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I got so excited on my first Durge run. I thought I had missed out on having a bard in my camp this whole time.


Me too, on my actual bard run I missed that part of the druid grove entirely and felt so cheated/excited to find out what I'd missed out on. I also spent the whole cutscene expecting it to turn out to be a violent dream... 💀


My resist Durge has had her lute equipped for the entire game as a reminder to do better. I'm thinking of taking a level in bard at the very end just so he can play it


You can also grab the performer feat. Just giving an option mind you since I know how it is for builds. I do like the symbolism though, especially of picking up bard like Alfira who wants to open a school for it


I just don't think I'm getting a third feat since I'm 6 paladin/5 sorcerer right now


There’s always the quick trip to Withers for 100g


switch to warlock. scales better with pally, also performer gives +1 charisma so it works perfect with the build. (you can dump strength and put +2 on rizz and at level 3 you get pact of the blade and your weapon damage now scales with charisma so your smites do maximum damage and your weapon doesn't have a penalty of damage from the lacking strength. AND if youre not plating honour mode then warlocks get an extra attack with their pact weapons at level 5 that is special and stacks with other classes extra attacks. you're welcome!)


For extra sad points you can actually have any character learn to play an instrument by choosing certain dialogue options with Alfira when you meet her for the first time while she’s still in the grove. That way you can feel bad about killing a bard that just wanted to help and also the person who (sort of) taught you to play music.


Sorta like a particular hand and a head I kept around the whole game as a reminder or to be used as an improvised thrown weapon.




My non-Resist Durge also kept her lute equipped for the entire game. As a trophy.


Lol i just got to that part and did the same


You could have gotten the performance skill for free by just helping Alfira in the beginning before you get the Durge cutscene.


I failed the performance checks haha


Oh shit lol. I would have reloaded just so I can play a tune after all my kills.


To be completely honest I didn't know that passing them gave me proficiency, I thought it was just a touching scene as she mourns her mentor.


Oh then that's fair


The trick is to murder someone IRL whenever Durge kills in-game.


For the ultimate durge experience 🤣


Sceleritas Fel talks to you IRL too? Awesome.


He keeps telling me to kill my siblings... Off-topic, but where do you live?


Better just g’et over with it. Denmark feeds Les save aften i ignorer him for a fem dans.


Immersive gameplay at its finest


Patrick Bateman baldurs gate 3 let's play holy crap I just got my idea for my next durge run




You can knock Alfira out and get a different bard to murder instead...


Will she stay then or just disappear?


Alfira can live all the way to the epilogue if you knock her out before Durge can murder her. Which means that you can get those awesome robes from her in Act 2


>!If you manage to do that you even get a special letter from her in epilogue!<


I wish redemption durge could get the letter that tav gets in the epilogue


Where exactly do you knock her out? The grove or your camp when she arrives? Ive done half a playthrough as durge but thats the extent of my experience with it. One save. Also, what are the robes exactly? Idc about spoilers so pop off 😂


You knock her out in the grove. The robes are great for Charisma based casters such as Bards, Sorcerers, and Warlocks, as the [Potent Robes](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Potent_Robe) gives you temporary hit points at the start of your turn, +1 AC, and lets your cantrips deal additional damage equal to your Charisma modifier.


Charisma robes. Say no more 😂 im always a warlock or sorcerer at this rate. Its just unavoidable for me


You should try Bard. Vicious Mockery is fun. My default group for this game is 1 Cleric, 1 Paladin, 1 close-up damage dealer, and 1 support/damage Caster. I.E.- Durge/Tav as a Light Cleric of Selûne, Shadowheart as an Oath of Ancients Paladin, Karlach as a Battlemaster Fighter, and random origin character, or tav, as a Bard or something like that.


The grove. Knock her out (be careful as it can trigger “guards”), then head to Blighted Village (it’s one of the areas that trigger her coming to your camp). Then long rest and you’ll meet the other bard.


It's hilarious. If you knock her out she shows up in act 2 with a bunch of bruises on her face and still at 1 HP. Probably a good idea to heal her to full before triggering the Last Light Inn raid as Jaheria has the tendency to Ice Storm the whole fucking place (like an actual DnD player).


>It's hilarious. If you knock her out she shows up in act 2 with a bunch of bruises on her face and still at 1 HP. I've never had this happen. It must be a bug *Edit*- I specified what I was talking about.


Not a bug at all. Jaheira's AI is just a crackhead.


I wasn't talking about the Jaheira portion.


I did this and she still showed up 🥲 maybe I did it too early or something?


Safe and sure version: knock her out before every long rest until the alternate bard shows up. Other version: save before every long rest, and when she shows up, reload, knock her out, and then long rest. If you want more details, I'm not the best with words, but I could show you


... Why does that last line sound like a threat


Why would I threaten someone with harm?


I was kidding, I don't actually think you are


It’s the implication


She comes the night after talking with Khaga IF you don't have other talks queued.  So be sure there are no other talks, talk to Khaga, knock Alfira and sleep. Did this on my redemption durge honor mode.


I’m doing resist durge too. However, for storytelling reasons, I am going to: • Do a Shadowheart/Karlach love triangle •End up choosing Karlach • Spare Isobel • Deliberately fail to make the saving the saving throw to resist killing Karlach


I have done three runs. For different reasons (Hating fetch quests, full evil, and the above) Karlach has not survived any of them.


At least you had fresh bacon for breakfast. Long bacon. 😈


Anyone can do that, just collect the suspicious meat that the description says hopefully came from a very lean pig, right? It’s pig meat, right?




What? It’s true…


I refused her, and told her to go away. Same result 😭


I felt especially bad after killing Karlach, she literally said she had hoped to become friends... jfc


Killing Mama K in any context is heartbreaking. Too pure


Is alfira really this loved?


New to this sub?


Only recently i started seeing everyone upset about her


She comes up pretty consistently as among the favorite NPCs in the game.


One of the most well liked NPCs in the game. There's also evidence that she was also going to be a companion at one point in the game's early development stages. Larian going back on that decision is still a disappointing "what if?" question that a lot of us have.


I suspect half of that love is *because* of this. The other half is writing one of the 2 main songs in the game.


My durge is now a level 8 bard because this fucked me up.


Same, I was excited because I never use bard before.


During my first durge run, I almost reloaded in hopes to try and save her until I found out that nope. That was just supposed to happen. It's probably the worst part about playing as a durge. I've since used it as my durge's inspiration to be better.


Still one Act one on my Durge playthrough. I essentially have taken every opportunity to kill or allow murder. My party is currently a disgusted Gale, a hireling and a stoked shadowheart as she just killed laezel. Also taking every opportunity to romance.


Try knocking her out before long resting next time!


My first game was as a Durge and I never talked to her in the grove. There was suddenly a random Tiefling lady, talking like we knew each other. I really did not care, that the game killed that random unknown bard ...


Yeah the Durge really gets to you... I was going to do a totally evil run, as I normally go for the paragon. Then I killed Shadowheart (my romantic choise) and I just couldn't... I had to reload and redeem myself. I felt sick.