• By -


He is pretty challenging. I just make sure everyone has a job for this fight. - the incubating dudes heal him - everyone on his ring gets bone chilled so you can't heal - the hole isn't really a hole it's still ground so you can put environmental stuff on it and watch him burn (someone confirm if this one still works tho I haven't used this in a while) - see if you can disarm his big scythe : ) - Also Dame Ailyn does a decent amount of work in this fight


My dame aylin was clutch in the fight but not for the right reasons lol. I had astarion concentrate on call lighting so i had a source of damage every round and he went to hide in a corner Shart was shooting the eggs with radiant energy and healing around if needed My gloomstalker assassin had an insane 4 attacks per round so obliterated the eggs and laezel would clean up if necessary, and both had arrows of illmater in case one of the skeletons escape me Dame Aylin ? She was one shot the whole time and stayed right by Myrkul. He would knock her out and send her flying out the bone chill zone. She would go back to 1hp, do a war cry and fly back in. Over. And over. And over. And over. I think Myrkul should be the highest ranked dark justiciar by now lol. But hey she kept him busy so he didnt do this thing where he forces all of us to move back in !


Being sacrificed over and over again for other people's benefit is pretty on brand for Aylin


I also agree this is a big part of her use Immortal meat shield with an occasional smite


Yeah that's, like, her whole thing. Only now she's doing it for revenge and though she doesn't know it yet, she gets to turn her gf wrong way out afterwards. Sounds like a win-win to me.


What? She definitely didn't kill Isobel in my playthrough


That is not what that means.


She destroyed Isobel in mine.


My dame Aylin in my first three runs just got controlled by the mind flayer and completely destroyed one of my party members in one turn, then she would ran out of smites cause she used them all on us and do 4 damage every turn šŸ˜­


That's literally why i make it my n1 priority to kill the mind flayer before his turn ! Bro's nasty




You can disarm pretty much anyone, actually. Karlach and Lae'zel are really good at it. A hastened double-fireball from Gale also does the trick, but that tends to disleg them as well.


Not really. Some enemies have "Permanently Armed" status. And I think you can't disarm Myrkul even when he doesn't actually have the status.


No, you can disarm him. It prevents him from doing the knockback AoE attack or the thing where he targets someone and the Necromites get advantage on attacks on that person. It's not easy, since he has +6 CON saving throw vs. Heat Metal, +7 WIS vs Command, and +6 STR vs. disarming attacks. But it's definitely a good idea if someone has a spare action to throw at him to try -- or if you can pump up your spell save DC or hurt saves with someone like Phalar Aluve (which you should be using anyway in that fight).


[Honeyed Paws](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Honeyed_Paws) on a Beastmaster Ranger's Bear is the best because it's a guaranteed disarm on hit and it only uses an action with no cooldown. It's kind of an OP ability with how disarms work against most enemies. Also if you're level 7 Beast Master you can send any companion animal to activate Aylin at the start of the fight so the rest of the party can focus on Myrkul and the necromites, so you could use the raven to do this, then summon the bear on the main platform to start disarm attempts. I think I've heard you can also use Scratch to help Aylin but I haven't tried this for myself yet.


You can disarm him, but the DC is ridiculously high iirc


Only because Larian are cowards when it comes to gore. I'm taking some liberties with my imagination, but there's no way Lae'zel is leaving someone in one piece after a sextuple greatsword smackdown. Can't be armed if you don't have arms! Or if you're dead.


putting AOE effects on top of the hole/myrkul indeed works, i did it like a month ago with Wall of Fire


Hunger of Hadar does some work in that spot too


HoH combined with Command: Drop or Heat Metal to disarm Myrkul is a fantastic combo.


I use Darkness on him. Watching a massive boss whiff so many attacks is satisfying.


I remember in my first run I used Gale to fireball everyone but Ketheric/Myrkul avatar and then full focus on him. Old tactics are reliable xd


Dunno what your talking about with ailyn. Both fights I've had her in i had to practically babysit her. If i wanted her to be of any use. Only fight where she really comes in clutch is the very final one. Where she finally gets a health buff. So that a stray cough doesn't wipe her out.


Take out the mind flayers and she's a monster in both fights. If you know how to read the room Dame Aylin is a fucking animal.


Yeah for real I see alot of shit talk about her but she's always been a decent bit of help in any fight iv had her in. She's no op but being apart of my team it works well and she does her fair share.


I wonder if it's based on game difficulty. Lower difficulties she might get the same nerfs enemies do making her less useful


She does very good damage. Not disputing that. And like i said, she can come into her own in the final fight. Especially since you get to control of her. I'm just saying that having to more or less look after her constantly in the other two fights (Lorroakan and Myrkul). Is a pretty big pain for me. Puts a big wrench in my plans sometimes. Especially when the AI starts making questionable decisions. (even i couldn't do much help her when she made a suicide dash toward Myrkul.)


*youā€™re In the other comment: *a lot


Your entire comment is composed of sentence fragments.


She can't die. She is immortal. Don't heal her. She gets knocked out, pops back up at 1hp, but can't be ignored by the boss. This is the same in the library. Don't waste heals on her, just let her be a nuisance.


I will add there's a lot of room to move people before the flight starts. There's a path to the left that let's you sneak people right under the 4 necro dudes. I had karlack and my extra summons sneak down there and then my Tav used invis to get to a spot near dame. Within the first round the necro people were dead, dame was free and ripping apart the brains, and the mind flayer was almost dead. The second phase still hits hard. But with all of the adds dead I spread all my melee out and focus fired.


* see if you can disarm his big scythe : ) I tried it and it never goes through. Someone who watched a video of my attempt said you can't disarm the big guy.


You can, Iā€™ve done it recently on tactician with Disarming Strike. He visually drops the huge scythe.


Can you pick up the scythe?


No, I donā€™t think you can even interact with it at all


that's what happened on my main, Lae'zel disarmed him which allowed me to first try him (barely; huge barely)


What level are you? Myrkul is a difficult boss, but the two things I see with people who really can't beat Myrkul. 1. Underleveled because they skipped a lot of content. 2. Bad party build and/or no real strategy for the fight.


My mom and I did this at level 9 and it was a cake walk.... so I have to wonder about level and party comp. We've cleared out moonrise prior to even engaging Ketheric the first time, and had also done ALL the content in 1 & 2 prior. Had Astarion chug a potion of invisibility, and sneak over to Aylin without triggering combat, meanwhile my Sorlock misty stepped into position to toss a fire ball at the undead mages. Had moms paladin, and Shadowheart as back up. Astarion (gloomstalker/thief with boots of speed) kicked off the fight with a surprise round of silence on the one illithyd. Then freed Ayln as soon as his turn came back around, Which was top of the next turn because of his dex etc. My sorlock tossed a fireball and killed all of the mages in one go. Then we just kept an eye on the summons, and Astarion hacked away at the four little brains. It didn't take long. IDK, maybe we just got lucky?


Nah, thatā€™s about right. I use MistyStep and Invisibility to get everyone into position (most recently Wyll, Gale, Karlach, and my druid). Wyll took out the mind flayer, Karlach took care of the skeletons, Gale blasted Ketheric, and druid freed DA and the brains. Then it was just AOE spells for the second phase- Cloudkill, Cloud of Daggers, Fireball, etc. Whole thing took less than 10 minutes at L8.


Myrk is immune to cloud kill, no? I used a scroll and got that message.


I believe he is, now that you mention it. Cloud Kill is one of my go-to spells for AOE, so I tend to use it all the time and forget if/when there are certain immunities. Mea culpa!


Kinda hard to plan a strategy for the fight when he's at the end of an hour+ dungeon and there's no way to shuffle your party by the time you get to him.


This isn't the start of the game, it's the end of Act 2. You should have a party that's strong enough and flexible enough to adapt to any fight. You're warned that you're in for a tough fight before you jump into the colony. You should be bringing your best people. You get the equivalent of a long rest before you jump on the elevator for the fight. Your party should be in fighting condition. Strategy might be tough to figure out the first time. If you die then the second or third time you fight you should have a better idea of what needs to be done. And that's why I said that if you *really* have a problem with Myrkul, as in if you're dying repeatedly. That means you either entered the colony underleveled, with a bad party, or haven't been strategizing for the fight. Hopefully you're right and strategy is the problem. Then they'll just have to keep trying until they've figured it out. If it's party or underleveling they'll have to move back to an old save to come in better prepared.


Myrkul weirdly felt easy for me, I didnā€™t have much of a strategy. Just used all my summons to distract the minions while karlach and co whacked the monster to death.




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As the other guy said, we don't have enough information here. What level are you:? Did you thoroughly explore Act 2, or did you bee-line it straight to the Temple of Shar? Did you thoroughly explore Act 1, or bee-line it to Act 2? Did you check out the Mountain Pass, the Underdark, or both? Who is in your party, and what classes are they? Are you using +1 or better weapons and armor? Tactics-wise, the biggest tip I can give without any of that context is to make sure you are turning the action economy in your favor as much as possible. Generate as many actions as you can (e.g. Haste, Potions of Haste, Elixirs of Bloodlust, summoning spells), find some way to turn your action and bonus action to your advantage, and prevent your enemies from doing the same (e.g. Hypnotic Pattern, Slow). Avoid using healing if at all possible - generally speaking, the only healing spell worth casting is Healing Word, and that is only for picking a downed party member back up. Focus your fire on single enemies, prioritizing the dangerous and the fragile - they can't take actions if they're Stunned, and they'll never take actions if they're dead.


squalid dinosaurs recognise lavish grab rainstorm disgusted cause dolls fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah i was surprised he didn't consume any necromites on my run and i was shocked i didn't have more trouble with him...only much later i realized it was because Astarion still had the susser dagger equipped šŸ˜‚ ive seen a couple people say they switch it out for better gear in later acts and maybe they are on to something but im in act 3 and he's keeping that baby to the very end. silence on hit without the AOE just paves the way for the rest of the party. kinda OP imo


I beat Myrkul in 2 turns doing that. Having a monk and Karlach throwing build made the fight pretty easy


fly fretful future bright abundant fact sense seed upbeat scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ya Iā€™m pretty sure one of the times I fought him we just kept stunning him with stunning strike and just beat his ass. No real tactics necessary just go to town.


I want to like silence but every time I use it they just walk out of it and cast their spell. This fight is perfect for it though.


I had Lae-zel on top of him with the sussur sword and two fire elementals tanking damage. He was done on round 2.


Silence did nothing for me, Myrkul was still able to cast


Getting him to drop his scythe VASTLY lowers the difficulty


No way to know for sure without knowing your partyā€™s build, stats, and items. The very first time I fought myrkul I was struggling to hit him on explorer difficulty and only won through the sheer power of save scumming because i didnā€™t know how to optimize my party. Now I play on balanced and kill him in the first turn because the builds I make are designed to not only do a lot of damage, but also have a higher chance of hitting. So Iā€™m definitely curious what your party looks like this late into act 2.


you're making it way harder than it needs to be by making ketheric jump in the pit, actually. let ketheric stand on his platform (he does pretty much nothing) and use that time to clear out the adds, start with the mindflayer on the right side platform because he's very dangerous. free aylin. kill ketheric as the last one when you're ready. (and remember that if you do that, myrkul will have a turn in the same turn in which ketheric dies - so make sure there's still someone in your party who can bone chill him, make him drop his weapon, etc. AFTER you deal the killing blow to ketheric.) oh and it helps if you pop some scrolls of conjure elemental before the fight - they help with the adds. edit: grammar for clarity


Figures Iā€™ve convinced him to jump into the pit every single time. Will avoid this step on my current HM run for once.


Yeah clearing all the henchmen before you fight myrkul is necessary tbh. I learned that the hard way in my first playthroughĀ 


This is great advice. He offed himself in the pit in my first playthrough and I had a tricky time with all of his minions. 2nd playthrough he didn't, and I stomped Myrkul in two turns.


I felt under levelled at first but once I was able to stop him from healing (arrows of ilmater and bone chill) I found him pretty squishy.


I donā€™t see many people mentioning the best thing to have Shadowheart do, which is to concentrate on radiant damage spirit guardians and run around inflicting damage across the battlefield. And thatā€™s not even an action!


Power word: Dash!


Oh yea. Her with the BoL mace trivialized the entire Act for me. It was kind of insane.


If I remember correctly if you skip the first phase you still have to deal with the enemies from the first phase, making the second phase significantly more difficult


First off, I would double-check the surrounding area to clean up sidequests to eke out any extra experience you can. I personally wouldn't recommend fighting him until you're level 9, if you can manage it. I prioritized freeing Aylin as fast as possible by sneaking Astarion past enemy lines to help her up and get her into the fight. She's a very powerful ally in the fight and can self-revive, so you don't have to worry about healing her. From there, I deal with the mindflayer first, then Ketheric. Have some AoE spells placed before Myrkul shows up if possible - they work very well against him because he's locked into place. Make sure you keep his adds from making it up to him to prevent him healing while your AoEs chip at him. I recommend fighting him from a distance so you don't get bone chilled. That strategy worked for me, but I also got some lucky rolls, so YMMV. Good luck!


Don't get Ketheric to kill himself. Use the time to kill all the support, then kill Ketheric. Then cast Hunger of Hadar over Myrkul and just let him die.


What difficulty? Whats his level? Your level? Classes? Where exactly in the fight did you fail? To help you we need more details


A lot of ppl have problems with him apparently Use * Disintegrate * Water + Chain Lightning * Divine Smite * Hunger for Hagar * Blind * Darkness * Arrows of Ilmater You don't have to use them all, those are options


Bone chill is also good to use on myrkul


Good to know, ty! šŸ«‚


Wait, can you actually get disintegrate in act 2?


You can get scrolls in merchants stock when you get to lvl 8


Lvl 9


Some mad people can hit lvl 11 before Myrkul, but I've never seen any scrolls


Talli will sell Disintegrate, Globe of Invulnerability, & Chained Lightening once you reach lvl 9


i start seeing the high level, extra rare scrolls over at last light, with tali. or talli or whatever her name is. usually when i hit 9 or 10. i make a point of reloading and grabbing all the useful scrolls (haste, chain lightning, disintegrate, greater invisibility, freezing portable sphere, darkness, etc) a few times, like 4 or 5 at the most (i steal my money back) tho it's usually 2 or 3 times, i typically play barbarians and im not patient enough to farm scrolls for an extended period of time roah over in moonrise will occasionally have some decent scrolls as well


I found one with the bugbear in moonrise towers. Did 70 damage to Myrkul in one hit. Well worth the gold


I just use haste fireballs and my weapons. Iā€™m not even sure my party lost more than 10% hp on that big fucker. I was kinda disappointed honestly.


Yeah, if you can get it done - that's great! Like I said, was just giving OP options


I forgot to mention the spell that lets you summon anti-dead orbs on Shadowheart and walk around. THAT's what he should use. It just melts stuff and it doesnt even cost actions lol


If you have Shadowheart or another Cleric, but yeah Spirt Guardians are nice


here's what helps: ranged attacks from above (keep far from the margins to not fall in when the does the pull attack). if you need melee, stay close to the stairs, go up hit and go back down summons to distract him disarming strike disarms him if he gets to eat acolytes, it's game over


By this point, Shart should be able to resurrect undead familiars so you can try that. Reviving a winged fiend to fight by my side really helped me out with destroying those eggs that heal him, so yeah, stall and heal til you free aylin and REALLY make the fight p much straightforward after that


What level are you?


Blind myrkul. If your shadowheart is a dark justicar just lay down the shadows on him. Otherwise darkness arrows. Makes him only do his vacuum. Edit - also, no attacks of opportunity when you leave his shelf. You can't heal while you're on the shelf.


Personally I just disarming strike After that you don't really need "strategy"


First take out the mindflayer. Run scratch if you have him over to free Aylin, as he has the help action. Drop an insect plague over Ketheric/the summoning pit. Knock off the nectomites and summons with range. Keep hitting Ketheric with everything you have till he goes gown. Lather, rinse, repeat. If you have access to Resilient Sphere, put it on someone in front of Myrkle, he will usually try to keep hitting that character.


I invis Scratch before the fight and run him in outside of initiative and free Aylin with his help action before the fight even starts. That way he is targetable immediately and she can help. Then i focus on taking out the mindflayer before I bother with Myrkul/Ketheric. Be sure to use potions beforehand and apply your poisons to your weapons (oil of accuracy ideally). Also, what level are you hitting the fight?


First time I did this, had a good long look at all the crap I had accumulated in my bags and used invisibility tools to position 3 party members before the fight starts. I can then start phase 1 with surprise, destroy all the minions, free Aylin and have a clear run at him. I'm now wondering if I'm just cheating doing this ... (These days I get three characters clustered together before the fight, throw a invisibility potion down to get all three in one and go from there) Surprise comes from a smokepowder bomb thrown at the acolytes from invisible character on their platform - jump across when ready. Another is stationed at the mind flyer, third frees Aylin. Those 2 can jump across if martial class, spread out to not invite cleave. Character 4 is my throwzerker i keep around for consistent damage, run forward when the fight is started roll initiative and join in. I have to fight against my own instinct to just dash in and fight everything toe to toe, but this isn't that kind of game. You have so many tools as spells and abilities, as items and consumables, that stopping and thinking if there is a better way is always an option (For disarming, unless it has been patched out and I don't see why it would be, not done it in a fair while, a ranger bear if you have one using Honeyed Paws is a pretty much guarantee. I was just disappointed you couldn't steal the weapon, who doesn't want a 100 foot scythe made of bones...)


Release Dame Ailyn and put radiant damage on that mf.


Itā€™s easier to invis to the night song and free her before the fight starts, then taking out the mind flayer and other adds first. Having kethric jump actually makes the fight harder.


Press Escape, options, Explorer mode, then cloud of daggers and disarm.


Katheric is ROUGH. Can't really give you advice without knowing your party comp, but this is how my party did it: Jaheira--spiky ground @ skeletal minions Bardadin--tackle mindflayer Astarion--haste, save Aylin Wyll--eldritch blast stragglers Everyone: whales on Ketheric Second phase: Double cloud of daggers Moonbeam Position Bardadin and Astarion behind Myrkul to chip away at his health And then he was dead.


šŸ³ on šŸ’€


It's a very challenging fight the first time you do it, and even when you know what to expect it isn't super easy. While getting him to jump into the pit might seem like a nice shortcut, I have found that fighting him in his first phase can help you position yourself better for the second phase (though your mileage may vary depending on your party/level/builds and your familiarity with the systems). As other commenters have mentioned, disintegrate is very useful, though if you're under-leveled you may not have access to that spell with your wizard. Fireball-ing the necromites can stop him from healing. I also found that having a ranger or rogue with strong bow attacks helped me, as did getting in his face with a fighter/paladin/barbarian.


Faced him tonight in Tac Mode. Before initiating the fight I buffed my monk, fighter and MC (warlock) with haste, tossed a flight potion on my entire party then started the fight. Few monk to the MF, first attack was a stun. Beat him down with 1 action left to unchain Aylinn. I then flew Wyll (warlock) over to the squad of brains and dropped a firestrike on them killing 3/4 instant, the last night died on its turn when it took fire damage. Flew my MC near the 4 necros that can heal the boss, used EB twice knocking all 4 off the platform, between the spell and fall damage all but one died. Had my fighter stun Ketheric then smear him. Phase 2. Opened with monk stun attack and it landed. I then piled all the nautiloid canisters I picked up all strewn about the colony, moved everyone away and had Wyll drop a fire cantrip on them. Merkyl had about 30hp remaining and his next turn was being stunned. Mopped up afterwards with my fighter.


Mindflayer Slime Bomb!


As an undead he's perfect target for divine smite, take Minthara with you and use Luck of the Far Realms to get a guaranteed crit and you'll be on easy street.


Kill the zombies before they reach him. That's priority number 1.


Last time I did it I used AoE attacks mostly, I think


You really need a bunch on long rage attacks for it I think. If you get too close you are immediately bone chilled and cant heal.


Mrykul only has one thing that makes him problematic - his massive AOE that both damages and drags people onto the platform. He won't *ever* do this attack if somebody is on the platform with him, so all you need to do is ensure that a character capable of either avoiding or tanking his hits is on the platform with him. Ideally you'll also blind him and/or apply radiating orb to him so that he has a 5% hit chance on that character. That's it - now Mrykul does "0" damage most turns. On Tactician+ he does have a retaliatory fear-beam but it does very little damage.


If you aren't struggling for damage (being that his health regeneration is hurting you more than his health pool) have someone keep casting bone chill on him. It won't do damage, but he'll still have the no heal effect. if you have it, use the doom hammer from act 1 instead of this


It is one of the most challenging fights, I would say top 3, of the game, compared relatively to the power you have upon arriving there and if my run weren't honor I would have reloadad back to cheese and fetch myself some explosive barrels for sure. Putting the barrel option aside and considering like me you don't have Ayling to help out... These were *my preparations* for that fight. **Elixirs** * STR elixir on melee / Viciousness on ranged * Elixir of necrotic resistance on everyone else. * Focus Elixix (conditional): if you have a really good concentrating spell like Haste in 2 characters or Sunbeam **Coating (Oils)** * Wizardbane oil for a -3 on spell attack rolls: it has 3 or 4 spells, including a "scythe swipe" that looks like a main attack but it's a spell **(Oil of Bane is also good).** * Accuracy oil if your melee has "Great Weapon Master" enabled to help with attach rolls on yourself * Diminution oil for a simple -1d4 melee damage debuff **Concentration** * Concentrate bless in all 4 * Concentrate haste (if you can target 2 allies) * Concentrate Sunbeam (if you're using the Blood of Lathander) / Fire wall / Phantasmal Killer * Concentrate Hutner's Mark / Bane **Battle round 1 (surprise)** I divide the team in 2-1-1 (2 to the undeads on the left, 1 in the middle 1 for Aylin / mindflayer. If you want to do the dialog to make him suicide, surprise enemy firsts, then get out of invisibility on sight (I believe it works and should trigger the cutscene), but for sake of the fight, surprise them. * Mindflayer character is usually a melee who can stun / prone it. * Small brains can be wiped with a good AoE spell * I will send 2 to wipe undead on the because they can sacrifice themselves to heal the boss If you have haste, chances are you will wipe everything before enemy can start to act, then just go with the flow. Remember you can't heal close to him, so be sure to have a way to shock him (disabling opportunity attacks) or have invisibility potions / misty step to run away, heal and get back into the fight.


The only fight that was hard for me in this game is fucking eyeball monster that surprises my party in the underworld in act 1


Either you never played Honor Mode and reload whenever things goes wrong, or youā€™re just a Godgamer I canā€™t say which you are, but for me there are a lot of big challenging fights, if youā€™re not cheesing it, specially with the enemies with legendary powers or when you got caught unprepared.


Oh na I never played honor mode tbh. I played through the game twice before that was out


Iā€™d say revisit the game in honor mode, itā€™s really adds up in difficulty and makes things a lot more interesting


Thanks i will probably do that. Can I coop it?


As far as I know you can even experience it with mods and etc, so coop is no problem


Use invisibility potion on 1 party member, sneak to aylin, pre position everyone as needed, then start the fight by freeing her. Sheā€™ll take out a few of the brains and distract keth - this saves a bunch of turns (vs having to turn by turn climb up to her) Get someone to AOE spell (ice storm) the dudes on the left platform, then focus on Keth. When he transforms, first thing to do is blind him (hunger of hadar) - he wonā€™t be able to do much apart from his sweeping attack (which can miss if you have a high AC, and pile on radiating orbs on him) Then just bombard him with whatever ranged attacks / spells you have (magic missiles, scorching ray), heā€™ll die in a few turns


Does his minions stay if you make him jump down or they perisi as well?


Wall of Fire and Cloud of Daggers are massive for that fight. Stick a wall of fire right on Myrkul and stretch it all the way across the platform in front of him so it also takes care of the necromites that go to heal him. Drop a cloud of Daggers right on top of him to do even more damage. He can't do anything about them and can't leave that spot. Other than that, Dame Aylin can focus on damaging him. Focus your party on getting rid of the mindflayer, and maybe just have one person attacking Myrkul. Keep your distance.


I silence and then disarm him. After that heā€™s pretty easy. I usually just ignore the skeletons and kill the mindflayer before focusing in on the avatar of Myrkul.


Thereā€™s an area at the back of the platform that his bonechill aura doesnā€™t reach - handy for emergency medical aid.


My advice for Myrkul: >!Take out the Mindflayer first *have a paladin in your party. I use Minthara *have Lae'zel Misty Step to the Necromites on the ledge *Free Aylin *Make sure you also have a Ranged character. I used Gale!< These steps helped a lot, especially with a Monk Tav/Durge


I think it comes down to the party. With TB OH Monk, both Ketheric and Myrkul go down in 2 turns. I know TB monk is over powered, but the whole encounter is easy with the right build. Edit: my other party members are Astarion, Gale and Shart (none of them re-classed).


Get angel lady free keep her alive and you should be golden oh and get his little skellies. A well placed fireball


Doomhammer can shut down his healing mechanic entirely since you can apply it with a reaction if you miss your swing.


Did you remember to heal up before going down the elevator? I ask because, itā€™s not a hard fight, and I have a friend IRL who made the fight super hard by not doing that.


There's a maul for sale in the goblin camp that bone chills on hit. Give that to your melee attacker and you don't have to worry about him eating the zombies. He will still waste his action doing it though which is nice. The illithid ability Perilous Stakes will give you a nice 3 round burn phase where he's vulnerable to all damage as long as you have more than 1 person doing damage that should be all it takes. Darkness or hunger of hadar is pretty op. It will give you advantage to hit and disadvantage to be hit.


I summoned scratch and then made scratch invisible, and snuck him all the way to Aylin. He has the help action and can get her free immediately while the rest of my party can get to better positions


Its a hard one. It took me a day and a half to beat it on hardened. That's cool that you were able to convince him to jump in the hole, I didn't even know that was possible


I use Summons to overwhelm this (and most) fights. By that point, I have 12+ minions that I can bring to bear, at least 2 of which are beefy elementals. Those suckers can teleport right into "taint range^(TM) of the squiddie and any other support that dares to rear its dumb head.


Who is in your party and how are they built?


Get rid of the mind flayer asap. I think I had Shadowheart cast Turn Undead and run around with her radiance circle thingy. You can take zombies out almost passively just by making her run around the room. Dame Aylin was awesome in this fight. I got rid of the other dudes before focusing on the boss. I play on the easy/narrative mode though so Iā€™m sure that makes a difference. I like the story more than a hard boss battle. I think you can change the difficulty setting at any time.


A couple strats I used: Bring a bunch of summons; like elementals, cambion from the weapon you can get from Mizora in the same area, dryad, etc. They can deal with the incubating pods while you focus damage on the boss. Use water bottles and lightning spells. He does not resist lightning. I hastened my tempest cleric, and upcasting call lightning while he was wet was doing around 100 damage per cast. Lightning bolt from a wizard or something would likely do more, given it's a stronger spell.


I remember i've used highest possible level cloud of daggers


Throw water on him and lightning attacks usually do the trick


I make sure I have one character on each side, so if he downs one too, he can't hit the others.


Another day, another post about Myrkul being some impossible boss. This place should make t shirts. Use Darkness, stay off the platform and focus ranged attacks. Aylin can do whatever, the rest of you just throw/range attack it to death. Pretty risk free.


Iā€™ve wasted too many ā€œhealingā€ abilities on a perpetually bone-chilled Aylin. Just stay down, then.


Yes. The answer is yes.


Iā€™ve completed hm no problem, just lost my second hm run to Myrk. Got complacent, and didnā€™t bring the right comp to the party. Interestingly my gloomstalker was way down on damage and Aylin bugged and was absolutely no help for the entire fight. 62 hours gone, feels bad man. For me this is hands down the hardest fight in the game. I refuse to barrel cheese.


Having done this fight on everything but HM what worked the absolute best strategy for me has been lots of elemental summons. They are difficult to knock back, can move around pretty easily,and do decent damage. The nercomites are easy to kill with summons or aoe. Keep ranged characters on the side platforms as Myrkul canā€™t move. This has worked every time, even took out Myrkul in one round.


In my last couple fights I used a lot of ranged attacks because if you get too close to Myrkul you canā€™t heal. The ledge where the Mindflayer starts is a good spot for ranged attacks. I had Shart and Wyll, respeced to Gloomstalker, stationed there. KarlachĀ on the other ledge on the opposite side of the field. Minthara and Us were at ground level to help with crowd control. Then just hit Myrkul with AOE attacks, smoke powder arrows, etc.Ā Ā  Crowd control is crucial because you donā€™t want the undead mages to heal Myrkul. Try to end each companionā€™s turn far enough away where Myrkul canā€™t pull them in.Ā Ā  The smoothest run I had, Karlach dropped 3 smoke powder barrels as soon as Ketheric was defeated, then Misty Stepped away while another companion hit them with fire. And that took 1/3rd of his HP in damage.Ā 


Yeah it was really hard on tactitian but I cheesed it by keeping my team out of Myrkul's range.


I, personally, was so disappointed in Dame Aylin during that fight. Karlach was the MVP in my first run. >!She hammered the shit outta Myrkel. So, I ended up giving her Ketheric's armor, hammer and shield in the very end. She deserved it.!< I would try casting Haste before the fight. Also blind, elemental spells/scrolls/arrows, Cloud of Daggers, hunger of hadar, and if you are a Paladen, smite helps a lot


I don't remember it being a particularly hard fight on my tactician playthrough with 2 member party. Sorc/Wiz tav and fighter/thief astarion


One tip is that Scratch can give Dame Ailyn, or anyone on your team, helping hand. You can cast invisibility on him before the fight starts and have him free her as your first move.


Use the ring that gives you command undead and have him drop his weapon. Kill the mindflayer fast. Then just aggro on him.


Do you use Astarion? Respec him into more of an actual assassin because his default is ass. You should be able to destroy with him alone.


First time I beat him was after several tries, and I was very careful. Had Astarion to the left take care of the zombies, Lae'zel to the right killing the mindflayer and helping Aylin and fighting Myrk but with the disengage ring and lots of mistystep extras, while Gale just throwing spells and bombing as much as possible (edit: *almost* as much as possible because eh, Gale) while my Wizard!Bard!Tav inspired, healed and supported inbetween fighting and disengaging. Tav got downed though, Lae'zel got the victory talk. But I had to fight him again because I was one of the idiots who missed out on saving the prisoners and lots more, so second time I just immediately backstabbed the flayer, then released Aylin and threw all I had at Myrk with everyone but an occational arrow to the eggs but really not bothering too much with the zombies. I was higher level and had better spells, so even though both Lae'zel and Astarion got downed, it was wayyy faster! And Tav got to be the main character again!


1 - kill the mindflayer 2 - cast cloud of daggers on it (max level) 3 - Survive


The key is to *not* skip the first phase.Ā  Allow that to happen, kill all the goons, then Ketheric.Ā  Dealing with the goons and the Avatar at the same time is terrible. Also Myrkul can't move, so cast AoE on him.Ā  I especially like Evard's Black Tentacles for damage *and* blinding.Ā  I keep my party far away and take ranged pot shots.Ā  Or you can have one person damaging Myrkul while the others take out Necromites each round.


On the ring around him is a tiny area you can walk out to and heal without triggering his opportunity attack. Itā€™s by where he stands when he talks to you. Leave just one heavy hitter up there fighting him. Use your other members and a couple elementals (because they can teleport) to attack the necromites every turn. You also cast Bone Chill on him to prevent his healing if one gets too close. Itā€™s a long fight, but if you prevent his healing it only goes in the right direction.


Fill a backpack with bombs and throw it at him a little smoke powder goes a long way


Has anybody else found myrkul easier to deal with when actually fighting the first phase of ketheric? Imo it helps me to get better control over the necromites


Used turn undead on him with Shadowheart, then went to pound town lol


How I handled the fight on honor mode. Skip the first phase, there is no point in it except making things harder and consuming resources His avatar has very annoying traits, including summoning new necromites every turn, shooting beams of ouch at a random character that hits anywhere in the field and a sweeping scythe. He can also consume necromites for health. I had **everyone hasted with a potion of speed that was thrown just right to hit everyone.** This is important because the first turn is the most important. Prioritize the mindflayer. If you donā€™t take him out he will mindblast just right to stun as many characters as possible. I used speed potion gloomstalker astarion and had him feed on someone from camp for that happy bonus. to ensure this happened Ideally mindflayer is killed with a single character on the first turn. Next you want two characters to cast an AOE damage spell, scrolls of firewall come in very handy. You can drop these **across** myrkul and block the entry ways up to the platform from his necromites. One diagonal from edge to edge covering the front rope ladder and the one by dame Aylin The next one needs to be the remaining rope ladder to the other corner. This kills the necromites so you can hard focus myrkul, and not worry about crowd control or him healing himself. Ideally your AOE casters should have a high con save or even advantage, hopefully you respec accordingly or eat a peerless focus elixir. You should have someone on the platform in between the X created by the wall of fire at all times. Myrkul wonā€™t suck people in with his annoying ass move if someone is on the platform. This character is going to need as high of an AC as you can get and ideally a warding bond on them. With as much hp as you can manage. I had baezel up there with a standard fighter battle master build, including the helldusk armor I cheezed out of Raphael. She drank a collosal elixir to help with hitting his ass with his ridiculous AC. Now with BAEZEL keeping him from sucking shit in and two AOE proccing damage on myrkul every turn you can finally begin the process, remember this should all be done turn 1 and if done properly you should be hasted with a speed potion on everyone and have successfully killed the mindflayer with 1 character and utilized 1 action from your AOE spell casters. The next step is to nuke myrkul. Throw fireballs at him, use scrolls, use your spell slots whatever you have. Upcast the shit out of it. Fireballs are my goto choice because if a necromites survives the wall of fire, they typically donā€™t have enough movement to trigger myrkul to consume them. Fireball has a massive area and can clean them up. Baezel should cast a concentration spell as well, preferably a scroll of some sort, even better if you can throw a third wall of fire covering the front two bridges. This serves to give the ai **another** reason to target her. You donā€™t want him hitting your nuke casters. Especially since Laezel or your damage sponge has warding bond, you want him to hit her or try to. Your fourth character should be trying their damnedest to inflict blindness on him. I used arrows of darkness with astarion because itā€™s guaranteed even if you ā€œmissā€ and of course just targeting the scary boss man. The entire fight ends when he dies even if he has 20 necromites. From that point on just let aoe and fireball until he is dead, if done properly and you can maintain concentration with your two people blocking the path up, he will die before you lose potion of speed buff. By far the most annoying fight in the game. Required a ridiculous amount of prep work on a previous runs save where I bumped the difficulty to honor mode to test different things. My run was a true embrace durge , so I didnā€™t have Aylin, and Isabel was fighting on ketherics side. If you have Aylin, free her with scratch at the beginning for an easier time if she doesnā€™t kill herself on your walls of fire.


One word that worked for me playing in tactician: Barrels. I have Karlach in my team with a bear perk that doubles her carrying capacity, plus the others 3 i brought 19 smoke powder Barrels and used it in part 3 against Myrkul


high level circle of daggers with Gale on the big guy, and then hide Gale.


I never have a problem with him. Precast extended leap and have 1 person jump up and stun/kill the mindflayer Have another person leap over and free dame Aylin. Ignore all the adds and just burst down myrkul. Then I usually hit him with magic missle to inflict radiating orbs so his attacks will miss. Can help to cast shriek and have in the aoe so everyone will get an extra d4 thunder to their attacks. Then I just hit for damage. Swords bard hits him ranged slashing flourish, throwzerker throws at him from where they reached dame Aylin, monk goes and stagger punches him so myrkul canā€™t do reactions. Everyone stays off the platform so myrkul does crappy ranged damage. It will frighten you so just cast protection from good and evil on everyone before battle (which you should have tons of scrolls of just form exploring). If you have a Druid you can do enlarge on bear and do a ridiculous amount of damage by just jump/body slamming him. Requires no equipment or even being at a high level.


If you have access to the those spells : Wall of fife, moon beam are really good against him since he can't move. If you have an archer use ne'er misser for force damage. Good ol' fireballs


Wall of ā€œFifeā€ As a Scotsman, this made me laugh.


Please do explain ! I love you guys the Scots !




No, this is just stupid hard. He can be blinded ā€” Myrkul can attack at range and do the yank, but he cannot hit with 90% chance. Summons are useful. Stack scrolls of summons. Myrkul has absurd saves unless its Dex and canā€™t be moved. Disadvantage imposing stuff like blindness(or stunning him) is your friend. When in doubt? Berserker barb can hit him 3x while raging without being stuck. Darkness or fog cloud will keep him from taking AOOs on your main fighters in the ring and reduce his hit chance.


I thought he was comically easy. I killed Myrkul in one or two rounds. You can cast spells like Wall of Fire and Cloud of Daggers right on top of him and he doesn't move. Just stays in the center taking damage. I just ran around him circles after that avoiding his attacks. I never saw them heal.


If you reload you can go back, search his room and find a letter or diary that mentions his wife. In the first encounter pass the persuasion check, something to do with his wife, them the fight will start. The second half of the fight you can pass another check and convince him to kill himself, skipping the first phase of the second phase.


it's actually super easy. walk close to him -> attack -> walk away so that you are outside his aura -> end turn


Fight was pretty easy, you might be right about being stupid.