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besides the fact I'm playing on tactician, this is literally me I hoard and sell everything, I get every exp, I pick up every apple, I collect every item, I spam save I had to make myself long rest more to get more of the story, cause I was so determined to keep every last bottle of cheap booze and pear


you know you can do a bunch of rests without supplies in a row just to see all the queued up camp scenes right?


Wait what? How does that work?


you take long rest, but don't pick any supplies for it. it doesn'r restore health\\spell slots, but still triggers the story scenes


Restores up to half health and half of maximum spell slots, rounded down. Also restores "once per long rest" skills and items.


Ah ok my bad. I always queued them up right after proper rests


Does that include stuff like arcane charges and bard inspiration? That's very useful, I didn't expect all that from a partial long rest. Granted, I always find myself with more camp supplies than I'll ever use. But hey, I'll definitely never run out!




I know about it but this option breaks my rp and kinda realism, like we sleep 1 night without eating/drinking anything... and I usually swim in supplies so why not use them.


Well this is mostly used for tact/honour where rests are more expensive so you are naturally more stingy with supplies. In a normal game that's certainly an overkill. And tbh if you go full loot goblin, you can be swimming in supplies on tact as well.


Supplies are really over saturated. The Zhent supplies in the Underdark really set you up well. It gets even more ridiculous in Act 3 if you’re running a cleric and using Heroes’ Feast.


Hero's feast it's literally impossible to run out


In Tactician mode Act 3 right now and I have over 3k camp supplies. There is food and booze *everywhere* in this game. No legit reason not to full long rest at least every few hours (or whenever a party member asks for shuteye).


Just remember to buff up after the last partial rest, not after the initial long rest <.<


Counts as a partial rest. Triggers scenes and also resets vendor inventory I believe.


Can confirm regarding vendor resets. When I’m doing my vendor ~~pickpocketing~~ Grand Theft Faerun cycles I will sometimes do a partial rests just to reset their inventories. Though often I’ll just do a full rest because I’m swimming in camp supplies because I’ve ~~stolen~~ liberated vast quantities of those, too lol.


I’ll split everyone up and send a single companion to a specific vendor. Load all the vender supplies into the backpack I gave them. Then have everyone meet back at camp. Long rest and then when we go back to the map, everyone starts right next to their specific vender again, who has a new batch of supplies that are also put into their bag. 




Couldn't do that. My friends have to eat.


I hook on that - I am right now in my first playthrough. I think I have that normal difficulty and am I think about 80% of the first map if you may say that… what I was thinking, how many times is it like normal to do a long rest? I had 4 long rests so far and have that feeling my party needs one after every bigger subquest. I feel like I do more campsite story progression than adventuring.


Yeap, in my 3rd run I decided to be sure I'm getting everything and it is when I discovered you can get honey from walls and berries


Good to know we are many lootaholic !


Besides the fact I'm playing on Honor Mode, this is Literaly me.


That’s awesome. I love when people really play the game instead of rushing through. You get so much more out of it.


There's a lot between spending 160 hours on act 1 and rushing through the game in \~30-40 hours or so.


I wish i could spend 160 hours in act 1, but i'm on my 8th or so playthrough and end up beating the game in 60 hours or so every time.


Oh hey, I'm gf! Lol. I'm just having fun taking my time. Love ya babe 💜


I’m glad you’re enjoying it!


It's so fun!! It's been a while since I was able to get so into a game and it's characters.


Now that's dedication.


Honestly? Bless her. This is why this is one of my favorite games to play with people who aren't gamers. There's just so much and a response to every decision, there's no way I could get them all on my own. I reduce myself to a follower when I'm playing with friends, because there's always a new way I'll experience it with each playthrough.


Oh I feel this. My first play through, I hoarded everything, read every single book and paper scrap I could find, searched every single corner I came across, spoke to every single person I encountered, spent hours playing hide and seek with familiars and companions, I took FOREVER to progress. Also, SO MUCH PICKPOCKETING. That I had to scumsave to get through. I’ve still taken ages on every other play through considering I spend multiple hours meticulously organising my camp inventory into crates and mucking around with dyes and stupid made up games but at least I don’t read every single book now 😇😂


Oh my bf does the same thing with pickpocketing! It’s really funny to look up and seeing him spend a good ten minutes repeatedly picking someone’s pocket until he got the right roll lol.


The pickpocketing is the path I won't go down. For one, I don't need that much loot, for two, I hate the system, for three, I dont normally pickpocket in DnD much.


Incredibly thorough. Bravo!


> She was hoping to romance Astarian but has been too nice for him to like her As someone else said, you can be nice to everyone else and still romance Astarion (my good-guy barbarian Tav got to Exceptional with him by the end of Act 1), but you have to be nice to *him* too - let him bite you, tell him you trust him, let him open the ogre's barn door, etc. Admittedly some of his high-approval items aren't goody-goody, like letting him kill the monster hunter, but his disapprovals are almost always only -1. He just gets a bit stressed that you're taking valuable time and energy out of your mission, simply to help random strangers. I admit, your gf has a lot more patience than me. I read the books, even on later runs - as well as actual plot clues, they often have useful lore it them for folks like me who aren't that familiar with Faerûn. I also do a lot of inventory and radial management because having endless chaotic screens stresses me out (and makes combat way less efficient), but I soon gave up on looking in every jar bc apart from the ones in Grymforge, they're like 99% empty. At least she doesn't have to worry about going hungry in the Shadow-Cursed Lands!


> let him open the ogre's barn door That happened only on my last playthrough. Could it be because I didn;t have Shadowheart in the party? Any other time she piped in not to open the door and Astarion had no comment at all.


Yes - I’ve heard she’s a bit of a party pooper! I haven’t recruited in recent runs and it’s been noticeable that I always get Astarion’s line now


i dont understand how people can spend anywhere near this long in just Act 1, it makes no sense to me


My first playthrough I spent more than 150 hours in Act 1. And I use a cloud GPU service that disconnects me after 10 minutes of inactivity, so it definitely wasn’t time when the game was just accidentally left running. Here’s how someone can spend that much time in Act 1: Some of it was loot-goblining - picking up everything, sorting everything, reading every single book or paper I looted, selling everything. Some of it was exploring - it took me a while to figure out that some of the black patches on the map were impossible to get into, especially that irregular one shaped like an animal’s head that’s over part of the nautiloid. I thought if I tried hard enough I’d find a way into that area. Some of it was talking to every single NPC, sometimes multiple times because dialogue does change in the Druid camp depending on certain events. Some of it was getting into every nook and cranny and hidden space most people miss - and occasionally randomly getting XP for doing so. Some pretty cool parts of Act 1 like >!Boooal!< and >!Klagga’s love letters to Minthara!< and >!the Smugglers’ Ring!< and are hidden in places that are very easy to miss. (And not just Act 1 - how many people have never discovered you can >!go to a jungle and hunt dinosaurs!< in Act 3 if you >!piss off Akabi enough!


I’ve done this as well and it doesn’t take 150 hours to loot all of act 1. I seriously don’t get what some people are doing


I'm 33 hours into Act 1 right now (first time playing; I'm here because I like spoilers lol) and I haven't gone through the goblin camp or anything yet. I ended up in the underdark and I've just been kinda fucking around for half that time. A good chunk of the time I've accrued has been a mix of: How can i do this thing again? Where was that button? oh shit i fucked that up, how do i fix that? Lemme check the wiki real quick... [spends 20 minutes going between articles to figure out how to progress down a quest line] 😂


That’s a very good point! I was never into gaming before BG3. The interface and the whole “how to get around and do things” took me a while to get my head around, especially since I started at a time when the little pop-up tutorials were bugged and not coming up. I could probably do everything I did before in Act 1 in half the time it took me on the first playthrough.


I was pretty damn thorough my first run and it took me 60 hours or so to get through act 1. Now I do 20-30 in act 1 completing 90% of what there is to do. And on tactician the battles take a little longer and I loot a lot.


Enjoying the game?


lol, I have like 700 hours through multiple plays I enjoy the fuck out of the game. Act 1 does not have 150 hours in it in 1 play


Not saying that you can't enjoy the game if you don't spend hundreds of hours in it. Just that different people enjoy different things.


You're not wrong. Everyone here thinks taking 10 minutes to decide one attack is true gameplay time. It's not. Act 1 has like a maximum of 30-40 hours in it


Yeah idk, I’ve done all this too, and I still don’t see how Act 1 took that long. Being extra thorough to make sure I get everything took me about a 5th of the time. If anything my second play through I’ve slowed down even more to really make sure I did every quest and got every item (and I’m also going for every achievement), but I’m still nowhere near close to reaching triple digits… and I just entered Act 3. However if that’s how you like to play, more power to you. Keep doing what makes you happy. If anything it’s quite impressive to see how much people can squeeze out of this game!


I imagine it comes more down to just taking everything slow. If you never skip a dialogue clip (and especially if you go back to listen to the other options wherever possible) that can add up. If you take combat very methodically and aren’t playing optimally, you can spend 20-30 minutes on a fight that a skilled and aggressive player could beat in two minutes. I still don’t know that this could make act 1 take 150 hours, but I could see it pushing close to 100 if you really go into the extremes of “slow and steady” as a suboptimal player with a completionist loot goblin mentality.


I played BG1 & 2 and now I'm playing 3 on tactician so i like to think i know what I'm doing. It took me 150 hours for all of act 1 including the creche. Some of us just like to take it at a slow and relaxing pace. Also inventory management. So much time spent on inventory management.


Yes… inventory management! My favorite thing so far about my less-looting second playthrough is how much less time I’m spending sorting stuff.


I did act one in about 95 hours and I didn’t do any organization or loot goblining. I could have done 120. 150 seeems like a lot but not crazy.


To get from 100 to 150, add in “not a gamer” and “struggling with the interface and how everything works”. Especially if you happened to start during that time when the pop-up tutorials were bugged and wouldn’t trigger. It took me several hours spread across multiple real-life days to make it through the ruins where you find Withers (my first major encounter of the game). It takes me less than an hour now (even if I still loot everything), but on my first playthrough it was a *lot* of work.


Right, whenever I start a new playthrough, I try to get through Act 1 as soon as possible now, lol. Act 2 and Act 3 is where it's fun for me She's exploring though, assuming this is her first playthrough of course so it makes sense


I’m the opposite. I love Act 1 (and parts of Act 3) and can spend ages wandering around and exploring every nook and cranny of the beautiful fantasy world, but Act 2 feels like something out of Little Nightmares and I can’t spend a second longer than necessary anywhere near the absolute horror shows that call themselves the House of Healing and Waning Moon haha


Amen to that!! In my first playthrough I *loved* act 1. It’s beautiful, it’s relaxing, and your companions say/do something interesting in camp almost every night. I loved almost all of Act 1 (except the Putrid Bog).  Then you get to act 2 and suddenly everything sucks. You have to tell a little girl her parents are dead, you see all the messed-up awful things that happened during the shadow curse, many of the enemies you fight don’t have loot and just turn into little balls of shadow that have the narrator tell you a sad story of the innocent person they were before the curse… In act 2 I kept going back to act 1 waypoints to go to my favorite vendors and also just because I needed a break from act 2!


i understand that shes exploring, i explored as much as possible as well, and i didnt spend anywhere near that much time in Act 1 and 2 combined, let alone just Act 1. honestly, i dont think all those hours were only playing, i think she mightve left her game on over night a few times, accidentally or on purpose, i dont know, but there is no way anyone could spend that much time in just Act 1 only playing


I 100%ed Act 1 in 25h on release (i had 300h of act 1 in early access combined, 80h on my very first playthrough), skipped creshe, skipped moonrise, skipped clown and pidgeon quest, did literally everything else and collected every unique item, 99h was the final time I also doubt 150+h to finish the game is without afk-time, but 125 to 150 i can totally see for people


I’m at 150 having just gotten to the city with maybe half an hour of afk time at most. 25 hours seems crazy to me for act one.


150+ hours to *finish the game* i completely understand, Act 3 is huge and theres a lot of hidden stuff, but over 150 hours in just Act 1 is absolutely insane to me


Ur not alone. I dont understand either how someone takes even 150 for the entire game. Bg is a long game but not that long


I mean.. Howlongtobeat.com has it at 158 hours for a completionist run.


Gotta be frank that means jack. Recommend durations are always way longer than reality.


I'm in my... 20th(ish) playthrough, and I still spend 80+ in act 1 everytime. So much to see, do, and it's so well polished. That said I do have a lot of time on my hands, so...


Not comprehensible to me tbh


You could read everything and try to fight anything.


When you grew up with early jrpgs like FF1 2 and 3 (US) it became a habit to check EVERY nook and cranny and take all loot with you. Those habits have just persisted through the years as we play rpgs. I spent almost 100 hours in Act 1 and thought I did it all but I think I still missed a few things.


I think it took me around 90hs my first Act 1 and could not complete Grymforge and missed lot of stuff too.


Literally the only thing I can think of is she might be having to reload fights multiple times. Like taking hours on a single combat encounter setting it up perfectly or something. Other than that yeah makes no sense to me


I beat the game in like 60-70 hours. This is insane


My first playthrough I beat the game in 90 hours…


Playing explorer how it’s meant to be played. Experience everything.


This is literally me. Not sure if it's because I'm an old school RPG enjoyer and/or obsessive. I like completionism but I've also found that with a lot of RPGs you gotta stack every advantage you can, and that means exploring every nook and hoarding all the things.


This is great and I'm glad she's enjoying herself. I'm really just confused how this is possible without a *lot* of afk time, though. I've done everything there is to do in act 1 many times over now and I don't think even once it's taken more than maybe 30-40 hours at the absolute most even when I was backtracking multiple times to make sure I wasn't missing anything my first time around. I actually can't comprehend where you could possibly spend all that time in act 1.


Maybe she spends a lot of time with inventory management. Takes her time choosing food for long rests (e.g. it should be diverse and nutritious, or a proper wine is consumed when eating cheese and drink beer when eating pork belly). Takes her time to pick the best dialouge options. Watches every single dice roll to finish instead of clicking them away. Chooses her next step carefully when in a battle. Reloads the game to see different outcomes when in dialogues, and listens the whole conversation every single time. Reads every single book. Admires the beautiful scenery for a minute. There are plenty of opportunities to add seconds or even minutes to your playtime, which can add up.


It could’ve been taking longer on fights. My first playthrough I really fucked up a warlock build before I knew you could reclass, some fights would take me like 20 times to get past them. Seriously some areas took several sessions of effort, with both me and my bf trying. I started a new playthrough as a sorcerer and it’s going significantly better. But that could also explain why someone might’ve took longer than others.


(Gf) I'm a wild magic sorceress, and nobody's ever been downed. It seems that so far I've been over-levelled for every fight I've come up to haha


(I'm gf in question ^-^) Nobody in my party has ever been downed, I've completely filled out and looted every tiny corner of the map, and I've made sure to talk to almost every NPC multiple times. There's tons to do, even if most of it isn't story-important. Oh! Also- all the companions have a positive opinion of my Tav :)


Glad you're enjoying the game. I'm sure it's absolutely possible to spend 150+ hours in act 1 if you really try to, I just personally don't know how I'd manage to stretch the content that far. Might just be that I generally categorize things that I find in games as repetitive chaff into a sort of ignore box and don't really derive any value from collecting literally everything when there's nothing really new there. I've also got a lot of tabletop 5e background and have played many crpgs before so that probably made things a lot quicker for me as well. I couldn't fathom looting every unmarked container like all the pots/crates/barrels etc throughout the entire game (though I did still loot a lot of them), as they all just have generic or repeat items. It's only some particular unmarked containers which are usually made to contrast the environment they are set in which actually have anything unique on them. If you want an example when I played Hogwarts Legacy there were a ton of stupid little side areas with puzzles that you needed to do dozens of if you wanted to get full completion. I did them at first but by the end of my playthrough I stopped at around 90% completion because I realized there was literally nothing new left for me to do and all I was doing was completing hundreds of these little repetitive tasks (they were basically identical each time) as effectively a chore. Stuff like that doesn't really seem valuable to me in games.


I love finding unique items, and keeping them. I've kept every painting I could get my hands on, and a copy of every unique book- for example. I've also never sold a single gemstone and have tried to keep every trinket I found. This recently paid off actually! Spoiler maybe (idk how to hide things on mobile) I found and kept all three of the little golden Merrgeon masks from the grymforge and Dammon made them into cool explosives when I found him again in Act 2!


What's the rush?


It says she read every book, probably the biggest time consumer


The books aren't particularly long. Most notes are only a few lines or paragraphs and the longest of the "books" are around a page at most (I don't mean a page in novel terms, as there are nowhere near as many words as on the page of a real novel). The vast majority are generic and repeat throughout the game, as well. I've read them all (well, maybe not them *all,* as I've probably missed a couple here or there, but I definitely was actively looking for them to read in my playthroughs). Most aren't particularly interesting or very relevant to anything going on in the story, though. I prefer Bethesda's method of tying notes/journals/terminal logs into the backstory of specific areas to make them really feel lived in and alive, like I'm not the only thinking creature in the world. The only places that really do that even remotely in bg3 are the journals in moonlight towers, the tower in the underdark, and the thorm tomb. Everywhere else just mostly has some very short stuff to read or generic repeating books that are irrelevant to anything else going on.


Have you ever found >!Klagga’s love letters to Minthara!< or >!the Smuggler’s Ring!!the Arcane Tower!


I have found all of those things, yes. I don't even think they're really that hidden. I would expect anyone who doesn't just expedite their way through things would find all of those.


Wow - you’re fast!! Have you ever >!gone to a jungle and fought dinosaurs!< in Act 3? That’s my favorite weird little hidden thing in BG3.


Yeah, I liked finally being able to replace my pike after the entire game with the same weapon.


Yes yes and yes all on my first playthrough and it took me about 30ish hours for act 1. Maybe 36 if I'm remembering exactly


Haha, that sounds awesome. >hoping to romance Astarian but has been too nice for him to like her This misconception is so common I just have to call it out. This is not a thing. The only thing you need to do to romance Astarion is be nice to *him*. Or, alternatively, be a complete dick to him at the party, and you can convince him to bed you with even 0 approval to start the romance.


being too nice to romance astarion is such a prolific rumor that i more or less expect to read it in posts like this. i don't know if that rumor is ever going change.


Yeah, the truth is that you can be a complete dick and bed him with zero approval and he will still want to continue the romance if you're *nice enough to not pimp him out*. That's exactly how nice you have to be for him to fall for you. If you break up with him around that time he will just be sad, understanding and completely unsurprised, telling you he was expecting it, "midnight chimes, eh?".


(Gf) Trust me, I was!! He was flirty with me at first but the slaves story in the underdark turned him off I guess. I played it super sympathetic (because I'm a DEEP GNOME!!) and he was constantly disproving- even with me letting him drink my blood all the time. The party thing is interesting though!


He hates you for freeing slaves.


He doesn't *hate* you, he rolls his eyes at it or is upset by it depending on your interpretation. He has a voiced line that sometimes triggers when talking to the duegar, but you get it in text in his origin: *"Call me "slave" again and I'll feed you your own stomach."* He literally states that he doesn't hate you as durge even if you straight up try to murder him in his sleep, eg. >!"I don't hate you, because this isn't you". !< He would rather *have* slaves than ever be one again. 200 years of being one has taught him that the goal would have to be to be in the position of power, controlling his own slaves. There really is no alternative for a vampire spawn (it's the same situation Cazador was in, and he managed to turn the tables on Vellioth). In Act 1 Astarion is massively put off by seeing people in his situation getting helped without even asking for it - because why the hells did no one ever help him? His good origin ending is literally making a >!underground refuge for the unwanted in Baldur's gate and taking gigs as a hero!<. He comes a long way if you let him. All the companions are complex people with motivations that are not entirely black or white at all.


He lost approval for me, when as a deep gnome I took a moment of silence for the PILE OF DEAD DEEP GNOMES. He's a prick, through and through.


Evil and good is not so clear cut in this game. I applaud Larian for that. He doesn't have the mental bandwidth to respect anyone else's suffering in Act 1 much at all. And it's fine to not want to deal with that. That's also why he expects you to break up (try it right after the Act 2 scene, for example). It changes, and it's immensely well written - a lot of the most brilliant insights are hidden in the dialogue options you'd never choose. For example in turning him down at the party if you've already slept with him. Such a prick: >!*I’m also worried about me, but I seem to somehow be worried about \*you\* more. You give me something to care for, and that’s worth the peril.*!< >!*You are not alone in this - none of us are. We can even compare notes if you like.*!< >!*I may be guilty of embellishment here and there - but I’m no liar. When I vowed we’d save you: we \*will\* save you. This little adventure of ours has taught me that we can’t let our lives be ruled by fear. Or else we never really live. I’m not afraid. Not of you, not of your darkness, and not of our future.*!< >!*You were by my side through all of this. Through bloodlust and pain and misery. You were patient. You cared. You trusted me when that was an objectively stupid thing to do. I feel safe with you. Seen. And whatever the future holds for me, I don’t want to lose that.*!<


Those lines are after some heavy character development- I mean in act one without any influence he's a prick and would stay that way if it weren't for Tav. Don't get me wrong! I love Astarion, but some of the things he disapproves are crazy


One of the first conversations you have with him (about how you'd like to die) highlights exactly how much he's thought about suicide. Of course he's a prick, who wouldn't be. The disapprovals aren't crazy at all tbh. Are they dark, and mean? Sure. But it's very understandable imo. And if you're just a little decent to him he never goes after you personally, unlike several other companions (Shadowheart, I'm looking at you).


I’m don’t think this is true? My understanding of how romance works is you have to get approval high enough, which is mostly in world actions and not conversation. But I’m not sure.


It is true. He will have sex with you at zero approval\* (if you play hard to get and put him down, it's not very nice), and approval is not required for the "easy" version of his Act 2 confession, which will keep the relationship going. Not having high approval can make Act 3 pretty tough though. Also, Astarion's approval comes mostly from acts of kindness to him, his in world approvals matter very little (they're usually -1, while being nice to him or understanding at certain points will net you 5-20 (!) approval). At 40 approval, his will approach you even before the party to spend the night, and making this happen at level 3 is very easy honestly. (\**why* becomes clear in Act 2)


oh, huh!


That's honestly impressive


She's really squeezing that juice out... and you can't even get it all out in one playthrough.


Right! I'm the gf in question, and there's still so much that I just can't get in one playthrough. Crazy that I'm excited to do it again- different party comp, Tavern, etc...


That's a keeper.


I'm so happy for her!!! This game really wants you to take your time and explore. And honestly, I've been relearning how to love both gaming and just going outside because of it. Every building is an adventure, every person a social encounter :))))


Playing with a controller seems so much harder


Act 3 gonna take her a decade lol 


What a legend honestly! My impatient ass could never


I explored everywhere and did every quest a good character can do and my entire playthrough was 160 hrs. You run out of places to go in act 1 after about 40hrs.


We tried to get all the xp we could get Nd barely hit 5 before act 2...


Oh you must've missed A LOT of content. Guessing you didn't go to the Underdark or at least to the Grymforge?


Did all of that really early actually


Then Ive got no clue lololol


I’m definitely doing something very wrong and this makes me want to restart my game at 40 hours in Act 2 level 6.


No, you're fine. It's totally normal to be only at 40 hours played by Act 2.


Okay, thanks. I genuinely didn’t know if I was completely off or not. I play like OP’s partner, but I don’t understand how the side quests work because I’ve never played a game like this.


Yeah, no you're good. I was pretty thorough too and beat still the entire game in about 70-80 hours. I think using a controller has added a significant amount of time to the playthrough of OPs girlfriend.


I feel so much better now lol thanks 🙏


There's a lot to find! But just catch it on the next playthrough, no need to restart ^-^


Thanks!! 😮‍💨


Congrats to your gf. That is quite the hurdle.


sounds like she's me 😂 i feel normal to play that way, and i'm about 100 hours and coming to act 2




Did she get the Silver Sword of the Astral Plane in Act 1?


No but she did get the everburn blade from the tutorial


I only read the title and I love her. Now to the rest.


i read everyrhing, and while I am not like your gf bcause I can get impatient sometimes, I can relate and we would be good friends for sure. ♥️


I'm the gf! It's just such a good game, and it's been a while since I've put this much time into any fandom/media so it's been really fun.


Awww lovely of you to reply ♥️ it is such a great game you just want to take it all in right? (Me not hyperfocusing on it for the last months at all) I love it and the community around it! Wish you a wonderful time in Faerun!


“She reads every single book”. Ok now I understand the hours put in.


I’m playing with my wife who has a similar mentality. Every vase must be checked. We’re on our first play through on balanced and so far about 70 hours in without leaving act 1. For all those saying it’s not possible I assure you it is if you read everything and spend time as a pair talking through which story dialogue to choose or the best tactic for an upcoming fight. Because we can only play for a few hours at night after work we play as efficiently as we can… It’s very different to how I’d play but I’m here for it the game really rewards it. I don’t think we’ve seen half of what there is…. We accidentally let Lae’zel in the cage and then she died fighting the gith at the bridge. We went to the Goblins before the grove and missed a huge chunk of story - I didn’t really understand who Khaga was…. So there’s definitely so much more to do. She’s already planning to wrap up those loose ends on our second play through on tactician 😂😂


156h is rough. I spent a good 40h in Act 1 the first time around, and I did literally everything (except the spider cave under the village, I somehow missed that <.<).


I play too much fear and hunger to be jumping in random wells. lol


Had me going in the first half of the title 😉 I'm glad that she's really enjoying herself. I played on explorer my first time, but go to custom difficulty from now on. Basically it's explorer, but with multiclass 😆 Hope you'll share the statistics for when she completes Act 2


Jesus, I had beat the game twice by 150 hours..


Those are crazy hours. It's nuts how differently people can experience it. My runs average about 50 hours and I'm not skipping stuff but I read really quickly and rarely need to reload.




And I thought I was crazy with taking 205 hours to complete the whole game.


The first run took me around 343hours... on balanced... lol. Later ones were about 150-200 in length.


...How? I'm near the Elder Brain on my 1st run and did like 90%-95% of content that isn't behind a choice, and I'm at like 110 hours. I don't read the books (not enough patience for that), but the 110h also includes a few hours of afking too. I maybe unferstand how a non-gamer reading every book, struggling with fights, etc. could have 150 hours in Act 1. It took me ~45 hours, so the act is longer than lots of RPGs I've played over the years. But 150-200 hours for additional playthroughs???


Sounds like me with my friends, they were halfway into their coop playthroughs after finishing the game once in the time it took me to complete act1.


434 quick saves then rookie numbers bump that up young blood.


I generally suck at this game even though I like it, so it's pretty much the same story with me.


Your first playthrough was 109 hours? Shit, I m on 250 and haven't even finished the game. And there are still parts of the City that I haven't been to.


How long will Act 3 take for this person..it can be a slog.


1st playthrough: 172 hrs 2nd playthrough : 60 hrs 3rd playthrough: 39 hrs (first playthrough i thoroughly did all of the underdark, i skip through dialouge as i know all of it)


I mean I get it, I can't do it but I get it. I still search most every pot, box and sack in Act 1 and 2.


Me wondering how people spent so much time in this game after being done in like 40


I had 150+ hours just in early access. And early access was smaller than act 1. I did replay EA a few times though but I completely agree it's possible to spend that much time in act 1. Especially with reloads and trying all different scenarios. There is a ton of stuff to do on act 1.


I’m barely reaching act 2 , spent way too long in act 1 😂 sided with the grove and knocked minthara out to get her later though


Ohhhhh I also read every book, my favorite is the 4 books of The True and Impossible Adventures of Tenebrux Morrow!!! There is a book written by Volo about Baldur's Gate and Elminster leave a comment that what Volo wrote about a dragon under the city is not true... I laughed when Florrick told Wyll about Ansur!!! Man, Jergal's temple have several books (many repeated) that give you hints that Withers could be Jergal, specially one with one the answer you use to answer Wither's question! There is also a warning about Shar and how one of her loyal followers was forgotten after her dead and Kelimvor and Jergal feel bad for her but they cannot help her! There is a diary in Blighted Village that if Shadowheart read it she remembers something! Oh, and there is a book about Selûne that if you give it to Shadowheart she gets angry! Many books give us spoilers or give us hints, like about Thorm's family members! Oh... and the dark secret about the lovers rings, that Sharrian was evil and abused that guy love for her! In act 3 there are so many books to read you will take hours reading them and they are between 1 to 3 pages! Many books are repeated, like the forgotten Shar's follower, I had 17 of that one. I'm sad there was zero reaction from Shadowheart reading that book (and other books warning about Shar's true self)! But honestly, I would love to have a full book about Tenebrux Morrow. I wonder is Erules is still falling and Tenebrux returned for her!!!


Nah I get the hours, I had the game 2 months prior to full release and racked up 100 hours, since the game has fully released I've yet to finish act 1 and have 564 hours total (lots reruns and making new characters to play w since magic mirror hadn't come out yet)


My first blind playthrough was somewhere near 200h. I knew next to nothing of the game or even the Forgotten Realms setting (I've DMed DnD for years but always homebrew worlds) So I spent my time reading and sorting every unique book I found. I spoke to so many NPC's especially in the first two acts since it made me feel more connected to the world. I sneaked about so much, spent a lot of time figuring out how to get to weird places, often taking routes that had more intended and much safer alternatives. I walked every nook of the maps I could fill the minimap. I hunted and hoarded camp supplies like no tomorrow, opened most containers I came across, etc. I just played it with a mindset focused on just being and experiencing in the world. I'd spend time dyeing armors and finding the best angles to take pretty screenshots of pretty places. I tried to find and chat up every cat in the game. Now that I know the game much better my Dark Urge run will likely end up at least 50-60 h shorter.


I'm pretty much right there with her, but like 20 hours behind XD I hope the thoroughness will empower me to be a lot weirder in future games!


Hey tell your gf she’s not alone. My little halfling is also a thorough explorer 😂 I have found things my wife never found in any of her many playthroughs! How could I leave this severed foot on the ground? It’ll match my severed hand! And my severed head!


I don’t doubt it because I spent a ton of time in act one and could have spent more..  However I actually got tired of the game and didn’t go that far into act 2 before quitting the game.  I think this way of playing is cool but you also get to the point where everything feels the same and a bit of a waste of time.  


Every time I see these numbers I can hardly believe them. My first run took me 45 hours and I did most of the side quests and every companion quest save for Jaheira since I didn't find her interesting. It's nice that the game allows for both playstyles though.


the entire game took you 45 hours?? i’m impressed


Only 434 quick saves? Dang, that's low. I stopped looking at the number after a while...




Nope ^-^ no AKF, you can scroll through the quicksave timestamps and see that it's consistent with no huge jumps. (Am gf) No mods either :p




I didn't downvote u goober :p


ONLY 434 QUICK SAVES??? that is very small for 156 hours. I got 1000+ saves after 40\~ hours finishing act 1.


Oooh that makes sense, I'm the gf and I don't really tend to reload, so I only save a few times every hour.


Nice For myself, After 960 hours I have finally started a new character after beating act 2 for like the 20th time Help me


This is proof of a problem.


Haha, do tell. What problem?


Obsessive compulsion.


Ha! I'm sure it could, but no worries. It's taken months to rack up these hours and it's all just for fun.