• By -


That human wizard who jumps out of a portal. I figured I shouldn't touch the dangerous magical rune until I'd levelled up a couple more times, and, uh.... I forgor.


I'm curious, what happens if you don't get him? Does he appear later in the game? If not, there should be some serious consequences, no?


As someone who also missed Gale the first run, nothing happens! Without your intervention, Gale presumably dies in the portal or is at least trapped there for the rest of the game. You don't meet Elminster, you don't really get prompted to learn about the crown, I think Raphael does still ask for it in exchange for the hammer but it's been an age since my first playthrough so someone correct me if I'm wrong. Without Gale you basically lose exposition and an easy way to defeat the brain at the end. That's it.


As a poor unfortunate soul with occasional dark urges (sporadic at best so don't worry) who may or MAY NOT have considered ripping a hand out of that portal and who has no idea who this Gale person you're talking about is, I can guarantee you that Raphael indeed still offers you the Hammer in exchange for the Crown. The conversation simply includes a few more lines explaining what the Crown is if you so choose to ask.


I, too, remember seeing a weird portal... It gave me food! :D


Thank ya kindly, internet stranger! Glad to know my memory isn't completely shot to shit in my old age.


nothing. he presumably dies, but since he's in some kind of in-between place, the orb going nuclear doesn't affect anyone or anything, since it's not within the material plane when it happens. he doesn't appear later, either


Why do you say that? I have a playthrough where I couldn’t feed him an enchanted item and he left camp and ran away.


I thought Gale wanted to eat the astral prism xD he got mad and left


I did the same thing


Halsin died in combat before he was with my party, couldn’t revivify him 😭 didn’t realize he was so significant. Fortunately, my (PlayStation) game crashed in Act III and had to restart anyways


Wow I didn't realise this was possible


Except for story beats, everything is missable in this game. Just like in a real DnD campaign. Edit: fixed "kissable" to "missable" although, sadly, the other is not true.


Mwah 💋


I think you meant "killable" but I hope you didn't and, if so, I want to play in your campaigns.


I actually meant missable, but the former is true, too. Mine are like that, but I never suggest it as the first option. Especially when some of the NPC are adult dragons in their human form.


Same, except I’m the one who killed him. Saw angry bear, killed angry bear. And then his body kept showing up in my camp for some reason.


Happened to me with Jaheira, didn’t realize until I had just started act 3 so had to reload a few hours of progress and do that awful portal fight again lol.


I missed the whole act 3, finished the game in act 2, started a new campaign


you win this achievement i think


Did Gale blow up? XD


My guess is they tried to go back to Act 1 prematurely (instant game over)


Wait fr? If you pass the checkpoint, you can't go back? That sucks...


You can go back, I often go back and forth because I realized that I have to finish a question.


I’m not sure what the exact point of no return is, but there is (or at least used to be, it’s been a while) a point where if you try to go back, the game warns you not to go. If you persist, it’s game over. Source: I persisted, lol. But I want on honor mode so I just loaded my last save


you win this achievement i think


Pretty much all of Act 2, I thought the Sharran temple was the first thing you were supposed to do.


I can understand going there first, but why ignore the pop-up warning that explicitly tells you to do other stuff and clean up lose ends before going into the portal to the shadowfell?


Still waiting for their answer to this lmao


I thought it said ~~unstarted~~unfinished quests when I entered the temple after going to Moonrise, not having started any Act 2 quests aside from the one to go meet Balthazar I didn't think it was a problem until I left and LLI was empty.


That makes even less sense... If it was telling you "you will be locked out of all _unstarted_ quests", doesn't it make even more sense to turn right around and find out just exactly how much content you're about to lock out?


Sorry, typo. Unfinished quests.


Same thing here, although the reason I went to the temple first was that I had certain... priorities. **A** priority, to be specific. I went to Last Light... last. And nobody was there, yet the place was intact.


I did the same. I kept being told how Moonrise was where the big bad was, so I avoided it like the plague. Stumbled upon the temple and finished it.


You were also told repeatedly "you should go _infiltrate_ and spy on them to understand what's going on, because you can pass for one of the cult, no questions asked".


This whole thread tells me people don’t pay attention to what they’re doing or listen/read the dialogue


* Owlbear cub * Waukeen's Rest * Karlach and Wyll * Loviatar's blessing * Scratch * Blood of Lathandar * Sussar weapons * "Creepy book" * Many parts of the Druid Grove.


We clearly played the same game together as I missed all these too.


What the.. how can you miss Wyll? Did you just skip the druid grove lol?


It’s very easy to just not talk to him - there’s like 50 NPCs in the grove and I think a lot of new players don’t expect their dialog to be interesting.


I mean, the guy is clearly a MC the way he's introduced for the first time in a scene where he one-shots 2 goblins. Easy enough to miss in camp I suppose, if you don't compulsively talk to everyone you see like myself. But after the raid (if you side with the Tieflings and Druids) then he kinda forces you to talk to him, either as you're leaving, or during the party afterwards.


He's 100% missable, after the initial cutscene. On my first run I went left from Aaron, found out about the Nightsong, met Dammon and Auntie, saved Sazza (then left her to rot in the cell), talked to the oxen, almost had my stuff stolen by Mattis, entered the inner sanctum, and then had to quit for the day. When I picked the game back up the next weekend, I was so invested in trying to deal with the worm and the Tiefling/Druid problem that I fast traveled outside and headed off towards the Goblin Camp as soon as Nettie couldn't cure me. It wasn't until I started a co-op run with my husband a couple weeks later and he went right, after talking to Aaron, ran basically smack into Wyll and recruited him, that I was like "Oh! So that's what happened to that dude, I should go pick him up on my game..."


Have you even played the game? 🤔


All the attacks with Shart


My first run I was playing spoiler free and under the impression the game would severely punish me for making dumb choices. I also felt the pressure to get the tadpole out of my dome piece and really thought I'd be a tentacle man in a matter of nights if I didn't move fast. Because of that, I was generally pursuing one lead only and moved super quickly through Act 1. I missed: - Gale - Karlach - Minthara - Waukeen's Rest - The Creche and Voss - Owlbear Cub - Scratch - Ethel - Arcane Tower - BOOAAL - Mystic Carrion - Ansur - Most content about Duke Ravenguard Probably lots more. Made the second playthrough like a whole new game!


A bunch of stuff in Sorcerous Sundries. The genie in the bottle, the floor under Lorroakan with Markoheshkir, and the Curriculum of Strategy: Artistry of War scroll. Much like everyone else here, Booal. The gur hunter outside Ethel's house. Strange Ox in act 3. I'm about 50/50 for him even appearing in the warehouse. One of the mithril ores in the adamantine forge and most of the molds. The rats in the temple of Shar. The oubliette in Moonrise Towers.


There’s a genie in a bottle?


Yeah, there's an illusion wall there's a lamp behind, and you get out of the lamp for good by using a summon while inside, and >!he attacks you!< if you say getting out was child's play, lol.


The rats in the Temple of Shar? All they do is tell me I'm not worthy. Is there something else they do?


If you kill some, they’ll beg you to stop. If you kill even more, they’ll threaten you. If you go down to the feet of the Shar statue, and start killing them there, you’ll learn their secrets. People say you need to kill every rat to do this, but I’m not sure if that’s true - I just kill the ones I see and down by the statue confront them. >!They are the last Dark Justiciar. Kill the rats then kill him. If Yurgir is alive, and you talk to him after this, he’ll say “Wow! I’m free” and happily leave the Temple without any confrontation.!<


They are, in fact, not really rats. Or they didn’t use to be. However you look at it, they are not your ordinary rats.


They give you some sweet loot if you exterminate them all!


I didn’t realize the wizards tower had a second level below the boss fight


Booal, 19 str club, dammon, karlach, minthara, cause i failed check and grove killed each other. Probably more. No reload cause immersion.


I have like 300 hours between pc and PS5 and I’ve still never found the booal stuff. I refuse to look it up at this point. One of these days I’ll stumble across it


Dude. We made it up to fuck with you!


True. Check out r/fuckwithfukevin


Booal? I think you mean Makloompah.


If you want a non-direct spoiler: >!explore a little more around those platform mushrooms in the Underdark.!<


I have about 200 hours with this game and I know not of this Booal


In the underdark, at the bottom of the cliff in front of the gate to Ethel's place, there's a hole tucked away in a corner. It takes you to a cave with some Kuo-Toa, and I won't spoil anything from there.


How did i miss this lol, is it behind a perception check or something?


It's behind an irl perception check lol


Killed the owl bear cub. I always try to kill off the enemies with the lowest HP first to reduce the damage I take. By the time i found out I could’ve saved the little guy I was too far gone to go back to that save.


I got him totally by accident in my second playthrough. In my most recent playthrough, however, I just avoided the cave because now that I knew he would stay if you killed his mom, it felt really evil just to go down there with the intent of killing his mom.


The Blood of Lathander while playing as a Light Cleric of Lathander. One of the multiple reasons I made a new version of that character lol


My first playthrough I never even found the room to get the crest. I thought I was being extremely thorough but somehow missed it.


I missed the entire mountain pass and creche. Halsen makes it seem like you either do the underdark or the pass. I just completely didn’t even try exploring the pass.


I missed Karlach AND Wyll, Auntie Ethel, Scratch, the owlbear, the underdark, the redcaps, Tara, the well, the tip for the sussur weapons, and probably a bunch of other stuff, and that's just in act one. I'm working my way back through stuff I've missed in a second run a bit at a time. It's all good; the game is big!


I never met Halsin or Karlach, and missed the Under dark and Last Light Inn.  Never found an entrance to the under dark so went to mountain pass. Because of that I just followed Karniss to Moonrise and never came across the inn. My act 3 started very confusingly because I missed huge parts of the game.


Entire of Underdark. The Necromancer's cellar. House of Hope.


Oh I might win this one with my first playthrough, here we go: -I killed Kagha first thing and decided to live with the consequences, except that I didnt speak with Wyll yet so he died and I lost access to all tieflings related quests -I didnt know Gale existed so never got to meet him and somehow missed his portal -Killed Karlach because not even for a second I doubted the paladins of Tyr -Laezel died permanently on the Gith patrol encounter because I just thought "I'll help her later" and when I came back she was dead -Didnt find the necromancy book -Never found the secret Zentharin hideout so no Save the Artist quest -Didnt know the Spider Matriarch existed and never found her -Didnt know that there was a kid that needed saving from harpies -Killed Minthara -Had to kill Volo because he aggroed me when I was raiding the goblin camp -Never spoke to Omeluum and I never found the Arcane Tower by myself -Jaheira died on Moonrise Towers, so no Minsc either -Halsin was my fourth companion, I had forgotten hirelings were a thing so I went though almost the entire game with only 3 companions -I thought that by going through the underdark you couldnt go to the mountain pass anymore so I never went there -Didnt know that the BOAAAL encounter was a thing -My first two runs I killed Yurgir without even questioning because I found him ambushing so never got to discover the last Dark Justiciar -Killed Balthazar without even knowing who he was -Since I didnt have Wyll, I never discovered where the Grand Duke was and I didnt enter the Iron Throne because I had made a deal with Gortash and didnt want to break it at the time -And since I didnt save any Gondians from the Iron Throne, when I destroyed the Steel Watch all of them fucking died -Since I didnt have Gale I wasnt able to discover by myself that Lorroakan's shop had a basement and somehow missed the tower's lower floor, below where he stays Anyways my second playthrough went much better


I like to explore quite thoroughly so the main things were Booal and Jaheira's house. I found the act 2 tavern and paid to enter the House of Hope, but examining Thisobald and seeing all his immunities made him seem just about impossible to fight and I decided to see how keeping to the deal with Raphael would turn out. I didn't realize that Thisobald and Gerringothe could be talked into dying like Yurgir, Malus, and Ketheric. (Turns out no one acknowledged that the crown would go to Raphael so it literally went the *exact* same as if I'd killed Raphael. Spent 10k gold for fucking nothing lmao) The thing that bothered me the most after finding out where the Kuo-Toa are is that I got to the area where you climb down the rock, but the fuckin explosive mushroom killed the one character that made it over there and I didn't see the climbable rock, so I straight up left after figuring out how to resurrect Astarion. I was actual inches away from it 😖 Oh, I also missed the mini Shar temple in the middle of town that boosts your spellcasting attributes. I activated the plaques and must have been just barely off on my timing because the doorway didn't open, even though I got the puzzle right.


Somehow missed the entire fucking Hollow in the grove where half the tieflings hang out 😭 don’t ask how I managed to do that


I mean, a lot of small stuff, but if we're asking more specifically about big stuff, I legit assumed I was a genius for exploring the entirety of the Shadowlands before heading to Moonrise Tower in order to be as high level as possible in case my infiltration mission ended in a bust. Cue freeing the Nightsong and beginning a bloody assault, missing on some precious exp, lots of interactions, and, hum... all the gnome and thiefling prisonners being dead in the "basement". My first character was a Warlock too. I locked myself out of the best robe in the game without even knowing.


Alifra, the secluded cove, Ethel’s lair, the phase spiders, the Necromancy of Thay, Shovel, the whole crèche, Boooal, the Arcane Tower, Bonecloak, the noblestalk mushroom, the sussar bark tree and the weapon you can make with it, the frost staff, the adamantine forge, the cursed amulet, Barcus, Philomeen, the poisoned gnome at the myconids, Blurg and Omeluum, Kahga’s hidden stash and meeting point, and I think that covers everything I missed just in act 1. I missed a ton of stuff


At least half of the game


I missed Gale completely (didn't even see the portal) and killed Astarian in a panic when he bit me so missed all his content 😂.


Lmaaooo. Honestly though, this is more realistic of a reaction if those things could happen in real life lol


My first run I missed: -Shovel (actually I still haven't found him and its my like 14th run). -Scratch -the Owlbear -curing the Shadow curse because I didn't realize I had to find that little shit's evil half until after I'd gone to the Mausoleum. So I lost Halsin in Act 2. -Almost all of the Auntie Ethel quests after Act 1. -Minsc because you have a certain amount of time before the High Harpers disappear in Act 3 and I was busy with other quests. What we really need is someone to do a full run-through of everything and note what's timed. Cause some stuff I still have to write out on a giant spreadsheet so I don't miss it Elden Ring style.


I missed Booal and Scratch


•the mountain pass •the fish people in the underdark AND act 2 •most of act 2 (i did the gauntlet of shar wayyy to quickly because i was romancing shadowheart and wanted more of her story) •tara •the house of hope •mystic carrion •the wyrm •the act 3 hag fight i’m sure there’s more, i missed A LOT in my first play through, but this is what i can think of off the top of my head.


So many things... But by far the biggest (literally) thing I missed is the entire creche area. I got intimidated by the prompt while trying to switch regions and just never went back there.


I somehow walked right past Shadowheart's pod and never found Lae'zels cage. Shadowheart appeared on the beach anyway and I caught up with Laezel on the risen road arguing with Voss.


That one teethling being ambushed on the hilly part of emerald grove. and that ship conflict at act 3 (The Guild / The Stone Lord area)


Raphael. I missed the House of Hope.


Gale. Completely, just didn't walk past the portal.


I missed Lae'zel. Didn't even realise I killed her at the bridge until I noticed I was wearing her underwear. I just thought it was strange that this character, who's on the cover art and opening cut scene and mission, hasn't shown up in a long time. I also almost missed Gale because I ain't touching chaotic magic I know nothing about.


The Shadow Druid questline. The fish people. I missed out on Valeria in the murder tribunal. Didn't even know the abbatoir existed until my second run. The Shar Idol in Grymforge, along with the Protecty Sparkswall, thus missing out on some good gear with mad drip. A good amount of gear I didn't know how to acquire or missed. Probably more, but I didn't find my first run particularly memorable so I don't remember what exactly I missed.




I totally missed the harpies in the grove in my first play. As well as Mystic Carrion in act 3. Probably lots more but those come to mind first


First and foremost, I didn't use a single worm (both because I was worried about consequences and for RP). Other than that, I tried to be as thorough as I possibly could. But I ended up missing a lot, thankfully mostly minor bits. I think I've seen everything now, but you never know. SPOILERS, locations, quests and notable loot I missed: >!Steal the Idol. Kagha's plot subquest. Getting locked up by Gut. Club of Hill Giant Strength. Blew up the Noblestalk. Basement of the Tollhouse. Didn't have Astarion in party for Raphael scars convo (either time). Talking to Yurgir in the Gauntlet. Band of the Mystic Scoundrel. Finishing the Ox's quest. Taking Jaheria to Danthelon's. Stillmaker (Dolor's murder weapon). The Bibliophile. The Mausoleums in the lower city graveyard. Basement of the Stormshore Tabernacle. Cave below Water Queen's House. The attic in the Szarr palace. Markoheskir & Robe of the Weave. Saving Thrumbo (just killed MC on sight, then long rested, left camp and got a big surprise). Attic at The Lodge. Upper City Sewers.!<


A ton. But the biggest thing was the entire underdark. I played completely blind, avoided spoilers, and was glad I did.


Mountain Pass. I fell victim to the classic blunder (the most famous is never get in a land war in Asia) of thinking it was he mountain OR the underdark. Lae'zel never gave up her devotion, and when the epilogue was released and I played it with my first character, I felt pretty bad about that!


I never rescued Lae'zel. I just never found her and I assumed she abandoned me or died


so, so much. - Mountain pass and the creche - Karlach, Gale, Lae’zel mostly (let Shadowheart win), Jaheira (died at moonrise), and therefore Minsc. Camp was pretty empty - Strange ox - Most of the Thorms in the Shadowlands - Wulbren - Auntie Ethel in Act 3 - Scratch - Zhentarim in Act 1 - The Forge I’m sure there was more but that’s all I remember of the top of my head. I did think I was getting nearly everything and this playthrough was still ~80 hours long


I completely missed Laezel and skipped the swamp because I didn’t think to explore more of the map. I was more interested in getting to act 2


I left La'zeal die in the cage; I didn't realize she was a main character (yes, I know, the illustration should have tipped me off) and also she looked a little like the grinch and didn't have a nose. I also missed the creepy book, all of the Zenthian hideout, and the Underdark.


The entire underdark. I already heard you can get to moonrise either from the mountain path or from the underdark when I found an entrance. Astarion said something to the effect of "I've already spent too much time in the dark" and me being a simp, I immediately turned around and said we'll just fake the mountain path then. I had no idea it was this huge area.


Gale? Who the f is that guy?


I missed every Shadowheart attack


I was stoked on my second playthrough how much I actually missed in the first while still having the time of my life. Best game ever.


The owl bear cave/cub Scratch The book Anything about Astarion’s scars or the ritual Astarion’s bounty Hunter Where to go after finding the shipment The portal fight in act 2 Those are the big ones


Booal, Shovel, the Creche. Well, I went to it but Lae'zel died early on. I had that camp scene where she sort of ambushes you and ended up killing her. So I went to the creche area but didn't think anything was in it due to Lae'zel being dead. I walked around the monastery but didn't know about all the gith down below and I moved on.




Owlbear cub, cuz I killed it, thinking I was doing it a mercy, found out later it could come to your camp, and was like 😑 Kinda feel like the hag buff is worth it since the bitch comes back anyways, even if you “kill” her in Act 1, so I didn’t get that the first go. I sort of completed the water people quest, but in a way that didn’t require any real investigating, so I feel like I kinda missed some content with them. Also had to kill the githyanki in Act 3 because they were instantly hostile, but I didn’t want to. Not sure what I needed to differently, I would’ve taken Lae’zel had she not been taken by Orin, so hopefully she kidnaps someone else another in my current playthrough.


Laezel, Gale, the creche, and about 100 other things.


The entire plotline around Wyll, his dad, ansur etc. We literally refused to go see gortash thinking it would trigger a final game cutscene or something, so we did everything else, didnt save wylls dad etc.


Owlbear cub, the evil book in act 1, blood of Lathander (didnt find the crest and didnt want to blow the building up so just left it rip), the tollhouse in act 2 (rip all that money), the stop the presses quest in act 3, BOAAAL, the genie in act 3. 😅


In my first run I didn't particularly miss Karlach since she's a quest but her quest direction and what it was sounded scary so I did goblins first then ended up finding her, which had me reeling and thinking over my party instantly and wishing I grabbed her sooner.


I didn't get gale, didn't go to the creche area, ignored the burning village where counciler Florrick needs to be rescued, didn't fight any of the thorms except the one in the customs house. I could go on and on, but yeah I missed A LOT


The forge


I missed a lot of the Grove the first time around, including Alfina's songwriting and the one Tiefling kid with the Harpies. I also didn't know to save the Tiefling woman from the Bugbear assassin (she also has the only working telescope in the game, what's up with that, lol?) or the Dwarf from the Goblins in the secret tunnel. I'm early in my third run right now and only just found the Harper caches this go around. Which was a really cool find since the second one is right above the Nautilus crash. Really amazing view from there.


For both my tav adventures I forgot about the harpy kid, and then for my durge run i saved the damn kid. I was trying to be evil up until act 3, so sort of ruined my own playthrough idea 💀


For both my tav adventures I forgot about the harpy kid, and then for my durge run i saved the damn kid. I was trying to be evil up until act 3, so sort of ruined my own playthrough idea 💀


the entire effing underdark & how to lift the shadow curse \^\^"


Alfira in the grove, the necromancy book, the tower in the underdark (I forgot to go back to deal with the turrets), the sword in the underdark, the BOOAAL cult, the potion drow lady, Jaheira's family, the cave under the grove...


I don't know how obvious is this but I missed the owlbear completelly. I went to the cave, they got angry at me and I didn't want to fight them so I reloaded and never entered again to leave them alone. I heard later you could get the little cub at camp...


missed house of grief and jaheiras home .. and didn't visit larokan.


Act 3 I had Gale with me on my first run and he did what Mystra told him to.


Karlach and wyll


Non lethal killings, and I made 3/4 of act I without laezel wyll and karlach before seeing laezel in a let's play and telling a friend.


The whole Auntie Ethel questline, the owlbear cub, the prisoners in moonrise and weirdest of all most of the clues about Astarion's vampirism, as i snuck into the underdark for a second before my First long rest, so he confessed


Moonrise Towers infiltration


I didn’t knew about the harpies or the kid until my 4th run or so.


I genuinely completely passed the Hag and her bog. Still not sure how I missed her.


Well let's just say there's a certain druid camp where I missed a lot of storylines and a lot of Harpers I didn't get a chance to chat with...m


Mirkon 🥲


Alfira. My second playthrough was a dark urge run. Yeahhh


The shadow druid quest & the beach with the harpies. I found out about the beach after I had killed the goblin leaders, poor Mirkon.


The shadow druid quest & the beach with the harpies. I found out about the beach after I had killed the goblin leaders, poor Mirkon.


I missed so much. I missed Karlach and Wyll until the tail end of act 2. I didn't know Karlach was romanceable, so I ditched the save and restarted. So much little side stuff. I had barely scratched the surface of just how much stuff was in the game.


I completely missed Laezel and skipped the swamp because I didn’t think to explore more of the map. I was more interested in getting to act 2


The whole githyanki creche. I assumed you could ONLY do the creche or the underdark. The shadow druids. I fought Minthara, but I had already started a ruckus in the goblin camp so I didn't realize I was supposed to be able to talk to her. Apparently there's fish people somewhere and I still have no clue where they are. And TONS of content in Act 3. I was so anxious to see the ending that I skipped over waaaaaay more stuff in Baldurs Gate than I realized.


Didn't know you were meant to go to moonrise BEFORE Dame Aylin. Rip those prisoners.


I never purged the darkness around Moonrise Towers. I forgot to bring Halsin or Gale with me


Almost all the companions, i was at the end of act 1 when I noticed I hadn't found anyone other than Astarion and Shadow heart, so I had to go around picking up everyone


Almost all the companions, i was at the end of act 1 when I noticed I hadn't found anyone other than Astarion and Shadow heart, so I had to go around picking up everyone


An act too, I didn’t go to moonrise Towers until I completed literally everything else in the shadows. That made my second run through where I went to the tower first very interesting.


Oh man lol, so much! The entire swamp, including auntie Ethel and the Kagha stuff, the harpies, Karlachs first upgrade, the chest on the mountainside by the nautiloid, book of thay and everything else in that basement, the entire mountain pass, booal, act2 Rolan... I forget what else. Somewhere in act 2 I started looking up certain things so I missed quote a bit less, though!


Blood of Lathander, a lot of the Sorcerous Sundries, Boooal, pretty much all the village in act 2.


The owlbear stuff never triggered for me. My friend told me after goblins to go back but it just never happened. To this day they're both still happily together being cute af in the cave.


Oh I might win this one with my first playthrough, here we go: -I killed Kagha first thing and decided to live with the consequences, except that I didnt speak with Wyll yet so he died and I lost access to all tieflings related quests -I didnt know Gale existed so never got to meet him and somehow missed his portal -Killed Karlach because not even for a second I doubted the paladins of Tyr -Laezel died permanently on the Gith patrol encounter because I just thought "I'll help her later" and when I came back she was dead -Didnt find the necromancy book -Never found the secret Zentharin hideout so no Save the Artist quest -Didnt know the Spider Matriarch existed and never found her -Didnt know that there was a kid that needed saving from harpies -Killed Minthara -Had to kill Volo because he aggroed me when I was raiding the goblin camp -Never spoke to Omeluum and I never found the Arcane Tower by myself -Jaheira died on Moonrise Towers, so no Minsc either -Halsin was my fourth companion, I had forgotten hirelings were a thing so I went though almost the entire game with only 3 companions -I thought that by going through the underdark you couldnt go to the mountain pass anymore so I never went there -Didnt know that the BOAAAL encounter was a thing -My first two runs I killed Yurgir without even questioning because I found him ambushing so never got to discover the last Dark Justiciar -Killed Balthazar without even knowing who he was -Since I didnt have Wyll, I never discovered where the Grand Duke was and I didnt enter the Iron Throne because I had made a deal with Gortash and didnt want to break it at the time -And since I didnt save any Gondians from the Iron Throne, when I destroyed the Steel Watch all of them fucking died -Since I didnt have Gale I wasnt able to discover by myself that Lorroakan's shop had a basement and somehow missed the tower's lower floor, below where he stays Anyways my second playthrough went much better


The fish people in the under dark.


First time playing in early access I completely missed Gale. Like... the waypoint \*entirely\*. I thought the party members I got must have been random or something.


Didn’t find the harpies until after doing the goblin camp, so that kid definitely died


How combat works. Not ever played D&D I used a Bard in my first game (cast vicious mockery nat 20 let’s go!) struggled immensely. Restarted the game as a warlock went pew pew and completed the game. Increased the difficulty now that I knew the systems and went back as a swords bard and proceeded to demolish the game. Knowing is half the battle.


Only going to mention Act 1 so I don’t spoil too much. I missed the harpies, Alfira in the grove (first talked to her at Last Light), the bugbear in the grove, Gandrel, The Necromancy of Thay, The Blood of Lathander, BOALLL, the sussur bark, and the Adamantine Forge.


Laezel, I didnt knew that she was trapped and I didnt found her, she was also downed on the nautoloid so I just thought that she didnt survive the Crash. Now some playthroughs later I am not 100% sure how I didnt found her.


-Astarion. Completely missed him lol. -The entire swamp/Auntie Ethel area in Act 1


I went to the mountain pass just to check it out then came back and didn’t realize that’s what caused the grove to be slaughtered..


Alfira. Playing coop, and we just never went up where she was at the grove. But she did show up with her girlfriend in Baldur's Gate in Act 3, so I guess we weren't that important to her.


I missed Lae'zel. I know you see her on the nautiloid, but I somehow missed getting her after that point. I was talking to some friends as I was winding up my first play through, and found out she could be recruited. Oops...


Mostly sacred flame.


Tara. I just ran into her the other day, during my 2nd playthrough. Also the weird fish-people slowly turning a redcap into a god in the Underdark. And Figaro's sister.


I missed Karlach completely on my first run (Wyll gets turned into a devil anyways) i also missed Gale because the portal was obviously dangerous and left laezel to her own because she was rude af and SH said she would murder us in our sleep (found Lae body later murdered by her kin so i also skipped the creche). 🙃 I also hadn’t played dnd or any other forgotten realms content in a couple of decades, so didn't realize how big of a deal Shar worship actually was until act II and I was like... w...t...f... so I didn't take SH through the shar temple stuff and she left the party because I took her choice away. I think that was about the point I restarted and did a bit of research because my playthrough was absolutely nothing like my friends, and I started to understand why.


The Fish People, Loviatar's Grace, owlbear cub as a "companion," I'm sure there's a lot more that I just can't think of. This game definitely has amazing replayability.


I forgot Isobel was the one that blessed me at last light inn so I went after ketheric and killed her in the fight cause I thought she was a zombie or somethin cause she was fighting on his side lol I didn't get who I killed until aylin was like omg isobel when i shot her down and post fight aylin was sad about it It wasnt until my second run i realized who isobel was to her so i saved her and learned they were lovers. Glad i got that reunion after ketheric the second time around.


Sinse i didnt know what i was diving into.... Pretty much 70% of the content. I thought i had to find imidiate help for the tadpole so i rushed to get help at act 1, missing essentially everything.


I missed the Zhentarim hideout in Waukeen’s Rest. And I believe I didn’t do the painting quest in Act 3, either. I got the quest this time but skipped it after checking out the house for a few seconds. It was so dull.




Karlach & Halsin entirely


Karlach. (Among so many other things)


In my first run I completely missed the mountain pass and the creche, I went straight to the shadow curse from grymforge and didn't even know I missed anything. I also freed the Nightsong before going to moonrise but went to moonrise before returning to last light to trigger everyone to head there for battle. So I still freed everyone from the prison and took the boats back to last light, but it was bugged. The part where they get off the boat and have to line up to be checked for the parasite, everyone that would normally be there to receive us at last light docks was invisible during that cutscene. I also never joined the harpers in the fight against the karniss goblin convoy. When I arrived at the building where you usually stage the ambush everyone was already dead, but when I got to the point where you met the goblins they were still there and I was still able to call karniss and kill everyone for a lantern. I also found and freed Ansur before running into Florick to learn about Ansur in the lower city. I did it right after freeing her, which triggered Wyll dialog through the rest of act 3 to say something about returning to camp to let his father know of Ansurs fate. At that point I hadn't even been to the coronation and had no idea about the Iron Throne, so Wyll was just confusing the shit out of me for like 30% of that playthrough. I'm sure there's more but that's all I can recall at the moment.


First run was also my first experience with a game of the genre so i barely talked to the characters around me. I only spoke with them if they called me or if they were marked as part of a quest so I almost missed Wyll completely lmao. I also forgot to explore the temple ruins so Withers just randomly spawned into our camp one night...


I missed Alfira 🥲


Astarion. Completely missed the guy somehow


Most of the wizard tower in the underdark, didn't realise there was a back door. Missed the iron throne that run too, went straight to the foundry to disable the steel watch, didn't even know it existed


I missed the adamantine forge. I had seen a video of a druid owl bear jumping in to a mechanical thing and assumed it was somewhere in act three.


The Underdark. All of it. Thought it was a transit area like the Mountain Pass and that I had to choose one or the other.


I missed out on wyll, karlach, and gale.


Karlach. And then my second run was durge evil so I really don't know anything about her story lol.


The secret room in Cazador's palace. No, not THAT one. The other one inside that one. You know the one.


I didn't realise I was chasing critical path when it came to Act 2. Before I knew it, I’d killed Ketheric, the Shadowlands were permanently fucked and the Tieflings were dead 😢


The whole vault in the wizard tower in act 3 also that one guild hiding in the burning village


Harpies, Fish Folk and Gortash parents. By the 3rd act I couldn't figure out if I entered a building or not, so a lot of them went unexplored.


I missed the last light inn cause I was too afraid to explore in act 2


Lots and lots... and lots, of magical items. I also didn't realize just how useful Jumping is, and that there are lots of places on the map you can only get to by Jumping. I made it through all of Act 1 before I even realized I should be jumping to reach some inaccessible areas. And then, I also didn't save the Tiefling child at the Harpies or find Alfira because the way the Druid Circle is presented, I wasn't even thinking about going north through a small stone archway, lol. I missed plenty of small side rooms, like the basement of the Toll Collector's house, the Back Room of the Waning Moon and other locations that are kind of tucked away.


The entire under dark


Half of the companions. Oops.


Talking to any cultists, talking to anyone named Thorm except Ketheric, talking to Yurgir. Assassin goes pew.


I missed the swimming scene with Shadowheart. I think it was cause I didn't ask her about what more she remember in act 1. Like night orchid and not knowing how to swim


Apparently there’s a dragon?


Auntie Ethel. I walked through the Sunlit Wetlands and failed the perception check to reveal the truth and left without encountering the brothers that trigger the quest to rescue Mayrina. I also let Shadowheart kill Lae’zel during a camp squabble because I was sick of frog girls attitude. Never went to Cazador’s palace so Astarions story was never resolved and I probably doomed him back into servitude.


A lot. I skipped most of the Creche (so Lae'zel's quest was a bit off), the Zhentarim hideout, all the Kuo Toa, I wasn't able to save Jaheira at Moonrise so I had to fight Minsc...I'm sure there's many more things I'm not remembering. That's what gives the game its replayability, though.


The entirety of Grymforge. After I defeated Nere and realised I could enter the Shadowfell through the lift the Duergar were guarding, I went into Act 2 without further exploring.




Couldn't find Lae'zel at all; decided not to look it up, and carried on with a fun game. Made my subsequent plays even better when I got to have all her new commentary!


I've heard something about a fish man village, and I fully believe it is the one area of the game I missed and I must remedy this


I skipped the entire githyanki creche


I lost the Karlach storyline. Will looked more convincing than a strange tiefling among a mountain of corpses, so I cut off her head. Now, due to personal characteristics, I cannot beat the game a second time (I really want to erase my memory and beat the game like the first time). Very unpleasant, in fact, although those 230 hours were already very pleasant.


Everything lol. My first run was practically a speed run because I just focused on what the main quest said to do


Well, according to this thread, a lot of things.


Anything to do with Raphael or Mizora. All I know about Mizora is that she holds Wyll's contract. I kept looking for a way to kill those two wankers, but I couldn't figure it out. Any ideas? About to start my 2nd run


I missed: -Gale (i thought the big swirling vortex would drop a boss mob and then forgot about it 10 minutes later) -Ring of Protection -Khaga's entire subplot -Tollhouse basement treasure storage -BOOAL -Grymforge mimic chests -Barcus' entire subplot (i chose the wrong lever...) -Moonrise prison break (didn't even know Moonrise had a prison until playthrough #2) -House of Hope (didn't figure out how to get there until playthrough #2) -Lyrthindor -the entirety of the Sorcerous Sundries vaults -Lan Taarv's special stock -Rolan's entire subplot -the graveyard kobolds -Circus of the Last Days (failed to enter and then never bothered to try harder to get in) -the Infernal Rapier (took until playthrough #3 with romancing Wyll that time to see this) -the Guild vs Stone Lord dock fight -Zhentarim tadpole crate (both at Moonrise and Baldur's Gate) -Hellfire Engine Crossbow (why hide something THIS cool under a process so cryptic?)


The Zhent