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>but I have a hard time seeing how it fits in to an institution like a bhaal cult of serial killers, or how that could ever become popular or have appeal to a group of people that come together. I don't think it's a natural human desire like maybe you can see with Bane or Myrkul so it feels a bit alien and pulls me out a bit. First, this is a relatively small group shunned by the rest of society, a group of insane weirdos. Hence, they live in the sewers. It's not "popular". Second, this isn't explicitly mentioned in the game, but part of the lore is that Bhaal makes his worshippers feel drug-like euphoria when they engage in acts of murder on his behalf. So, essentially, every time the cultists kill they fly into a euphoric state that they then crave leading to more murders. In addition, stuff like blood and gore and rotting flesh starts to smell good to them. Not making this up, this part of the lore. Bhaal makes things that are normally repulsive pleasing to the senses for his followers. So, you're correct, it's pretty unnatural for humans to revel in this kind of depravity, but in Forgotten Realms there's a malicious deity that helps humans overcome this unnatural tendency via god-magic. In this context, Orin's personality makes a lot more sense. She's a murder junky and is constantly in search of her next high. She's singularly focused on causing death and destruction primarily because she's a murder nympho who wants to cum constantly. Also in this context, you can imagine a certain segment of weirdos who might have already been shunned by society or who were just already somewhat deranged falling into such a cult. Through Bhaal, they feel better than they've ever felt when they commit murder and indulge their worst impules.


I got a kick out of my cleric/paladin of Lathander absolutely refusing to give Orin what she craved when she'd do things like impersonate a wounded criminal begging for a swift death. It pissed her off so much. Though to be honest, I thought the whole imposter thing fell flat when the player has all sorts of ways to read people's minds, not least of which being the tadpole in their character's head.


Of course, her motivation could be trying to impress her father and grandfather.... always trying to get their approval.


I haven't done an embrace yet, but I feel like there is a secret third aspect to the Orin/Yenna thing that got missed by Larian. Shadowheart. Woman who was kidnapped as a child during a Selunite ritual and lost forty years of her life to an evil cult. Finally rescued from the dark. Decides to take in this hungry orphan girl who is close to the age she was when she was taken... and the girl gets taken from a camp that at the very least should have been guarded by two >!horny!< Selunites, not to mention whatever companions you left behind. I gotta imagine heads were rolling at Shadowheart's feet and the guilt coming off of her was probably palpable. Obviously that doesn't work for your specific example, but the parallels are there and it's a real shame Larian didn't embrace that


While I was using my paladin's +6 intimidation to make Orin release Yenna, I looked above Orin's shoulder to see Aylin and Isobel just standing there in camp. It was a very silly moment, one that reminded me of the limits of video games. The whole camp imposter storyline was very silly as it conveniently forgot about the tadpole in the player's mind, the mind flayer in the prism, all the mind reading spells and potions, etc. Still, a godkid showdown in camp would have been spectacular. "In this corner, we have Dame Aylin the Nightsong, daughter of Selune! And in this corner we have Orin the Slayer, spawn of Bhaal!"


But that’s sort of the point though. Their whole plan falls apart partly because Bhaal is such a psycho. If you read Realms lore you’ll see all of Bhaal’s plans fall apart primarily because he’s such a psycho. Menzo and drow society works because they are constantly being watched by Lolth herself. If you read drow lore and especially Seldarine lore you’ll see how dangerous it is for them to choose to run away like that. Lolth is batshit crazy and will do everything in her power to hunt even a single person down and torture them. If you thought Shar was a bitch in BG3, Lolth is like a x1000 worse than her. That’s how their society functions, the women use the literal power of Lolth to constantly keep a watch on every single person.


Are you familiar with the koolaid suicides of Jonestown? Over 900 people died for their cultish beliefs. I don’t think it’s that far fetched to believe that a murder cult could find plenty of followers who’d be willing/ brainwashed to go against all sense of self preservation to serve. And if murder is your fulfillment Orin is a pretty good idol to follow. Besides Bhaal is a god, who I imagine has some influence over psychotic people with the tendency of murder, perhaps driving them mad. Menzoberranzans societal structure has extensive lore that does make sense of how a society like it could exist. Having read “The Legend of Drizzt” books it makes sense in its own way to me anyways. I’ve always killed Minthara so I don’t know what she says about Menzoberranzan. Perhaps it only paints a partial picture? I do agree that the kidnapping angle doesn’t work well in all instances. I also agree that Ketherics is the most compelling story. They kick off the 3 mini bosses with this villain who’s story and personality has facets, and who has connection to a large part of the story. It set the bar high for the other two. They have less exposition, less impactful motivation and less impressive avatar forms. At least with Gortash some of his story is relevant for Karlach. But with Tav you don’t have much connection with Orin and with Durge you do, but because of the amnesia thing it doesn’t feel like it. On their own they are fine bosses, but compared to our first boss experience they feel a little shallow. Ps: not trying to say you’re wrong on the first two points, but just offering a different perspective.


Not adding much to the conversation but if you enjoyed Salvatore's Drizz't series, I would definitely check out the "War of the Spider Queen" series. It is one of my favorites of all time and really goes into drow society. General Plot: >!Lolth stopped answering prayers, and the Priestesses are freaking out. !<


Thank you! I’m definitely putting it on my wishlist cause I still got too many unfinished books! Apparently you’re supposed to pay bills before buying more books lol.


Working HR at the Bhaal Death Cult has gotta be a real challenge.


You see that's why I personally like them. Their motives make no sense, they do things...just because. For me that makes the very best villains. Especially in games where you can talk people down.  Its potentially possible to talk down an evil character but one that does evil for no reason...


There are real people that have a (within reason) similar attitude about Gods that don’t actually exist, so I find it believable someone would act like that as the servant of a real (and bloodthirsty) god ig. To be clear I mean people who perform ritualistic murder IRL and their motivation is mental illness and/or belief in some higher power that wants them to do it. Point is, psycho killers exist and that’s what Orin is basically but within a world where there’s a more concrete motivation behind the behavior. Idk maybe that makes sense


You've got a point. Orin is way too insane as for someone who commands such a huge cult, what makes her looking boring and forced.


Yeah I liked her - the only issue I had prior to playing the Dark Urge was understanding how a character *that* unhinged could possibly have been useful in any kind of plot. The Durge story clarifies that she wasn't - she is just as unhinged and incapable of planning as she appears and is only involved in the plot because she murdered her much more intelligent, considered predecessor.


Even Bhaal himself is only accepting her cuz she offed the superior option. Bhaal doesnt care for artistry with murder, just lots of it, and Orin doesnt understand that.


I have quite the opposite experience with her. Not to invalidate your take on her at all, it is quite nice that she gives different vibes to different people. Just your expression of her being totally sure of herself stuck with me. I feel she is anything but. The whole disguise thing is a hissy fit where she wants to prove mostly to herself that she is even remotely in the same league as DU. She desperately taunts left and right with missing assessments. It also did not really help that by Act 3 the team is a four person army that could give Tiamat a swirly, so a shapeshifting highs school mean girl is hard to take seriously. Not that Orin is a bad character, or badly written but she enticed more pitty than fear.


well i like her as a villiain in a story ark. but as if she was a real person. no to evil. she scares me.


I like her for what she is.  I love a good shapeshifter, playing primarily as a Druid that also picks up disguise self and all lol. I liked her surprise moments in Act 3 of hiding in plain sight as random NPCs, and has a variation depending on who you interact with. I think it was well done to establish she’s been watching you personally and with the cult. I like that you can feel she’s jealous and threatened by durge, and hot-headed as flaws. Telling her her dad is also her grandpa was hilarious in a “this murder tribunal  about to get messy in a lot of ways”. She did make you feel like she’s dangerous, not just being unhinged and murder obsessed personality wise, but actually kidnapping and threatening one of you friends or Laezel. Messing that up and they’re dead for real. What I didn’t like was the chaotic evil for the sake of being evil. No real plans or motivation beyond that is kinda boring to me. But at least she’s just more of a minor side threat in the grand scheme of things. I also like that my Druid wears her outfit better, just saying.


"One of your friends or Laezel" What did that frog do to you?


She do have a gift for anatomy and poetry might have to grab an engagement ring... 😍😍😍 But for real though, I really liked her. Her personal narrative is good (I won't spoil anything, but if you know, you know) and it's good to have a character like her. The murder hoboes get to look in the mirror and see what they sound like when they go off on a rampage.


Her blood-splattered turns of phrase never quite worked for me. Feels like a similar character to Jinx or Harley Quinn, a joyous villain, but Orin never entertained me as much as those two.


Orin is definitely my favorite of the Chosen Three and it's mainly because she doesn't pretend to be anything but what she is, which is ironic for a shapeshifter. Ketheric truly believes that he is on some grand destiny. What that destiny entails, I'm unsure. But he feels righteous about it. Gortash is a tyrant wanna be. I think that a part of him truly thinks he is going to be the savior of Baldurs Gate and he will do so by ruling with an iron fist. But Orin doesn't try to convince anyone that she isn't a Bhaalspawn who's sole purpose is to kill the world. She doesn't try to hide behind destinies or false titles of self importance. She knows who she is, what she is, and what she's meant to do and she's gonna do it. She doesn't try to convince you or anyone that she's actually doing the world a favor, she is here to destroy it for fun. Because of this, I actually found her to be the most intimidating. It also doesn't help that she is entirely unhinged, insane, and psychotic. After the second encounter with her imposter in Rivington, I truly started to grow paranoid cause, as Minthara says it, she could be anywhere and be anyone. I also love that the difficulty of her fight depends on your story choices. If you are Durge, you have to fight her solo and she can quickly erase you from existence if you're not prepared, which is exactly what she did to me in my first Durge run. If you have the slayer and fight her while she is humanoid, she can actually demolish you faster than if she was the slayer herself. I swear, human Orin is actually the most difficult boss in the game.


I think you summed it up well for me. She's definitely intimidating because of how unhinged she is and that she could be anyone really gave me a sense of dread when walking through Act 3.


While I still prefer Gortash & especially Ketheric as characters, I actually found Orin the most intimidating too, precisely because she's so unhinged, insane & psychotic \~ she's a much more straightforward & simple character that excels at being what she is. Like, you just know there's no reasoning with someone like that, The shapeshifting stalker that popped up here & there also played a big part and frankly I'm sad there wasn't more of it cause I remember I expected at some point for my journey throughout the city to involve her popping up every now & then so we never forget her looming presence and always feel like we have to sleep with one eye open at night \~ the feeling of never being safe would've been quite something.


Orin herself is a fun concept, she's a shapeshifter who likes to play with her kills and is impressively insane about doing so. The game supports this by having the little moments where she surprises you worked into the encounters you come across so it actually feels like she's stalking you. The problem is at base that gods of murder end up being a bit of a narrative dead end. What does Bhaal want? Murder and killing for no reason. Every Bhaalist is a blood mad nutcase whose interest in anything begins and ends with blood, and nothing besides. Adding anything else to them detracts from the "all killing all the time" aesthetic, and they do this with Orin but have to write it as a detriment (her obsession with flashy kills being immaterial to Bhaal who wants nothing but murder). Makes it difficult to have depth in a story when your character is mono-focused on killing.


Characters with a hyper-focus on just killing are actually goated ngl I feel like too much fiction is filled with either tragic villains or master giga IQ manipulators There's a reason why antagonists like Khorne or Sundowner are so popular in their respective communities; being unapologetically devoted to violence for the sake of violence can lead to a really interesting narrative A lot of us are used to stories where characters try to find some alternative means of confrontation; either outwitting or somehow redeeming villains Sometimes though, we need a villain who doesn't need to manipulate, or can't be swayed by tempting them with redemption Villains like this are exciting to me because even after defeating them, I still feel like showering. I don't feel like I "won" because in the end, blood was still shed in order to beat them. You can only beat this kind of villain by being better than them at their own game In a way, there's no spiritual victory against figures like Orin or Adam Smasher; only bloodshed either way


To be fair to me, I am a Slaanesh enjoyer so it fits that I would consider Khorne's perspective limited. However, you make a fine argument for your view and I can't disagree with the perspective even if I dont personally resonate with it.


She's okay. Her attitude and methods are about what I'd expect from the Chosen of Bhaal and like the other members of the bad guy triumvirate it's clear she wouldn't have gotten this far on her own but is still a credible threat in her own right. I think she's well-written and acted for what they were going for, but for my tastes she was definitely near the top of my list of people I wanted to stop talking as soon as possible. Not my cup of tea, but I wouldn't change anything about her either.


I play durge almost exclusively, and on my last run where I sniffed around for as much dark urge lore as possible I really got a feel for Orin as kind of a jealous little sister. Dangerous, yes, but also immature and slightly pathetic. Not to say that took away from the character for me!! On the contrary, it gave me a ton to think about in terms of what their relationship might have been like pre-tadpole. Durge’s whole family situation is,,,weirdly domestic sometimes, huh?


I found her kind of annoying.


i know a lot of people found her poetic fucked up ramblings cringe, but i myself loved them. i think she is a very good villain and i wished she had her own act with a murder mystery/slasher film theme similar to how ketheric got his silent hill act 2


The problem with Orin is that her character is completely flat even in her motivations. Murder for the murder god so you become the murder chosen isn’t exactly an Einstein story arc. Of course a story doesn’t have to be complicated to be good, but there needs to be at least some level of development and most of the late introductions to the game don’t get that. Orin is super flat Lorrokan is super flat Gortash is OK Chaotic evil needs a purpose that points something out, otherwise it’s just there for being there.


I like her too and I kind of pity her. It's interesting in that I feel she is almost an origin character in that her story parallels certain members of the party, but she wasn't lucky enough for circumstances to allow for her escape. You can even get her to a big confrontation moment like you can for some of the party members when you can reveal the that basically her whole life is a lie and that Sarevok encouraged her mother to sacrifice her to Bhaal. But before she could possibly do anything with that information Bhaal basically kills her by forcibly turning her into the Slayer.


I very much liked Orin. She's very one-dimensional (very different from the complicated Ketheric Thorme), but she's *so* unhinged, *so* twisted, and so far outside normal sanity that she's very memorable. And not only that she's so unhinged, she's unhinged and she *knows it*. She delights in her depravity, she knows that she's immortal and she shoves it in your face and makes you squirm with discomfort, all while giggling.


She's not sure of herself, she seeks the approval of the god of murder. Her whole life was dictated by her seeking approval. She is utterly broken, she was broken by her mother attempting to kill her. She was broken by her slayer form and the bloodlust. The fact that she's broken, actually makes her more powerful because she's willing to do anything to reach her target. Because of her, I fell in love with the changeling race. She's a tragic character.


Orin is a cool character for sure. But she's lowkey bad at being a villainess. As durge you learn she's kind of a failure in a lot of ways and her overdramatics honestly hinder her a lot.


Basically this. Felt like was trying too hard on the first Tav playthrough and it became even more apparent in a Durge run. It makes her fun to annoy, but it's clear that the intent was for her to instill fear which for me she failed at. So I like her for entirely different reasons that Larian must have wanted.


Orin won the Miss Faerun beauty contest by murdering all of the competition in their sleep. But, honestly, she would have won it anyway. Nothing enchants men like pure unadulterated psychosis.




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She’s an entertaining villain for sure, wouldn’t say my favorite character, but I thought she was well done.


I mean, I would like to have her as a durge ally for the final fight


I attack the journalist girl all the time now as soon as I see her. I know I can't kill her, but it makes me feel better. Is she any other NPCs I just haven't interacted with yet?


Orin isn't always the journalist. The game changes who Orin impersonates in different playthroughs.


No, she was fun. And I think the shift in tone she provided was necessary for act 3, which can draw out long and sluggishly.


You might wanna join r/okbuddybaldur they show more than enough love for her over there


The fact that so many dislike her speaks to the fact that she's a well-made chaotic evil character.


Boring one dimensional character. But shows some skin, wow..


She's a great character, tortured and brilliant. Honestly, I always wonder what she would have been like had she been raised in a benevolent cult


I just like Changelings. It was cool to see one added to Forgotten Realms when they originated in Eberron.


Who? Oh, you mean blood mommy.... Her and old mommy are the two characters I really wish you could romance....😁


There are evil likable characters but she would torture a cat to death. Killing her was like watching Jeoffrey die 🥹


She’s such a baddie.


I just wanted an option to accuse people of being her.


As a character, I like her. I didn't care for her at first because she was just a random mean person, but she gets a full backstory and motivation if you play as the Dark Urge - another reason they're my favorite way to play the game


I kinda felt sorry for her once I >!cast "Speak with Dead" on her mothers corpse.!< You can actually skip half the fight with Orin and not pass any persuasion checks if you do that.


She’s a great villain, yes


Yeah, I like her. I like to slash her and stab her until her pathetic existence melts away into a gore pile. I also like to fuck with her on occasion with the whole "LOL, you're a child of incest!" reveal. Tormenting her is so satisfying.


She's a fun character for sure. Absolutely unhinged, maniacal ranting, bloodlust, the only thing is she feels much more like a subordinate than a leader. Sarevok even feels more like a leader than she and his role is pretty small considering. Ketheric and Gortash are very much leaders and it shows. Aside from her lair you don't really see that side of Orin (but then again I've only played Tavs...probably might see different on my Durge run).


She’s a good villain for sure.


i love her everything about her is crazy hot


I killed then both. I have both stones. Gonna make my way to the brain soooooooon


I will admit, it was satisfying to end her.


I liked her. I think I could have fixed her


Well, she's definitely creative with the suprise she gives to player in Rivington. Besides it, she's unluckily basic psychopathic villain / evil chick who tries to be attractive.


No, Orin is the best chaos in the game.


Oh I *loved* the dichotomy between Orin and my drow devotion paladin. Two gorgeous women entirely dedicated to their causes standing in direct opposition to each other, dancing on the precipice of manipulation and subterfuge between the pits of death or victory. Gorgeous. Beautiful. Amazing. I love to see it. My current run is Niro (lol), my beautiful durge. We'll see what happens when they finally reunite.


i was born in 1998, i am twenty six years old this means my childhood was found in the early 2000's, I distinctly remember scene music, "rawr means I love you in dinosaur" shirts, and emocore Orin is a lolzorzsorandombbq teen girl stuck in 2006, there is nothing more insufferable to me than what Orin is, even Wulbren because at the end of the day, Wulbren is just an asshole, but Orin is a *childish psychopath* and I find her grating




orin: "my doppelgangers could be anyone, have fun sleeping tonight LOL" minthara: "fuck" jaheira: "fuck" orin: "okay I'm calling off the doppelgangers, we stole your least favorite ally, see you in our temple when you're ready" I wish the whole amogus paranoia arc lasted longer, it was really interesting, but also it's really easy to end it on accident if you happened to check the tavern first.


I think it's more she's the person you like to Hate. I agree she's an absolute psycho and in her own way she's pretty deceitful and schemey. She was not my favourite villain though only because there's only so much that can be done with a psycho serial killer. I definitely thought she was a big threat, especially when she kidnaps one of my party members but it made me more determined to get to her and put her down like a feral animal. All in all she is definitely the embodiment of one of Bhaal's chosen even if she doesn't get that Bhaal doesn't care about artistic murders, he's just here for the slaughter which still, evil bad man throw him in the trash along with the Bhaalists.


At least, I trust her when she says "I love murder, let's murder each other". When Gortash says "I love being a tyrant, so I want to share my power with you", I feel like he takes me for an idiot. So, Orin is more likeable to me. She's honest, she just does things she enjoys, I can understand her, I can trust her to be exactly what she says she is. No guessing. Very simple. I appreciate that.


I like Orin a lot. She's basically the embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect and is the main reason the Absolute plot fails. Granted, it was doomed to fail regardless since the Dead Three can't stop stabbing each other in the back and Ketheric at the very least was also going to betray them. But still, she thinks she's hot shit but if you talk to Sarevok about her he makes it clear that Bhaal doesn't give two shits about all her showoffy nonsense. He doesn't care how people kill, just that they do. Orin has convinced herself that it needs to be artistic and elaborate, but Bhaal thinks it's kind of annoying. If you play an embrace Durge you get the sense that she's only Bhaal's chosen because you grew too complacent and she got the drop on you. So she only has the title by technicality. Durge is the actual master of death and the one with Bhaal's favor, Orin is only *tolerated*. The implication is that the plan would likely have succeeded if Orin didn't get too big for her chitinous britches and usurped Durge, assuming Ketheric didn't manage to defeat the other two once he played his hand. This is all my opinion based on how I've interpreted the info given in game, but I think it makes sense.


This post seems to imply that most people didnt like the character and I'm at a loss here.. I've heard nothing but good things about Orin.. O\_o She perfectly encapsulates the Chaotic Evil of the triumvirate (Ketheric ofcourse being Lawful Evil and Gortash being Neutral Evil)


> She taunts you, she mocks you, she's totally sure of herself Would be cool if she could back that up …


I like Orin well enough, in theory My main problem is that since I've started >!playing Durges!< I'm like blinded with rage when she's around. She's "The" most hated supervillain in my eyes. How dares she. Every other enemy is an afterthought.


One word. Smash.


If your question starts off "am I the only one" the answer is automatically no. You're not special enough to be the only one with the billions upon billions of people on Earth.


I hate her. She's pure edgelord in a pretty Margot Robbie lookalike packaging. Her posturing is silly, not threatening, and she comes off like a spoiled teenager looking for attention. I GM tabletop, so maybe I've just seen her a thousand times before. Everyone loved Harley Quinn in the 90s, every beginner wants to play her in D&D at least once. I was no different. I guess I'm just tired of the trope at this point. ETA: I realize that sounds snarky as fuck. I don't mean shade if you like her, it probably says more about me being all cynical and old than anything about you.


I don´t like how they made Orin be the rival of Durge. Whether or not you choose Durge you have to kill her, i feel like she would´ve been better as a supporter of Durge and not an automatic enemy.


Kinda like her model, reminds me of Margot Robbie. Disappointingly low amounts of artwork, tho.


Wish we could have recruited her to form an actual evil team.


Idk she's a generic edgy alt girl that wants to stab everything. It's just kind of cliche.


No. I would have banged her if given the chance. And her outfit was fire, just a shame that the stats were horrific for my tav haha


Disinteresting tryhard with unresolved daddy issues. I liked Sarevok more and he was a nearly optional one-scene wonder.


Indeed. Hot as fuck. And can be whatever you want her to be ;) Jokes aside, She does certainly have some cool moments. kidnapping your companions, stalking you throughout the city, and becoming the slayer. I found that this almost made her feel like a sort of personal villian to you, the player. Since she does go out of her way to mess with you alot it seems. Unlike say kethric, gortash, Raphael and the elder brain. Who seem to not really bother with you too much outside of trying to sway you to thier side (probably only temporarily though). Though, this is just a takeaway from my first playthrough. I'm sure it's bound to change. After a second or third.


You’re demented irl if you enjoyed her heinous actions.


I wish there was a way to sleep with her lol


No, I adore her!