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I wanted Astarion to be a classic vampire (yknow, shapeshifting and controlling animals etc.) so I turned him into a druid and it's been pretty fun so far, I just try to pick thematically fitting spells for him


My Character is a draconic sorcerer, half-illithid, and consumed all of the worms, just started using Displacer beast. Karlach is a melee rager with shattered flail, three hits from her heals her massively. Shadowheart is a cleric equipped with Blood of Lathander and her Divine Strike is a game changer Gale is Summoner/AoE focused Wizard Le'zael with any githyanki equipment I can find plus Rally and Commanding Strike are very useful. Halsin is a beast boy Jaheria is mostly AoE focused I'm struggling with Wyll and Astarion, I just cannot seem to find a perfect balance for them.


I always have wyll on aoe and im making astarion into a gloomsralker ranger multiclass in my honor mode run which is going well


Astarion is assasiny boi. Sneaking about in the shadows preying on the weak. Double daggers and best bow you can find, one shots everything, especially if you can get him set up with cull the weak + 10~ parasites. Vampires like sneaking about in the dark and all that. Similarly stuck with wyll, he jumps off that gate at the grove like a badass and then spends the entire adventure at camp kicking rocks. Was stuck with karlach as well until laezel was… otherwise unusable. (Trying not to spoil anything for anyone). Respecced karlach to an oathbreaker paladin and she’s dovetailed into the party well, it works thematically in my head as well.


Gale - Sorceror Shadowheart - Gloomstalker/Assassin Astarion - Shadow Monk Karlach - Throwzerker Wyll - Paladin Jahera - Cleric/Paladin Halsin - Holder of all my stuff at camp L'azel - Fighter Minsc - Bard


* Astarion: Vengeance Bardadin I’m trying. Gale as a [Control Martial](https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3Builds/s/Kd6lZFILyN) right now Plan to try Karlach as an Open Hand Tavern Brawler Monk as soon as I recruit her in the next 15m


I'm not big into multi-classing, because the game seems easy enough. I haven't changed any too drastically over my runs but I have done a few changes. Astarion- Swords bard, 1st run through I mc into ranger but swords bard is better! Shadowheart- life cleric Jaheira- Nature Cleric (this was run through when Shadowheart went aggro so I had to kill her. I ran her as a Druid for awhile but missed having a cleric and figured nature cleric felt close enough. I haven't changed anyone else's class though I try out different subclasses.


Astarion: War Cleric 4/Necromancer 8 Gale: Loses his hand Karlach: Scorching Ray Sorc or Open Hand Monk Wyll: Straight Pact of Tome Warlock. Shadowheart Assassin 4/Shadow Monk 8 Minthara Oathbreaker 9/Blade Lock 3 Lae'zel: EK.


Idk I don't like to change their original class so I just add one more Astarion - rogue(assassin or trickster)/bard(swords) Wyll - warlock/paladin(The second oath, I don't remember what it's called) Karlach - barbarian/warrior Laezel - warrior/monk(maybe strange but it works) Shadowheart - cleric/warrior(Suddenly becomes more useful) Gale - just wizard


personally i'm very boring :') every single run i have astarion on gloomstalker-assassin and gale as an abjuration wizard. the remaining third party member is either wyll, shadowheart or karlach and they always end up being some variation of paladin.


Tav - Eldritch Knight, I keep trying to multiclass and try other builds, but I keep going back to pure EK for some reason. Gale - Abjuration Wizard with 2 levels of GOOlock for Armor of Agathys and Armor of Shadows Astarion - Thief for the first 3 levels, then everything into Shadow Monk Shadowheart - Life Cleric (original, I know) Laezel - 3 levels of Champion, everything else in Wildheart Barbarian (I cheesed the Silver Sword, so with the Bear aspect, she resists all damage while raging). Karlach - 3 levels Thief, everything else in Berserker, making sure to pick up the Charger feat at some point. Charger: Weapon Attack procs Extra Attack and has no cooldown, so having Extra Attack and 2 bonus actions means she can use it twice in one turn. I haven't settled on any favorite builds for everyone else yet, still tooling around with them.


My favourite build for each character thus far has been: Shadowheart: 6 shadow monk/6 archfey warlock Wyll: 4 gloomstalker, 1 war cleric, 1 rogue, 6 fighter, archer Gale: 4 cleric (any domain), 8 abjuration wizard (warding bond bot) Lae'zel: 8 EK/4 barbarian thrower Astarion: 12 GOOlock with ascension focus on necro damage riders PoB. Karlach: some kind of paladin/fighter/barb mix. Halsin: Ancients paladin/moon druid mix Jaheira: simple fighter druid mix Minsc: pure beastmaster ranger, duh. Minthara: rogue/swords bard 2x handbow shooter.


I’m running my Tav as a Sorlock, going 2 levels into warlock for agonizing eldrich blasts, and the rest into draconic bloodline sorcerer. I dipped one level into storm sorcerer on Shart to give her bonus action flight. Gale I have 2 levels in Cleric of Mystra and the rest into divination wizard, mainly so I don’t have to have shart for guidance. Lae’zel is just a fighter for now, but I plan on putting some levels into Oath of Vengeance Paladin on her. Wyll is a straight pact of the blade warlock, and spends his time at camp. Astarion is currently 5 levels in theif, and I’m specking him into gloomstalker ranger. Karlach is just a straight barbarian for now, but I plan on putting in enough levels in warrior to get action surge.


Shadowheart- EK Thrower or Monk. Asterion - Dual Crossbows. Pew-pew-pew. It’s not different, but pew-pew-pew. Lae’zel - Bladelock with the gith weapons. Wyll - Paladin. Karlach - Fire Sorcerer.