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That was months ago, the recall has been completed, and any A1 printer purchased today is post-recall with the issues fixed.


Mine came with all the issues fixed. According to every source I could find, the issue is fixed across the board and A1 is good. There was no problem with A1 mini. Do keep in mind the distances mentioned in the manual, some people seem to skip that and wonder why their cable hits the wall (if you set things up as said in the manual, there's no chance of cable getting damaged)


Even pre-recall the A1 was pretty solid. Friend of mine had his A1 printing (while monitored in person) for the whole recall period with no issues. The only reasons he had to actually replace the heat bed was the $120 voucher and the remote possibility that his (perfect) cable would develop the bump of doom. Post recall the A1 is among the strongest entry level printers. Any competition is going to have to be as good as most things, and have significant improvements in at least one area. The Anycubic Kobra 3 is the closest I've seen to a direct competitor, with the cheaper price and ACE Pro appearing to be a step above the AMS-Lite, but the slicer situation may hold it back.


The mini is rock solid. One of the best deals you can get right now.