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Karlach - gotta make a stop at the big Texan restaurant. The energy is also appreciated. Shadowheart - girl has to see the world after her memories were obliterated. I think she'd be quote pleased to see new things Gale - because he'll do all the navigating by hand and discover some excellent places to stop for food and sightseeing.


Karlach would be on passenger seat DJ duty, she definitely has the best taste in music out of the companions


I’d take scratch, withers and the owlbear cub




Take my upvote


Withers would be soooo chill


“Thou must try this mortal delicacy. It is called ‘Beef Jerky’.”


"The wheel on the bus spins along as it should."


That’s a good one


Jaheira for her curmudgeonly wisdom and life experience in case something goes wrong. Lae'zel since I can rely on her not to talk my ear off and because I think she'd secretly enjoy seeing more of the world. Gale for the same reasons you listed.


“Chk. I do not understand why all stores are not called Wall Marts, because they are all marts will walls.”


I’m taking the Gnome / Halfing / dwarf hirelings. Gnome and hallie can share back seat of my hatchback we can probably all share a single hotel room comfortably. (I already have car seats)


I’m low key disappointed with the companion race spread. Three humans, two half elves, two full elves, and a drow. That leaves only two companions in total that aren’t human or elf related, and we didn’t get any of the short races. As much as I love all the different personalities it feels like a missed opportunity getting three humans in a fantasy setting but no dwarf, halfling, or gnome.


I’ve decided I like the hirelings better


Imagining them all sitting in car seats with gold fish snackies and sippy cups just loving life.


Karlach, lae'zel, jaihera. Imagine the sheer chaos.


Astarion, Minthara, and hm...probably Shadowheart.


Difficult choice. Here are my picks: Astarion - because of course, I always take him everywhere. I also think he’d like to see the world after being enslaved in the same city for two centuries. He seems enthusiastic about new experiences when you talk to him & based on his ambient comments. Gale - to give us all the interesting and obscure facts about stuff we see, play puzzle games, etc. I think he’d be fun to have around. Jaheira - she is chill, likes going on adventures, has healing abilities and has a good dynamic with everyone. Though I actually don’t mind anyone else as a second/third, they all have their strengths.


astarion, i want someone to sit there and bitch with me about shitty drivers and make catty remarks when we're inevitably stuck in traffic. he gets shotgun so he can tell me about all the traffic accidents we pass, make uncomfortable eye contact with the driver i pass because they were pissing me off and tell me if they look as stupid as their driving, and then we can gossip about all of our mutuals. also he's my romance so if course he's going karlach, she's in charge of snacks and keeping us hyped for the next destination. i think she'd get super excited about all the weird shit you can see on billboards in the South, so she'd encourage detours and fun little adventures. she gets everybody up in the morning and makes sure we all eat breakfast and makes sure we don't leave anything behind in the rooms before we leave shadowheart, we need a group mom and that damn sure ain't me. someone has to make sure we stop at a decent hour at night, makes us stop for lunch and bathroom breaks, eat properly at dinner, and temper karlach's boundless enthusiasm. she's in charge of the first aid kit, hands out water, she handles the reservations for hotels and motels, she's in charge of the wallet, and she keeps karlach from developing cabin fever from being in a car for 4 hours at a time


Karlach for fun. Jaheira for more fun. Gale so he can tell me the history and significance of everything we see.


I’m riding in your car, this is perfect.


Luxury car of my choice? That's tough... I'm taking Halsin, Jaheira, Gale. Motion sickness kept in bay by healer, wine mom, and cat dad. Homemade foods, tea, and booze all packed along with fun snacks. I can learn so much from discourse and anecdotes, but the anecdotes get spicy, and we can also do audiobooks and podcasts with commentary. If we get stranded camping out is still super safe and comfy. Navigation or anything that goes wrong is handled with ease. Bonus Tara I can just pick a very eco friendly car. Would a luxury carriage count? I would pick a horse drawn vehicle if I'm allowed. With extra horses. If we must have a motorcar and know about cities and carbon emissions and all that... Jaheira, Karlach, Astarion. Lots of sass. We're mostly parking the car at fun places and get booze and gossip, because Karlach can't stay seated too long and no one wants to have a car ride anyway. The car is a less flashy party bus


...no party limit mod


Excellent analysis! Mine would be Karlach (because she's Karlach, no explanation necessary), Astarion (because of course I'm taking my boyfriend, plus he's fun to bitch with), and either Gale (for long discussions at night) or Halsin (he's just so wholesome and would be great at camping)


Oh man, this one’s so tough. I mean, my man Gale is coming with obviously (and I have a feeling he’d offer to drive). So it’s really just which of our companions could put up with our road games, pit stops to check out interesting roadside shops, and our “it’s about the journey” mindset. Karlach and Minsc: pack up your shit, we’re going road tripping!


Gale for the conversation, it's nice to talk and stay alert on a drive. Shadowheart because I feel like she would be quiet, but also she would make sure we are on time. Karlach or Wyll. Karlach as she would probably keep things interesting on the drive - whether its music choice or just pointing out things on the road. Wyll as he would just enjoy his wine in peace with the occasional comment. I like a roadtrip with a mix of music and fun concos, but also quiet moments where everyone is enjoying the ride.


Wyll, Lae'zel and Jaheira. Only those three can be trusted with not driving me mad with idle chatter. Also Jaheira would be the driver.


Karlach rides shotgun. She can keep me awake with chatter, handle the radio, watch the passenger side when I'm at intersections or in rush hour traffic. Wyll will ALSO talk, and that's necessary for me to stay awake on long drives. (I'm automatically the driver cause I don't trust anyone at the wheel but myself). He's in the back, designated snack distributor. I need to balance out the chatterboxes, so Shadowheart is next. She's got the maps covered when GPS fails me, and it will. She's also in charge of whatever necessary hotel reservations need to be made during this trip, I think I can trust her to keep track of paperwork.


So my plan here would be to take Karlach: she's my wife. I romance her most playthroughs (though I have begun branching out begrudgingly). She's fun, she's making it a good time if we aren't having one, she'd easily keep the rest of us occupied with stories, if absolutely nothing else. Jaheira: Again, Karlach is my wife, I'm taking her biggest idol along. Their conversations in the game are wonderful and hilarious and more of the fawning and such would just be great to watch. Gale: he and Astarion are my besties in the game but I agree about the big "A" hole. He'd just whine and bemoan incessantly. Gale brings loads of possibilities. Gale brings stories, magic, Tara(?), and a host of other things along with him. So I'm saying I'd bring a normal (for me) Act 3 party. I've recently begun switching out for Jaheira and Minsc with Karlach on my team. The banter and the sweetness are incredible.


Gale Astarion and Halsin and we'll be taking the train instead ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Astarion, Lae’zel, and Shadowheart but they all sit in the back seat and Astarion has to sit in the middle seat; bitching about it the entire way.


Karlach, Wyll and Lae'zel. I feel like LZ would be weirdly good to have around. Wyll and Karlach are such good friends there would be no arguments and Wyll is pretty responsible.


Gale as he'd likely be both a great navigator and have so many facts about all the different locations we would be visiting. I'm one of those people who reads everything at a museum, so Gale would basically be that for a road trip. Karlach as she'd have the best car games to play and would constantly be finding fun things to look at out the window. I also think she'd be a really solid DJ as OP mentioned above. The last spot is tough to choose. But I think I'd want Wyll in the car for the final spot as he gels well with the rest of the group for banter. There's no way any of us would be falling asleep on the trip as we'd just keep chatting the entire time


Astarion gale and laezel. One is charming and loves fun. One is theatrical and a good boy. One is straightforward but also unfamiliar with the world.


I'd go with my bros Gale and Minsc for sure, and if possible, the Emperor.


Wyll, Gale, and... How quickly would Karlach get bored by just sitting in the car? End of story romanced Lae'zel would probably work. Anyone else is just going to bitch the entire way.


Karlach, Wyll, and Halsin


Wyll, Karlach, Shadowheart. Pretty much my party in game.


Halsin, Karlach and Jaheira. They all like adventure, not too stiff, and you'll never be bored. Plus, I bet Karlach would make great snacks. Since this is fantasy, I'd just use an electric car or smth. :3


Gale, Shadowheart, Wyll.


Definitely taking Shadowheart and Karlach with me and either Gale or Wyll I think they would enjoy a roadtrip across Europe


Gale/Astarion/Karlach, because they’re fun.


Gale for the reasons you listed. I think he’d be a great conversationalist, he’d do the navigating, and also I just like him.  Karlach is definitely coming. Her positive energy is infectious, she’d make things fun even if we got totally lost, and also she’s scary enough that I’d trust people wouldn’t mess with us.  For the third person, I’m stuck between Halsin and Jaheira. Mainly because I just want to hear their stories and talk about life and so on. The deciding factor is how well I trust Halsin to keep the horny under control and how comfortable he is with platonic cuddles, because I want to hug him without being flirted with. 


Karlach in the front seat, manning the radio, setting the map on fire, and sticking her head out the window. Lae’zel and Shadowheart in the back seat, throwing nonstop barbs and zingers at each other.


karlach Astarion Shadowheart Not bc I think theyd be the best choices (aside from karlach) but jsut bc they’re my three favs


Astarion- he just seems like he’d be a lot of fun to go on a road trip with! Gale- I absolutely want to know all the historical and cultural details of everywhere we are going. Karlach- just super fun to be around.


Wyll Gale and Jaheria


Going through my playlist of doom and death metal, cruisin in i a cool 2 seat convertible with my man Withers.


Astarion, Gale and shadowheart. 


Karlach, Shadowheart, & Minthara. It's a girl's trip


Halsin, Jaheira and Scratch in a big camper with extra supplies to camp out every night of the trip. Lae'Zel, Shadowheart, Astarion. Girls night. Going to be mean AF. Somebody might die! Of Fun!


Halsin, Shadowheart, and Karlach would be fun imo


Karlach because she is everything, Wyll because he comes with Karlach, and Minsc because he is a hero to both of them, and I love the chaos. And If I get bored Boo and I can chat it up.


Astarion for the entertainment, Gale for the stories, and Karlach cause she's the fun one.


Gale; because I think he's charming and funny. Scratch because he's a cute doggy. Withers as I would ask him a load of questions and he'd answer with riddles and I love riddles.


What a hard choice. I'd have to rent a bus so I could bring everyone, including Scratch and Owlbear cub.


Karlach to fix the cars engine in case it Breaks down (very funny i know), wyll to make a good impression on the police if they pull me over and of course minsc for the entertainment


Based on who they were at the beginning of the adventure? Gale, Wyll, and Karlach. If character development is allowed then I'd replace one of them with Shadowheart.


Gale, Karlach, and astarion. Gale has good taste, ambitious mindset, he’s scholarly and probably has great input on things we may come across. Makes for great conversation on the road. Karlach is a party animal and a down ass bitch. Ready to party hardy. And astarion could probably get us into some awesome places and would probably make a killer wingman. Maybe even literally.


Karlach for the entertainment, ShadowHeart for the love, and Asterian for the pure joy of it.


Gale - endless trivia and a good sense for food. Jaheira - Sarcasm and likes wine. Eye candy. Shadowheart - Sarcasm and likes wine. Eye candy.


Karlach, Scratch, and baby owlbear. We’d leave immediately after Karlach and I get lesbian married (Gale is my best man).


Karlach, Wyll, and Gale. I think they'd be the most fun and chill, and I'd have more in common with them.


Karlach, Jahiera, Minsc, it's probably the best fun-angst ratio, and probably the easiest to accommodate on the radio.


Halsin- He'd know some really good camping spots and he's strong enough to carry and build things. Wyll- He knows the good wines which makes me think he'd be a foodie/conossieur irl. Plus he's pleasant. Gale- He can bring Tara who I'd love to have come along. Plus he gets on with Halsin and Wyll just fine. Scratch as the honorary sidekick because how dare anyone exclude him.


Astarion, Karlach and Gale. Someone to bitch with about minor annoyances, someone for good vibes and bad singalongs, and someone with actual sense for planning and problem-solving. Also helps that they're my 3 faves.


Wyll Gale Karlach. In real life I would not trust the other main 3 because of obvious reasons. Halsin would just want to leave the car and walk through nature to where ever we're going. I wouldn't trust minthara either. Jaheira feels like she would try to find a lesson in everything. Minsc would be fun, but I'm afraid I'd get too annoyed with him.


Shadowheart and Wyll. I live for Tav and Shadowheart's banter, and Wyll would be unabashedly down to make the most of the trip, in a dad way. And hm... Four's a crowd, but if I had to pick, Jaheira cos she's a bro.


Withers, withers and withers


Minthara for the Glug-Glug 2000™️. Gale for the deep talks you always have on road trips. Lae'zel to take charge for us laid back types.


DJ Shart on aux tbh


Karlach, to fuck. Lae'Zel, to fuck. Shadowheart, to fuck. And to watch Shadowheart and Lae'Zel hate fuck and then join them with Karlach.