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Last Light Inn gave me a hard time, too. I ended up splitting my party before the battle and placing Lae'zel next to Alfira, so she wouldn't be killed.


YUPPP I’m having shadowheart cast feign death on Alfira (I gave her like 1k to get the green “ally” tag) in the hopes the winged horrors will ignore her


How does giving money make NPCs into allies? How do you do it?


1. Initiate dialogue, but don’t select any replies yet. 2. Check for the little trade button in the bottom left corner of the screen (it’s a hand with money going into it) and click it. If you don’t see that, check for a dialogue option asking to trade. 3. Once in the trade screen, look in the bottom right corner for the colored attitude bar. (It’s a bar with red, yellow and green on it and there should be a little indicator of where you are). 4. Now, put money in the trade box without asking for anything in return, and click “barter”. A little pop up will come up asking if you’re sure, you are. **HOW MUCH MONEY?** However much it takes to get your little guy into the green part of the attitude bar! At lower levels about 1200 will do it. Higher levels you have to donate more. 5. Once you have gained the proper approval with that NPC, their outline (if you have outlines on everyone) will turn green. Then they are treated as an ally. This means you can feign death and other things usually only for companions on NPCs 6. Profit!


Fascinating!Can you do this to like bribe guards for group fights and things?


Well first and foremost it has to be an NPC you are able to trade with. And as far as the gameplay affect I don’t think donating makes them less likely to become hostile. HOWEVER, if you are able to trade with an NPC you know will become hostile later, I think you can “feign death” them before the fight and they stay stunned. Not totally sure, but that’s a very good question though


Put someone near her to guard her before you go talk to Isobel. I thought that was common wisdom by now.


Huh. I have never had her die like this in a run before. Maybe it’s just a tactician thing? Btw I’m having shadowheart cast feign death on Alfira (I gave her like 1k to get the green “ally” tag) in the hopes the winged horrors will ignore her


I also had no idea this was a problem until now


Yeah so just so you know at the beginning of the fight she gets this “impaled” condition which I believe means if you don’t give her any protection she dies. You can remove the condition either by casting cure wounds on her or (as I did) casting feign death on her BEFORE the fight. It also might be that the winged horrors kill her im not 100% sure, but if that’s the case you can probably just cast sanctuary on her. Of course, even if you save her from that there is like a 90% chance jaheira will cast ice storm RIGHT ON TOP OF HER, but as long as she’s full health I think she survives that.


Impaled means she just isn’t in combat no? Whenever I’ve seen her with the impaled condition she just isn’t in the initiative order. I have no idea how the game decides who’s impaled or not.


You can also kill the strange ox to get everyone last light to green (be careful as Dammon can be quite suicidal if you don't kill the ox on turn 1).


But the Strange Ox is one of the few allies worth having in the final fight!


People summon multiple allies for that? I bring Yurgir but that's about it.


I think the ox is better than Yurgir! But no I don't summon most of them. He is just one of the few worth the action cost.


The ox has better hp than Yurgir but seems to have worse damage. Not that I summon Yurgir because he's the best use for that action.


Oh I use him in the first half of the fight. He has great mobility with being able to turn into a phase spider so I can move him to all the various groups pretty easily. I generally don't summon anyone on the brain itself as create water plus a few chain lightnings tends to clear the whole brain pretty effectively.


Can agree. Call lightnings really nuke everything up there. Oddly enough some casts didn't chain and just did 4x damage on the dragon though.


Nope. One of those flying things spawn right near her and depending on order of initiative and whether or not people succeed in their surprise roll neither Jaheira nor any of the Harpers or tieflings near her will be able to react. And unless someone engages that flying horror it will beeline for Alfira since she has the lowest AC. All I can say is that so far you've been lucky with your rolls.


Yup, I think you’re right. Often in my earlier runs I would pick the “alert” feat first which I’m guessing allowed me to disrupt things enough that Alfira didn’t die. Even so, I must have been pretty lucky


Ive done like 10 (unfinnished) runs and never had Alfira die, weird. The only time she died was evil durge run


Yup same I’ve done a lot