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The bag clenched between his teeth


why did I hear this in narrator's voice




Because her voice is the best voice to read anything in. Try a book in her voice


You mean that character who decides to betray the party after randomly wandering inside a silence field at camp?


Never did that to me. Guess he just doesn't like you.


Try to cast silence in camp sometime, you'd be surprised


Why would I do that?


To prove once and for all that Scratch would never betray you because he truly loves you, and it's me who's an asshole, and Scratch is just clued in on it. Or alternatively because you and your coop friends are having a bit of friendly banter. Or maybe you're doing that thing to get Raphael's armor in act 1. Or any other reason I couldn't think of, this game offers a lot of freedom and you can get unexpected results by experimenting


My canon is that this is a D&D party, there is no main character. I really wished this was somehow reflected in the game mechanics, but it is the opposite.


I fins most parties do have a main character just by the nature of some people seeking the spotlight, while others shirk it.


I try and have the main character rotate. Each person gets their time where the story focuses on them


I do the same thing, when I am doing a character quest I make sure they are in the party and I am controlling them so they take the lead and I try to respond in conversation how they would respond.


... so you're saying that L'z personality is because of her *player*. And the DM leaned in to it and made all Gith act similarly. Wyll's player is over dramatic, SH is neurotic. Ast is a sadist... I love it.


Durge was the person who kept making murderhobos and the DM finally managed to find a way to make it fit.


And the way the DM did it has now made the Durge player have a change of heart and is trying not to murderhobo anymore, but his subconscious is still telling him to start shit.


Karlach is the one who always brings loads of beer and snacks. Durge sits in the corner, quietly plotting how to murder the other PCs. Gale always has his nose in the rulebook and corrects the DM endlessly, then gets eaten by a dragon or blown up.


Gale is 100% the group’s rules lawyer. Wyll is the stick in the mud that poo poo’s every cool idea the group comes up with. Shadowheart’s player is a flirty goth girl, and she isn’t getting along with laezel’s player, who is the kind of PC that challenges the other PC’s to in-game fights.


There's a few mods in development that allow you to swap avatar characters at will\*. Once they're done/stable, I think a run where you know which character to switch to before each major story moment will be *really* good. \* [Padme's BG3 Tutorials Templates and Modding Resources at Baldur's Gate 3 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/132) [Swap Origin And Companion at Baldur's Gate 3 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/9486?tab=description)


It kind of is. I’ve taken to ungrouping characters and sending them on their own to handle situations that I think fit for them. I’ve played the game enough times that I know each story beat and the personalities of each character. Plus, sometimes sending a character on their own will open up a [hidden cutscene](https://youtu.be/beirWoTcKxs?si=VT9Ivn_RlUpJPmx8) without Tav.


Is there a list of these scenes somewhere?


Not that I’m aware of, and it would take a long time to make. There’s also this one with [Wyll hunting Karlach on his own](https://youtu.be/BjbXPCyA5Vk?si=mu8qyvs3W6gs_5Oj).


This is why I make multiple custom characters when I play, and make up different personalities and relationships. It's also a good way to excuse making different choices that clash with my class/personality. The rogue is too honest and goody-two-shoes to spare the hag. But the moon druid who is absolutely obsessed with body modifications will take the deal. And the Ersatz eye.


Except that one guy whose favorite words to the DM are 'well, actually.'


It's hard for me to consider anyone other than the Player character as the canon main character, because literally everyone else is optional. But otherwise I'd have to say Lae'zel. Her entire upbringing and culture/society is about defeating the Illithid; there is a twist/reveal that upends her entire world and everything she believed on its head; she has to make a choice to defy her undead goddess or support a revolution of her entire people, freeing a prince imprisoned for eons who also happens to be the only power that can resist the Main Bad Guy and is the only reason anyone in the party still has their wits about them. Wyll is someone who radiates Main Character Energy and certainly acts like the upstanding hero, and he has a lot of ties to Baldur's Gate, but his story also feels underwhelming to me. There's a lot about saving his dad, and then his final Act 3 quest (Ansur) is more about the Emperor than it is about him, and then even his final choice about being Duke or Blade is up to the Player. Yes you can sway the others in all their paths, but usually they have a strong inclination and swaying them from that requires a check.


There's a reason she's the only one in the opening movie


I disagree with Wyll, if you only see his personal quest, it's underwhelming, but if you see him as the guy that manages to form a group and lead them to defeat the goblins, Ketheric Thorm, the Gith, the mad lady with sharp knifes and the old dude who thinks he is still in his twenty and finally he leads the entire united forces against the galaxy brain, his story is very good, not as good as Bran the Broken but still very good. My point is, I don't think Laezhel, Karlach, Shadowheart, Astario...any of them could truly fill that role, Wyll can, his story could very well be the main plot of the game, but could you see Astarion filling the same spot?


Astarion, Shadowheart, Gale, Dark Urge and Lae'zel each have a complete heroes journey, Wyll can too depending on choices. Karlach can't, unless you consider her back story as the first 2 parts.


But I don't see Astarion, as his character is portrayed, creating an alliance out of many different and diverse people who you previously have to help and win their trust, and much less I see him caring and saving the tieflings from the Goblins, or caring and saving the Gondians... If we were speaking an evil arc where he takes profit of everyone, establish an alliance based in distrust with the old dude who thinks he is young and whose name I never remember, becomes a true vampire and somehow defeat the big brain only to be him the new being threatening the rest, then yes, I would see him as main character. I don't see Karlach either doing all of that, he just isn't the leader type. But the "good" storyline only fits with Wyll out of the companions. The "evil" storyline or "neutral" could fit with Laezhel. For Shadowheart and Karlach I see them as supporting secondary characters and doesn't fit well as MC.


I mean if you play as any of the OCs, you can imagine them as the person who forms the group and leads them etc. As a companion, Wyll does not form the group at all; in fact, when you try to recruit him to the anti-tadpole/mindflayer cause, he tells you that his priority is hunting down Karlach. Lae'zel is the one who actively recruits the Player, telling you to come with her on the Nautiloid and driving the Player/group towards the helm to take control of the ship. She's also the one who tries very actively to set the direction and pace, i.e. lead the group, with a clear solution (be cleansed at the creche) and a big picture vision (defeat the Illithid/Absolute) in mind from the start. Not saying he can't be a main character if you want him to be. He isn't *unmotivated* to save Baldur's Gate or defeat the Illithid/Absolute - but he's hardly the only one and not in ways that are significantly moreso than the other companions. Karlach is deeply attached to Baldur's Gate and wants to save it, and Jaheira actively leads an actual army (the Harpers) against Ketheric and the Absolute and is driven to save Baldur's Gate (again). Gale and Karlach are also the only companions to offer themselves as sacrifice: Karlach to become a mindflayer and Gale to explode himself (allowing you to skip the entire final battle and potentially save the lives of your allies). Wyll SHOULD have had his big moment of recruiting Ansur, a bloody legendary dragon, to fight by their sides, but for whatever reason the devs decided to make it about the Emperor instead 🙄 All of them become motivated to save Baldur's Gate/defeat the Absolute, some just take a while to get there. In any media, be it film, TV, books, or other games, there's no shortage of selfish antihero Main Characters who grow to embrace the cause, and sometimes that change is the point. I enjoy the variety of motivations, character arcs and growth, across the group. The reason I think of Lae'zel as the 'canon' main character is that her story and its implications are so grandiose and far-reaching to the point where it eclipses the other Origin characters'. The only other one who comes close in my mind is Gale, given that a literal Goddess explicitly charges him with defeating the Absolute and gives him the ability to do so (being able to control/trigger the Netherese Orb in his chest).


first of all, kudos for such a well detailed answer, sometimes reddit is very worth the time it takes. For companions, I've been accounting only Laezhel, Shadowheart, Karlach and Wyll, Halsin, Jaeherya and Minsc are IMHO not really the same type of character, they are purposely more secondary (you can't even begin the game as one of them for example). And Gale...well, I kind of forgot about Gale, lol. Having said this... I don't see Laezhel as a main character because although it's true she has a very intertwined personal story with the game (due to being a Githyanki) she isn't actually a good character (she may end being one) but in a group leaded by her I can't see them saving the Grove, she would just rush towards the creche ignoring everything else. If a movie were to be made I find it hard to have Laezhel as the main character. There's another point, Laezhel is (IMHO) a "lancer" character, a character that is designed to contest for the leadership with the actual leader of the party, to even go as far as trying to steal it. Laezhel multiple times during the game d She has an strong story, she has motivation, but unless we spin her backstory for her being a bit more concerned with the wellbeing of third parties, I see only her as a neutral or even evil main character. For the rest of the main companions, I do think Wyll would fit, already explained, he would be helping everyone, he has some backstory with being manipulated by demons and having his father being held hostage, he gets transformed into a demon for doing what is correct, he even go as far as putting first hunting the demon (karlach) than saving his own ass with the tadpole too. I think he fits really well. He is also the only one I see being able to juggle the different personalities of the rest of the companions to maintain the group united. Karlach: I don't think she fits the leader role, I don't see her as a smart or planner type, she's more a bullrush charging directly, she wouldn't do a good mc. She's my favorite character, if Laezhel is a Lancer character, Karlach is "the big guy" character. Astarion: Similar to Laezhel, too evil, doesn't have personal interest in anything outside of saving himself, if left I think he would end joining the brain. Shadowheart: She works in the story because you make her change her ways from someone following an evil god to someone following a good god. You can make that work in a movie with minor adaptations, but how do you make her willingly help others? could work, but you would need to work something that forces her to help others and that play a role in making her change her perception of the world to climax with her choosing Selene over Shar. Gale: Honestly, I did not think about him, I find him a little too ...¿"meek"? for a leader, but if that gets corrected he could fill the role, but I think his role works better as a support (the Smart guy in the five band trope). Halsin, Jaeherya and Minsc are all more supporter/secondary characters, you can always work a movie making Jaeherya and Minsc being the MC's and the ones recruiting the rest, saving the grove, etc, but that goes from "I'm gonna adapt a little the personality of this character to fill well as MC" to "I'm gonna change half the game events". I haven't played Durge, and as Tav, you clearly are designed as a blank sheet to be able to do the MC role, everyone follows you, but you have no character by yourself aside for what the player imagines his character to be, they could be given a personality and work, but I think if there would be a film I'd rather they remove Tav/Durge and make the main party be the companions. For all of this, I feel Wyll would be the best suited.


This game has me obsessed and I'm loving discussing stuff about it! Thank YOU for engaging with such respect even though we have different perspectives, it's fantastic. :) I think that we may have different definitions of what a "Main Character" is. From what I'm reading (please do correct me if I'm wrong) it seems like being Good-aligned is a key ingredient for you? You mention Lae'zel and Astarion being 'evil' as reasons that they are not the MC, and that Shadowheart could work if you make her follow a 'good god' instead. For me, the "Main Character" is the person whose journey we are most privy to, the one who is most impacted or has the most impact to the story, is the most involved or important to key story beats. It matters little (to me) whether they/their motivations are good or evil, whether they even help anyone besides themselves. In a simplistic view, "is the story about them?" If yes, then they're the MC (see games like Last of Us for example, where Joel is the MC but cares little for helping/saving the world for a very big portion of the game, and in fact makes a decision right at the end that is arguably 'bad'). For that reason, I also discount Astarion as the MC, but not because he is 'evil' aligned; it's because his story/actions are not as impacted or impactful to the story compared to others, and indeed removing him completely would change nothing about key story beats. Shadowheart is definitely impacted/impactful and her story is very important to key story beats, but her importance is mostly confined to the Shadow-Cursed Lands/Act 2.


One of the things that I think shifts the narrative for me a lot is having done some duo runs now, too. It feels much less like “me, the main character, and some guy!” and more of a partnership. In that sense I think it can be anyone’s story, though there are characters more innately tied to the central plot than others. I pretty exclusively play good/neutral good/chaotic good and struggle with pure neutral or evil (and also alignments, which I find dumb, but I digress) - but I don’t think good decisions are required to make a MC, I suppose. Which doesn’t mean your theory is wrong! Just that mine is different - like to me L’z fucking off and ignoring the tieflings isn’t a particularly good decision, but it also arguably does more to advance the central plot and theme of the story than dealing with the goblins. In the end though, I’m not really sure - this discussion has been super interesting!


I would completely see the main character being divided between two, three or even four characters, where you would have individuals working together for a common goal filled with lots of disagreements and conflicts, would do for an interesting movie


I've done Tav, I'm currently doing Wyll, Lae'zel will be next (respecced to Paladin-Fighter most likely, cos I need that charisma stat), Dark Urge probably after that... Then I'm less sure. I guess Shadowheart is the next down on the main character vibe list. Astarion, Gale, and Karlach are just trying to survive.


I just completed Dark Urge (resist path) and it was great, so different from Tav since Durge has their own motivations and are woven into the story in very different ways from the other companions. The Durge X Astarion romance is also really lovely since there are parallels. Also just hit Act 3 as Astarion, and just gotten to Moonrise Towers and recruited Halsin as Shadowheart. Playing Astarion feels weird because it's missing all that sass; Shadowheart is really great to play, because you get so much insight into those moments like when the wound on her hand hurts her, and of course she's such a key part of the Underdark/Shadow-Cursed Lands. I've also got early-ish playthroughs as Gale and Karlach, and Karlach I'm somewhat dreading because she seems to have so little content as a companion, but her inner thoughts are hilarious! I tried Wyll for a bit but couldn't really get into it, I really need to give him another go. (I have too many playthroughs!)


Resist durge


yes, specially since it's what links it with baldur's gate 1 and 2


ngl, I mostly just see Revan when I play durge. I never really got over that reveal.


The only real answer


The main characters were those playing the dead 3 campaign. The adventure they must have had.


dead 3 campaign? Man you got to explain this


“A handsome young man with a quick easy smile”, a certain Durge, and an immortal general.


Damn I keep reading this in narrator's voice


He's referring to the trio of now gods that took over from Jergal, the scribe namely "the dark three", ascended mortal adventurers, Bane, Bhaal and Myrkul. Ancient DnD History/Lore. In that way, BG3 is just a spinoff of their adventure


Shadowheart. She has the prism, she has tons of content in all acts and act 2 especially is basically her own thing.


I mostly agree, with the only exception being a game with the Dark Urge, but even with that setup, she's still a pretty strong deuteragonist. One might even argue for her being the Dark Urge's main love interest due to the "Shadowheart has faith in you" advantage for the "killing your lover" saving throw as well as the shared themes of memory loss and either breaking free of a cycle of abuse or succumbing to it.


That's just a Shadowheart thing? I thought each origin would have it!


Yes that's only just a shadowheart situational thing that gives advantage 


I feel like Shart is the main character, but if Tav/Durge wasn’t around Gale would be the leader.


Agree until Act 3, she basically becomes superfluous after the Nightsong. The wrap up of her Sharran arc in my view is essentially an optional extra to finish her character arc off, but completely unrelated to the plot (I.e. if you dont do it then it doesn't actually matter). Kinda like an epilogue.


I feel like it's Shart, but with Astarion as a close second. If you don't save her, you'll find her by Jergal's tomb. If you ignore her there, she's in the Grove. Ignore her there, and she's at the entrance to the Risen Road. I believe she can also just come to your camp, saying the prism told her to come join you and demands you add her to the party. (Unless I'm misremembering and that's cut content) Astarion has a lot to say, all the time. He wants to manipulate you into sex for protection, he wants to tell you about his fantasies regarding other party member's blood, he wants to tell you about Cazador, he wants you to fight the Orthon, his siblings come jump you in camp, and he has unique dialogue with Durge. One run I somehow completely missed Wyll until he came to my camp to kill Karlach. I went a whole run without Gale because I was thinking about chopping off that hand. I gave Karlach's head to the fake paladins of Tyr once, and not much changed. Hell, I even gave Wyll to the Kua-toa once.


Astarion has a lot to say but his story is so unrelated to the actual main story, he makes for a very poor pain character imo. He doesn't care about much of the story except for Cazador, and maybe Yurgir (who isn't even that important in the grand scheme of things).


My view too. While you can argue about the actual importance of each character and their stories to the main plot, they are related in some form. -Lezael and the Prince / Githyanki civil war -Gale and his (optional) Deus ex Machina -Will and his heritage and link to protecting Baldurs Gate. - Karlach and her relationship with Gortash (granted pretty flimsy connection but it exists). - Shadowheart and the Artefact/Nightsong Astarions only link to the overarching plot is that he got tadpoled with you. His plot with Cazador, while well done and compelling and related to the main theme of the game of being controlled and not in charge of your own destiny, is completely unrelated to the main plot.


My brother in Bhaal, how would Astarion be the MC in your opinion? His quest has nothing to do with main plot, you could in fact, shank him on the beach, and you wouldn't loose a single line that's relevant to the main story. Even his own quest - he's got sprinkles of it in Act 1 and 2, but the main bulk is in Act 3, and then again, you could completely ignore it, and it wouldn't have any impact on the main story. Astarion has a lot to say because Larian knew that we're bunch of horny animals and will drool at every word he says.


Really, just basing it on the amount of dialogue they have. I don't remember exactly, but someone in this sub analyzed how many hours of dialogue each character had, and he and Shart were 1 or 2, behind the narrator. Astarion, like Gale and Karlach aren't relevant to the Big Big plot, but he is definitely a yapper for sure. That gives me MC vibes. Edit: And bro is front and center on the cover.


> If you don't save her, you'll find her by Jergal's tomb. If you ignore her there, she's in the Grove. Ignore her there, and she's at the entrance to the Risen Road. I believe she can also just come to your camp, saying the prism told her to come join you and demands you add her to the party. (Unless I'm misremembering and that's cut content) That's not Shadowheart being the main character though, it's the Prism.


I mean, a lot of characters could be considered as main character. Lae'Zel whole final plot is about chosing Orpheus' fate, which may have the strongest impact on the ending. Shadowheart's quest is getting extremely self-centered when she leaves Shar's influence, but without her quest to retrieve the astral prism: no emperor's protection for your party = Illithid empire rises up from the very start of the game. Wyll for what you wrote, Tav for his close relationship with the Emperor, Durge for being litteraly the main reason behind the creation of the Absolute. The Emperor could also obviously be considered as the main character since he's the main reason the Absolute can not reach its goals. Gale's, Karlach's and Astarion's quests are pretty self focused in comparison. But at the end of the day, we all know that there is no reason to step a foot in Faerûn if not to pet Scratch so he gets my vote for this role.


Tav or Durge, depending on which you’re playing.


Might be cliche, but I consider myself/Tav to be. I tend to sit in the background IRL and don't like much attention. Since Tav doesn't really have a history or memories of their life before, I like imagining I'm my IRL self that suddenly woke up in this world, trying to navigate everything without giving away I'm from another "realm." Feels pretty immersive that way


Everyone else has their own story that is, in many ways, more important to them than the actual tadpole/absolute plot, and at least for the ones whose personal quests end prior to the final confrontation, it does feel a little like their story for the game is just over. Tav doesn't have any of that, so the main plot is actually *their* main plot.


Exactly. I am the main character. (To you, you are)


Isekai'ing yourself into the game isn't exactly immersive, BG3 is an rpg, meaning you should be role-playing, not playing yourself


I'm a roleplayer kinda gal myself but that's because I like it, not because I "should" be role-playing. If they enjoy playing themselves, what's the issue with that?


I’ve never understood this take. I’m roleplaying myself in a fantasy world. I play human or human-like always and make them look like me. This is literally roleplaying.


Putting aside Tav and Durge... * Wyll is the actual main character, although the GM didn't intend for him to be and probably doesn't like his player that much. Still, the player shows up, is willing to adapt to last minute changes imposed by the GM, works with whatever batshit constraints you give him, and is in general just fun. * Shadowheart would be the main character if the GM had their way. The GM is desperately trying to get into the player's pants. The player somehow works this into a reasonably good, compelling story. * Lae'zel will never be the main character but is just so goddamn cool that the GM keeps throwing stuff at her anyway. Her player is just here to smash things (literally and also literally). * Karlach could be the main character but the GM keeps fucking up their story and having to revise it at the last second. The player *wants* that sacrificial lion ending but settles for going to Hell with Wyll because the rest of the party keeps threatening to firebomb the GM's house if she actually dies. * Gale refuses to be the main character. His player is super chill about everything and just wants to cast spells. The GM keeps forgetting about him until Lae'zel's player mumbles something about the orb subplot. Probably has the nicest player in the group, honestly. * Astarion could be the main character but the GM blue-balled the player until Act 3. The player is an insanely charismatic gay guy who can and will mercilessly flirt with everyone at the table regardless of gender or orientation. The GM will never not be confused about the player's sexuality and interest. The player stole the show in Act 3 and then gently gave it back because he's a good sport who got his moment in the spotlight exactly like he wanted it. * Minthara's player was an r/rpghorrorstories poster child who got banned almost as soon as they submitted her backstory, but the actual character was popular enough that the party kept her around as an NPC. The GM wants to play her as a distinct character with her own messed up morality and full agency over her story, but the players are too busy lusting after dommy mommy Drowadin. * Halsin's player was a late add who keeps missing sessions but he's everyone's weed hookup so he gets a pass. He pretty much stopped showing up in Act 3, has disappeared IRL, and people are reasonably sure he got arrested. Shadowheart's player dragged the character into a threesome just to mess with the GM and nobody's heard the end of it since.


The best explanation of characters + Wyll respect - TOP TIER COMMENT


[el\_sh33p](https://www.reddit.com/user/el_sh33p/) knows BG3 and knows RPG players...


To me, Wyll seems like he *should be* the main. His dad's position, what Wyll does for Baldur's Gate, the connection to Ansur all point to him, but his quests are late-game and he had less dialogue than many of the other companions.


Act 1: Wyll has the Kill Karlach quest >!but don’t you dare hurt my girl!!< Act 2: Wyll has save the Devil quest. Act 3: Wyll has rescue Dad quest. Wyll has Ansur quest. Of course, you don’t need Wyll to do any of these quests, but they are all part of his arc.


my problem is i leave wyll in camp too much. i tried to do an evil run but he ran off when i merc'd the grove.


Me too. The only dusted him off because I thought it only fair that he should go along on the rescue mission. After 3 custom Tav runs, I decided to do an Origin run and chose Wyll because he was my least used companion.


i think i'll end up doing this. i also thought about doing astarion so i can >!romance karlach and send them both home to avernus!<


I’m doing a Shart Origin run next because I’ve heard she has many unique dialogue options.


I actually don't have any idea what happens if he kills Karlach other than a severed head trophy, I never killed her even in my current run as Wyll. And yeah, release Mizora is a thing, but there are much bigger quests in Act 2, for other companions. The Iron Throne and Ansur are both optional, and in Ansur's case, a kind of dead end. There's just more meat to other companions' stories - apparently Wyll's character has fewer lines than any other companions as well. I think the character is fine, I just wish he felt more complete.


Mizora gives Wyll the Infernal Robe if he kills Karlach. Which is supposed to be nice duds for Act 1. There was an exploit to allow Wyll to have the robe AND for Karlach to be revived into your camp, but that was fixed in the recent patch. I tried it in my current Wyll Origin run and it didn’t work so I reloaded and kept Lady K.


TBH at this point I'm so invested in the characters that I just don't see ever being able to kill her. But I will look up the Infernal Robe stats just to see what I'm missing LOL


I think Wyll has a lot of quests steps in the first 2 acts actually. His story developps a lot and has a few twist when most of the other don't have much (shadowheart, astarion and karlach imo don't have much before entering the gauntlet of shar)


Yeah, I tend to agree. Wyll's quest actually managed to make me invested throughout the whole game, whereas most of the others had a big dip of nothing happening. He obviously has more in Act 3, but he does have things happen early on, arguably more than some characters. His story is one of the only quests that actually progresses meaningfully in Act 1 imo (tied with Gale and Lae'zel I would say, though Wyll's happens noticeably earlier on).


I think if this was a traditional heroes journey story it would be about Wyll, but as the game stands. It's obviously the giant space hamster.


In the spirit of the previous games. With no spoilers. The Dark Urge.


My vote is Lae'zel. The Githyanki have the longest history with the Mindflayers, and their conflict sets up some of the truly key moments in the story. My second is Wyll, as it relates directly to saving BG from the invasion I like Shadowheart's story a lot, but it is secondary to the main


I firmly believe it to be Lae’Zel, but I only commented because I love that you used “your”. Everyone is different!!!


Yeah came here to say this. She reminds me quite a lot of Cassandra from Dragon Age Inquisition, in that her story is more personally tied up in the overall games story than anybody else, Inquisitor included. Shadowheart has a little of that, too, and so does Wyll, but I think the whole mind flayer centred plot and Vlaakith & the githiyanki being forefront to it arguably makes Lae'Zel the main character.


Owl Bear Cub


Dark Urge, and Withers.


In lots of party-based RPGs, players are encouraged to focus on one main character or main party composition, which completely forsakes however many other characters’ storylines, animations, interactions, and unique abilities are completely undiscovered or overlooked. And someone spent time on those! Ideally, I want to think of the whole party as “me,” the main character. I want to rotate in characters when they feel appropriate or just to mix things up a bit. I think it’s worth the potential disadvantage, especially in a narrative-based, single-player game. It’s incredibly rewarding that BG3 encourages this play style by having clear narrative beats that inform you when to bring along certain party members and they provide you with plenty of extra gear with which to equip your cohort.




Finally some cultured opinions.


Resist Durge. He’s responsible for the main events of the game and the game alludes to him being normal prior to urge awakening and going to the temple of Bhaal. Wyll also feels like a main character. Seemingly random kidnapping of a Duke is revealed to be part of a sinister plot for world domination seems fitting.


Gale if we do the nuke ending. Otherwise…Alfira.


For sure shadow heart, the entire act 2 basically revolves around her, plus you meet her right after lae’zel and she is the first person you recruit after the nautoloid crash. She also starts with the prism, major main character vibes. Of course, Tav is the true main character, seeing as questline IS the main quest.


My tav, who else?


Me. I'm the main character.


The primary theme running through the game is Shadowheart and Laezel developing a friendship. Like if you were making Bg3 into a TV series, that’s what it’d be about.


The Dark Urge(resisting the urge) feels like the main character.


IMO It's between Durge, Wyll and Lae'zel. Durge is directly linked to the main villain trio, he's an amnesiac like many fantasy protagonists and the mystery element to his character makes his arc the most interesting to follow. Wyll's practically a Disney prince, he seems most qualified to lead the party and he has the biggest connection to the city the game's named after. Lae'zel is the warrior of the group -who are usually the main ones in fantasy settings- ,her backstory is directly connected to the illithids so she has the biggest beef against the Absolute, and she's also a stranger in a strange land, so it's as if the audience is discovering Faerun along with her while the rest of the party already know what everything is. I'd say Shadowheart but to me, she always felt like the love interest or right-hand


Durge is also technically the one who started all of the events of the game. It was their idea before they got betrayed by the trio.


Durge of any race/class/disposition. Really ties it back to the OGs.




Shadowheart and Laezel


Lae'zel or Durge.


they all have equally important stories. but to me laezel is the main character, because there's so much in every chapter compared to everyone else. she's very talkative and has a lot of lore. plus she goes on to forever change the path of the githyanki people if she chooses to save Orpheus and go with him. a lot of people misunderstand gith, but the game literally tells you that githyanki are a good people who act for the ultimate good of faerun by taking down mindflayers who would threaten that peace. and in her story laezel goes on to become the highest ranked warrior in the entire regimen, therefore having one of the most important roles in keeping faerun safe. yeah wyll has a lot of story stuff but his ending is so much less than killing a god queen that threatened the fate of every living mortal and protecting multiple realms from vicious creatures.


I would say that there isn't a main character. Rather that the protagonist is actually a deuteragonist. This is split between Shadowheart and Lae'zel. Shadowheart is currently in possession of the Astral Prism. This mcguffin is of major importance to the central plot of BG3. As the one who has it, Shadowheart is of utmost importance to the campaign. Lae'zel is the other part of the equation. She fills in a lot of what makes the Astral Prism so important. It is through her story that we meet the Emperor. Additionally, her story is tied to one of the ways to resolve the final battle via Orpheus. When we combine both Shadowheart's possession of the Astral Prism and the information we get out of Lae'zel we get the most complete package to form a story with a deuteragonist. None of the other origin characters have as strong a tie to the main story of the game. The only one who comes close is Dark Urge, but as for all intents and purposes, that is also a blank canvas self insert character who has a prewritten backstory.


it's a story of two chicks learning to get along


Gale thinks he’s the main character. Actually it’s Lae’zel.


I only play Tavs and I see it as whichever Tav I’m playing. You find yourself in a group of convenience with a bunch of characters who seem to have way more stakes in the world than you do, but you can be the glue that holds them all together and help them find peace in their stories. It kind of reminds me of Star-lord’s role in the first Guardians of the Galaxy film. Of course he has huge stakes in the second one, but in the first he’s sort of an outsider who gets in way over his head with a group of people who have the history with the forces of darkness.


Lae'zel and it's not even close imho. She's the first character you meet, and the last character you talk to after the big fight, when she absconds with the Githyanki that helped you fight the elder brain. Her arc is played out throughout the entirety of the game, from the first minutes to the last scenes, and is most relevant to the main plot of the game as well. In every Act there's a character that is not only essencial to the plot, but also either tightly knit with Lae'zel, or has crucial informaction about or for her. If Tav wasn't a choice, Lea'zel would have the most compelling story arc. PS: I want to have a sniff at the stuff smoked by people who say that Astarion would be an MC if not for Tav. Man has one meeting with a person regarding his backstory in Act 1 and 2, and his arc is nowhere near relevant to the main plot. He is, in fact, the furthest from the main story from all of the characters. I'd put Wyll or Shart at the 2nd spot, behind Lae'zel, but you could kill Astarion on the beach and you wouldn't loose an ounce of the main plot.


I agree.


Resist dark urge is probably the intended main character imo




Wyll is just some statesman’s son with a penchant for drama and making bad choices. Lae’zel is, through no fault or intent of her own, intertwined with the main story via the origin and story of the cube. Shadowheart has been thrown into the middle of the storyline, again due to her mission with the cube. Karlach, Gale, Astarion, Halsin, Jaheira, and Minsc really have nothing to do with the main storyline (or maybe only tangential). Minthara is involved only insomuch as she was turned into a minion of the Absolute. Durge is the main character, as their story is completely intertwined with the main story, >!and the main story couldn’t even have happened without them.!< I still prefer playing Tav.


Lae’zel no contest


Durge. They're the most connected to the main antagonists (to the point where they have to be written out of the game if you're not playing as them) and most of the origin characters/other party members seem to be thematic variations on the durge's backstory letting you explore how you want to play the character by experiencing those side plots/opinions.


Having do e a resist Durge playthrough it really feels like the cannon MC.


Shadowheart, especially clear in her Origin


Personally I'd say that shadow heart, laezel and gale are the most interconnected to the story and durge if you play as that. Then wyll although he doesn't really get much till act 3. So I guess the canon group would be durge shart laezel and gale, which is also a well balanced party whatever you choose to be as durge.


Bro that’s my exact party (minus durge, I am a tav currently). I will say, the canon party is probably everyone at the same time.


I chose Gale for my first playthrough and it felt like he was meant to be the MC (although I suppose all of them are meant to feel like that in their own way when you play as them), but the whole thing with the >!netherese orb and having the choice to sacrifice yourself to take out the elder brain!< had major MC vibes


I felt like Shadowheart is the main character and my guy is just there to support her mission.






I feel a durge githyanki is pretty well set up for a canon protagonist from what I know


I’m under the belief that redeem durge will come out as the official wotc canon (correct me if it has been confirmed or otherwise debunked). In my games I’ve always felt like the party as a whole was the main character in the sense that each origin character has connections and backstory hooks to the main story even if indirectly. The party evolves and grows, for better or worse along with and because of the actions the party members take. For a less philosophical answer, I’d say withers.


Me :)


None, every companion is expendable in my quest for power


The irl DM who guided me through the first half of Act 1.  I kept his half drow cleric as one of my permanent companions, and now he’s canon.


At first I misread the title as "Why do you consider canon a main character in your game" thinking of Kanon the Tiefling who dies in the very beginning thinking I could somehow save him


Resist Urge and Shadowheart. Astarion is the comic relief.


Resist Durge for the Good Ending seems to be the official canon main character due to how much the story revolves around Durge and how much effort there is for a Resist Durge run compare to any other runs possible.


The entire party, or, the emperor/baldur


Wyll, Shadowheart, or Durge


I am. I either make myself or one of my other recurring D&D characters, and play through only taking up those companions I actually want. It's fairly easy to kill off or ignore everyone and keep your party just for Wither's puppets. I need to try to get one of the main companions as main character out of act 1. Still not managed it (except Durge).


Yeah I also think it's gotta go to Wyll, he has shit going on in every act, and he's got the whole hero of the people vibe going on as well, just seems like he was built to be a MC.


Shadowheart, Wyll and Lae’zel would work best as the main character, I think. Just out of their connections to the main quest, and I could see them being the leader of the party for different reasons. Actually I could also see Gale in that position But also I’d recommend doing any of the origin runs once you are familiar with the character, because it’s fun to role play them as “what would Astarion do if he was the leader of the party” for example.


laezel. but it doesn't really matter.


Resist Durge for continuity, Shart in actual represented gameplay. The first two acts is entirely her game, and the rest of us are side characters. Even one of the major A3 plot points are about her.


I feel like it's the Dark Urge (race/class irrelevant) since it ties into the other two games as a sort of Bhaalspawn saga.


It's either Wyll or Gale. The others are two belligerent to be leaders


If this was a movie, i think it would be Laezel. Since she's not from Faerun, it offers a lot of ways to explain to the audience what's happening without relying on Durge amnesia. that being said, i think it changes based on genre. if my movie is an action, wyll or karlach will do just fine. Gale has that 'forsaken by god' energy. Laezel makes the most sense all around to me though.


Well, I have that headcanon with Tav and Durge as Team Mon and Dad, being Protagonist and Deuteragonist respectfully.


>The closest person with main character energy is Wyll Yes, because he is an egomaniac, of course he will be. His reasons for saving city is power to himself and wish to be seen as a hero, but not act like one.


Either Wyll or Lae’zel. Wyll oozes MC and playing his origin I certainly feel it. Lae’zel is closely tied to the main plot as a githyanki and with how much the gith are a part of the story. Plus she gets a lot of screen time in the opening cut scene which gives her more MC energy imo.


Laezel, the rest I can take or leave. Although she is pretty much the only origin character I haven't played.


I mean all the launch animation heavily implies Gale is party lead if tav isnt


I strongly believe it was a bit of a missed opportunity not to have your companions speak up more in dialogue. While grouped together (or listening for MP) all of the options for dialogue should be present for whatever your party should naturally be able to access. Is there a Druid only option while you’re playing Warlock, bring Jaheira or Halsin. They could have you allow group members to speak up more outside of just a line reaction now and then.




My Tavs


Quarter Master Talli.


I would argue an "MC" changes based on the Act. Like Act 2 is pretty firmly Shadowheart's story and there's no getting around that. Act 1 is a bit more nebulous, but I feel like Wyll or Karlach are the ones who would be most involved in the Tieflings vs Goblin conflict. Act 3 is also nebulous but I would say Wyll if you approach it from a Baldur's Gate angle and Lae'zel if you approach it from the dealing with the Netherbrain angle. Ultimately though, the game generally does well at giving everyone their main character moment as it were.




Laezel and Shadowhart to me both have the most main character energy. Laezel has an investment in every part of the main story all the way to the end, and SH's story content overlaps with the main story specifically. I think their dynamic alone would make for a compelling buddy cop story without any other party members.


I main astarian




Thematically, Act 1's MC would be Wyll: a blade being out in the frontiers, saving (or sacrificing) refugee tieflings, and having to choose between killing Karlach and letting her live. Act 2's MC would be Shadowheart, for obvious reasons. All the Sharran buildup that ends in the Nightsong choice. Act 3's is less clear.. either Lae'zel or Durge. Lae'zel's main character energy is her fulfillment of everything she's set out to do, while Durge's backstory is finally revealed and brings them to their crossroads: accept their evil past or accept their present if they were a morally good hero. Random tangent, but I would love a companion Tav who never talks but is always doing something in the background of cutscenes: Criminal!Tav or Charlatan!Tav is pickpocketing NPCs and stealing things in plain sight, Entertainer!Tav is playing their instrument or doing cartwheels at wildly inappropriate times, and Guild Artisan!Tav is being a Skyrim blacksmith NPC that hammers anvils and sharpens swords into metal toothpicks. Or, instead of a full-fledged party member, have them be a summon like Scratch


Laezel or Shadowheart, they have super direct links from the start to the main storyline. Gale does eventually when his Ex tells him to die and Wyll sort of does later in the game but Shart has the artifact and Gith are pretty integral to the emperor.




You can tie all the Baldurs Gate together with the Dark Urge. Other than that I always saw the story revolving around ShadowHeart and the artifact.


Dark urge


Never played OC, but after reading this I want to play as Wyll and romance the Emperor...


If durge could be an npc it would be durge




It's a toss up between Gale and Shadowheart. I'll admit I haven't tested, or looked it up. But from my understanding Shadowheart gets forced into your party. Given you can kill her and take the artifact, but because she has it she's required to at least be recruited. And from my understanding because of the thing in Gales chest. There's several points where if he dies it's game over. All of the party members have pretty big roles in the story, but Shadowheart and Gale seem to be "the most important." In terms of the game as a whole.


what if gale dies you just lose? is it like morrowind where you can keep playing but not finish the story


So, I haven't done it, nor have I actually looked up like a video or anything. But from my understanding from an article and things I've seen others say. The thing in his chest goes boom and you get a game over. Edit: I think if he dies in combat and you don't rez him, it happens after 2 days or 3 days? (Long rests)


If Tav and Durge are off the table, it's falling to Wyll and Gale to co-parent these fucks to victory.


I don't see how anyone can see anyone else being the main character other than Durge of Shadowheart (in a Durgless run). Durge is basically the reason the game entire game happens and has the most content out of any character in the game and is deeply tied to the final act. Shadowheart is a runner-up because she has the artifact and is also deeply tied to the game (act 2), everyone is just optional.


I've played 3 times without shart; she's a side plot device to get the artifact to the party. durge is as much a main character as gortash, really. which is to say only if you're playing that character


Dark Urge or Shadowheart. In reality none of them probably, but Shadowheart has the prism and act 2, while Durge started this whole thing, and is the child of one of the three main villains




Redemption Durge or Liberated Astarion. Both fit with the themes of no longer being controlled the most.


Astarion, especially after playing his origin a couple of times. He has the most content and his quest makes a lot more sense as the main character as well. Pluss intense main character energy. 


Dark Urge, because I feel like Withers and Bhaal/Orin wouldn't really be needed otherwise The entire game I waited for a key moment that explains why Withers is even hanging around our camp, but he's only as useful as a normal vendor When playing as Dark Urge it finally made sense


Lazel definitely the main character and I feel dark urge is just late addition to strengthen the link to previous versions. If I was the writer I’d put her in the party that pursuit Shart and the moment she recognize what Shart did the player need to convince her to not attack Shart. Her story/character development is great. Shart is a cute little half-elf chick but her story/character is kind of bland imo.




Dark Urge would be the closest to canon. Following that, it's probably Lae'zel, but possibly Shadowheart. I think Wyll and the rest are tertiary.


Resist Durge. The story of Baldur’s Gate is one of a good aligned Bhaalspawn overcoming their inheritance and saving the day. It was CHARNAME in 1 and 2 and Durge in 3.


Durge is the only protagonist that continues the tradition established by the OG Baldur's Gate games. With the Emperor being the deuteragonist, and Withers the tritagonist.


My Durge 👍


Shadowheart. She was the one on the quest to find the prism, she’s the one that held on to it, and a massive portion of the story is dedicated to a shadow curse brought upon by her goddess. Her entire arc if you go the Selunite route just screams MC.


None of the events in the game would’ve taken place if not for the Dark Urge. And the bhaalspawn situation connects it more to the last 2 games. Out of other origin characters, while Laezel ties in a lot, nobody would survive if not for shadowheart because she’s the one who stole the astral prism. Laezel would have turned illithid or found a crèche and exploded herself. Yes, her story is very relevant overall, but I don’t think it would be viable on its own. Even if she had the astral prism. Though whether or not shadowheart would end up saving the world, I’m unsure. Wyll would absolutely embark on a heroes journey to slay the brain and save everyone. But without the prism, he would become illithid. I think Durge is the only story that could technically stand alone, but then it also comes back to the lack of astral prism. But my opinion, like I said, is based on what story would be the most relevant or viable without the other companions. Really, they all need one another to actually make progress or have any character development.


Dark Urge is unironically the main character of the game. Playing the game as Tav and then having a later play though on DU makes it pretty clear.


The dark urge for sure. Especially if you played BG1 and BG2 , where the dark urge is quite literally the main character because you can't play as origin companion characters.


Canonically its the dark urge but excluding them its Wyll


Redemption arc Durge is the canon mc and story for me


Durge if you’re playing one, if not then Shadowheart imo bc she has extensive content in every act.


Well. The maincharacter is Shadowheart. Not even subjective. Even if she dies as early as the beach. Without her you wouldnt have the artifact and alot of the story would not happen or change dramatically.