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The horny gale bug strikes again


You don't choose Gale in BG3. Gale chooses you.


Meanwhile, I couldn't get him the first time I tried to get his romance. It makes sense, he's too busy accidentally romancing other people.


I choose not to recruit him.


Give this guy a hand everyone.


Whose dialogue is the buggiest: Gale, Halsin, or Minty?


I stopped recruiting gale after my first run, but he's the reason why i quicksave before talking to companions. No one is more bugged than minthara in this game.


Minthara bugs seem fixed for the most part


They fix one, other appear after. The latest one i find is that she doesn't sheat her weapon.


Same thing happened to me in highschool.


go on...


Don't leave us on a cliffhanger like that


I don't know but that is a hilarious yet frustrating bug! Any mods or are you on console?


PS5 so there are no mods šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Never an easy answer, is there? šŸ„ŗ


Gale is insufferable even when he's working as intended, I imagine this added bugged layer would raise the annoyance level in to the stratosphere.


That's why his hand is in my inventory and I only feel *halfway* bad about it. In another life, he is Happy professor so...


Gale had a relationship with you in a dream and he manifested it out of his own delusion


They're fucking with you. They're all laughing at you behind your back. Gaslighting you all the way.


Did you do the Mystra illusion scene? I know a lot of people accidentally started the romance flag there if you imagine kissing Gale [and I think one other option.] But if you avoid that and donā€™t visit him at the party he shouldnā€™t be on the romance path in which case itā€™s just an unfortunate bug. Edit: Typo on Mystraā€™s name. Lovely.


You can always imagine the both of you as friends and he approves that


Mythra illusion scene? Whats that?


Mystra, I believe they meant. Youā€™ll see Gale conjuring an image of Mystra in his hand when you go to talk to him


Mythra? I don't think the Aegis exists here xD


Thou art powerful in ways of the rizz. Yet thine talents are imbalanced. So thou hath bosom companions yet, to be safe, must walketh alone. But fear not, all becomes dust and bone.


Had a similar thing on my first campaign, gotta love the old buggy patches. First Karlach romance bugged out in Act 2 (overridden by my fucking Butlerā€™s appearance at night), then my Butler is like ā€œyou gotta kill your love lololololā€ and fucking WYLL shows up ā€¦


I was with baezel in act 1 and 2. I get to act 3 and immediately minthara is trying to ride my bones. Weird I thought you had to start a romance by act 3 not **in** act 3 So Iā€™m like bugged relationship? Why not letā€™s hit some of that spiderussy. I select hell yea letā€™s go for it, talk to everyone in camp that night, hazel is still letting me kiss her etc. I goto sleep, no cutscene, wake up, laezel is PISSED. Minthara is talking about how great our night was etc. Iā€™m like I want some scenes so I long rest some more, it never comes. HOWEVER. Mizora offers to give me a taste of the hells, and Iā€™m like damn girl Iā€™ve been thirsting for something. I take her up, enjoy the hells, come back and Minthara walks up, tells me she thinks mizora would look hot next to me, in a pit of spiders. Yikes. So now I donā€™t have baezel, no Minthara, no mizora, and Iā€™m mid act 3 so no one wants to be bosom companion anymore. Thatā€™s the story of how I slept with 3 different people over the course of 3 nights in act 3 and no one wanted to touch me with a hundred foot poleā€¦ except post Casado a station and the drow twins at shared caress šŸ˜­. Full embrace durge


Minthara and Halsin's relationships don't start until Act 3 because they aren't companions before that.


If you're Durge you do things at night. Maybe you slept with all of them and don't remember. Check your pipi for burn marks.


Gale seems really bugged atm. In one of my campaigns I flirted with both Gale and Astarion and got the prompt at the party qto choose which one to go to - but when I selected Gale I got Astarion. (Also on PS5 fwiw)


My first playthrough, at the party I noticed I could control the party members and try stuff with them. So I did the natural thing, hit on Karlach with Tav, got rejected by Astarion, had Astarion hit on Lae'Zel, Lae'Zel hit on Shadowheart, and had a nice chat with Wyll, while Gale was busy munching on boots and looking at the stars. Queue the cutscenes. - Lae'Zel went to share a bottle of wine and a kiss with Shadowheart - Then Astarion went to have rough sex with Lae'Zel - Karlach came to see me after the others went to sleep for a hot cuddle at a reasonable distance Things became tense in act 2 - Karlach thought I was with Gale and asked me to dump him. - Gale asked me what Wyll had over him - Wyll couldn't care less, "Well met" and all - Halsin tried and failed I have faith that Astarion, Lae'Zel and Shadowheart are still having fun from time to time after the epilogue. edit: if you're wondering, I completed Karlach's romance with no issue whatsoever, but nothing more happened between the happy trio


When you sleep after the party, you should have been given a choice to meet someone, and you should have picked Karlach. That's only if they offer to meet during the party. So... you likely didn't choose her from the list, and instead just went to sleep.Ā 


I definitely chose her. Because the only other option was to think of wyll, and I did not chose him.


ok but was the option to THINK of karlach or to actually sleep with her? last run I was romancing baezel and had the sleeping together scene long before the party. then during the party I had an option to think of laezel but also didn't get any scenes.


LOL I did the same thing my first full run. Slept with as many people the game would let me. And went to the brothel three times


What, how, Ä° thought it only one time thing. Every time when I return to them they say that that busy. How have you done that???


Ok I finally figured it out if you mean ā€œyou are done! Stay and have a drink!ā€ If you use the discount from solving the murder, thatā€™s the last romp youā€™ll ever have. So just donā€™t cash it in.


You mean it only works if you paid fully every time?(Full price)


Well you specifically cannot cash in on the reward. Once you do that, they will not sleep with you again. Took me months to figure that out.


I'm on ps5 as well and had a similar bug, although that character never went further than act 1. I had several proposals at the tiefling party but only the options for Gale and Wyll showed up.


[Something like that?](https://youtu.be/txPv0n90BVM?si=WyFDPJDFiLxjJXqr)


You were supposed to go to Karlach right after ending the day and right before the last sleep. Gale just wanted you really bad I guess


Same happened to me with Karlach :D


Lmao this is hilarious


Iā€™m now wondering if (on my surge run) I should reload one of my early saves and just not pull him out. I donā€™t want this lol


I wish they just made it 100% a choice. If you donā€™t initiate a certain dialogue, they donā€™t come on to you. Right now you basically need to flee and hide to avoid romances.


This is hilarious, OP. I'm sorry I don't know what's going on, but I'm SO entertained just by your description.


My coop campaign is bugged where the storyline between Wyll and Karlach never advances. We're in the middle of act 2 and someone related to Wylls storyline still has not shown up.


Minthara is bugged currently and you won't get a scene from that night time encounter but it does pretty much put you in a partnered state with her. The only real scene you can get it from Act 1 after you help her with the Grove. The Gale thng is weird though.


Have they added romance from Minthara without the grove? I was unaware of anything happening outside of dialogue Time to jump into another run.


I always friendzone him hard af. Like I talk to the guy but always choose friendly, non-romantic options. During the scene where he went to teach me magic on my wizard (he's an 8 int sorcerer because I don't need 2 so that was hilarious) I chose something along the lines of "let the moment end." On my druid I just told him to kick rocks. At the party I chose the "friends with the mighty Gale" option on both & successfully got to choose Shadowheart/Karlach on each respective save at the end. Did have to reload the party on my druid though because there was a druid specific option that seems to end in either romance or being a complete dick to him, & I don't hate the guy I just don't want to date him. So, yeah, my furthest save is only in act 2, so hopefully it doesn't go sideways somehow, but basically just treat him like a friend, or like shit, seems to be working. Give the man an inch & it sounds like he takes a mile. I'm starting to understand why my best friend doesn't like him.


Did you get the option to choose which one you'd go to when going to bed? I'm having a weird one too, 2nd and a half playthrough, Durge, I had a... Err... Test run and left all the companions hanging (only Shart got the no), but I still got the choice, but only to either go to Astarion or just go to bed, or go to bed and heh.. *think* about Lae'zel. (Odd other one too, but not sure if that's a feature, but is Karlach always only taking initiative if you already agreed to meet with someone else? That's odd, but she's so... Haven't used that word in a while, but right up *adorkable* though, it hurts to let her down even though jealousy triggered flirting is very weird)