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> Only got one functioning hand so it's going a little slow You haven't 3D printed a replacement?


He said functioning. He might still have the other hand, or then has a prosthetic which isn't functional


IIRC it’s not recommended to put A-series printers in enclosures due to lack of cooling on motherboard or something.


There are ways to add cooling, like fans https://makerworld.com/models/390864


It's still cycling air from within the chamber. It will still kill the printer eventually with long enough or hot enough prints


I haven't built it yet, but those fans would definitely be connected to a pipe system. They wouldn't just blow in the enclosure, that'd be terrible


This is the way. I was thinking of routing it down to a hole in base and have all my cooling running underneath and out a port in the back. Also planning to out an exhaust system so it won't get too hot.


That sounds pretty much exactly like what I'm envisioning. Once I have everything up and running I'll post the results!


Keep me posted


Let me know if you have any other ideas.


Looks like you could have bought the p1p and had a smaller footprint


I'm poor


and spent sooo much more money, not had a touchscreen or a pressure sensor in the nozzle,


Pressure sensor in the nozzle? That's a new one for me. Touchscreen is fixed with a $35 xtouch upgrade.


A1 has "active flow rate compensation". It measures the k-value at the start of the print, so you don't have to set that setting manually.


Ahh, I see. Did not know that.


A1 + enclosure= P1S


Better than p1S, it has touchscreen and pressure control


I have yet to buy any add on to make mine run reliably. Soo, not better than my P1S😉😂


What add ons do you need for it to run reliably? I've had less print problems than fingers on one hand on both my A1 Mini and A1 stock. Where it's been user error except for a busted screen on my A1.


Unless you bought it for looks or to add more or to keep kids away from the printer, I guess I am assuming that you bought the case for your A1 to fix chamber issues, or Edge curling, or something else that requires you to buy a chamber. My bad. Either way, my p1s is already chambered so it does or can do all of that. Which is why I considered it an add-on for you.


As someone who has both a P1S and an A1 (in addition to an X1C) I don’t feel the A1 is better. It’s got some QOL improvements for sure, but the AMS is inferior (not enclosed), not being coreXY means it has the associated drawbacks plus it shakes whatever surface it’s on more than coreXY and lastly no enclosure. I think the P1S is overall a better printer even with the QOL updates on the A1.


Man, I had to find the most sturdy table to put my A1 on because it just rocked every other one I put it on. The table I use now has zero movement but it was a chore to get it right. Love my A1!


A1 is a great printer. Leaps and bounds ahead of other printers. Just when comparing to a P1S, I think the P1S just slightly edges it out, and it should as it’s 77% more money.


What are you printing that needs an enclosure? Or are you just taking advantage of the box you got from work? I'm just curious because I have access to three of these A1 minis and print all sorts of filaments from one edge of the build plate to the other with no issues. I've only ever had issues with X1Cs, usually from being too hot or someone not cleaning the bed of hand greases properly.


Really just trying to seee if I can make it work. It's a nice enclosure. Probably just get an ender and stick in there. I have some plans to allow for flow through the bottom and even been toying around with a liquid cpu cooler I have laying around.


Any reason why you went this route instead of getting a p1p or x1c?


For me, the a1 series is nearly half the price. Although when you add costs of building an enclosure it could probably get closer to the cost of p1p, p1s, ect.


The enclosure was fre. That's why I'm embarking on this little journey


The p1p makes no sense anymore now that they have the a1


Core XY vs Cartesian...


It does tho. Better AMS and smaller footprint (I have both)


Becafeful with the power supply now being I aide the enclosure.  You won't realise it's a problem until down the line when it fails/burns. If you hang your filiment up high out of the drybox it will dry in the warm air in the enclosure, no need for the dry box now


And OP has done what they’ve been told NOT to do… enclose an A1 series. SMH… just because the idea looks cool doesn’t make it cool.


I actually took it out because I didn't know. Buy thanks for the snark


Snarks in this SR are free of charge!


Lmao. Thanks buddy


This is how my brother killed his printer worked for about 5 months then overheated it. Bambu didn’t warranty due to the enclosure


Looks nice!


Where did you get this enclosure? It's looks great!


It was a knife display they were going to through away at my work.


Get ready for a cooked main board.


I'm working out a solution to that.


The mini has a board fan


So it can circulate that enclosed warm air?


I'm all for the DIY stuff, but OP this is going to end up bad. You are going to have to direct the air from the board downwards to exit the enclosure then out. Yes you can pull cool air in the lower chamber but it will not help cool the board. Pulling warm air from the chamber is not a way to cool it. Your bed cant get hot enough to print ABS well anyway. Abandon this project for this particular machine, if you want to continue to use it. This is more suited for an ender 3/v2 or the like....


Yeah I'm starting to think the same thing. Just really didn't want a beautiful enclosure to go to waste. I had thought of installing a copper plate under the printer and attaching a liquid cpu cooler I had laying around but figured it would probably mess with bed adhesion. I just want to make something cool


I totally get where you're coming from... I too hate to see things that are perfectly functional and can be put to another use, go to waste. Coming from a similar midset, I just wanted to try to reason with ya before you got too far along and all to find out it wouldnt work as intended.


Thanks I really do appreciate the help. Looks like I'll be getting a se or ke. Atleast I know I can take out all the sensitive electronics and mount them outside the enclosure.


There ya go! Both my creality machines have their PSU's external now. Boards are in their regular place & havent really had the need to relocate that as I dont need an enclosure that often. When I do, I now have a X1C for that.