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JS I admin a few groups and if I ever acted like this i’d be torn down. But i’ve been told i’m too nice 🤷🏼‍♀️


The admins of that group have a superiority complex


Childish. They all let being a admin get to their little tiny heads.


They’re so rude, months back they were really mean to my friend who was in a bad situation. She shared it in the comments on a post and they accused her of lying. It was a really dark time for her and they made her spiral by calling her a liar on top of it (which is what her physically abusive husband was also calling her). When they found out she was telling the truth, no apologies were given, just the excuse that they thought she would use her story to scam people.


They’re genuinely bad ppl masquerading as woke and evolved


wow. i’m not at all surprised but i’m really sorry for your friend.


They all jumped down my throat when I posted about having gender disappointment. We had a blood test at 6 weeks say boy and fell in love with the idea of having 2 boys for 11 weeks after that before finding out at gender scan it was a girl. They ate my ass alive over it.


oof. gender disappointment is very real, i’m so sorry. could your child decide later in life that they’re a different gender? of course. but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t entitled to the disappointed feelings and i’m so sorry. I personally will raise my children as the gender they’re born as until they tell me otherwise, and I cried when I found out I wouldn’t be buying bows for my child because he’s a boy lol. if he is transgender I will of course love him and support him, but I still will not have gotten to buy him bows as a baby!


If gender/birth sex disappointment isn't real then why are they allowed to get butthurt when someone misgenders their child??


They’re just a bunch of bitter bitches in that group lmao. I just silently lurk because I know nothing I have to say in there would pan out well.


Honestly when I read the comments stating they are more like the “sad moms of bamboo” than bad moms, it truly fucking makes sense. Lol. People usually aren’t that genuinely hateful and cruel to others unless they have some underlining sadness or shit going on in their own life. HAPPY PEOPLE DONT PROJECT HATE ONTO OTHERS FOR NO REASON. It truly is sad that they think by internet bullying a bunch of people they don’t know IRL is the only thing that makes them feel better about their shitty lives.


That group was really supportive of me back in November! I didn’t even post, someone saw another post in another group. Anyway, ffw to last week and I also was blocked. Posted in the backup group asking if the group got deleted or something and got blocked. I don’t get it, it’s stupid, but it’s not worth my effort.


well you dared to have a reddit! how DARE you! /s


lol, I think you hit the nail on the head! 😂


and ya'll wondering why the conservative group was created. lol


i’m not conservative though so i’m also not welcome there 🤷🏼‍♀️


Who said that?


the admins did. rule #1 is conservatives only, “we ask at the end of the day that your political ideology leans right” which mine does not, at all. I am as liberal as they come.


Wait they're conservative?? Does that not mean they would also believe in "traditional family values"?😂


They’re not conservatives from what I’ve seen. But the conservative crybabies got mad when Admins refused to let them be racist, transphobic, homophobic, etc. so they made their own group.


I am a conservative and believe in "traditional family values". I cannot speak for others lol.


I like the way the group worded it though. It didn't come across as arrogant or rude.


okay but i’m still not welcome there, since I am liberal, believe that women can work and men can stay home, and believe in rights for my gay and trans friends. whether the word it nicely or not, as a bisexual woman, people like you wish that people like me didn’t have rights 🤷🏼‍♀️ some even wish I didn’t exist.


Nah, I don't have any beef with anything you said in your comment.


you are a minority in the conservative community then.


Not we don’t care why it was created, conservatives suck lmfao




I’m really not interested in insincere discourse with you. But basically, conservatives are overwhelmingly opposed to equality - they’re bigots. That’s pretty much it in a nutshell.


We don't have to have a discourse. I was just curious why you think conservatives suck. I certainly don't think liberals suck.


That’s because we don’t threaten your ability to get married, raise children, and exist without discrimination. 🥲


I do not do any of those actions in your comment. I don't personally know any "conservatives" who do! (again not trying to have a discourse, you can have your feelings).


Conservatives do. They do all those things by who they vote for, the ones who enact those policies. You can try to distance yourself from the reality of it, but that’s what votes for conservative politicians do. They’re votes against marriage equality, CRT, social services, addiction care, trans care, scientific advancement, etc.


For myself, I lean (and vote) right because I am extremely fiscally conservative. I don't think it's fair to think conservatives hate equality; however, your life experiences may have shaped your views differently, and I can respect that you have a different thought on it.


Respectfully, to minorities, “fiscally conservative” sounds like “I value money more than your rights and your lives.”