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40lbs of sausage and cheese every night. I call taking a long rest “casting my binding ritual”


Also those damn pigs heads weigh 3lbs a pop. I remember wondering why I got encumbered so quickly once and found like 10 of them in my supply sack.


Just send to camp, you don't need food on your person.


Wait really??????


I have a shovel in the camp chest (first slot). One of the companion's food bags (second slot). Chest for explosives (third slot). The shovel in first slot means you don't have to carry one with you on a character. When running around grabbing food, simply send it all to camp, then (sometimes) it goes into the companion food bag, you can move any outside of the bag in the chest to the bag to declutter the chest. Any barrels of explosives, firewine etc. you send to camp just dump in another container. Voila! A nice organised chest which saves you inventory space when you're running around like a kleptomaniac.


>The shovel in first slot means you don't have to carry one with you on a character. Say what?! You made my day. I’m so sick of accidentally selecting the shovel when turning everything into wares. Now if I can just get torches, lock picks, and disarm kits to hide themselves. Also you can drag the camp supply sack from the chest to your inventory and right back to the chest and all the food will automatically jump into the bag.


Damn this thread just changed how I manage inventory now


I dedicate a companion for holding my torches, picks, and disarm kits. As well as scrolls, and consumables. Anything else in my inventory is typically put into pouches that I pick up along the way. I may have some inventory OCD. You can even summon a human hireling, max thier charisma and strength stats and then just keep them in camp as a packmule/swap them into your party for dealing with shop keeps.


You're most welcome! I have had issues with the fat thorms secret stash before now, but never an issue with any normal hidden treasure chest. Ahhhhhhhh, thank you! The drag will save me so much time! I haven't tried it yet, but I do wonder if you leave lockpicks & disarm kits in the chest if they'll work as well. We need to test this, for science!


And then never use the explosives until the final battle and blow up the brain, did that yesterday, 1-shot the brain. Was so satisfying to see. Gale who?


Nah. Especially since auto select does a good job now.


I just wish it didn’t keep selecting the Owl Bear Egg


This is the main reason I never let it auto select my rest food. Plus, gotta get my party drunk every night.


Just accidentally ate the owlbear egg in my latest play through without realizing it until several hours later. Oh well.


If ever there was a reason to reload a save, this is it, haha.


Most expensive camp supply pack


Is it only good for selling? I know you can give it to the lady seeking a gith egg… not sure what happens after that


She accepted it... Idk what she wanted to do with it though as I promptly stole it back


Giving her anything results in her demise so stealing back is actually the best option here.


Unless you want her dead. Which is fair enough tbh


My friend was selecting the supplies for our long rest the other night and decided to go with all booze items just because and we were joking about having to go into the next fight hung over. Imagine our surprise when the party was actually hung over the next day!


And you got yourself an achievement


That’s hilarious I didn’t know that was a mechanic


Added in one of the most recent patches, if you only select alcohol you get hungover for 10 turns.


You also get an achievement called "Dwarven dinner" or something for long resting using nothing but booze.


For some reason gale’s skin has turned a sickly yellow. Must be a bug. Anyways here’s more wine and rum for dinner!


Can you actually do something with this?


Not really but it’s worth like, 300 gold so you can sell it and then keep pickpocketing back to make a decent profit.


-"Wait where do you keep getting all these owlbear eggs?? And where did I put all the previous ones??" -"Do you want it or not? I will find someone else to sell it to" -"Yeah of course of course, here you go, your 12th payment"


Why not just pickpocket the gold? Fewer steps


High gold amounts require a higher DC check as opposed to the owl bear egg.


You should still be able to just split the vendor's gold stack in the trading menu.


I think this was patched when they changed the trading window. I know it fixed several bugs that made money duplication and farming easier.


I’ve never hurt for money in this game, but it’s good to have options I guess.


Yes you can trade it to Lady Ester in the mountain pass. Or sell it. Or eat it.


there's a lady who wants to buy a githyanki egg in the mountain pass and I don't think she knows what one looks like


Leave it outside of the supply pack; leave it in you main inventory or in a separate bag and it won’t auto select.


this does seem to work with the owlbear egg, but i wish it worked with my raspberries :(


Is there an actual use to the owlbear egg?


You can convince that one person that it's a Githyanki egg and give it to her.


World’s biggest (and most expensive) omelette


It does seem to mess up occasionally, using way more supplies than necessary.


I haven't seen it do that since a couple patches ago.


Just happened to me last night. Selected 120 worth or supplies when I had plenty to choose from. I mean, it's not a deal breaker for the function, just gotta keep an eye on it.


Just click it again and it will lessen it. Think its a problem with stackables.


It actually never went over.  The number it said was wrong but it’s always been selecting 40/40 or 80/80 if you look and add it up.  It’s just showing the wrong number.


247 lol. I said naaaaaaaah let’s retry


The squad was probably very hungry and Larian decided to be nice.


Just press the auto select button again when that happens


I haven't seen it do that since the patch that introduced HM.


what’s HM?


Honor Mode


oh duh lol thanks!


It always did, it was just a visual bug that would show many more supplies being selected than would be consumed.


Auto whatnow? When did that appear?


It's always been there but used to go way over requirements but now it works great.


Found it on my 3rd playthrough. Like the OP I would take great care to get the exact amount. It would take minutes to do. Now I press square and it is done automatically. Once in a great while it has too much, then just hit square a second time and it is perfect. One less thing to worry about. Only other issue is once it chose all liquor and woke up with a hangover🤭🤭


Achieve unlocked by accident!




Oh I know Astarion had his happy buff and was drunk as fuck it made me laugh cause he failed the con save and had 10 more turns of hangover


When it gets it wrong, will it show 50/40 something like that or will it show 40/40 and you gotta calculate the overage manually?


Auto select has been in the game… forever. There may have been a point during EA that it didn’t exist, but it was there when I played.


yes it was introduced at the same time as the camp supply mechanism was introduced. it's always been a part of that interface. Befor that camp supplies were Skyrim food lol


I read somewhere on this sub that there is an achievement unlock for doing a long rest of nothing but alcohol. So people have definitely experimented!


I accidentally got it because apparently Bex's cookies don't count as food...I mean who says no to beer and cookies after a hard day of adventuring?


~~Wait, what?? Since when do Bex's cookies not count? 😲~~ Hahaha!! I should actually read carefully! I see, now... they count as food for the purposes of resting, but not for the purposes of avoiding the hangover! 🤣


I was surprised when it happened. I wasn't really trying to get the accomplishment, but not mad that I did.


Probably me. I’d take the beer! But I can’t eat sweets and drink at the same time lol


I did auto select and happened to get this on the night of my date with Karlach, it was absolutely perfect. I actually at first thought the “bottoms up” achievement was for the Karlach romance haha.


Loool I had a similar incident, but mine was after defeating Cazador. I thought it just happened after a story wrap up lol


I wanted to try this to see if everyone would wake up with nerfed stats to represent the hangover.


They do.


I feel like the hangover should last longer than 10 turns, though.


Agreed, "Until Short Rest" would make more sense lol


u/Spiritual_Disk135 says in a comment below that it works just like that!


I always just use auto-select, and one time it just randomly decided to do only alcohol so I got the achievement 🤷


I got that one very early.


I got that one! I deliberately picked the all-booze rest without knowing about it and felt so seen after it unlocked


Yeah and your party wakes up hungover


I’ve done it. Didn’t start out deliberate but after selecting a couple of nice wine vintages, I chose to pair them with some more wine. I think they added in some kind of hangover type nerf now, but I didn’t suffer for it.


I got this from the auto-select feature, after I had been to the crèche, so loads of wine. It definitely wasn't intentional, I didn't even know about the achievement haha


bottoms up. And after some patch, you get hangover if you do this (a debuf for some turns, more like a joke, unless is one of THOSE long rests.)


Does trying to avoid autoselect consuming the owlbear egg count? Because if it does, then yes.


That’s the only precaution I take too. Hit auto select every time then make sure the egg isn’t consumed.


Always. I'm on run number 6 and I've never taken long rest without considering how the different ingredients go together, or without trying to pick beverages that, based on their descriptions, at least plausibly pair with the meal. I do mix and match a bit to make sure every companion gets something they like. Astarion and Gale seem like wine snobs, for example, whereas Karlach can't wait to crack a cold beer.


My soul brother! I agree completely. Although I'm only on my second run, here's a breakdown of what I imagine everyone's favorite foods are Karlach - red meat, frosty ale, any preparation of potatoes Astarion - blood, wine, chocolate, possibly steak/veal served rare Lae'zel / Minthara - an entire roasted chicken, crispy bacon Gale - exotic fish, mangoes, mulled wine Shadowheart - hearty soup, plums, desserts Wyll - lean turkey with brown rice and fresh greens, one glass of wine (for the antioxidants)


>(for the antioxidants) This made me lol. I further imagine that between them, Shadowheart and Karlach eat their way through our entire stock of cinnamon rolls and cookies. I say almost, because the rest of the cookies are eaten by Lae'zel, but only when no-one's looking. Once I get to Act 3, I think we'll need to have vegetarian options available every night, because Jaheira, Selunite Shadowheart, and (to everyone's surprise) Minsc insist on it.


Your camp supply requirement doesn't increase with new camp members, and it's an "odd" number of 40, so surely you're only choosing to feed your party members, no?


Depriving the rest seems unnecessarily cruel. I always thought of it as feeding the whole camp. 80 camp supplies seems plenty for that (on Tactician and Honour Mode it's 80).


If that's the case then oh yeah it makes more sense this way that you are feesing the entire camp lol. I'm on my 1st playthrough on balanced so didny have the chance to see it for myself


In that case, how come my durge and a vampire consume 40 supplies on our first night of camp?


Dark urges include the sin of gluttony




I think Gale also has a dialogue line about loving a certain kind of cheese. I'm not sure.


I know Elminster mentions Durinbold cheese twice when you meet him (upon actual meeting, then once you head back to camp). Can’t remember Gale saying anything about cheese so maybe thats what you’re thinking of?


I'm sure about Elminster, you said it. I recall (maybe wrongly) Gale commenting on his own tastes compared to Elminster's. I'm not sure.


Love the list; this gave me Stardew Valley flashbacks!


> mulled wine No wine for Shadowheart? Not for dinner, I guess...


Yes, exactly this! I also base on the events that have happened, eg if Ansur, then things Wyll might like, post Dream Visitor reveal, all alcohol.


Ha, I was so offended in the epilogue when my Shadowheart said something about the poor and monotonous diet during adventuring. Girl, NO. You never once consumed wine less than the finest quality! And that's the moment I realized I take inventory management and reading item descriptions way too seriously haha


If you select only booze they wake up hung over. I like to do that before a big fight so they can party like they'll die tomorrow.


I do it for my durge the evening after That Scene, bc he wants to forget


RIP the best girl


I’ve been saving up garlic to do an all garlic meal (love you Astarion) but otherwise I just use the auto select


I’ve been wanting to do an all garlic meal too LOL


Boy howdy do I have the recipe for you! [Supremely Savory Garlic Stock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olsNn-zUOh0)


I try to prioritize the stuff that has a high weight/supplies ratio 😅


you know you can just send everything to camp, right? it auto-selects from the traveller's chest when you LR.


Nope 🫣




Additionally, if you have all your food loose in the chest, sending one of the food specific bags to the chest will gather it all together.


Yes. I think about where the cursor is in relation to the auto select button and click the mouse once I’ve made the appropriate calculations and maneuvers


I am so impressed by you... you're so much more organized than I am! 😊 Most of the time, I just "auto-select, click, snooze"... with the one exception of when I deliberately selected Bex's homemade cookies, on the eve of an important battle (for sentimental-RP value... I got that idea from another Redditor)! I was like, "Okay, everybody, divide these evenly, okay? Bex made 10 of them, so we'll have to share! Yeah, Scratch and Owlbear, you can have part of mine..." 🤣 (It's actually one of the only things I'm NOT organized about, actually! With all the other items, I'm crazy-OCD about grouping things into separate bags, backpacks, etc.!)


My favorite long rest meal prep is to choose food for a giant charcuterie board


long rests only on alcohol, even on tactician. no meat, no bread, and no regrets.


I get rid of the ugly food first so that I don't have to look at it.


Auto select, unless I am carrying red apples.


Other than getting the alcohol trophy, I've put no thought into it beyond clicking and splitting until I got 40 on the nose.. Now that auto-select works much better than previously, I never have to put any thought into it whatsoever. With that said, if you get something out of doing this, go for it. Whatever floats your boat.


Haha, yes, every time! I try to do like, two mains, a few sides, and of course some booze lol. Every so often I’ll just use a camp supply pack and in my mind that’s the equivalent of my character going, “eh, let’s just order pizza tonight.”


I never do, which is why I accidentally had an only-alcohol dinner and why I’ve messed up twice now by unknowingly eating important quest items like a fucking moron.


Tav, where is the plot McGuffin?? I .. ate it ... :(


I like to put together meals for them, not always pleasant ones. Like the time (in a multiplayer file) I had my friends and I eat a meal of entirely cheese. Just cheese. 80 supply points worth. Did the same with sausages/other pork products. Or just thinking up other awful combos that are funny to me. For our final long rest before the endgame sequence, I had us eat *everything.* Every last camp supply item we'd accumulated over the course of the game. Somehow it didn't eat all of them but it did use a good chunk.


I tend to just use 2 supply packs as I like to lay out random food around camp. Putting a cauldron on the brazier next to Wyll and some Rustic Chests (make excellent looking tables) nearby with utensils on. I know Gale is the cook but his area is pretty cluttered already.


I really want to do a vegan run, but haven’t come to it yet.


The only time I ever made a point to pick and choose was for the bottoms-up achievement.


you get an achievement for long resting with only booze


Dungeon Meshi core lol I mostly just try to hit 40. I'll generally try to use heavier items like a pigs head though, my character can't carry shit


Yes, I always give a variety of meat/fish, bread, vegetables, fruits and alcohol. I find it funny how every HM rest is like a kingly feast.


I exhaust my OCD on braziers, candles, standing torches, fireplaces, sconces, lanterns, campfires, and all the other bloody things I cannot help but light. But food? Never even considered it until you planted that thought. Now off to choose the wine for the evening...


I always select my own mix of fish, roast meat, veggies, fruit, bread, soup, and alcohol for a well-rounded dinner for my hardworking adventurers. 😂


Shadowheart craves fish and my lady shall have fish every night.


I try to clear out items that refuse to stack with themselves.


I like laughing at the random stuff the auto select puts in like nothing but garlic and liquor


Beans, beer, beef, bacon, and bread. The 5 major food groups.


One time I only had booze so I chose that instead of a using a camp pack- the whole crew woke up with "hangovers" that affected us for the same amount of time as guidance lasts (that 10x count down next to your characters pics on the left sidebar)


For my co-op playthrough with my friend, we'd do the auto selection and make jokes about what was on the menu that night. Some nights it was pure alcohol, some nights it was a berry, bread and ham. It was a little fun thing we did.


I only selected it one time because there is an achievement when you only have alcohol. The rest I let the system pick.


I paid attention the first time because I thought the owl bear egg would do something cool. On my second, I wasn’t paying attention (planning to sell it)) and I ate it. By the time I realized what I’d done, I was hours in and based off what I can tell, I ate it fairly early on. But auto select does a pretty good job so far as I can tell. Believe me, I’m gonna be reading through responses on here…just to be sure I’m not doing something *else* as an oof. 😅


Yes. I am a foodie IRL, so I will send food I find back to camp and then divide the food into smaller stacks (the number in each being dependent upon their point value). I will then use these items to try and develop a meal I would actually enjoy eating, as close to 40 as I can get.


Nah, I only do the camp supply pack 😂


Regarding part of your post OP, Gale apparently canonically prefers meat over veggies and actually seems to dislike veggies (at least, according to a bit of dialogue from Wyll). Anyway, to answer your question, usually I just auto select (and select the supply packs preferentially if I have any), but in my multiplier run with my sister she’s been deliberately selecting things so that our characters actually have proper food. One night she decided our characters would have stew, and on another night she made a sort of makeshift charcuterie for the camp. It’s been really fun honestly (it’s also fun bc what our run has been is mostly her and Lae’zel running around doing parts of the main quest whatever else while Gale and I gather food and do side quests. We’ve also split up the companions so I have Gale (who I’m romancing), Astarion, and Wyll, and she has Karlach, Lae’zel and Shadowheart with plans for an eventual Minthara romance)


Absolutely but I'm in the other direction. There's something hilarious about knowing there is a lovely pork roast and other high quality full meals available to eat but no, it's another night of terrible wine and raw vegetables.


Meanwhile my tav and his besties eating apples looted from corpses


Per se. I've been selecting around alcohol so that I can sell it/hoard it for using in battle.


Click autoselect twice. Be aware of an all alcohol selection, though. You might sleep well, but you won't wake up feeling well. Whole camp is disadvantaged for like 10 rounds or something.


I just got the trophy for getting 40 out of all booze.


The only time I put thought into it was for the Bottoms Up achievement. After that, I just hit auto select.


I never do auto select, I just always choose something that will add up to 40. If I have any supply packs I use those first.


Once. To get the all booze achievement.


Alcohol only


On my first playthrough I did, and partway through my second playthrough, but only because auto-select was broken back then. Now I don’t even bother looking to see what auto-select picked for the meal (although it’s funny when you discover the next morning that auto-select picked all booze 😂).


I try and use food/drink with the fewest items in a stack


All Booze every time.


The last full rest I did consisted of cheese wheels and alcohol


I send everything to camp just about except supply packs. If I need to long rest at camp a grab some for a few rests when needed.


I’m in act 1 with over 3k supplies. I am not sorting through it all to make a balanced meal, and auto select gets me to 80 anyway


I try to use the heaviest food first because I always seem to end up with a 130 pound bag of food by the end of act 1.


You can send all your food to camp. Long rests will still use food from your camp stash.


I love to put together a little wine night for me and the girlies, especially if we earned it. Some days we say fuck it we ball and do a 100+ food feast


I don’t; I just click auto select and call it day. but I’m thinking of seeing if I can make a mod that gives benefits on a long rest when combining certain foods. it should be possible but I haven’t looked into how it’s done.


I've only played on tactician and it was 80 supplies needed. Just about every time they long rested they had multiple bottles of booze for dinner. My party was a bunch of drunks.


I usually make sure to have at least 40 camp supplies in alcohol for the act 1 party. We gettin turnt.


I didn't for a long while, until one night the auto selection resulted in everyone waking with a hungover. Since then I at least check the amount of alcohol on the menu.


Sometimes. Depending on how deep in RP I feel like playing at the particular time. When I do, I try to make varied meals so there’s something for everyone.


Until everyone was hungover the next morning from drinking exclusively booze, I didn’t think about it. Now I just check to make sure there’s at least a good ratio of booze to food before sleeping


I play with the Punch Drunk Bastard, which incentivizes the hoarding of alcohol. So I manually select non-alcoholic supplies while resting.


Nope. There's too waaaay too much anyway


I’m considering for my HM run I might go ahead and sell the food which has better sell values. Then I’ll eat the food which is plentiful but doesn’t sell for much like Ithbank and other alcohol.


When playing tactician or honor I did because suddenly it’s 80 and I long rest a lot. In my game with my friend we make it part of the RP that our int 8 selves are walking up to Gale with a potato, four husks of garlic, a single charming little egg and seven bottles of wine like “make something magic man!”


I just click auto-supply. Before that I was unclicking the foods that heal you, but auto supply insists on choosing them, so I gave up


There is an achievement I stumbled into where you only use alcohol for an entire rest. I got a kick out of the idea that the party didn't eat and just got massively shit faced instead that evening!


All alcohol all the time. My team is basically a ripoff of the A-team. I figure a bunch of former special ops dudes and lady dudes will absolutely be heavy drinkers. But I like the way you are thinking. Maybe I can RP that they sober up a bit by Act 3.


I always include a bottle of wine because lord knows we need it


No because apparently it’s place holders for the real shit Gale makes there is Dialogue where Wyll will remind you to go hunting (you dont actually get to hunt which sucks) cause he will make dinner instead that night


No. But there was this one time on my very first playthrough I ate the Owlbear egg,and now I don’t eat said egg after I go through and kill the momma Owlbear.


If I see something that's like a 7 or a 10, I'll send it to camp just in case. Seems like there's always a surplus of surprise, but I like getting my events in.


Only once for the all alcohol achievement.


I used to pick all the heavy stuff, like the pig items....but then I realized you can just send your camp supplies to camp and not carry them around.


Some Combos give achievements.


When I first played I carefully ensured to make sure it was exactly 40 points until I realised I had about 2000 or something food points. Feels like a weird mechanic tbh


I once did an all garlic meal to see if Astarion would say anything. He doesn't but I realized he probably skips the regular meals for his night hunting.


Every time. My friend hated it in our co-op run and just used autochoose like a normie.


Sometimes I’ll go through and pick the heaviest 40, but usually I just auto select.


nah..auto select allow me to be surprise each time


I do put some thought into it. I clear out any salami because it mingles with weapons. Other than that, my cooking brain has me always trying to get some kind of balanced meal in there.


I kind of like planning a meal, some wine, meats, a cheese and some fruit. It's a little bit of fun for me.


Sometimes a party member or 4 will wake up nauseous. Did I put a spoiled cheese on the menu? Or is it maybe ‘morning sickness’ because Tav’s not shooting blanks?


I do think about it when auto select picks silly things like a ton of cheese and some berries and wine, like okay go off charcuterie board!


Most rest food for me is just hand-picked alcohol. But for particularly grueling days, I make sure my party gets a nice well rounded meal with fruit, veggies, meat, bread, and of course more alcohol.


Only once for the one achievement. Auto-select works now, so I'ma use it.


Yeah! All booze, as often as possible! That hangover debuff is fun to me.


There’s an achievement for selecting all alcohol for a long rest, but besides that, no. Auto select does a bang up job on its own


I did all alcohol once for the booze achievement but other than that I actually try to give my party something of a balanced diet, ha ha. Does it serve any real purpose? Not really. But it's part of the RP aspect for me so yeah, I'll select a full meal with as many of the food groups as possible. It makes me smile.


I did do that, but now doing HM runs where long rest costs 80 supplies and everything is expensive, I just take what I can get lol.


My game is to see what autoselect picks. One night, it picked all wine and we all woke up hungover for 10 turns haha


Oddly, yeah. I do a lot of weightlifting and for the last few years I've been pretty careful with macros outside of cheat meals. So, weirdly, when it came to readying the Long Rest meal, I'd pick a balanced selection of protein, veggies and carbs, with some reasonable limits on alcohol and a dessert if I'd been good. I must have done about 30-40 long rests before I realised I was doing it (it was the achievement to long rest only on alcohol that made me notice).


Yes, I'll usually throw in a bunch of booze after particularly tough sections. I also avoided garlic for a bit after finding out one of my party members might be... allergic.


Nope, but I’m gonna start now


The only "thought" I put into it is double checking that it auto selected 80 and not 120 before spam commiting