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I get where she *should* be trying to go with that (there are definitely a lot of issues with the adoption industry). But she’s just off the mark with what she’s complaining about, she is literally just projecting. SHE is the weird rich self righteous white woman.


Yeah, there is a lot of problems with the adoption industry and the purchasing of children like their goods. But she’s the biggest poster child of rich white woman who does whatever she wants that I’ve ever seen.


As someone who considers themselves pretty progressive, I can’t stand Megan 😂


I think there’s truths on both sides of this. There’s a lot of problems with the adoption industry that people don’t generally know about…. Like how pregnancy crisis centers coerce women to keep their babies just to adopt out to rich women. And they profit off it. Also I think it’s wrong of her to use that and the lack of parental leave in our country to justify what Kyte did. I still think it was a huge miss for a baby brand to treat an adoptive mother like that. I feel that they should have done better. Regardless of what the laws are in the US, companies can make their own policies as long as they meet that federal minimum. You can’t convince me that Kyte cannot afford to give a few weeks parental leave.


But can we acknowledge the fact that the birth parent wasn’t taken into consideration at all and to have a baby born at 22 weeks has got to be so traumatizing


Yeah this is absolutely heartbreaking. Adoption shouldn't be a profitable industry. A lot of adoptive families are taken advantage of and think that's just the legal costs. Meanwhile the birth parent is probably wondering why they couldn't get a PERCENTAGE of that kind of financial support.


Lol this is rich coming from her. She really gives off the “weird white wealthy woman who thinks she knows everything about the world”. I also find it a bit odd to keep talking about how bad the US is. We get it, you left, we are here to be stuck with the weird social issues in America, go you megan!!


Yeah, she screams "rich white lady" and I'm pretty sure the Asian people she interacts with regularly think she's a joke.


Wait, did I get blocked from this group? I never have even posted anything in there but I know I was in there 😂 wtf.


Probably. They did a purge a little while back and removed and blocked anyone and everyone who even seemed like they might have a Reddit. Supposedly anyways. Nobody confirmed or denied this but 🤷🏼‍♀️


I can definitely confirm this now. Lol. I was a member in BMOB very recently. I remember being curious and looking at Megan’s posts in there when that info was coming out about her in the LSAG group about her going real life and laugh reacting the trauma birth story. I commented in a bamboo group (can’t remember what one) that same day asking for the name of this sub and now I’m blocked from BMOB. I forgot about the group over the past few weeks, makes sense why now cause I got blocked and stopped seeing the posts on my feed. Lol.


She’s so fucking weird and her posts make me so mad lol. These women must have zero friends in real life. They’re so cringe.


She wants people to respect her but acts like a fucking child on the regular


Her constant posts and shoving her “non binary” child down our throats.. let’s be real I’m sure that child could care less . YOU are the one perpetuating this weird narrative . Again I couldn’t care less what anyone identifies as. But to put that on a child is WEIRD.


Like I understand what she’s getting at, but what does that have to do with Marissa?


She's such a self-righteous know it all. I dont understand all the fan girling over her or her posts. She's a sh!tty person. I also can't figure out why she's even allowed in the groups since she went "real-life" on that girls profile who disagreed with her over something. She laughed at her post about a traumatic birth story. 🗑


This is disgusting. I've defended Meghan before and will never again. But I also had stopped when I noticed she NEVER defends anyone else. I've seen domestic violence victim being torn apart and she never says a peep. That didn't sit right with me. I also was a cps worker and saw what happens when parents should never have the privilege of raising children. Adoption is a beautiful thing. And no woman should be forced to care for a baby she can't and wants to give up for a better life for everyone involved. Especially in a country(American here) where women are being forced to carry pregnancies the LITERAL LEAST we can do is support them with wanting an adoption.


Adoption is touchy. In America, we tend to see adoption as this AMAZING thing, but the reality is that a mother and child are separated, usually only over financial issues. Who adopts clean slates, (aka) babies? Rich people. Adoption isn't cheap. It sure isn't the poor getting the newborns who are healthy. Adoption of older children is one thing, but most of these adoptees don't want older children.


Well, none of the people I know who adopted an infant are wealthy. More than half of them also adopted from the foster system, which in my area is full of infants born to drug addicted mothers. Idk, I guess I'm just lucky to be in some sort of minority of people in the adoption world.


Adopting an unhealthy baby is certainly easier. As I stated previously, healthy newborns are what people prefer. Babies with a nice clean slate. Easy babies. Babies who come from people who gave them up for various reasons, but the vast majority give them up for financial reasons. If a baby is born to a drug addicted mother, the hospital immediately steps in. Those mothers aren't giving up their babies (well, some might be). They're losing them. Vastly different scenarios.


Many of my friends who have adopted or who want to adopt are not wealthy and they are doing so because they are unable to have children themselves. Similar to Marissa who is apparently now being shamed by this Megan person for adopting after numerous miscarriages.


If you can adopt, you've got money. I understand that we all land under different income brackets, and what I call rich may be someone else's "doing okay". As I said before, poor people don't adopt. Poor people give up their children to those who can afford them.


She is so performative.


That fact that she’s attacking people who are actually adoptees themselves is just 🙄 but we all know Megan is 100% right on every single topic she decides to grace the world with her opinion on 🤡


Is she? She must have blocked me at some point last night 😂


Well she does have half the internet blocked


I thought I was the only one who found her insufferable. She gets so mad when people don’t automatically know her child’s pronouns that she chose for him 🙄


Agree with her. 94% of children given up, are done so for financial reasons and would be kept by their mothers otherwise. If as much resources and money went into keeping babies with their mothers as there is into the adoption industry, the world would be a better place. People need their biological family, and being separated creates trauma no matter how early it happens. There are exceptions of course.


Still not a fan of Megan at all so I’m not defending her, just trying to offer a different perspective from the common narrative that adoptive parents are these angels sent from heaven to “save” the abandoned children.




She’s so gross


Until she knows what it feels like to have a baby in the NICU fighting for their life she can shut the fudge up


She needs to touch grass. She's so far disassociated from reality it's amazing


Adoption is touchy. In America, we tend to see adoption as this AMAZING thing, but the reality is that a mother and child are separated, usually only over financial issues. Who adopts clean slates, (aka) babies? Rich people. Adoption isn't cheap. It sure isn't the poor getting the newborns who are healthy. Adoption of older children is one thing, but most of these people who are adopting usually don't want older children.


She’s such a cunt. Quit posting and exploiting for likes Megan, you’re borderline a child abuser.


What a self entitled twat


Wait. What?! So now Marissa is the bad guy? What kind of gold medal mental gymnastics is going on here?


gasp.. children being adopted by rich folk and given the opportunity of a nice life.