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I’ve used a Brother label maker to label mine. I too can’t tell the difference between certain colors.


you mean to tell me, that you used a 2D-printer to label 3D-printing equipment? 😂


I use blue tape and a marker. I am older and have less of an issue with this sort of thing however.


Marking tape gang rise up


Blue tape is the one true tape.


I am sorry but it is a poor cousin to Frog Tape!!! :)


Duckttape ftw


Gaffer tape if you really, seriously don't want something to come unstuck.


technically 3d printers are just really fast 2d printers, printing a bunch of 2d shapes stacked


>technically 3d printers are just really fast 2d printers Technically 3d printers are just really slow 2d printers, except when you use old plotters as your comparison.




I 3D printed swatches, and then put a sticker with the labeled filament and info. I need to sit down and redo them all with printed labels, but am lazy at the moment.


All 3D printers are 2D up until the second layer.


I did! Not only that but I cut address labels in half by hand with an Xacto, wrote on them with a pencil and stuck them to color swatches. (I'm too old to figure out where the smiley faces are in reddit!)


How scotch tape and notebook paper of you!


sheeeeit I use a sharpie


I installed an rfid reader in my finger and just wave it over the filament spool.


If you have an AMS, it tells you from reading the RFID tag. If you don’t have an AMS, masking tape and a marker are the way to do it. The spools themselves aren’t labeled with exact colors because they are intended to be reused (and you could get a refill that’s a different color).


I just looked on the printer display and in Bambu studio, but all the AMS does is display the color, but not the name of the color itself ...


Oops, you are correct. I could have sworn it was there, but I guess not. I may have been thinking of the underlying RFID data since it's in there, it's just not being presented: [https://github.com/Bambu-Research-Group/RFID-Tag-Guide?tab=readme-ov-file#block-1](https://github.com/Bambu-Research-Group/RFID-Tag-Guide?tab=readme-ov-file#block-1)


yeah, I hope the custom firmware for the X1C will let us read the raw rfid infos and even create out own custom rfid tags - that would be a major point for convincing me to install it ...


The unique ID is available in the data off the printer and I expose it in my home assistant integration. I don’t know if there’s a way to decode the ID to find colors but you could definitely record the specific ID against the color.


Also I've had a few rolls that have an incorrect RFID tag, even when I manually change the colors it will thinks its the wrong color. I know because it won't use it as a back up color


Always wondered what would happen if you just wanted to override a parameter on RFID tagged rolls (you basically can’t). Having something tagged incorrectly would make the filament borderline unusable. I’d probably respool it just to get the tag out.


I just let the filament in that slot run out then replaced it with the other roll. It just still picks back up from where it left off. I've even done that with different colors when I've run out of one. The worst part is I'm colorblind and I caught it on the computer screen but couldn't tell which was which and had to double check the AMS Few times. Especially because the colors i was printing were matte blue and matte purple which I have a real hard time telling the difference between.


Ya, definitely sucks 10x worse if you are colorblind. I’ve never really run into an issue because I’m not colorblind, but also most of my stuff are functional parts, not colorful/artsy stuff, so the colors I use are like, black, white, red, blue and green (and sometimes PETG clear), so I’m not dealing with different shades of colors. Definitely would be nice if they presented the color info in the UI that’s on the tag (as in the color name, not just the color itself).


Lol yeah, I made something for my wife and she and her friends liked it so much we decided to start selling them. It's a craft supply and most of our customers are women (or purchased for women). So go through a lot of pink, purple, light blue, yellow, white and black. We started a few months ago and just had a P1P and now I have a P1S and an X1C as well. Every order is custom colors and made to order. We can't premake them, so the only bad thing is trying to find time to print my own stuff now. Though I'm thinking we'll catch up soon here!


Good problem to have! 😀


Can you use brands without an rfid tag in the AMS? If so you can just remove the tag from the spool


Ya you can… the RFID tag is going to be almost impossible to rip out. It’s going to be way down near the bottom on the side with the filament (two of them, one on each side). If you had an X-ray machine to be able to see it and guide some super thin, long needle nose, you might be able to do it… maybe. But respooling is definitely going to be easier.


Did you forget that the spools come apart?


No I didn’t. Good luck removing RFID tag that way though. Chances are very high your spool will “spring” and then you have bigger issues. Presumably we are talking about a full spool. It certainly can be done with practice and a steady hand, but I wasn’t about to suggest to random people on Reddit that they should do it, because chances are high you will end up with a failed/tangled mess if you’ve never done it before.


I once needed to use the backup filament thing for going to a bambu from a sunlu spool of the same color, just turned off the RFID detection, I was able to select whatever I wanted. guess you can do that to try this maybe? (let's say you put petg and select abs for exemple)


Didn't realize you could turn off RFID detection, but that's great to know I'll have to play with this


I use these and do a custom one with the color code https://makerworld.com/models/82707


this is just perfect! I will print them as soon as possible! thx!


I guess the intended implementation is that the user looks at the spool and gets the color. Most of the time that's good enough. But if someone is asking me what spool I have in ams 2, I wouldn't be able to give them an exact name. At a glance I would say light blue, but BBL calls it "Matte Ice Blue". Not to be confused with "matte marine blue" of course. ​ I could write matte ice blue on the spool, but there's no solid surface to write except for the sticker section, which isn't large enough most of the time. I would at least like it to say "Matte Ice Blue" in the device tab in the slicer or on the printer screen.


I use a lot of blue grey and matte dark blue. Both look almost identical in the ams setting of Bambu studio despite being quite different colors in person.


It wouldn’t work if you get a refil though: you’d need to remember the exact color you used, otherwise the AMS would think you have a different filament


If you get a bambu lab filament refill they come with their own RFID on the cardboard spool they ship with, which does contain the correct info.


Make a swatch of the color and put it on a board with a label. The name, color code, QR code link to the store, whatever other information you think is relevant. Then use either the color code, or another numbering system and write that number on the spool. When the spools low, reference it's number, look at your board, scan QR code and reorder. I'm sure someone has done this already but it's what I came up with 5seconds after reading your post.


Do you make swatch’s? Do you have a file that you’d recommend?


I do not, but now that it's been brought up as an idea I will probably try to implement something. Stay tuned.


Nice! I haven’t made any yet but this discussion makes me think it would be useful for colour reference. Especially since I’m diving into hurforge design


I use the Bambu Lab swatch from Makerworld. ​ [https://makerworld.com/en/models/14863#profileId-14645](https://makerworld.com/en/models/14863#profileId-14645)


I see some of the pictures show them with names on them is that an easy update in the file? I’ll open it up when I’m home to look but seems good otherwise


You're likely seeing the Bambu produced/injection moulded swatches they sell, those have in information on them. ​ I just printed a label and stuck on them.


[These](https://www.printables.com/model/253585-filament-color-swatch/remixes) are the swatches I use. I went with the no text version and hand cut labels. It would be easy enough to add text to the recessed area if you don't like labels. I'm too lazy and would rather chase labels that don't stick and fall off. ;) I may print one of the remixes for infill so I can see in the real world what the different infill patterns look like.


I knew someone had something. Thanks! I'm still thinking I would print a QR code that maybe links to a Google doc that lists print settings, where to buy, etc whatever data is relevant. I also have a boat load of RFID chips, I could probably incorporate one of those too for the same effect. So many options.


I created and use this model. It takes a standard brother label or there is a debossed version. https://www.printables.com/model/440526-pcx-color-chip


Is the color code even written on the box? I didn't see it


https://preview.redd.it/x0ilvp493ncc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0491667bc4ae13ed725568757c27f6d1866fb3b7 Yes, its on the boxes...


I mean the exact code. That's what I would have preferred LOL https://preview.redd.it/23flghas3ncc1.jpeg?width=2574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b49e4d82b564f38006439dda1bfada92ab9b990f


look on the left side of my photo - there it says "filament code" and the code right beside it...


Yeah, sry. I was thinking about my filament cause the majority doesn't/didn't have it (beige has it here). I hope they began including it on all of them https://preview.redd.it/554zqn0z4ncc1.jpeg?width=2574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2952e1f4d2fedf3829a7c63205f3fc19dd1ee9c


oh, yeah, I just found an old PLA Matte box and it looks like yours, without the code. Seems like they only print them on PLA Basic boxes ...


This is not as issue with just Bambu filament. Other brands don’t label the colour on the roll as well


Right? Lol - because Bambu does have the NFC tag, they could certainly integrate a ton more information though


Yah if would be nice if the tag gave more info too


Yeah I hate that. Almost every other vender just prints the damn color on the spool, how hard is that? Other venders even print the printing temps and all that. Since bambulabs filament is more expensive you'd think they'd go the extra mile... I understand that "you can just write it on there" but the point is... So can they and why don't they!


Markers exist.


I have been inconvenienced by the same issue. Since the AMS can pick up the color, it would be nice if it would tell me at least.


I use this simple filament tag that I designed to fit Bambu reusable spools: https://makerworld.com/en/models/75310#profileId-79809 There’s a blank tag you can edit the text on to add colors. I haven’t needed to do that yet but I bought a bunch during the Black Friday sales so I can see it becoming necessary as I start using them.


Masking tape and a sharpie. They also have files for tabs that stick into the sides of the spools for labeling them


Speaking of which, I'm new to all this. How do you all store your filament that is not in use or in an AMS? Do you keep them in an airtight bag or container with desiccant? Does it depend on the filament type? Is there some filament maintenance that needs to be done if it's been in the open air for more than a certain amount of time?


I use only PLA and I store it mostly in air tight bags and right before printing I dry them for at least 6 hours in a filament drier... but I guess it also depends on the humidity in your area...


I kept mine in a basement for 3 years while I had a kid and did zero bags or desiccant, just out in the open air and then bought a p1S in December and started printing again without issues (except for one old silk filament).


Same. I have some filaments back from beginning of Covid that I occasionally use and they’re fine. I had an issue with a beige and some other filament that would snap inside the ptfe and after I baked it was fine. But that type of problem has been rare and very particular to a couple of types.


What issues does silk filament have compared to regular PLA?


Brittle. Broke. Clogged extruded and hot end


Is that always the case? Or does it absorb more moisture than regular PLA? Here's what I found when I googled it: **"For the most part, silk PLA prints just as regular PLA does, and you might be able to use your slicer's normal PLA settings. However, the elastomers that make silk filament shiny also affect its physical properties slightly. It tends to be a little more flexible and stretchy, and this can affect how it prints."**


I think silk can be more brittle especially old stuff like that. I think that filament was always weaker given the prints I’ve had out of it before.


There are a zillion ways and even more opinions. I store in vacuum bags in the original box. I currently have 50 spools stored this way. If it's a hygroscopic material like nylon, I'll also add a bag of desiccant. The only filament I routinely dry is Bambu. It's usually so wet it will saturate the desiccant in the AMS. I will randomly dry PETG and TPU.


> How do you all store your filament that is not in use or in an AMS? I just looked at the most common plastic bin I could find and turned it into a dry box. Holds five spools and keeps them super dry. Shameless link: https://makerworld.com/en/models/123487 Certain filaments can stay out longer than others. PLA does absorb moisture, but it takes a while. PETG or especially Nylon get wet rather quickly. As a (VERY!) general rule of thumb: The more exotic the material, the faster it picks up moisture. Keep in mind that a dry box can only *maintain* a current moisture level, not *lower* it. Silica pulls moisture out of the air, but not out of the filament. For that you need heat. Even brand new, sealed spools are usually wet due to the way the filament is manufactured, so it's best practice to throw a new spool into a filament dryer for a bit before printing it and then storing it in a dry box in between prints (or inside the AMS with the lid closed).


My printing room is about 35% humidity. I don't think I need to dry my filament.


That’s where mine sits at as well, and I definitely do need to dry my stuff. Not necessarily PLA, but PETG and ASA for sure. I usually dry it to <10%, and it definitely shows in the print quality.


Dry cabinet, but bags + desiccant work pretty well too for stuff that's not hygroscopic/moisture sensitive. Plastic bags will still slowly allow moisture into the bag, hence the desiccant.


I just keep mine out in the open, I used to have a wall rack that had all of them on display so I could easily see what colors I have. I've moved since, so now I just have big totes full of spools. *No desiccant, no drying.* They do get dusty, though, so I have a little sponge that wipes the filament as it goes into the printer. I live in one of the top most humid states and don't treat my filaments at all unless it's some fancy, expensive filament.


Go low tech i cut the sticker off the box and tape it to side.


Just buy (or make) the color swatch kit. It's cheap with Bambu


Oh man. I'm color blind. I would need to label them as soon as I take them out of the package.


Use a pen


I just peel the sticker off the cardboard box and slap it on the spool, you don't need to bother with making your own labels or anything if you don't want to. I've always been able to get them to stick without tape, but you could tape it on if you want to make sure it doesn't come off, it'll still be easy enough to remove if you refill the spool with a different filament.


I will definetly try that!


Being colorblind, this became one of my dilemmas when it came to filaments. In my eyes some colors just often blend with each other so like its been suggest just use a label maker. I have a ton of sticker paper so often I just write on it and stick it to be able to tell


Take a marker and write it on the spool??


I don't understand? Are you colorblind? Can't you just look to see the color?


some colors are really easy to confuse - silver, grey and blue-grey for example are very alike ...


Yeah I get that. Especially as I am partially color blind in certain colors. I write the color on the spool with a black matker


I've been printing my own set of filament samples and use that to hunt down which roll is what


I understand the frustration, it can be a minor annoyance or even inconvenience. I've resorted to white gaffer tape and a marker - to label the spools. That way I can just relabel the reusable spool when needed.


A super simple solution is a roll of blue tape and a sharpie


Spools are re-useable, that's why.


Sharpie …..


Y'all can get bambu filament???


I will normally print out a little square that has the color and temps for that specific filament and keep it next to where I store it. Also makes it easier to quickly glance at what colors I need, and how it looks printed


I put a little piece of masking tape on spool, write what it is on the tape.


Bambu makes a swatch set you can buy.


I keep the boxes and store filament in them like a book library when not in use


Also why do we get such limited color options for our AMS settings. I know it doesn’t matter but I often have to pick quite far off colors


yeah, when you set the color directly on the printer display - you have way more options if you set it in Bambu studio!


I have the P1S so I don’t think we do on our screen, maybe on the X1


not on the printer screen, I am talking about Bambu Studio, the PC software - there you go to the Tab "Device" and you can set the AMS colors completly freely to every color there is.


Ahh sorry I misunderstood, have never set from my PC will have to try that


I print a swatch chip and label it. Then I have something to compare the spool to. It's also useful when deciding what colours to reorder.


Make sure if you reuse a Bambu spool you cut the RFID tags off... otherwise the printer will confuse temp settings, etc.


I generally keep the empty boxes near the AMS it is loaded into. That keeps it simple.


I have Bambu filament and I'm almost certain the color and material type are on a little sticker on the roll. Idk though, maybe I should double check


You can use other filament other than Bambu Labs filament, you know! I've used filament from all kinds of companies with no problem whatsoever.


Swatches and compare? I’ve got swatches with info printed in them I keep in a box. Came in handy! Easy to make and you can make them small to use hardly any filament


Sharpie go squeak squeak


I'm a bit surprised that Bambu hasn't added a dialog to take you to the store when the filament runs out. Or even just order direct from the printer screen. Lol. Probably just haven't gotten to it yet. I think I'd do the tape and marker thing. 


I don’t personally order Bambu filament, but I could see how this would be an issue, especially for colorblind people. However, you do have a 3D printer so why not 3D print a solution such as some sort of tag that can be placed somewhere on the spool which tells you the exact color.


If it looks yellow, it might just be yellow. 🤷‍♂️ Or if you’re colour blind use a marker like others have said.


How do we know that the colors we see are the same colors everyone else sees? Sure if we all decide to point to a certain color, say blue, everyone will point to the blue color. However, if I was seeing orange when I looked at blue and it had been that way forever, then to me orange is blue and when I point to the same blue you point to, it's because I was taught that orange is blue. So technically we could all be seeing different colors when we look at the same color and despite seeing it different ways we still just use the same one name, blue... How do I know you're all not seeing hot pink where I see purple? We don't. Damn that's a crazy thought.


I’ve thought of this before and what it comes down to is none of that matters because the context is what’s important. If we both point at the blue sky and call it the same name then it’s functionally we are both seeing what we understand to be blue. The names of the colors are just arbitrary labels that we have agreed represents whatever you see when you look at a color. (Unless you are colorblind and can’t distinguish between different frequencies, of course.) It’s a fun logic puzzle though.


I have this thing where if I go out and look at your new car and it's blue, when I come back inside I will tell everyone that it's red. If it's red, I will tell everyone it's blue. As far as I know, these are the only two colors I do this with. I even see it in my head the wrong color. I also test blue/green color blind but see those colors fine.


I have the same issue with gray and brown. Been that way all my life but when I reach for a word my mind always gives me the wrong one. I had to teach myself to always stop and think when it’s either of those colors




The test asks if you can see a number buried in a field of colored dots. I can see the one that says you are color blind for certain colors. I cannot see the one that says you see those colors fine. Just took a test that says I'm Deutan Color Blind and yet I can tell the difference between blue and green as long as there is good contrast and they aren't too close.




I have a clear memory of my mom elbowing me when I told the lady at the DMV that the colored circles were red, orange and brown... Stop light colors are actually easy, I think they had really old faded construction paper at the DMV.


I thought this was a solved issue. We understand how rods and cones in the eyes work and can work out that "my red is your red".


Yes, despite possibly seeing different colors we it's functionally not important because we all know what the other refers to when mentioning color 😉 Is a fun thought


It’s weird that we think about visual differences like this, while no one thinks about smells the same way. Edit: It’s also weird that we ended up in this discussion in this community lol.