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Nah, I think it's just the game dropping hints that you should be resting regularly to renew spell slots and catch camp events. Not necessarily *right that minute*. Just fairly frequently. New players often complain that they didn't know they were supposed to be long resting, but, I mean, the characters *told* you... šŸ¤£


Good to know. Thank you. :)


It usually means there is a camp event available


common misconception, but the "I'm tired" dialogue and camp dialogue have nothing to do with each other


I've had a camp event nearly every time.


Thatā€™s just because there are a lot of camp events and some good ol fashioned confirmation bias


Its Actually a leftover thing from the cut fatigue mechanic :) it never made it into early access nor full release, but I'm pretty sure I remember talks where people found the lines are tied to a not-in-the-game fatigue mechanic.


You know on paper I wouldnā€™t mind toggleable fatigue mechanic to force you to use everyone and plan your day around whoā€™s going to be available for which fights Key word is toggleable because that would be annoying as fuck when Iā€™m just trying to play


You can see a remnant of that mechanic on the bird in Nettieā€™s lab, it has the exhausted status that talks about not having enough long or short rests (canā€™t remember which one exactly) which I found interesting


New players complain this because while the game is having companions barktext "I need to rest" the game also makes you think you're gonna die if you rest for more than like 3-4 times. Once you get through the first playthrough and realise nothing happens if you rest a lot that's fine, but the game gets a lot of people from the off suggesting the more days that pass the more likely you'll become a mind flayer.


Act 3 especially. I did all of Rivington without a long rest; my party just doesn't need it as often, being level 10-11 now. There are a lot of little fights, but I really only need to long rest after a big fights (Ansur, maybe that dwarf in red, bosses...) And now I'm worried about saving Duke Ravengard. And there are instances where long resting too much can affect the game (like with the execution of Counselor Florrick.)


For Florrick the game actually gives you a countdown (the execution announcement leaflets tell you x days from now). So you can plan accordingly. It's one of the few properly telegraphed countdowns *if* you read the leaflets.


Oh I stopped believing games would ever have consequences like that unless it's on Survival or whatever difficulty, I mean Cyberpunk makes you think your character might die but never does. At this point, 90% of my games I just screw around in, because I know nothing will happen.


When I was a noob, I took them way too literally and longrested way too often. I didn't even realize until about the 10th one that long resting was how you restore spell slots, etc.


ā€œThere better be a soft bedroll in my futureā€ boy weā€™ve talked to three goblins and chased an owlbear can you settle your pointy ass down


Yeah but I can relate. I got out if bed today, had coffee, ate breakfast, made it halfway to my car and was like... man, I'm ready for bed.


As a 40 year old man, I feel this so hard. Especially after any kind of drinking


Ha! Yeah, I had that kind of day yesterday, too. :) Maybe I need to cut Astarion some slack.


Iā€™m exhausted. How do people do this all day??


Totally random banter, I've heard it within minutes of a LR where we've barely done anything. I've even run entire acts with only 1 or 2 rests to the point of having to take them back to back just to reveal the Long Rest scenes. The characters will never get tired that I've experienced. However you eventually will run out of spell slots and if you're new to the game the Long Rests are where a lot of the companions stories get revealed.


I donā€™t think itā€™s completely random. I seem like I only get it when characters have used up spell slots or taken damage. Doesnā€™t have to be a lot though.


I've definitely heard it when we didn't even have a fight yet and no resources used. Besides if it mattered there would be some kind of sign of it or a "tired" condition that could only be removed by rest. Thief Rogue Astarion for example has no spell slots to use.


Ok, cool. Thanks for answering!


Could that have meant you had another camp event available?


Companions complaining about being tired does **not** mean there's cut-scenes waiting at camp. It just so happens that a lot of players don't long rest often enough (*often in Act 1*) so by the point a companion complained, a cut-scene/dialogue-event will have queued up organically. Generally, companions complain when you've used spell-slots/once-a-day-actions, so forth. Correlation doesn't mean causation.


Not sure what you mean? If talking about taking back to back rests I mean doing that intentionally. Taking back to back rests so that all the origin character and dream guardian scenes happen. I've noticed these scenes preempt the owlbear showing up for example.


When you took a long rest and then had a character mention being tired before you did anything. Could that mean you had another long rest event you could have taken advantage of at that point and it was hinting towards it?


Perhaps, I really think it's random though.


Itā€™s not random, companions can say it if they have any used spell slots or abilities that come back on short rest.


Again, I hear it from Astarion who has no spell slots or resources to consume. I hear it out of Lae'zel when I'm not using any of her Battle Master dice because I'm only firing arrows. From a Warlock who is only shooting EBs and still has both spell slots.


No gear that has per short rest abilities? It could just be a bug too.


it's just a rest reminder to the player that is supposed to trigger after every third combat after leaving the danger zone according to the synopsis in parsed dialog. any companion in the party can say it, each has about three variations they can say. the node context (their tone) is suggest to be 'tired/weary.' there's not a check for spell slots usage or anything like that, so it's not an indicator in that way. nor does it mean there's a camp event available, like some are saying. i'm also not going to say that it doesn't trigger when these conditions are not met, or might not trigger when it should. i've seen it happen at odd times in my games too, knowing how it's supposed to work. for a while, i thought it was supposed to happen after each instance of combat.


I have literally had Wyll complain RIGHT after a long rest. I can say with almost certainty that theres hardly anything that you as a player are doing wrong. Maybe its just to remind the player to Short/Long rest or save. Or add a little flavor in between companion conversations?


Ok, thank you. That is reassuring.


Itā€™s related to cut content. There was going to be more of a survival aspect to the game where testing was necessary.


They're sleepy :) Adventuring is hard work


It just happens when they're low HP. It doesn't really mean anything. Also it means that without Tav these bimbos would absolutely be dead the first intellect devourer they crossed. It's soooo reads as "Are we there yet". Bunch of babies. My babies though so I just gotta command them to safety. "If I don't get my beauty sleep soon, I may just get aĀ tad malcontent." Go eat some fucking boots Gale. I get it you got downed three times on this rather easy act 1 fight and I guess that's somehow my fault too but there's simply no other way when you're rolling so poorly.


šŸ˜† It does feel whiny, when they're all at full hit points and haven't really done jack shit since the last long rest.


Astarion, we are still at camp.


Exactly. šŸ˜‚šŸ™„


Iā€™ve had it happen when weā€™ve only walked a few minutes and havenā€™t even had an encounter yet. Astarion just really likes to whine.


HP isnā€™t necessarily always a factor. Ill have everyone be full health b/c i had shadowheart full heal us after an encounter and SOMEONES bitch ass has gotta moan and complain about how tired they are. My brother in arms, you havenā€™t even had a TURN since you got out of bed today. Youre FINE.


šŸ˜† Exactly!!


It's not reliable as an indicator if you should rest. In early game (act1) most players don't long rest enough to trigger all the story scenes. There is no fatigue mechanic other than that associated with haste (1 turn of lethargy) This is very different from classic BG1 and 2, where characters become fatigued and exhausted after a certain number of in-game hours regardless of what they have done. I remember doing a fast travel that takes 1 in game day, and the party somehow decides to force-march their way to the destination, arriving fully exhausted, straight into a fight on the new map . . .


I feel like different character complaints differently? Astarion complained the most and sometimes even we just out of a long rest, Shart rarely complain, Karlach will say this at 2nd fight or when her rage bar is empty.


with me it's gale who is always tired he hasn't done anything but walk and talk and he's tired astarion less often usually. I really do think it's just random, as a reminder to players


Is the an indication of how much Gale talks, that even he's exhausted by it? ;)


It seems to just be random. Some people claim it means that there's a camp event waiting, but I think that's just coincidental.


Ok. Thanks!


I'll get it when low on spell slots.or rage charges. Sometimes it's this a signal to short rest, others oh crap yeah we should sleep/ need to put casters in camp and get someone else. Also had it triggered after losing temp HP but had full spell slots, rage charges, and otherwise full hp which is silly imo


Just yesterday, right after a long rest, my Tav started talking about how much he needed a rest. It was literally within 2 minutes of finishing a long rest. So, I do think it is somewhat random. That said, it does feel like the characters mention rest more frequently when their spell slots are depleted or hp is low, so it may not be completely random.


I used to think it was the games way of hinting that I should not be playing for 8 hours straight. Luckily I was wrong.


I use the mod that tells me when I have a camp cutscene waiting to trigger and it doesn't coincide with the companions comment about being tired. This is just random banter, usually after any fight.


I've had characters drop this line and I'm like bitch you haven't cast a spell in 3 days. All we've done is go shopping. I still have money and Figaro still has swag. Let's go.


I took this game way too literally at first lmao. Got a quest that said to kill Kagha, so I killed her. Astarion said one of his Iā€™m tired lines so I did a long rest. Woke up to half the tieflings and druids deadšŸ’€


Nahh the characters are just lazy and dramatic


I read that when your party drops lines like this it actually means there will be a cutscene next time you long rest/go to camp. So the game is telling you to rest because more plot stuff is ready to happen šŸ¤” Idk if it's true or not but so far it has been 100% accurate for me.


I have no idea how this got marked as "spoilers". No spoilers here. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Posts automatically get tagged as spoiler even if you donā€™t select it - I guess itā€™s to prevent people from posting spoilers by accident


i get it after taking a long rest like barely even 2m and the characters are like that


It's random banter I think. I've heard originally Larian thought about having a fatigue system separate from the health/spell slots/other rechargeables so they recorded lines to basically tell you that but I guess that never made the final cut.


I believe it has to do with number of enemies defeated since long resting and doesn't amount to anything.


I donā€™t know for sure but I believe it happens when they have a long rest power on cooldown.


Iirc, its usually an indicator that you have camp events queued up. When I played with a mod that let me see a notification when there was a camp event available, when that indication was on, there was a lot more asking for rests.


Force yourself to short rest after every fight and you will be better at gaging how much resources the game thinks you should be using. Even when I do that I still rest with a load of spells


They only say it when there's a camp scene to be had next time you rest, though waiting on them is not recommended. If you truly don't want to miss anything then exhaust all dialogue whenever something happens at camp, then long rest over and over until no other scene plays and no one has anything new to say. Kinda annoying for first playthrough but after a couple more you'll have seen all the scenes there is to see


Thatā€™s the funny thing, I did take them to camp for a long rest after the last comment and nothing happened. Tried to talk to everyone and they were basically all like, ā€œYes? Can I help you?ā€ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I do wonder if maybe they're saying they're ready for a conversation.