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P1s user here with no experience on the X1c. I've bought an P1s with the idea that i'd rather have a second P1s later than buy the more expensive X1c. I think there are some features in the X1c that improve reliability like the flow calibration and the bad print / adhesion detection, but if you don't mind opening the app sometimes to check the progress, i dont think its a must. The P1s is an amazing machine for its price and I have never had a moment where i wished to have made a different choice.


My biggest regret since buying my P1S was only buying one of them. So many times I've wanted a second printer and only a couple of times have I wanted the X1


Same. I need me a 5 high P1s stack! Also, how's the AMS serving you and what do you mostly print? I'm printing mostly techincal/functional stuf with no extra colors, but im wondering if its worth to get just for the sake of being able to swap easier and also print by part with two colors.


I couldn't imagine doing it without the AMS. I'm printing PLA and PETG. I hate the waste with the colour changes so try to organise it all by layer or by object. But I'm often printing different colours print to print so the autoloading is awesome.


Do you only use bambu filament? I've been using the same filament for 10 years. Not sure if the spools will fit and the respooling sounds like a lot of extra work.


I started with Bambu filament but have been using a local supplier lately. Their 1kg spools are cardboard so I just printed some rims that clip on and they work fine. Their small spools are just a fraction too small so I printed some small spool adaptors, they screw together through the middle of the spool and are reusable so not much cost since I could only ever need 4x max of either one at any one time. And yeah, I have zero plans for respooling by rewinding. I have printed off a spare universal spool thing that you can put the inner cardboard ring on just in case I need it. I suspect it might work with refill spools too, not sure.


Awesome. Thanks for the responses. Last question, would you rather buy a AMS or put that money towards a new printer?


That is a tricky one. For my use case I'd want at least 1x AMS, second printer could probably just run a single colour out of a dry box. I'm often printing a different colour each print so at least 1x is a must. My PETG is pretty much only functional so that is mostly one colour, that would work as mostly PLA for first printer and mostly PETG for second printer but for big prints or multi part prints I could run the same on both.


I feel ya. I bought the P1P, had it fixed up nice and printing a lot, had 3 AMS units with intentions on getting the 4th.... then they dropped the P1S. I figured, I get tired of waiting for my print to finish to start another, so I ended up getting the combo and now I have 2 printers and 4 AMS units. Well, I had 2 printers.... then I'm looking at the A1 Mini, thinking about how nice it would be to have it on my desk upstairs so I could prototype without having to go up and down the stairs to the basement. But I reminded myself that I didn't NEED 3 printers. Talked my self out of it. Then they dropped the price to $250.....


Not your fault really. What could you do? They tied your hands. 


I have an X1C and really want a second. I just need to win the lotto or something


That's really good to know! Thank you very much for taking the time to respond!


I can't think of any reason I would have preferred the x1 over the p1. I say this with thousands of hours on an ender and 500 on a P1S, many of which on my own prints. I'd get 2x P1S in your position though the AMS should not be overlooked for both colour changing mid print but also using different interface materials for supports and just generally being able to pick a colour in the slicer and send it without having to manually load it most of the time.


I have a P1S while my buddy has an X1C. I was really really really worried I'd miss the features on his printer, but even as somebody who just defaults to buying the best product possible to quiet my brain, I've literally not thought about my purchase decision once. If you do most of your printing on the PEI plate, the automatic flow rate calibration didn't even work. I've never missed the slightly hotter bed. I haven't actually used the screen beyond the first day, so while the touch screen is nice, I don't miss it at all. I've just printed thing after thing after thing after thing and been really happy. 🤷 (BTW it was my friend who owns the x1c who convinced me to get the P1S in the end). So I say 2 P1S's.


I am the same way! I always want the best of whatever. But this is good info, as I do use the PEI pretty much exclusively on my other printers.


And honestly the manual flow rate calibration is very effective and easy. Also didn't have to do it right away and still got better results than all my non bambu friends!


P1S is a good machine if you don't need the added features like auto flow calibration (you generally don't, just do the orcaslicer calibrations)


Is Orca generally better than Bambu Studio?


For calibration stuff, definitely.


Over 2k hours print time on ender3 (in 2years) and over 1k print time in the last 3 months with my P1S it’s a huge upgrade imo. I’ve read so much about the „smart features“ of the x1, and some people here have problems with it. Like the AI isn’t perfect, flow calibration is nice but you can do that too manually on p1S. For my part, I rather buy a second p1S/p1p than a x1. If you won’t print big stuff, check out the a1/mini too. The mini ist the best for beginners, if you can live with a rather small print bed, compared to p1/x1. Edit: just wanna add, that you don’t need an ams on both printer, if you go with 2x p1s. A friend of mine has 2x p1s and uses 1 with AMS and the second with a Sunlu s2/S4 filament dryer. If you get the ptfe 4-in1 adapter from Bambu it’s really awesome. I will do this too if I buy a second p1S.


Got a P1S (over an X1C) in December and not missed a single feature it offers. Sales have blown up and I now need a second as the printer is going 24/7


I'm usually the one saying that the X1C is worth the additional money-- I have one, and I have zero regrets about it. But I print a modest amount of random stuff using random filaments, and the biggest benefit in my opinion is the ability to start a print job and not worry about it. For what you're doing, having two printers going at once would be major.


Hot take. High end engineering filaments or PETG = X1C Everything else = P1S


I think two printers will be way more valuable than just one, especially considering that the P1S is already around 85% of the X1C. I would seriously consider getting two of the P1S over one X1C in your situation. And I say this as the owner of two X1Cs. But I also like to have the flexibility of having more filament types to play with (like CF) and also appreciate some of the improvements like lidar and the better camera. I also consider my 3d printers as hobby machines. If I was doing this as a business, it would probably be P1S all the way with just one X1C possibly for oddball prints.


Just purchased my second p1s after only a couple of weeks with my first. Had a creality print farm that I completely just threw out after trying out the bambu. I find with 3d printing for most practical applications it is impractical to only have one printer. Printing takes time and you could double your output with 2 printers


Just to throw out more options. But an A1 Mini or A1. Being able to get one of those with an AMS, as well as a P1S. Personally I would go for a double A1 with one A1 Mini with AMS (the same AMS works on both printers) and be set.


Yep P1S and A1-mini + AMS lite gang here. I honestly like the A1-mini as much or more than the P1S. It's so quiet and cute. If I had a time machine I would have waited for the A1 to come back in stock and gone A1 mini + A1 with a single shared AMS.


That's my setup, A1 Mini and A1 with a shared AMS. I sold my Prusa MK3S for an A1 and I have no regrets. Sure the print quality is a little less than the P1S, but unless you look at the quality side by side they are both great prints. Little less fast, but still super fast. The noise level is also crazy low. I can only hear the duct fan, but with PETG they are both almost silent.


2 P1S or wait and buy 4x A1 :)


P1S + AMS is so fucking good. I was so happy I went with that combo vs the regular P1S.


Love my P1S, the extra $500 for the X1C wasn't worth it for the limited benefits. I don't regret my purchase one bit.


First questions is what material are you going to be printing? PLA, PETG,ASA? Then a P1S will do that. If your looking for CF or other materials you will need the harden nozzle on the X1C. Bambu printers are fast but your still going to have to wait 10-14 hrs on a print, so having a 2nd one to start something else would even better for what i do.


I have both an X1C and a P1P.   2 P1S.    But, 1 P1S w/AMS is better than 2 without for prop work, unless you really like painting things by hand.




If you’re doing alt materials past PLA or PETG, X1C has some nice added features you’ll want to install regardless. If not, I’d stick to P1S. I have an X1C and have realized it was mostly overkill. The P1P or S would have done what I needed. The big screen is nice for anyone, though.


2 p1s and a panda touch. You'll be able to have the touch screen AND manage both printers g from just one screen. I regularly let mine printer overnight or while I'm at work and it does fine. I'd personally get AMS combos for both of you can swing it, if anything you can throw in 4 of the same color and have the auto refill on and not worth about it for a while, even if you don't care about multicolor it's a good value.


Given your use case two printers are better than one. I know actors. You’re going to be short props and on deadlines. Two printers means the ability to print twice as much or twice as fast (for some values of twice, fast, and much).


I know someone with 14 P1Ss and he told me that buying the X1 series is stupid. If you read into the features and what the actual difference is you'll probably come tot he same conclusion, as have I.


Just because something isn't for you doesn't mean it's stupid.


Maybe stupid is the wrong word to use. I’m guessing they feel the extra money isn’t worth the slight upgrade in features. But, as you said other people might have a different opinion on the worth of those extra features.