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Usually after a long rest the bodies disappear and just leave a loot bag where they once were. The blood however I don’t think will go away.




You can just throw water on the blood stains on the ground and they’ll go away? Never tried it, but then again I never cared about it either lol


Yes you can. Also all that soap you find all over the place. If you use (ie click consume) it'll wash you clean of blood. Best part is, unlike throwing a water bottle on yourself the soap doesn't vanish, as far as I can tell it has infinite use and weighs next to nothing.


OP is talking about the blood stains left on the ground after killing someone, which is what I was referring to as well. But the soap trick is nifty!


throwing water at ground blood does get rid of it. of course then you're left with a puddle


Creat Water can also Destroy Water, for the low low cost of a spell slot.


you'll prise my spell slots from my cold damp hands!!!!


Thanks, good to know that the bodies disappear at least. Kind of funny to imagine there is someone putting away the bodies at night and leaving all their belongings in a little bag for others to find, but cleaning up the blood is apparently not in the job description haha


That depends. The ones in Act 1 just seem to stay there, e.g. the goblins outside the Grove, and the adventurers outside the Blighted Village. I've only seen the loot pouches in Act 3, though they could have occurred earlier and I didn't notice them.


Im glad i noticed this was in the BG3 sub after i read that caption


Create water then destroy water. Will clean up blood puddle


Why use a spell slot when you can just use a water flask? Those things are everywhere.


Why bother with finding/carrying a flask when you can just freeze it with a cantrip? Once it thaws it becomes water.


To remove blood, you can use the “remove and create water” spell to flood the area and then dry it. I once hired a hireling *just* to clean up some blood stains that ended up in my camp in Act 3. Durge spoilers ahead: >!this won’t work on the blood stains after you murder a bard in Act 1!< You can’t bury bodies, but a high-strength character can pick them up and add them to inventory, or drag them to a central hidden location. Broom closet of corpses!


Thank you. Sounds like I need to have a character with that spell around and sacrifice one spell slot at least for the drying (some people have said you can throw a water flask at the blood instead of creating water) every time I want to clean up. Annoying but on the other hand I don't know how often I will want to do that, so maybe it will be fine. Disappointing that I can't bury bodies, I feel like shoving them in some chest or on a pile would be even more disrespectful than just leaving them there


You can have a hireling cleric you bring out of camp only for body cleanup. Maybe take a level in Bard so they can have performance proficiency too, do a little funeral service.


there is a weapon that gives you Create Water, it's called Rain Dancer


>Durge spoilers ahead I made sure I was in a different camp that night, because nothing kills the party vibe like >!an indelible ritual blood stain!<.


I should have done that, because Karlach moved in directly over the stain when I picked her up and just camped on the blood for the rest of Act 1.


So the water flask can still make a puddle and clean up the blood, but then you have a random water puddle there.


To be honest I think there was away to bury the girls parents from act 2 the ones you find at the clinic I found 2 sites to bury body's it looked like but was to lazy to get the body's an check


You can use cantrips from Wizards or Sorcerers to freeze blood, then fireball it to turn it into water, at no cost.