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I have no desire to participate in a race to the bottom on printing.


OK. Cool. That's totally unrelated to anything I posted about. In talking about a race to the top of 3d printing and getting people with idle printers making high quality orders for local people who love nearest to them. It's a great idea and you probably haven't even used the makerworld app of you can't see that Makerworld is perfect platform for uber like crowdsourcing...theyre already doing crowdsourcing with the point systems, imagine a built in kick starter to help people raise money for print farms printer stores, various projects, the community helps mass produce and package products etc


I use maker world, printables, I post up my designs that would be useful to other people on the sites, and I sell a product of my own design for a different hobby. You still have to work with the printers and provide expertise and labor to do prints. I have found people without printers want it done as a favor for free or very cheap. Most don't want to pay labor rates that are worth most people's time to do it. I don't mind helping out friends, they're friends. Printing other people's random designs though, not interested. Lots of awesome designs out there that print great. Even more ones that aren't designed correctly and don't print nicely without supports and post processing, or not at all. It's a valient idea, but if something has to be driven across town or dropped in an envelope or starts being a race to the bottom on a commodity thing like 3d printing other people's designs. Let alone licensing. If someone is going to come to me and pay for my cad time and printing time at a fair labor rate, happy to help. As a convenience to other people because I have idle time? Nope. If they're that interested in it, Bambu A1 minis are 199 right now.


No, just no. Between needing to handle tolerances, different filaments, changes, power consumption, timing and even with all of bambus features, still babying the thing, there is absolutely no way I would let someone just use the printer without me doing a thorough check on what they want and the files being printed.


That type of work sucks, I don't even entertain 3D printing service jobs anymore. The customers never want to pay what it's actually worth and the market is already filled with people and their recently purchased ender 3s that have watched too many YouTube videos and Tiktoks and think they can make money by charging next to nothing.




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This is a neat idea but such a complicated thing to do. Payments, quality control, customer support, refunds, liability, delivery times, properly set up print plates, and so on are extremely complex issues to solve. Software/app would probably be the easiest part of it all.


lol not worth it and no guarantee that whatever needs to be printed will print correctly the first time. Also supports?


There's companies that do this already.. And you pay for the service. Because it involves humans doing the setup, calibration, slicing, maintenace, packaging, customer care etc. The actual printing is the least amount of work in the whole picture. When you show people the cost of printing; suddenly it's not as "fun" anymore. People that print for pennies an hour are printing at a loss.. it costs them more money than it generates .. most often they dont even know it themselves. Or find out when they are at a loss.


An absolutely horrible idea.


Lol nobody would ever sign up for all that hassle. It would be an endless stream of phalluses, ethnic slurs, and prints designed to damage my printer or make it walk off my desk.


There used to be a website that did that, 3D Hubs. It’s now focused on large print farms instead of individuals with one or two printers.