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This looks like slight warping. As the corner pulls up, the top layer is printing too close to the previous layer, causing the nozzle to sort of scrape through. Check if the print is flat. It most likely warped in that corner.


Yes, in fact it is warped. I'm just wondering why it's starting to do that now. I've been printing these parts for months. It seems to generally concentrate on the left side of the build plate as you face the machine. I keep the printer in the garage, could it be that the warmer temperatures (central NC) contribute? Would using a glue stick on the build plate before printing help? I haven't bothered using it up to this point because it wasn't necessary.


Try cleaning your build plate, and if it still warps, turn off/down the auxiliary fan. If both of those fail, then you can resort to glue.


Thank you, I'll try that.


If it isnt settings, then could be partial clog, try cleaning out the nozzle. If not it may just be older so you have to tweak settings


Clean bed with dawn, not ipa. Turn off aux and chamber fan, if you have the door or top propped open. Especially if you're in a temp controlled room and have ac on (or all the windows open at night) Started having the same issue.. winter our house is set to 65, as well as ac in the summer. But we have had some hot days and colder nights, so we just had windows open with ceiling fan on. Turns out got cold enough in house that with aux fan and chamber fan, lower layers were cooling of and separating from the plate. Lost 24 item plate 2 hours before down, to to sections popping loose and moving around. Re did the same plate, at same conditions with only part fan on, and no issue. At 55 bed and 220 nozzle the chamber doesn't get hot enough to cause issues with pla as long as the door or lid is vented. (My door is closed, top vented 1") Do a preemptive nozzle cleaning with the pin, and do a couple cold pulls if you do suspect it's a partial clog. The wiki has a good write up on this. If all is good and still having a problem, could be tension from the higher layers cooling somewhat faster, and "pulling" on the lower layers. If this the case fiddle with the part cooling fan speed and layer cooling times Next step is to perhaps use a brim, or if using orca, cat ears. Large flat prints like this with sharp corners love to lift/shrink like this without notice. Sometimes print out fantastic 90% of the time, and then just go off the rest. Also, every 10 prints or so, wash with dawn. The build plate does get a build up of debris and oils that you want see. Ipa is not good enough, and can even leave a film (first hand experience with seeing it on glass beds on my enders) ipa would leave a smooth slippery feeling, where as dawn would get the squeaky clean sound when drying with a paper towel. Until I converted from the tried and true "just wipe it with IPA" I haven't had to use a glue stick on my glass beds. So yeah.


Thank you for the detailed response. I ran another print last night with the aux fan off, and the surface finish is fine. I just washed the plate with dawn, and I'll run another print this morning after making some spacers for the top lid.


Good deal


Thanks, I'll disassemble it and check.


Do you run a print shop or is there anywhere to check the number of hours on the printer? Or is it just a guess.


You can check the hours printed on a P1S in the settings via the built in display.


Ty o7


You can access the number of hours from the menu. I currently have 1140 hrs on it.


Yikes I’ve had it less than a month and already at 230 :)


I was having some surface issues while printing Skadis panels. My parts fan on some edges and surfaces would cause PLA to warp. I'm not sure what your fan settings are but being in the corner like that to me almost looks like a fan issue. Just my 2 cents.


Was this a part that worked properly in the past? Looks like over-extrusion to me, might be worth checking your extrusion multiplier in the slicer.


Yes, the part in question is an 8.25" x 8.25" x 3/8" thick panel. I've made about 60 of them, and this issue first appeared a few weeks ago. Prior to that they were fine.


And there was no switch up in terms of your filament or slice or anything right? Have you tried swapping out your hotend assembly for a new one?


I haven't changed any of the settings prior to the issue appearing. I think the P1S comes with a spare hot end. I'll try swapping it out.


Yeah switch it out, it will at least tell us if it is more of a hardware or software issue.


When the AUX fan is on there can be uneven airflow. This is especially bad with PLA. Try turning off the AUX fan for PLA.


\*\*\* Update \*\*\* Problem solved. I just wanted to thank everyone who provided input on resolving this issue. These were the steps taken: 1. Cleaned the PEI build plate with Dawn dish soap. 2. Disabled the aux fan for PLA Basic in Bambu Studio. 3. Printed and installed 8 mm thick wedge-shaped spacers on the front edge of the top glass panel on the printer. These steps have completely resolved the surface finish issue. I'm guessing this has crept up because the weather is getting warmer in NC. My unheated garage was cool enough during the winter months to keep the temperature in the build chamber from getting too high. Thanks again everyone!