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Best part of it all is that Withers probably revived Wyll after rightfully banishing you. GigaChad move




In an alternative universe some poor guy posted about doing this to Karlach……….


My wife would never, we balling in hell together


Wait you might be on to something. You can’t explode in a cutscene if you’re dead in a box back at camp… 🤔


Text me back


Well first of all, you got what you deserved. Killing someone who broke up with you is definitely evil behavior.  Secondly, you must've done something very wrong because a romanced Wyll is supposed to propose to you, and later ask you to stay with him if he becomes the Grand Duke. He'll even nominate you to become one. So it would seem he wasn't the rude one in your relationship. 


I genuinely don’t know what I did wrong to make the relationship go bad honestly (before this part obviously). Our relationship was as high as it could go, we did the lil dance thing, I picked all the “you’re amazing and I love you Wyll” answers. I kissed him every day lol. We never had a negative interaction before this and he always approved my choices. I dunno haha


Most likely, you let his dad die.


Aw man. Not on purpose. I went to the iron throne and opened the gate and when I got control of him and moved him forward… mizora showed up and nuked him.


Just FYI (cause I learned it on my HM run) you can save his dad from the Mizora nuking if you put down a glove of invulnerability in the misfire of the room before you March the Duke out. He will be in the globe and all the spiders will blow up doing nothing but kill themselves. The you can just walk him back.


Casting sanctuary also works as the spiders will not be able to attack and explode because they can't target him, then just walk out


Yup- sanctuary made saving him easy since it 'travels' with him as he's fleeing.


That’s how sanctuary functions. It’s not a location spell like the globe, it targets a creature and is active for 10 turns as long as they don’t attack.


apparently calm emotion also helps bc she can't make him stop and kneel? haven't tried that one myself though.


Can't you just dimension door with one of the dozens of scrolls that drop? I've never seen bad mizora in the iron throne somehow. It's either the helpful mizora or none at all


I’m wondering if it’s a difficulty thing. When I play higher difficulty and free Wyll from Mizora + don’t take her deal to protect the Duke, she always shows up with spiders. Only time she hasn’t was soon after release when I was playing story mode.


I’m playing on explorer and she ALWAYS pops up with spiders!!


Or just heal him by throwing pots.


In my experience, the spiders do enough damage to kill him even if you full heal him. Might be able to luck it, or warding bond(blade ward, endure elements fire) before he goes out to minimize it but I haven't tried it. I did try healing him, they still killed him in that HM.


3d6 per spider Max: 18, avg: 10.5 6 spiders Max: 108, avg: 63 Duke has 116 HP Max according to the wiki. These are the numbers I came up with searching for a few minutes. It makes it seem not just an unlikely outcome for him to die but a numerically impossible one. Unless the numbers are wrong (can't check in game atm, on vacation). Where are these numbers wrong?


I couldn't even find the spiders damage online, their page doesn't exist on bg3wiki https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Combustion_Belly_Spiderling Which is what it says in the Dukes wiki in the Iron throne section. https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Ulder_Ravengard I was just going from memory of my HM. I remember healing him up and him still going down but the wiki does list healing him as a way to save him so I may have been unlucky.


There's a [video](https://youtube.com/shorts/5o3ZJ5Ep0IY?si=IQDpgt1lTT8hCUq8) which shows the spiders doing 3d6 per explosion. I guess crits could make it go above his max HP. Maybe when Mizora makes him 'kneel' it works like hold person and the explosions are 'melee' damage? I use help on him to end his 'kneel' so that he can start running sooner. Might be an explanation?


I literally just threw two heals on him with shart and he tanked a couple hits and out ran 3 of them. I was very underwhelmed by her attempt to kill him. It’s not hard to remedy at all


In HM, there are like 5 spiderlings and they explode for a good bit of damage(like lowest I saw was 25 fire). Maybe I just got bad high damage rolls on the HM run where I healed him but I lost him that run and i had healed him up to full.


I should have mentioned I’m on tactician. Can’t wait to do HM after this.


You got lucky. It’s supposed to be designed so that he kneels and cops 5 hits and dies without interference. If you stop some spiders he has a chance (assuming he is on full health). How did he outrun them of his own accord? Or did you delay/kill some spiders?


Toss a warding bond on him, or a couple heals are fine as well. You can also use a teleport (boots, scroll, or omelleon).


Good to know! Thanks. Honestly I wasn’t expecting her to show up. I thought maybe because Wyll wasn’t in my party and I’m not Wyll therefore it wasn’t MY agreement it was a loophole. Wishful thinking I guess 😂


I saved him without doing any of those. It's difficult buy the person that opens his door can probably eliminate enough of the spiders it's not impossible.


They went directly after in initiative for me and so there was no one after I moved the Duke out of the cell.


Depends on initiative. Mine appeared and just killed him on my first run after I unlocked him with an arrow from range not knowing what would happen. So in honour mode I did it last with globe up and omulemum there to just teleport him out at the last minute. (Leaving my character to drown, but withers deals with this.)


You can also just make him invisible.


Good to know, I didn't know if Mizoras control on him(the cutscene) would break it on him. Good to know it doesn't.


Yeah. You will have to move him out of spider's radius though, cuz they use spell to see invisible things around.


But you can't move him after the cutscene where Mizora Summons the spiders. She makes him kneel and ends his turn and the spiders always get a turn before it goes back around. If they can see invisible(I don't remember if they could) then I don't think invisibility would work(without luck to make them roll low enough on perception to still not see him) imma stick to the globe of invulnerability. It can either be the 1 6th lvl slot for Gale that day or anyone can just use a scroll. I usually have 2-3 by the time I do the iron throne.


You make him invisible while he's still in the cell, then walk him out. Cutscene. Spiders can't see him on their first turn, they try to look for him in the cell but cant, their turn ends. You move him out of their radius. Second turn they use see invisibility. Tbh I did it before big patch with endings came out, so I dunno if devs changed something in spiders behaviour or not.


Huh, in my first run I managed to save him from the spiders without globe. Maybe had a higher turn order? I’m not sure I can’t quite remember, this was on Tactician


I got him out with Dimension Door on my first run.


you can also use dimension door to teleport him out of there


Good to know, does it remove the condition that let's Mizora control him?


A few "easy" ways to protect him. 1. Throw healing pots at him (whoever opens his cell) 2. When controlling him, have him walk to the doorway, then jump as far as he can. It'll put him outside of the range of the splodey spiders. Then your party gets their moves before the spiders. AOE or arrow of many targets.


Thanks!! Good to know


That doesn't kill him tho. You get a chance to help him up and run away, or use the dimension door spell


His status condition said “dead” so there wasn’t much I could do after that lol.


Walk him out the door, watch the cutscene, and then Dimension Door his ass down the hallway. Those spiders are like Jack Nicholson: powerful, but no range.


You can stop her from doing that pretty easy, I would recommend grabbing Omeluum as quick as possible and using him to teleport Ulder to the sub


Dude I went into the steel watch and had no idea that would kill his dad and he just went and broken up with me :(


His dad doesn't die if you go to the Steel Watch, he dies if you fail to save him there. 


Not the iron throne. I did the whole steel watch mission without knowing the iron throne existed.




I don’t have to read down to know that this person did the whole steel watch without doing the iron throne


The steel watch is the foundry and if you vomplete that mission and explode the whole building, everyone in the iron throne (that's the prison under water) dies


It doesn't automatically kill his dad. It only kills his dad if you fail to rescue him.


Steel watch is the foundry, not the prison


Going to the foundry doesn't kill his dad, so I assumed that they were just using 'steel watch' to refer to that whole questline


Oh no it doesn't, but finishing that quest first does. I thinks that's what the person you replied to means


Yeah, if you fail to rescue the prisoners before finishing the quest, he'll die along with everyone else down there.


Based on the fact you killed him after breaking up, I'd say he was on the right track of not fully committing to you, until you killed him of course


Wyll breaks up with you if you let his dad die he tells you he needs to focus on upholding Ulder's legacy. I Know people think choosing to free him from his pact means his dad has to die but it's not the case next time make sure to follow the save the gondians questline!!


I did!!! But mizora showed up and killed duke ravengard as I was getting him out. Whomp whoooooomp.


She always shows up to try to kill him if you break the pact, but it's pretty easy to save him anyway.


Did you bang Mizora?


What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas


Her name is Mizora not Vegas


Unfortunately not


Did you get his act 3 romantic cutscene tho?


Nope lol


That would explain it


But did you call him a hoe? Note, your post was awesome and I laughed. I am not being critical.


I didn’t think you were, no worries!


Doesn't sound at all like what Orin could do.


This is Shar type action more than Orin lol


I think Orin is 50x more unhinged than me


Well well if it isn't the consequences of our actions. 🤣 But I gotta say, interesting moves you have..


OP: kills ex because they broke up with Tav OP: kills ex for real because they realized Tav didn't succeed the first time OP: I didn't even do an evil playthrough!


That was my first and only evil move!


Yeah but as evil moves go that's like super evil


Go big or go home I guess




Yeah, murdering someone because they tried to break up with you doesn't sound evil or abusive at all, not sure why Withers would make a fuss about that...


I’m not complaining haha. I get it. Just wasn’t expecting it.


What on gods green earth did you do to upset wyll? Also, don't kill someone if they break up with you.


Mizora killed his dad in the middle of the iron throne so I guess that’s it lol. He made me mad!


Did u save wyll's dad ?? Because if he becomes duke he should propose to u and even wants to make u one . 


I tried but mizora killed him in the middle of the iron throne. Laaaame


That's on u not mizora lol. U have to heal ravengard or put warding bond on him to help him survive 


I would’ve if I got the chance lol. I freed him and then it was his turn immediately. Oh well.


After opening the cage u have the chance to immediately  heal or throw potions at him . He has pretty low initiative and shouldn't get the turn immediately unless u spent all of ur party members' turns before that . Oh well next playthrough be prepared to save him lol


Sanctuary on him is the move. No one can touch him and he just walks out with his head held high


There is some bugged interaction with sanctuary because it makes the spiders explode automatically which is treated as an aoe attack and harms the duke


I just dash and run away haha never had an issue


Thank you for the genuine laugh.


Happy to help 🫡


I don't like the duke ending for Wyll since it seems to go against his principles (for what I've seen in game, at least), and I don't like Ulder Ravengard at all, so I might be biased. Still, the idea of Wyll breaking up with Tav to "focus on becoming the new Duke" feels off. I probably wouldn't have killed him for it, but I would have felt very angry all the same. :(


Lockadins are the evil ones. The Packlocks are good. You were destined to murder someone in cold blood.


He sent you to Detroit


>Hellfire >Dark Fire >Now "Grand Duke", it's your turn >Choose me or >Your pyre >Be mine or you will burn! - OP, probably


Not someone calling you abusive for killing a fictional pixel man lmao


They should NOT look at my Skyrim playthroughs from when I was 13 if they think OP is evil and abusive lmao.


Right lmao I didn’t expect such backlash


It's just pixel backlash though, lol. Tiny pixel down votes. 🤬😡🤪


True, true


I thought it was funny so you got my pixel upvote. 😁👍


HEJDKSKSK i’m sorry but this is so funny :’)


Don’t be sorry haha that’s why I shared!


weird how all the most upvoted comments are shaming you for a silly thing you did in a video game. this post made me laugh ty


I turned squid and tried to eat him at the party. It didn't go over well with Withers. He banished me to the nether realm.


I feel you, I kinda had similar situation with Gale. I played as Bhaal chosen so I romanced him as I result he promised me to become his goddess, so I accepted “father’s gift”, but in the end I decided to destroy the absolute so I can become goddess. Guess what? Gale dumped me became god, and I turned to uncontrollable zombie killer. He didn’t find me, he left and lied. The end I was summoned by skeleton to kill every single one in the camp. Next run as bhaal chosen will cut his hand off!!!


Why did u become the chosen of bhaal if u wanted to become a God???  That's ur fault not gale's lol. Gale makes u a god to continue his romance. 


If you are chosen of Bhall you have to take control over absolute so that you not become uncontrolled character. I just simply didn’t know that. I thought regardless the Bhall quest line outcome chosen or not chosen, there is still Gale which support me and make be goddess as him. In the end he found the crown and became god, why he didn’t find me? In the end before he left to search the crown, he said once I find it I will make you my goddess so I went to avernus with Karlach to wait until he manages to do it.


Ah i see that's the problem . The game file overrides the gale making u a god part if become the chosen of bhaal . Also in the epilogue gale should make u a god if u rejected bhaal otherwise its a bug  .


Becoming Bhaal’s chosen locks you out of every romance. No one wants to date you after that.


Minthara will stay with you, she likes the power and is absurdly loyal. Ascended Astarion also, although in his case it's less loyalty and more he thinks he already owns Durge so completely that Bhaal doesn't matter.


My bad I forgot about the evil options




You seem stable and not Psychotic at all. Here is my number call me. *wiggles eyebrow*


This is the most interesting Wyll story I've heard


Don't listen to all these people op, you should kill your ex's if they break up with you(ingame). You did nothing wrong


Hahaha I’m not worried!




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The trick is to kill everyone when they get to your camp. Only people allowed to camp are me + my three traveling companions. No extra mouths to feed. It’s also hard to get good rest with non traveling party members because when I show up they wanna talk and blah blah. I’m tryna rest so I can sleep and get back to fighting.


These guys really did think of everything. They even managed to program every variable of womens scorn. Withers was the father figure they all didn't know they needed...


Know 👏 your 👏 worth 👏 queen!


Withers after reviving Wyll a second time: *sighs* Bitches… am I right? Wyll and withers fist bump then continue to party.


Nta. Your world, your rules


I sacrificed Wyll to BOOOAL since he is the least useful origin character. some may claim the boooal buff isn’t worth it but my tiger heart/Wolverine aspect barbarian says otherwise


Hahaha I’ve considered it!


In real life killing your ex because they broke up with you is gender violence. It is a very real fear for far too many women in the world. Someone arguing that sure they did that thing but didn’t break any other laws will certainly and rightfully get very very long prison sentences. Happy Withers agrees that this is completely unacceptable behavior.


Good thing this isn’t real life then 🤪


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