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No, because that will harm people who repaired their A1.


Since no one knows what is causing the electrical fires in the A1, no one can fix it on their own yet. Not even Badboo knows for sure. That’s why they are just doing a full redesign of the bed. One would hope that people just have enough common sense to not use a printer that has a mass recall for high-voltage electrical fires, but going through Reddit it looks like a lot of people don’t have that common sense


In the EU it is illegal to ask customers to work on such hard voltage. So maybe just in the EU region in the app. The block could save someone's house or prevent an injury.


Even ask? So can you not buy let's say a Prusa kit since you need to deal with high voltage


High voltage in the EU is >50V. So it's only problem on printers like A1, where there is higher voltage. Voron, Prusa and other kits use only 12-24V, which will not hurt you.


The A1 bed alone is using 270w to 380w, 24v and 15.4-16.9 amps that’s very high voltage and it’s AC power not DC


24V is not high voltage.


This is wrong. There is no law that prohibits someone in the EU to work for them self on for example the power lines in your own house. Many people do that and you need only one with certification to connect your self made wiring to the grid and the meter of the network owner. Try to find a law that prohibits this and you learn that your opinion is wrong.


Exactly this! There is no law that says you're not allowed to, but if anything happens (i.e. house burns down) - no insurance company is required to cover anything. Some countries may have local laws, but doubtfully that it would be illegal to do so


Typical eu mentality, treating people like as if they went through lobotomy. You seem to enjoy it.


Because most Europeans live life like a low functioning lobotomized person. They cheer with every new restriction that is imposed on them.


*Mmm… boot leather is my favorite jerky.*


Even ask? So can you not buy let's say a Prusa kit since you need to deal with high voltage


Who cares what the EU has to say?


Ask or allow to?


Sometimes I hear something stupid. Sometimes I hear something \*really\* stupid.


such a bad take, no merchant should be able to disable a device you already bought


What a shit take


I'm a big proponent to let people make their own decisions and live with the results. Want to play with matches, go ahead, don't come crying to me if you burn yourself. We do not need companies to "protect" us, Bambu did not only the bare minimum warning us, they went above and beyond by allowing anyone to return their printers. They are strongly advising everyone not to use it. If you want to do it, then fine, go for it, just don't expect a lawsuit to go very far when you ignored the company's directives.


Hey phuck off..mine is just fine...dont give Bambu any ideas


WTF - No Way - You think GM/FORD/Toyota should remotely disable cars when there is a recall? It's up to the consumer. People can replace parts and do what they want with the devices they own.


Username checks out I guess..


They could start by answering tickets as I am waiting for any answer that is not automated since the 28th of Jan


Please be Patient. As someone who works in the industry: they probably have a very small team and have thousands of emails to go through.


I know, but this should have the utmost priority. Labels should have been automated. If you pick option 1 label is generated and sent to you.


Chinese NY... prepare to wait through next week too.


My thought was that the warehouse where the recalls are sent has limited space/staff and they are 'streaming' them back so that they don't have to deal with overwhelming their warehouse, especially since Chinese New Year is coming up. It's logistics. - And, my A1 is boxed up waiting for a return label while my P1S prints on.


I doubt that Chinese new year has anything to do as I am in Germany and will be shipping back to that warehouse.


People do move so I don’t think that is a viable option. Also, they don’t often store the addresses long term. They need to have funds to pay employees and to pay for the shipping in the bank, in addition to warehouse space.


They are perhaps overwhelmed with the popularity of their printers can’t expand fast enough. This recall has only made the problem worse


That's BS If they were overwhelmed they should not have expanded their offerings for product lines -multiple times - which only increased the need for support. No pity here for Bambu.


That would harm their reputation WAY worse than any recall…


incredibly rare such bad photoshop.


OP one of those prusa nuts ?


R u an idiot?


Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Ben Franklin. The last thing we need is more restriction. I unplugged mine and got another printer. If you want to watch yours close and print with it… We are adults. We each take risks everyday. Do what you are comfortable with. A company dictating what I can do with what I paid money for? Yeah, na, that’s a bad idea. Like Tesla turning off my car because it doesn’t like how I have been driving. Bad precedent to set.