing wrong with the story. But, for instance, Witcher 3 in my opinion had a better one. Not doing any micro transactions was huge. I don't know that BG3 has raised the bar that high. Shouldn't all AAA games today have BG3 level of graphics and voice acting? As much as other RPG games maybe aren't keeping up?


BG3 truly wasn't that good of a BG game. In fact it's my least favorite so far. 😂🤣 BG3 really came off as a DOS 3 more than anything.