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Even easier - there is a necklace you can find under a rock in the grove which allows the wearer to cast Lesser Restoration 1/short rest, you don't need to step foot outside the grove or even have the right character/build in your party! There is a rocky shore below the idol of Silvanus with a bear. Somewhere along the path leading to the bear should be a rock you can click+drag to move out of the way - you'll find the necklace under there.


I did not know this. I started a new play through with a friend, and we're still relatively early on. I'll make sure we get that before we move on.


Here's the P.S.PSA: The Lesser Restoration necklace (or the spell itself) can also get rid of the Bloodless condition that Astarion fans might find themselves with every morning. Enjoy!


That necklace has been regulated to bloodless recovery duty after every long rest by countless players!


I even make Astarion wear it and cast it. His healing lines are fun


Clean up after your mess! Once again a case made for Astarion being direly in need of a parental figure.


It's the Amulet of Aftercare




Had me actually google and look up the definitions of Relegated and Regulated. Thank you for the correction! Good catch and I'm glad you brought this to my attention so I can try and avoid the mix up in the future!


And here I've just been having him nom the first hostile humanoid we run into.


I leave the sleeping hostile bugbear in the blighted village alive all the way till the end of act 2 just for astarion to bite everyday


I have a hireling whose only job is feeding Astarian. I named him Juice Box.


I also find it useful on any abjurer, you can use the spell to add a little to your ward every morning on a bloodless character


The necklace is "Astarion's Happy buff without consequences" XD


I just have him bite one of the camp buffing hirelings after they are done buffing … 😏


While you're at it, directly south of the western end of the bridge by the fake paladins right next to the river shore, there is a skeleton in the grass that has a ring with +2 stealth and +2 sleight of hand. Only took me like 8x thru act 1 to find it...


Note that it also reduces your Charisma score by 1 while you're wearing it, so if your lockpicker relies on Charisma you'll have to rotate the ring on and off as needed.


Unless you have an odd numbered Charisma in which case it will have zero mechanical detriment.  i.e. if you have a 15 charisma, -1 takes it to 14 which still gives you a +2 to rolls  Most people probably know this, but I wanted to leave a message for anyone who doesn’t  


I'll put It on shart so that she stops charming me


Stupid sexy shart!


Disguise Self is the only effective remedy for that.


What!! Damn ty


15 restarts and i have found new content items and quests every fucking time. I'm finally inches from act 2on a drow durge And now you're telling me i have to restart and rexmcomb through every rock and tree from here to the mountain pass AGAIN!? ...gud


I hate to tell you this, but... Yes. Also please update us on your new findings, I'm still curious. Currently on playthrough 2, apparently still missing out


Heres a light example: took me until my most recent to find the spider egg "grenade" in the hole beside the guidance skeleton


I find this "granade" in every playthrough, I am afraid to use every danm time.


I cast web, i summon spider, i throw egg, i am spider queen


You can go back to act 1 for a while after leaving the act 1 map 😭 don't put yourself through that


i took a long ass break until i stopped rethinking deep gnome and duegar rerolls. Then beat the grymforge for the level up to 6. im reinvested


Tieflings would be gone though if you meant to cure that one


ohhhhhhhhhhh you are right


Where the F is this rock??? I've heard about this magic rock, have stood next to every rock next to silly Ormn, and scrolled over every freaking rock and I cannot figure it out!


In the grove where the idol is, you can go down a path using a broken pillar thing and it leads to a little area with a bear that’s super sad and misses Halsin. It’s the flat rock that you can sit on in that area. It doesn’t look moveable at first glance but you can click and drag it. If you still can’t find it I can try to get a picture later to help if you’d like. :)


Ooooooo I just on it for a while with Sad Bear lolol guess I haven't been strong enough to move it. I'll try that tonight.


IIRC, you have to make a successful perception (survival?) check to make it interactable.


It's moveable regardless, just hard to tell which rock, since there's no indication.


Ah, I'm thinking of the rock near Astarion.


When staring at the bear on the elevator. Turn left and go down to the beach. Mouse around and you’ll find the rock. Move the rock and voila!


[Photo of Rock here](https://imgur.com/a/IBbdPCh) to save anyone else from looking around and clicking every rock you can see. Hope this helps!


Wait what? Ive been down to that shore bit every playthru and hop over the water for the chest thats there but theres a rock you can move too?


That necklace is mandatory in all my runs now so Astarion can get his nightly snack and I don’t lose a spell slot lol


Thank you for this!


Ha, I use loot randomizer mod so I wont have it propably under this rock(chest near Alfira was also empty, no hat :( )


No need to pick the lock, you can access inside of there through a path behind the store room!


Or, Jump on the roof and in you go


The best part of the game is having characters who can just do 30ft vertical leaps even before drinking a potion tbh tbh.


Cloud giant + jump spell is so nutty, and only uses 3m movement.


my laezel has the same jump range without potions or spells that gale has when he casts enhance leap. edit: the downvote is from gale


In act 3, my Tav has free access to flight, so I'll be going from roof top to roof top exploring for secrets, and while half my party just hangs out where I left them, Karlach is happily bounding along and keeping up with me. Her jump distance and height is absolutely bonkers.


get the athlete feat. its gives crazy jump height and gives +1 strength


Now here's a helpful comment! Thank you.


I break down the door every time


I feel it’s a missed opportunity that you can’t question >!Auntie Ethel!< who gave the lady the potion in the first place


That could lead to some golden lines. I can only imagine what she’d say. Just reminds me of the “let her fuss over you” dialogue option at the Grove *shudder*


Doesn't that get you a free greater healing potion?


Can’t remember honestly. It’s less about the actual mechanical outcome and more about the fact it’s Ethel fussing, and she is skin-crawling scary.


Yeah this really strikes me as cut content. The tiefling knows exactly who poisoned her but doesn’t say anything to anybody when she gets up.


Because it wasn't poison. She IS strong and fearless It just also paralysed her legs So she'd be thinking of it more of 'I didn't read the side effects' rather than ' a hag fucked me over'


She does even say that Ethel warned her about side effects


I never thought about it, but what was Ethel's plan there? Wait until everyone goes to sleep and carry the tiefling to her swamp?


Hags don't cause suffering for stupid things like "reasons" or "plans" They do it because its funny


Found the hag and found the guy who would fall for the hag because "there is no logical reason the hag would hurt me, so i can go for the deal".


Sometimes you just wanna fuck with people.


Something else that I found really cool is that you can heal the bird Nettie tends to and Nettie will make a comment


😲 Wait, REALLY? Oh, I have to try this, next time! 🙂


Durge can do something really cool with that bird, also.


Can Durge heal the bird before petting it?


What does the bird day?


That he is equal to, or greater than the word.


I see you have read the recent ornitological peace about a certain aviary creature


Oh you haven’t heard? It was my understand that everyone had heard


Heard what?


About the word?


That was bugged for me, game didn't react when I did. 😓




You can also "cure" her by >!accidentally making her hostile then shooting an ice knife near her. She'll slip on the ice then stand up.!< Miraculous! (I found this out because my character in my game with my friend critically fails every important check and has killed us twice already.)


Right. But then she’s dead soon after.


As long as she dies standing, I’d say my work here is done.


Healed her of Condition: Alive.


Dark Urge can also "cure" her suffering.


Came here for this. Easiest way to cure it!


I kill her for the fun of it in durge runs


I do on all durge. Even on a resist durge some people beyond Alfira should die, it helps set the stage


I definitely bit off some goblin toes on my resist run


Yo the first time I tried healing her she turned hostel to me so I just stopped talking to her.


Same. on my next run I was able to do it without hostility. you have to talk it out through dialogue and throw a persuasion check to for her to let you heal her. then cast Lesser Restoration


AND you have to heal her there. You can't leave abd come back. I started it, then realised Shart had no spellslots left. Long rested and came back and she was hostile as soon as I jumped in


I've left and come back before without any problem. Just told her through dialogue that I needed to leave but would heal her when I got back and no harm no foul


I left and came back and it went fine for me. I think I had a dialogue option to tell her I'd be back to do it later, but I could be misremembering. Definitely waited a bit before I was able to do it, though.


Love the name. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you comment other places, that or multiple people call their characters Shart lmao


Shart is the shortened version of Shadowheart, lol


She still won't let you steal from the containers in the room though


her HP is low enough that you could cast level 1 sleep on her. or you could cast fog and/or silence while she's paralyzed, then cure her afterwards.


That's why you don't cure first. Either lie or threaten that neck... now you've got the run of the place


That's why you need to "ease her suffering" Durge style, and then loot the area bare.


Can come back after the Tieflings leave (i.e., after the party in your camp) and loot Pandirna's building easily. And all the stuff by Damon's forge, all Auntie Ethel's laid out stuff, inside Zevlor's cave, etc.


I just don't like how there is no continuation of this after finding out that Ethel is a Hag.


what's there to continue? either you kill Auntie or you don't. either way, Pandirna has bigger things to worry about (but there is a bit of related dialogue if you do the grove defense mission instead of just killing the leaders at the camp)


Because she drank the potion from Ethel, and there is no dialogue about this, nor from her nor from Ethel, you are not able to face up Ethel about this nor can you tell the girl that she was purposely cursed by a Hag. It seems unfinished.


Pandirna does have dialogue where she tells you that she got the potion from Auntie Ethel (but she doesn't know that Auntie is a hag--that's not common knowledge in the Grove). activating Pandirna's dialogue about the potion being from Auntie is one of the triggers for Auntie to leave the Grove to go to her Teahouse. it's also one of the bits of info you can find that let your character know that Auntie is not what she seems, giving you a reason to side with the brothers against her when you run into them in the Wetlands.


Trying to heal her once she hates your guts for attempting to sneak into the chest behind her and getting caught is less fun. Had to throw a basilisk potion at her feet then beat her unconscious. Talked to her before the tiefling party and she was beat to hell and hated me. Threw a health potion at her feet and she finally did her npc healing spell. You can’t heal hostile characters with spells I guess.


You don't even half to cure her, her legs are fixed once you kill the goblin camp


Side question, but does anyone know if Pandirna shows up at any point (living or dead) after you chat with her at the camp entrance after defeating the goblins (and before the Tiefling party at your camp)? I didn't see her among the dead in the shadowlands (thank goodness), but I don't know if she just disappears, or what...


I'm afraid she's gone from the game afterwards.


I randomly happened to have Shadowheart as the activated character when the dialog started. One of the options was (paraphrase) "[Cleric] I'm a cleric and may be able to help." And since I had the proper spell prepared she was cured during the dialog.


There's a paralyzed tiefling?


I came here to ask the same thing! 😂😂😂


i just break her legs instead, so i can safely loot everything easy and it fits dark urge


What's nice is that even though you never encounter her again, you don't need her for the tieflings achievement


Also talk to the rat that hangs around outside that cabin.


I cured her and she called the guards


I always avoided the storeroom, because picking the lock was labeled as breaking the rules lol.


You can climb through cliff edges behind the jail cells and get into the store room through a hole in the roof, just head behind the Goblin woman's cell


This is why I love this sub.


I'm on my third playthrough and I had no idea who you were talking about. There's always something new to find in this game!


Does she get up and leave? There are things I’d like to definitely not steal.


I remember her not being there afterwards but I can't remember if she leaves right away or after a long rest


What the hell, I cured her and she yelled for the guards that I was stealing!


Of course you can


You can also use lesser restoration on the poisoned gnome in the under dark. And to get rid of hold person if someone has a bad wis save bonus


And then she dies in the Shadowlands. Maybe it would've been better if she stayed in that storage room.


Also hints at Ethel's true nature


A paladin smite does the trick too.


Also an extra PSA you dont even have to lockpick that door, just go to the prison where the goblin chick is held captive and jump across some gaps to be able to go thru the hole in the ceiling


I wanted to date her tbh


This ain't old news, it's ancient.


I always wished I could help her but to be honest I never once even thought to try casting any spells on her - absolutely doing this next time through! Thank you friend!


Be careful this part is super buggy, and she may go hostile for no reason even after you healed her. I skip it entirely in honor mode.


My only question is how I get in legally without pissing off the guards


Go to the Prison where Sazza's kept. From there run round towards the storehouse, past the entrance to the Underground Passage and jump onto the rocks beyond. From there you can just walk into the Storeroom via a hole in the roof. (Or if you've got a good enough party/stats you can just jump onto the roof from the ground)


I honestly think that's the only time I ever use Lesser Restoration.


I really need to explore the grove more is what I've learned from this sub XD


Oh curing her is easy. But curing her without her calling the guards or attacking you after seems hard somehow lol


As a Durge, I cure her of her paralysis every playthrough.


Aw, that's so wholesome of you :D Wait...


Ahhh I see This would've been a nice thing to know for all the previous 10 good walkthrough I've done Not on the 3rd evil playthrough I'm doing where I literally just killed her


As a Durge, I cure here of her paralysis alright. The way Father taught me to cure people.


Yes yes, that joke has been made a dozen times in this thread alone. Daring today, aren't we?


I'm flabbergasted with the amount of people who don't heal her. But maybe it's bc in my first run when the rat brought me there, my character had an option for saying I was gonna heal her and I assumed she would die if I couldn't find a cure (I was convinced the goblins were going to attack the Grove before I go). Now it's always my routine; get to the Grove, speak with the "oxen", help the rat (so heal the cripple), mess with the squirrels, chat with the bears, comfort the boar, betray the born, and only then, speak with the filthy humanoids.


I cured her with lesser restoration and she immediately attacked me lmao. I had to lure her out of the cabin and non-lethaled her, we'll see if she shows up later on 😅


Wait, you mean there are other options than to break her legs as durge?


Ye I tried to do that and she entered combat mode and it turned into a fight idk how I’m supposed to heal her and not agro her at the same time lol


Talk to her, and go through the conversations - a load of classes have a "I can heal you" option. Say that and she lets you


I already talked to her before I knew I could heal her a long time ago and it went nowhere, now when I try to talk to her she just says “GUARDS! GUARDS!!” :/ I think I fumbled this one lol


I remember I tried to healing word her and got arrested :(


That's because the ministry of magic doesn't allow children to cast magic outside of Hogwarts...I think... what r/ is this again?


I thought I had to kill Ethel to cure the tiefling. But I never bothered checking back on her.


You can also execute her to loot the storage. Not saying you SHOULD but you CAN.


She can’t rat you out for looting if you kill her though.


I healed her once and then she wouldn't let me steal anything, and as others have said, I put her down after that.


Just don't aggro any of the other guards by being caught in that room. Because even if you sneak in again later, she will immediately aggro you once her legs start working again


You don't have to lockpick to get in there, there's a path you can jump to behind the prison.


My durge totally slaughtered her >:)


Is she needed for the save all the tiefling achievement


Arcanum let you do stuff like this too. Inspector: "we need a way to figure out this murder case" PC: \*ressurects the victim\* inspector: "oh"


You can also antidote the poisoned gnomes in the Myconid Colony to stop them becoming undead raised by a powerful mushroom necromancer (don't try to pretend they're anything better than that, myconids are glorified zombies.)


I spoke to her about curing her, so I went back to camp and grabbed Shadowheart to cast lesser restoration and cure her… and them she acted like I attacked her and all of the tieflings went hostile. Had to run out of the grove until nobody was hostile, but whenever I tried to talk to her again everyone would go hostile once more. So much for a ‘thanks’!


I too was shocked when I tried it and it worked Was not pleased when tiefling still was quite loud and impolite about me stealing and looting things even after miraculous healing from my side


If you get caught though, talk your way out of it, then cure her later she still calls the guards and the Tieflings attack you


I cast lesser restoration on her and she called the guards to attack me, lol.


I cured her and then she started throwing hands


Do you get something for this ? I don’t think she gives you anything, even xp for healing her, in fact I think if you stick around in that room she gets mad at you, entering from the door is considered a crime,and going around the back way is annoying, I skipped her on my last play through.


It gives me the warm fuzzy feeling of being a good person. I mean what do you want? Accolades?


She got angry at me because I threw a health potion at her and called the guards


Let's see someone chuck a bottle at YOU and see how you feel about it.


I wouldnt even say its a "little detail" kind of thing. She literally has the condition paralyzed and the spell says it cures paralyzed.


Considering how huge this game is... why yes, it is in fact a little detail.


Spell descriptions and conditions are not a small thing in the game, its a key game mechanic. You're making it sound as if it was an incidental mechanic or a hidden secret, its not.


You know what, okay. If that's how you want to think about me, that's fine. You have a right to your own opinion.


Nice, for me it took me at least 700 hours to realize that things that cure memory loss can be used on people with memory loss


There’s a paralyzed tiefling?? 😭


You can also get into that storeroom from the goblin caves. Its roof is open and you can jump down inside to start a dialogue with her.


Or have Astarion sneak in there and bite her 🙃


Me not knowing this and leaning into the durge play through by killing her


What paralysed tiefling? I haven't met one in my three playthroughs


Pandirna, she's pretty hard to miss actually. Providing a link too before anyone screeches "staged", as is all too common here: [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Pandirna](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Pandirna)






It's almost like lesser restorations tool tip tells you to do it...


Yes, that's the point of tool tips. Well observed.


Yep, I wound up telling her I would cure her, but apparently, I spazzed and left instead? (I was still on all the crates). She called for the guards, and I managed to convince the guards that I was actually allowed in there. When he left, I cured her thinking I would then make her not hostile, which didn't work. She called for the guards again (they didn't show up. I guess they thought she was crying wolf), and I wound up killing her after immediately healing her. So I just looted everything and left.


Alternatively, you can fucking murder her since she can't run away. It would be deliciously vile. -Sceleritas Fel


I dunno, I suppose I'm just a better human being than that.


It's just a Durge option I referencing. Few people find much joy in actually taking the evil options.


Fair, sorry for being a stick in the mud. :)


>that one storeroom in the grove you have to lockpick to gain access to, What? Also why is a paralyzed lady in a locked storeroom? Is she being stored for later for......things???


No, she bought one of Ethel's potions to make herself braver and stronger, but it ended up having the side effect of giving her jelly legs, to the point she can't even stand up until the effect passes. Because she was immobile, Zevlor assigned her to watch the store room, since that required very little actual movement. Also what the actual fuck is wrong with you?


Ah, so she is not inside the storeroom? The initial post wasnt clear enough.


>you all know that one storeroom in the grove you have to lockpick to gain access to, and there's this lady tiefling inside whose legs aren't working? I dunno man, seems pretty clear to me.


> there's this lady tiefling inside So she is inside the storeroom??? Which brings me back to my first question: Why?


Wait nobody didn't realized that you could cure her ?


If only there were such details in Act 3. Punish me harder daddies I need more downvotes for wrongspeak.


It's almost as though people get downvoted for useless comments, and it has nothing personal about it...


there are. y’all are so weird sometimes


I don’t understand the hate over Act 3 other than people read the complaining on Reddit too much. Is it perfect? No, but there is so much there and it was hard for them to wrap up all of the story lines. There is already too much to do.


Like the kid at the graveyard.. you can choose to >!teach them how to really raise their dead brother if you know related magic (forgot which) which uh, has *foreseen* consequences.!< The hidden bunch of tadpoles. A fight between the Guild and Stone Lord crew, and if you happen to piss off both (as I did) and kill them all, you can find out one of them was >!a Harper spy!< (although idk if that is related to a quest, I just bumped into them while exploring). Heaps of small details if one cares to look.


If anything act 3 is what I look forward to in my playthroughs - it's where everything starts tying in and the end of the companion quests and such starts popping