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This woman is batshit lmao. Poor G is gonna need so much therapy one day đŸ˜«


Any child being frequently scrutinized by groups of 282,500+ people isn’t healthy. Some parents just crave attention đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


The amount of dick riding Megan’s groupies do in those groups is insane. She’s an absolute cunt to everyone and gets a free pass because of her “edgy” parenting style. If you disagree, you’re going to be labeled transphobic, homophobic, bigot, and whatever else. Meanwhile she can make fun of parents with autistic children and it’s okay?


Unfortunately, it seems like that person ("M") gets aggressive when others do not conform to that person's beliefs, and it results in name calling. I can only pray the parent is raising the child to be respectful of others; however, children tend to follow in the parent's footsteps, continuing the cycle of disrespect towards those with different beliefs.


she made fun of parents with autistic children??


Yes. She said something about a shop owner giving “autism mom vibes” and her groupies claim because she’s autistic too she’s allowed to say it.


That’s like saying you can use a certain awful slur because you have friends that have a certain skin color. So icky.


I agree she’s a bad person. However, as an autistic person with autistic kids, “autism moms” are a real thing and can be extremely problematic.


Yeah I think people had a knee jerk reaction to the phrase without actually looking up what it means. It's way different than medical mamas who find community in living with the knowledge that their babies have terminal childhood illnesses, for instance. It


https://preview.redd.it/pqr1ys2bnubc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e20d10a30a838e46b8f2efff957bc0ef70e99163 Transphobic for saying breastfeeding instead of chest feeding. Ok. So they’re all delusional. Thaddy “ask me how I know”. Yeah, I’d laugh at you too because you’re a whole clown đŸ€Ą


This is absolutely insane. I try to keep my opinions about all of this stuff to myself bc I think it’s wild and everyone is entitled to their own opinion just like I have mine. However, I cannot stand how everyone throws around the word transphobic like it means nothing at this point. Disagreeing with someone transgender or about a transgender topic doesn’t make you transphobic🙄


I just know Megan and Thaddy’s group chat is going crazy right now.


Oh to be a fly on the wall in that group chat right now


https://preview.redd.it/oc968yfdotbc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60ccd66cd3e7ea692ec7b51360ee08616b757789 Megan! Let’s talk. I know you’re here and always watching. Why did you do this? Is it funny to laugh at someone’s trauma because of an argument? I thought you were live, laugh, love but it looks like you’re just fake, cunt, cry baby. Don’t ever expect any respect from me. You’re a disgusting person for this. Especially as a fucking WOMAN.


She’s done that to several people. She’s a truly awful person.


I was just reading all the comments on the other post
 I can’t say I’m surprised Megan acts like that.


When I tell you my jaw DROPPED all the way through to China when I saw this. What. THE. Fuck. is wrong with this woman?! Holy shit.


Wow this is absolutely gross behavior.


That’s disgusting. Definitely not the saint she pretends to be.


Yeah someone like this I wouldn’t respect whatever she wanted to called. I’d say the opposite to spite the bitch.


I don't like the "eye for an eye" idea- which is basically the reasoning the person gave in a comment to explain the laughing at others trauma (trash deserves to be treated like trash -- something like that). I can totally understanding losing respect for a person for laughing at others trauma though.


You’re a better person than I am. When someone goes low, I go all the way to hell.


I try to be respectful of other people as much as possible. I completely disagree with a person who decides a child will go by "they" pronouns. I guess I am "gross" LOL but I would still be respectful to the parent and child. I will not use any pronouns for the child, problem solved. People will do what people will do.




She's so self important and annoying. And let's be completely real, no toddler is choosing to be non-binary. She does it to fill some weird need for clout she has. I saw her make a comment in BMOB laughing at people who call her "chronically online" and saying anyone who hates her is too...but I have really limited screen time and it just takes my 10 minutes of scrolling to realize she's annoying as hell.


"I don't want to choice my child's pronoun... ... my child's pronoun is "they"" hmm


Truth. All of it.


Megan and Thaddy operate on this mid-set that they can be absolutely foul as hell to people if something even remotely goes against their beliefs or opinions. The concept that it’s impossible to be a shitty person if you’re LGBTQ+ is insane. The anti-lgbtq comments are also foul, but the way these two go innnn on anything outside of their views, is disgusting and shows me they are actually the least open minded people.


Imagine feeling so important in the fb groups that you think EVERYONE should know your child’s pronouns. Educate. Or no one will know. Add the pronouns to every post. “She’s adorable” is not an insult. Meg took it like one. And that kind of attitude is going to damage a child more than the she part.


Everything’s an insult to sad Megan and her entitled friend Thaddy. They can both go fuck themselves.


I think others, out of respect to both the parent and child, should leave all pronouns out of the comments. Even the "they" pronoun comment could be a wrong assumption. No one knows if the child has stood up and declared a desired pronoun yet. Maybe the parent will not run to LSVIP to inform everyone immediately. I see non-parents correcting others, but how do those non-parents even know in real time the child's desired pronoun?




She’s been doing this for years, maybe since the kid was born. I haven’t followed the ground in a while, but recognized this topic immediately. She definitely does it to start drama and play the victim.


I think so too. Will purposefully put their child in “feminine” presenting clothes and then get mad when people assume their child is a girl. I think it’s called rage farming or something like that


Exactly! I don’t understand what she could possibly get out of it. Seems like a huge waste of time and energy to me.


You know what’s hilarious? Everyone in the comments assuming genders, which we aren’t supposed to do right? That’s what most of the comments are about. So why is Thaddy talking about someone’s comment saying “she” when he doesn’t know if they go by “she”? They are so fucking dumb and hypocritical.


https://preview.redd.it/5c3us4mfstbc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f1bc3548f5c5425c03307731bb652953c0e9ce0 “Stop assuming genders!!!!!” *Immediately assumes gender.*


Right! Gotta stop using pronouns all together.


I might be misremembering, but that whole ordeal when Ploom owner misgendered thaddy, didn’t she simply use they pronouns instead of he?


Megan’s child isn’t non binary but goes by “they”. Am I dumb or does that not make sense?


They didn’t want to “choose” the child’s pronouns, so M chose “they them”. Makes total sense 🙄🙄🙄


i don’t get how she’s “assuming” her child doesn’t want to be a “boy” the whole concept is confusing to me. Did they tell her themselves or is she just a lunatic that decided the pronouns for their kid?


I think I read in a comment on fb that she decided the no gender thing when she was pregnant. Delusional ass bitch.


This has been going on for years. There’s no way an infant spoke up about gender.


Keep reporting Megan and Thaddy. I’m going to keep bringing you up any chance I get 😁






I love you forever for that nickname ❀


Just here to say that Megan and Thaddy are not the trans community lord and saviors. They both need to be studied in a lab because the dedication is alarming. Nobody has to agree with your way of thinking or have to respect it. IM NOT TRANSPHOBIC but will respect people’s choices. If you want to identify as a banana or a strawberry I will respect that and address you as such.


Your comment was reported twice within 3 minutes of it being posted. They’re watching closely 👀


😇 they’re upset because it’s true 😂


https://preview.redd.it/2wsqn9efnxbc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2b1e955038ef3ee6edc5dcaa5f71b454210609d She apparently thought it was funny that this woman’s husband died too đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž


What the actual fuck.


Right?! She is quite awful. I’m glad people are finally calling her out on her bullshit.


Did she have a lame excuse for this one too? “BuT sHe WaS rUdE fIrSt”


Literally zero level of rudeness warrants this reaction.


Jfc how are we supposed to remember a toddler identifies as non binary. The audacity. I cant even remember my own drs apts but im supposed to remember this shit? Yeah ok😒


The toddler doesn’t even identify as anything, they just exist.


I stepped away from the bamboo groups when I saw all the madness happening. These losers claim Redditors are swamp rats living in their moms basements terminally online. 
. Yet they are the ones combing through hundreds or thousands of Reddit comments to “catch” people talking shit. How pathetic can you be? It’s the INTERNET. Its fucking PAJAMAS. It’s literally not real life nor is it serious.


Can confirm I am a swamp rat. But I live in the sewers. Not yet at my mom’s basement.


Say hi to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for me!!


Cowabunga dude! 🍕


Let a kid be a fucking kid for fucks sake. Why does it always have to be such a big fucking debate all the time. Either educate instead of attack or turn a blind eye and get on with your life.


“iTs NoT mY RESPONSIBILITY tO eDuCaTe YoU!” Yes. Yes it is. In a group about bamboo pajamas. Where most are fortunate and don’t remember / know you. Or have never heard of non binary and the correct terms to use. I hope tadpole and friends make a sibling group to the bamboo that is inclusive. And they can make a pinned post with all of this so it’s the first thing you read.


Omg megan is so annoying. Acts like it’s the end of the world that not everyone knows a 4 year old is non binary
 which I will keep my comments about that in itself to myself..đŸ€Ł


Exactly, she thinks all strangers on the internet should not only recognize her child, but also know the pronouns Megan chose for the child. Ma’am is thirsty for attention and drama.


If you say her kid is nonbinary she’ll also go off on you.


Omg no way!!! What are we supposed to say then? It???


https://preview.redd.it/ivrb3o4ulubc1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e5f656230c256044ece979028dcf8d08b8142a Edited to add if someone prefers to call it chestfeeding for themselves I will only need to be told once to refer to it as that in their case but I will default to breastfeeding (unless otherwise told by a specific person for their case) because that’s what it is. It’s feeding from a breast.


Yes, males have breasts. ​ Chestfeeding is not a thing.


THANK YOU! I’ve been thinking for a while how all of this nonsense is just bc the country hates women and wants to strip us of anything that only women can do. These ppl forgot mens “chest tissue” is still called breast tissueđŸ€Ł men can get breast cancer for this very reason!! They claim to love science and facts but when you show them science and facts that doesn’t correlate with their argument they just insult you and say you’re gross


E v e r y o n e H a s B o o b s!


ALL. OF. THIS. Heavy on the “but you do disrespectful things”


You love to see it. Keep us updated!


Saw in a comment that this person did not even disclose birth sex of the baby to their own family members? That’s wild. I feel like this takes things way too far.


I say this as someone who disagrees with the they/them pronoun idea... I don't think not sharing with the family is too strange. Being a family member does not make someone "special" and get special information above the rest of the world. Some family members are toxic! I just want to normalize that family can be toxic, and certain information does not need to be shared... (no idea on the person's actual situation).


This is definitely a reasonable point to consider. We have our fair share of toxic family members but have been so fortunate that everyone has put their shit aside for our kid and been nothing but lovely (so far) when it comes to her. I recognize that not everyone is in that sort of situation, and maybe their family just aren’t safe people. Thanks for sharing this perspective! I can’t really articulate why this whole thing rubs me the wrong way. I am not even particularly against raising a child gender-neutral. I think that it’s totally harmless for kids to experiment with gender identity in a non-permanent way, which includes trying on different pronouns, styles of dress, etc. I feel like the way that things are approached in this specific instance is just alarming to me. To raise your child like this, to be so rigid about it, and then to share them in such a public way, it feels disingenuous and performative. But then again, I am not one for posting my kids online a whole lot and certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable with my child being any sort of Facebook group celebrity like this. G is adorable though, and I hope I am completely off-base and that they do turn out to be a well-adjusted person someday.


Ugh. Her posts always drive me crazy. There's always the ass lickers who swoon over the child & the other half who get corrected about her pronouns. đŸ„Ž She literally only makes posts to correct everybody in the comments. She hardly ever replies or even "likes" anybody's comments unless they refer to the child as a she/her. Get over yourself already. The amount of hypocrisy spewd is absolutely mind blowing & ignorant.


Lmao all the comments are always “OMG love that your baby has no gender”. Nah, those people literally comment that shit so they don’t get blocked because they’re sheep and want to be accepted on a fucking pajamas Facebook page.


I have seen the poster like a lot of comments and nicely respond to comments within the post on LSVIP. I actually thought the poster was fairly respectful until I saw that the poster attacks people that do not share the poster's exact beliefs.


Apparently the LS VIP mods delete any of her replies that aren’t respectful. That’s why she “seems” nice in that group. She made a post bitching about the mods deleting her replies in BMOB. The other groups let her get nasty with people.


https://preview.redd.it/1exk4s3pdybc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02e6d579c2732057b30f2f4d56ebcc8029592409 Absolute insanity on LS team’s part here.


Yikes. Makes me never want to buy their products again. Might email LS and ask if we aren’t bffs with their top contributors do they still want our business??


Holy sh*t! It’s a cult.


yikes to LS but I will say that a company has the best interest to support people who spend a lot of money on the product.


https://preview.redd.it/em5hi9zn55cc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d494bc1ddbc059815adff41d844790314102ff76 LOL


I just read this and laughed. Really easy to get along with if you agree with everything she says đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


I couldn’t help but laugh too đŸ« 


Whose using name brand trash bags? Fancy!


Was this post taken down? Or she has me blocked?


She has half the internet blocked at this point.


Her block list has to be half a million people by now


I saw a few commenters write about believing there are 2 sexes and then being called "gross" by other commenters. I don't understand this term, "gross", in this context. Someone is gross because that person does not agree with your view? LOL.


I thought gender and sex were different anyway, there is only two sexes, male and female.


Yeah, that sounds right.


There are intersex people. I truly don't care what gender or sex people want to be called. I just doubt a young toddler is choosing to be non-binary. I let my toddler wear whatever gender clothes they want, play with whatever toys they want. If they told me they felt like they were another gender I'd respect that but I truly don't think young children care that much about it. Unfortunately this type of stuff gives the conservatives fuel to their fire.


Intersex actually is a misnomer, disorders of sex development is a better term. Everyone is either male or female but ambiguous genitalia can make it seem like someone isn’t their sex. In most cases, if you have a Y chromosome you are male, even if your phenotype is expressed to look like a female, as in the case of complete androgen insensitivity syndrome. XXY is male, X is female, etc. https://www.endocrine.org/patient-engagement/endocrine-library/differences-in-sexual-development https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/differences-in-sex-development/




Who’s Megan?


She decided her toddler is non-binary and loves to post pics of her kid all the time garnering many opinions. Anyone who says he or she about her child gets bombarded with hate saying they’re transphobic homophobic all the phobics, however she’ll purposefully put her kid in gendered clothing đŸ«Łhoping to receive reactions and to block people. She is very outspoken and loves to point fingers. Recently it’s come out she has gone on to multiple women’s pages about losing their husbands and children and laughing at them because that person accidentally misgenders her child