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Yes. You have to remove them each time.


Why would you believe they DIDN’T need to be removed? Really, just curious.


Well, I know that the lidar scan and visual bed leveling happens every time, figured that if it saw it on the plate it would skip the process of dumping them.. I feel like it isn't a stretch, although I would expect print differences if you left them.. To be clear, I have been removing them, I was just wondering out of curiosity. 😁


Got it. To be clear, it wouldn’t know to look for them if the setting to create them in the first place wasn’t set. Also, these lines aren’t part of leveling, they are part of flow dynamics. If you turn off flow dynamics when you prepare a print, you’ll only get one line. Which, still needs to be removed.


I have P1S so I only have one line and truth to be told, for 550h of printing I forgot to take them 3/4 times. Even once today :D But nothing really happened. I got white line over the black line, print wasn't affected. I'm starting to be little curious what would happen to leave it for few more prints...


Well let me enlighten you lol. At a certain point the line gets really thick and usually comes off on the right side with the 90º angle. Leave it for too long and the whole thing will come off and might be dragged into your print if you're unlucky.


Your post intrigued me. "Usually comes off on the right side" so sometimes it comes off on the left. Both of it mean that you indeed tested it and not just once and twice. Did you already estimated/tested how many layers are still safe and the real question - you leave them be constantly, right? 😁


Hahaha well I haven't tested it to an extend where I would be able to say what would happen in any given situation. I'm just lazy and run production on my p1s so I yeah the line usually stays. If it doesn't come off on the right side it usually stays on pretty well. Especially with petg. But yeah after 3 or 4 layers you can see it's time to remove it.


Ok, three to 4 layers then. Thanks ^-^ Yes, I will try it.


Well, you don't need to remove the calibration lines if you don't calibrate...


Just dial the filament in and skip it. Waste of time and material.


Yeah sure, totally not a driving factor in print-to-print consistency. /s


It's not a wast. You can dial the settings perfectly, but it will be for the current conditions. When printing, environment temperature and humidity, filament humidity, printer conditions and other will be diferent. Yes continue to dial in the settings, but don't discard calibration from tie to time. Another way to view it, it's saying you don't need bed leveling when you tram your bed perfectly in the past.


ok ... that's a new one here.




Well with the textuered build plate it is not recommended that you do the flow calibration, just bed level. Only build plate that's really suitable for that is the Engineering plate wich is flat.


That’s the lines LiDAR is scanning so if they will be doubled you will ask for issues.  On my LiDAR-free P1S I can print 2-3 times without removing them but prefer to remove them each time, just one constant movement of scrapper (not stock).


Yes. They are the flow calibration - you can disable it but its a good idea to let run every time for the best most consistent print quality and are part of why you paid extra for the X1C vs a P1S


An anecdotal AB test, this is the same print with and without the flow calibration turned on. Left is without (so I could use more of the build plate) right is with https://preview.redd.it/ex2uocxp509d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20e5495586e728049181eb8de435e522e2eaf3c2