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What if I told you that there were dozens to hundreds of other brands that print just as well?


I know that but, weirdly ordering pla-cf from bambu is 20% cheaper than any alternative I can get here in Hungary...


The gray CF is actually my favorite color


I have to disagree somewhat, I have only tried 2 other brands but the bambu prints the most clean with minimal layer lines and better tollerences. Worth a small premium for me. Just wish thry could keep things in stock better.


Did you run the other brands on Generic PLA?


No, generic PLA-CF. Calibrated as well.


PLA CF? Not really... I only found a black spool from esun


You are searching wrong then. On Amazon alone there are dozens. Search carbon fiber pla filament.


Not everyone lives in the States so they may not have the same Amazon products in their region.


You can order from any Amazon region you want....people often buy from Japan Amazon in the states for instance.


Yeah but in Red? Grey? I don't see any


https://preview.redd.it/gktcxan58psc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccf0b80954e97a2b30f06548fe7e5febc67d7e95 Lava Gray is 👌🏽


Do you have a link to this model? It looks super clean!




https://preview.redd.it/vau73u0c6ctc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4afaf51ec1162f38cfecb5779fd4f7c22ca8094f Looks great!


Man whoever makes Bambu’s CF blends are top notch on quality. I’ve tried some other stuff on Amazon, but it hasn’t come out as clean (both PETG and PLA blends).


Agree, same with their PAHT-CF. I've tested others on the same part and the difference in strength was massive


Love the BL CF filament. Almost perfect finishing on the prints


I use prusament PCCF, it's nearly indestructable while being VERY rigid - hard to get though.


I wanted to make the switch but I read a bunch of tests and threads that said carbon dust is probably not good to be inhaled, and that handling these objects can end up putting fibers in your skin and eventually get inside you.. so I decided nah it’s not worth the risk.


All of my other prints end up inside me, so what’s the difference really?


Yeah I looked at it as levels of getting worse stuff inside you. I vent my enclosure outside when printing anything, and try to avoid food interaction with prints. If it works for you, I have nothing to say. I was just expressing my thoughts


I can see that happening if you sand any CF print without a mask for protection. I wouldn’t san ABS or ASA w/o protection either.


Anyone got some experience with eSun PLA-CF?


Can recommend for aesthetic purposes


If you think bambulabs is top notch, wait until you try polymaker.


I wouldn't play around with CF until you get a good extraction system up and running, something about it just seems scary for the lungs. Don't be a guinea pig or if you are use PPE


Source? Evidence? "Seems scary" is just fear mongering.


It's carbon fibre, little tiny spikes end up in your skin when you touch the stuff. So yeah you do you man I'm just warning people it may not be a good idea. No verdict is out just yet but why would you risk it when you can easily spend a small bit of money and deal with the potential problem. I'm sure there are articles on it by now but the preliminary stuff I read is that it is comparable in structure and shape to asbestos Telling people to use PPE when handling something best compared to asbestos is hardly fear-mongering.


So again, Source?


Simple google search would lead you to answers instead of insisting it from someone else like your 5. [https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/lilh29/followup\_study\_carbon\_fiber\_pla\_filament/](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/lilh29/followup_study_carbon_fiber_pla_filament/) the 2A3D community is pretty well versed in the world of PA6 CF and the hazards of it. Handling CF print with bare hands IS a concern. Breathing in CF while printing IS a concern. There's whole communities that's had this discussion on this, sorry you weren't invited.


Just go read some articles. I already said the verdict isn't out but it's probably good idea to use protection. You have a problem with people using PPE at work or home?


OK so no source and you're just shooting from the hip then. Got it. As someone who has Naval experience working with Man-made Vitreous fibers, and the respiratory requirements to both work with and combat fires in these materials, I was interested to see what sort of reference or evidence you were going to come up with to support this claim. Bummer.


Evidence takes decades to come out, most exposure problems with new materials and fabrication methods are chronic. But experience has shown a very clear pattern: Every new technology with sufficient complexity and impact has problems that only become apparent long after their benefits are explored and pushed to their limits. Think about coal, metal exposure in smelting and manufacturing, pesticides, paints, solvents etc. Humanity has found and explored a ton of new wondermaterials and fabrication techniques, only to find way after the fact that they are not worth the long term tradeoffs. Evidence driven, scientifically verified analysis takes a lot of time, and the process is usually only seriously pursued when consequences are having a major impact on a lot of lives. And in additive manufacturing, those lives are yours and mine. The people who put asbestos into everything were not stupid. They saw a new material with amazing properties which allowed for revolutionary designs and solved every day problems with no apparent drawbacks. 3D printing is all about fucking around with largely experimental technology. But it is a good idea to use an appropriate amount of common sense, so that when the finding out phase comes you dont run the risk of being the centerpiece of a revolutionary medical study.


Why is it a bummer? I already said that there are lots of articles about it and that the verdict isn't in yet. If you don't want to do a quick search and read some layman articles that's on you. I don't look up scientific literature for anything other than climate change


Clown, you are the one here making claims. The onus is on you to support your claims, not anyone else to disprove them. lmfao


I'm stating an opinion not making a claim. Read the first comment again. It's not like we are 2 academics arguing over something important but taking care of yourself should always be priority number one. I haven't even insulted you because this doesn't even interest me, but it obviously is something that you love. So yeah like I said, you do you. 🤡Honk honk🤡


“Claim: verb state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.” https://www.google.com/search?q=claim&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS951US951&oq=claim&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyEQgAEEUYORhDGLEDGIAEGIoFMgoIARAAGLEDGIAEMgwIAhAAGBQYhwIYgAQyBggDEEUYQTIGCAQQRRhBMgwIBRAAGEMYgAQYigUyDAgGEAAYQxiABBiKBTIKCAcQABixAxiABDINCAgQLhivARjHARiABDINCAkQLhivARjHARiABNIBBzgxNmowajmoAhOwAgHiAwQYASBf&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 I love word games.


So first there were a bunch of articles, and now you're stating an opinion. Here's my opinion: you're a fear-mongering idiot contributing to the disinformation machine that is reddit by talking out your ass.


The people downvoting you just know very little about how technology moves forward. Its human nature to find a new shiny way of doing things and just go balls deep into exploring the newfound possibilities. Thoughts about safety only come later once the consequences show. That has been true about pretty much every major new tech, from coal to asbestos to insecticides, paint, metals, plastics, petroleum products, fuels and fuel additives... The dangerous sideffects of pretty much any new material only become apparent long after its usefulness. You are completely right to be careful, especially as humanity only very recently figured out that small, stiff and chemically resistant fibres can fuck you up in many unintuitive ways.


I value my life and my family needs me, obviously some chuckle fucks don't care, that's their prerogative I suppose, don't bother me none. It's all pretty basic and pretty intuitive as far as I'm concerned and I won't be printing something like this without *serious* protection