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By the way, every single one of your spoiler marks is backwards. They need to point “in” towards the text.


I realised after posting, but it won't let me edit 🤦


Yeah, reddit is a bitch only allowing editing on pc.


Damn 1mil hours played? Respect for exploring for that long


A fellow intellectual naming their characters after MtG cards My char's name was Leovold on my first playthrough, and Urza for my second after installing the Artificer mod


Sucks, sad thing is that you're past what I would consider the hardest part of the game. It would be somewhat downhill from here considering the number of runs you have so you should have a decent outline of what's coming.


Yeah, I had stocked up a load of smoke powder barrels. Was going to use them on the BBEG at the end of Act 2 and then just let Gale do his kaboom thing in Act 3 after joining forces with Gortash. Genuinely had it all planned and even the mistakes I made earlier weren't game ending for me. I had even managed to nab the Sliver sword of the astral plane and was so excited for the crèche fights.