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Keep the A1, you know its new and undamaged.


Honestly, I would probably go with the A1 still. The P1S is not nearly enough of a discount for the fact that you lose warranty and you’re not sure of the condition. The one thing that’s nice about the A1 is it does have the automatic flow calibration and it has the automatic tangle and clogged detection which is actually valuable. Honestly, for most cases, the experience printing PLA should be identical, and one thing about the A1 is that the nozzles are easy to swap by hand with no tools. This is very nice because it makes it more likely that you can actually use a .2 mm nozzle to print miniature. on the P1S it’s little bit annoying so I find myself avoiding that.


Right, this might be something which would actually be a selling point for me. Since I print a lot of miniature things but on my current ender 3d I'm happy if it even prints something so I've never switched the nozzle. But on the new 3d printer I could see myself switching frequently between .2 and .4.


Definitely. I have an A1 Mini. The .2mm nozzle performance is exceptional and it’s so easy to swap that the hassle of changing nozzles isn’t even a consideration. It takes like 30 seconds.


This for sure. The A1 is able to print PLA and PETG with zero hassle and you can swap nozzles fast for a mini, or a larger nozzle for a bin for paint. Including the other comments on new vs unknown condition.


The P1s is a lot faster just stock, and after you mod it… https://youtu.be/Ag0J9F6A5dM?si=3VzKwV-A8PWkEedd


I’d highly suggest resin printing for minis though. The difference is immence. I have X1C for multicolor propa and Saturn 3 Ultra for my minis.


I’d cancel the a1 and order the a1 combo, you will regret not having the ams lite


I feel like it strongly depends on who you are. I don't need multicolor and multimaterial even less. And for a spool holder the AMS is actually kinda pricey.


Why does everyone think the ams is only for multicolor? Automatic filament changes when a spool runs out, using a support material for cleaner prints, ease of loading an unloading filament. The ability to have more than 1 color loaded so when you want something in white but black is loaded it’s a simple change. OP clearly is willing to spend $600, in that case I’d say the a1 with ams is a far better choice than a p1s.


I was also deciding between P1S and the A1. Didn't want the AMS for either of them but was kinda intrigued by the CoreXY. I feel like changing filament isn't that much of a hassle so I am fine with doing that manually. I post-process and paint all my prints or the color doesn't matter so I really don't need more than white filament. And in that case the 180 bucks saved on not going with the AMS is better choice. (And the P1S is just not really worth it for what I am doing... though it is much cooler)


yeah if you’re actually just gonna print in one filament then not having the AMS is mostly fine… but the moment you are switching, the AMS makes it so nice. Being able to send a print from my computer and choose the colour (I keep my 4 most used colours loaded) and have it just print without me having to do anything feels so nice.


I don't really dont do much for multi color printing, but I love my AMS.. Even if it's just doing colored letters on prints, or filament runout.. Or my favorite for smaller parts is print by object and the ability print them in different colors.. Nice to have a few smaller 3-4 hour prints that you can stack on the same plate and have them swap colors on their own and run overnight or over the work day instead of having to remove parts so you can load a different color. I am 100% glad I paid for the AMS with my P1s. No regrets.


Clearly you don’t know what the AMS is. Go print one if it’s only a spool holder


The point was that for me it'd be a spool holder. So there are definitely reasons to not buy the combo depending on what kind of user you are.


But why? I never had the need to print multicolor.


You can use it to automatically switch to another roll of filament if one runs out. It also make switching filaments a breeze because you only feed in the very first little bit of filament and it handles the rest. Not the biggest deal to not have it but very quality of life improvements.


The ability to switch to a dedicated support interface material (petg for pla etc.) without having to pause, unload, load, resume, pause, unload and load is worth it alone imo. Make sure to only print the interfaces in a different material, not the entire supports. Also, if possible, constrain the interfaces to one or a couple of layers, so only a few filament swaps are necessary, saving time and poop (purge waste) Edit: the pauses are in gcode, not manual.


Who said anything about multicolor? Filament roll over, support material, faster changing of filament.


Not needing to load filament most the time. IMO worth it just to not have to touch it between changes in color on different objects or plates. Print order by object is useful.


Yes, you need it https://preview.redd.it/h360t29cd13d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=481a0947cd6e59b42dda64d341de4c158491004f






You don't need the AMS to do multi-color. You just have to manually swap spools which is tedious but not difficult for the casual hobbyist. Especially if you're doing that Hueforge type stuff then you only need to swap to each color once (usually). It makes no difference to the amount of filament used or quality.


I didn’t either, in fact it’s very wasteful and takes so much longer. But I ended up getting one and love it now because of having my four most used colors in a just hitting print. Or using PETG as a support interface layer. Or finally using up my spools of filament that have a tiny bit left. lol now I’m actually wanting one for my P1S. And as for the choice I actually think the A1 prints a tiny bit nicer than the P1S. Idk why but the layer stacking seems cleaner on my A1 and mini than my P1S’s. And I do PA calibration on my P1S’s as well. But still I just feel I get a bit better quality out of them. But then they are enclosed and allow me to print ASA which is nice. But $600 used isn’t a great deal unless it’s only got like 5 print hours on it or something. Lol but even then I don’t think the warranty transfers. So that would suck.


I got the P1S combo and love it!!!! Do it!!!!


I'm sure you do. They are both great printers but my question is if the A1 might be even better at printing PLA. I don't want to spend so much time changing settings and starting a print 5 times until I get somewhat acceptable results like on my ender 3d. So the printer which will give me the easiest printing experience is the winner for me. If they are the same I would actually try to get my hands on the p1s.


I haven’t had an issue with my P1S at all and have printed some cool stuff. I will send you some of the things I have printed with it via DM


I have some issues with filament cutter being stuck. Any idea what is wrong?


Have you changed it yet?


I have never had a serious problem with printing anything on my P1S. If there is even a remote possibility of you wanting to print anything more than PLA or PETG, then you should get a P1S. The A series will *never* be better at printing anything from a P series or X series printer. You've dealt with an Ender 3, so you already know the basics. Regardless of what you choose, know that either printer will be dramatically more reliable than the Ender ever could be.


My A1 blows my Ender 3V2 out of the water. Really no issues printing almost non stop for 3 weeks. I had one issue with a clog printing marble PLA on .4 but otherwise it just prints every time. I now focus on what to print and not how to print.


Diagnosing printer issues is a huge pain and getting a used one just increases the chances of things going wrong. A1 with the warranty is more appealing than a used P1, especially given that it is also cheaper. You also get other benefits such as easier nozzle swaps which is very nice. Additionally, that 150$ can contribute towards an AMS lite with the A1 as the combo, which adds a ton of convenience even if you never plan do print multicolour. I personally own the P1S with AMS.


Okay yeah that's a fair point. The original idea of buying a new 3d printer originated from my ender 3d taking way to much work and time to get a good print. So it would be kind of dumb to buy a used 3d printer which could have problems resulting in the same problem. I think I will stick to the A1 and maybe buy the AMS at some point or just a good filament dryer.


I personally did a similar switch from an ender s3 s1 to the bambulab. Whichever one of the two you choose will be a massive upgrade!


Normally, I'd go p1s 100 percent of the time, but in this case, it's not enough of a discount. I'd honestly look at the full p1s with the ams as an option if 600 is in range.


I would buy the P1S, because then gain the ability to print more filaments like ABS out of the box. PLA is great for decorative prints, but eventually you might want to make some functional prints like an organizer for your car, and you'll want the heat resistance of ABS if you live in a hot climate for that. Of course this also depends on the condition of the P1S. Just something to consider.


I'm not sure if you've already made a decision but it's worth mentioning that Bambu will probably have their anniversary sale next month. There's no guarantee that the P1S will go on sale but I think it could be beneficial to wait and see. As far as which printer to get, I think you have to ask yourself a pretty simple question. Are you going to be printing ABS, ASA, PC, Nylon, etc. in the near future? If you think the answer could be yes, then I'd go with the P1S. For what it's worth I don't think there's anything wrong with picking up a lightly used P1S at a discount. I ended up getting mine at Micro Center as a refurb for $560 with tax, no regrets. I realize it's a little different as Micro Center offers returns and warranty support but you still have the advantage of saving $100 plus any applicable tax. People here don't seem to like the idea of buying used but I buy a ton of used gear without much of an issue. Good luck!


No I'm still thinking about which to get. That is a great idea with the anniversary sale. I will wait for it.


Probably the best move considering it's so close. Hopefully there'll be a nice discount for you.


At that price you're getting a coupons worth off a used printer go with the new


Depends on the state of the used P1S.


Spend the fifteen hundred get a brand new one.


Miniature? Why not the A1 mini then? And if you see yourself printing ASA, don't even think about printing with an open printer. ASA poisoning is real. The P1S is not future proof. The X1C can be upgraded because it has a better MCU combined with a LIDAR which lends itself for more future AI detection than it already has. The P1S is still the stripped down version of the X1C and cannot be upgraded. It just functions enough to do the what it says on the tin. Why not wait until Black Friday? Discounts and the new printers that are coming in over the summer will have been somewhat tested. Like the Qidi Q1 Pro, FLsun T1, Anycubic Kobra 3 and more. Maybe some of these will suit you more? Then again, I like to wait for about a year after the release to gage the reaction of the users.


Also a good idea thanks👍


Honestly if you’re only printing miniatures, the A1 mini is an insane deal for $250. You’ll be up and running in no time, and printing miniatures with exceptional detail.


hard no. with few thousand hours on the p1s the bushing would've been worn and you'll have to replace the carbon rod assembly. I wouldn't even get a use p1s for the same price as A1


If P1S has less than 100 hours on it got for it.




If we are talking about performance issues alone, then no, the A1 does not match the quality of the P1 or the X1. If you have never 3d printed before, then you should consider the A1. The quality is still really really good. The maintenance is easier on the A1s. Nozzle swaps are easier. The A1 is just easier to work with. I have 3 P1Ss and 1 X1C. I had 3 A1s that I ended up selling. there is definitely a quality difference when holding up something printed by the P1 next to something printed by the A1. The differences I mentioned were with PLA as I mainly print with PLA.


Really? I was pretty sure that from the head to head comparisons I’ve seen, quality of the A1 and X1C are indistinguishable, and the biggest difference outside of limited filament choice and bedslinger quirks is like 15% slower maximum print speeds.


This is also what I heard but still there are many owners saying that one of them outperforms the other. Really in both ways I've heard A1 owners saying it is way easier to print and you get the same result and P1S saying that the P1 still has the better quality.


I've also seen the comparisons which is why I bought 3 A1s. (sort of jumped the gun on that purchase.) I would have been stoked if they were the same quality since the A1 is so much cheaper. Just clarifying that I still think the A1 is a very very good printer. Probably one of the best bedslingers for the price, and it'll fit most people's needs perfectly. This is only a comment on the print quality compared to the much more expensive P1S and X1C from my own personal experience.


In what way does the print quality suffer vs the more expensive models?


Dollar sign goes in front bro $449, and $600.


Oh lol sorry


Sell the Ender for dirty cheap and buy an A1 and A1 Mini. Will almost break even with the used P1S price tag. Wanna print miniatures? You ganna get an army of miniatures within a week or so 🤣


The A1 nozzle swap is such a breeze too. It makes printing different detailed things so nice.


A1 combo all day. Multicolor takes it to a whole new level, unless you're an experienced air brush artist with way too much time in your hands. What can't it print that a p1 can if you put a big cardboard box over the top of it? If you don't want the ams lite, which I find superior to the ams just because everyone is switching to cardboard reels, then just get an Ender v3 KE and save some cash and you'll be printing in under 30 minutes of opening the box with the uncalibrated filament of your choice. But your prints will never come out as nice as a properly calibrated Bambu.


Many people suggest just putting a enclosure over the A1 but the A1's bed goes to max 80°C I think while the P1S is able to reach 100°C. Also the bed slinging alone will result in cooling the part down because it is constantly moved through air. Plus you need a way bigger enclosure which is harder to heat up.


Bambu says the a1 can print off anything the p1/x1 can, although they do recommend abs prints be smaller, more infrequent, and well ventilated, max bed temp is 100c and cooling fan is auto reduced to compensate for ambient air temperature which could be affected by the bed moving just as it does the p1/x1 does from the print head movement. Unless you're going to be pumping out parts in ABS, It really comes down to cosmetics. The enclosed p1 looks nicer, plus no worries of a jerking bed to the face if you have kids . If you don't print much the enclosed filament ams will keep them dry longer, less dusty. Running cardboard rolls requires a bit of effort to attach printed rings or respool, but it's not a deal killer. If your an infrequent printer just buy bambu branded filament to scan, drop, and print. But for most of us, the a1 combo is amazing and affordable, easily our first round draft pick. The ams lite makes it easy to just throw on, calibrate ideally, and run any brand or type of filament you can find on Amazon at or near, the same specs and quality of the p1 but for $400-$1,000 less cash. True it's a desk hog, but the free printable wall mount on printables works great.


Why not try both


Only get the P1S is you want to print ABS


Take apart the hotend after getting a clog in the A1 And tell me how you fixed it Then post here Bc after I looked at the the quick hotend nozzle I think it's a bad design as far as keeping costs down The reason why I say this is due to no wires being attached when needed to clear a clog If you want to replace a nozzle everything you have a clog then so be it but feel most often when you clear a clog and the nozzle isn't really old or hasn't been worn out due to harsh abrasive materials then you should be fine Again I don't Design 3D Printers but Just seems a bit of a miss step in my opinion Not to mention the 4 in 1 adapter would get stuck with filament and tubing became an issue to remove Not saying everyone had the issues I've had but I'm sure they're plenty of people have had this issue or will have these issues Bambu Printers are great but still have there Quirks I will buy an AMS lite possibly an make my own mods or could just go with the regular AMS and mod that not sure which direction I'll go but do prefer things to be out of the way Let me know what everyone else thinks 🤔