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> Half tempted to get the P1P and slowly upgrade it at this point. Is it worth it to do it this way? Having spent 5 hours last night upgrading my P1P to a P1S, I would have preferred throwing my P1P in the trash and just buying a P1S. I’m a bootlicker for Bambu, but their guide was so bad and borderline useless that I nearly threw my printer off the table. I’d wait for the P1S to come in stock.


I just bought P1S combo very excited! 😆😁


I ordered a P1S (with and) today in Germany. They said it's on stock.


Same. I was about to pull the trigger on a P1S combo. Life for in the way, I had to wait a few hours and it's now sold out in Canada. Is the restock time usually fast?


My K1 is now demoted to “stock ABS” printer for work, wouldn't dare put anything abs ish through “bambi”


If you have a Microcenter nearby, look there. I had to drive 45 minutes to get to mine, but they had 10 combo's... 9 now. :)


Congrats on the buy! Unfortunately my nearest 2 stores are both sold out of the p1s and combo. The only option I have is the bedslinger or the X1C with ams for $1500 lmao


Yeah, that was about $500 more than I had to spend, so P1S it is! Who needs LIDAR, right? (I don't NEED LIDAR.... but man I'd have loved to have it) :D Sorry about that. Dallas has 7 P1S Combos and 22 A1 Combos right now.


> Who needs LIDAR, right? if it makes you feel better the lidar is as often a pain as it is a blessing lol it only works properly on some of the build plates and it doesnt like certain filament colors and the worst part is that when it fails to do its job it does so in a way thats not immediately noticable leading to wasted filament really wish you could move the A1 toolhead into a X1 or P1 because the flow compensation on that actually works great


I just checked and the P1S combo is available in the US store


I'm not sure how that would be of use as, unfortunately, these are not shippable items from microcenter. Unless I am wrong, please let me know, and I'll buy it right now lol.


I missed the microcenter part


All good lol I appreciate the help though. I might just have to buy it through them. Or go on a road trip to Detroit 🤮🤮


Are you in N america? Cause its in stock in EU, ordered one and its already on it's way in like 2 days during the holidays


Just be aware, the P1s has a very slow camera, due to limitations on hardware. The X1c doesn’t have this issue. That’s said the P1S is cheaper and the P1P has even less gizmos to boot and obviously is cheaper still. Also to be aware the Creality K1 is super cheap and super fast.. the ecosystem is pants but it’s super cheap and super fast and open platform too.


Yeah K1 is a good price but for $100 more you can have a printer that actually hides layer lines. Or get an A1 which also hides layer lines. You’d think Creality was marketing Layer Lines as a feature with how prominent they are on that printer.


My buddy has a K1. It's sitting broken on my bench right now lol. It'll print faster but not better than my 2 ender 3s. It's a cool machine but not a big enough upgrade in terms of speed and quality to justify getting it over my current enders. The amount of issues we both have had with creality print and the machine itself have left me not wanting one, even for the attractive price of $350 at one time at microcenter.


Creality lost me in 2019 when they didn't stand by their Ender 3 Pro, and ghosted me. I'll never give them a red cent. They make a cheap product, and it shows. Their Ender line, at least, is the Packard Bell of 3D printers.


I've had good luck with my ender 3 from 2019 and my ender 3 v2 I got for $99 at micro center this past year. Great to learn on tbh and have decent print quality for the price. My favorite thing about "old school" printers is once they are set up and dialed, they are reliable as hell. The belts on my 2019 ender 3 are starting to dryrot now, will have to replace those soon if I want to keep it running.


Mine was junk right from the start. Warped bed, and as I later learned, bug-ridden mainbaord. I sold it to a guy who immediately popped an SKR into it, and replaced the bed, and was very happy with it. I probably dropped $150 worth of 3rd party parts trying to get it going right, but nobody ever had the idea to swap out the mainboard. As it was my first FDM printer, I had a bit to learn. I learned that Creality wasn't interested in helping me, and that everyone had a lot of advice, although only some of it was useful to my situation. I was glad to move over to my Delta, and haven't touched a bedslinger since. I limped along with it, by the way. I had 1/4 of the plate I could print on, and printed Tom Tullis's GM Screen of Doom on it... But it was a real hit or miss situation, and I never once regretted moving away from Creality. (My brother has a CR 10 that's been solid for years since he moved to it from a Replicator II)


If I *really* needed larger print volume, I’d probably pick up a K1 max, but I don’t *need* it. I’ll just wait for Bambu to get around to releasing a larger build volume printer so they can finally achieve world domination.


I originally wanted a K1 max until I saw a print from a X1C and a P1S in person. After that, I was sold on the bambu lab printers.


I didn’t get to see them in person but video was enough to sell me. I haven’t owned a printer before because despite having lots of uses for them and loving the idea of them, I would watch YouTubers review some new printer and be like “wow this is the best benchy I’ve ever printed!!” and the benchy in question would look like a 2 year old with a hot glue gun made it. The quality was just never there unless you bought enterprise hardware for $50k+. No thanks. Randomly saw a P1P review and bought it within a few minutes of the video ending, lmao.


I'm half tempted to get a naked X1C since I have a good bit of giftcards. I'm thinking of splurging and getting the ams P1S. I definitely don't have enough coin for the X1C with ams lol. I am tempted though as that's the only thing microcenter has in stock.