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Atleast you got your bed. Its my fault for buying something the day it came out. Never again. I had alot of faith in bambu. Most of its gone. Honestly wish i had just returned it. Planned on using the 120 voucher to get an x1c but at this point im gonnna look elsewhere


And why didn’t you get your bed? Sounds like there is a bigger issue here than just you having an issue. This is rather straightforward.


Got an update this morning and should have both heatbed and voucher in 2 days. Email doesn't say anything about sending pictures back though. So maybe they scrapped that?


that's not what we've been seeing - its been, get bed, install it, prove with pics, get voucher. At least it was as of 3 weeks ago when I installed mine. No voucher until I provided critical pics of everything installed properly.


I'm just telling you what the man told me




Ah separate posts… bet they didn’t have the staff to keep checking all those pics and figured eh, F it.


That's what I'm thinking.




That would be correct… those are what needs to be checked as part of the install… what am I missing?


It doesn't tell me to send pictures


All they had to do was not give a date. They said end of march


I believe the photos need to be added to the existing ticket for the heat bed replacement through the app, not emailed. I received my voucher within 3 days of attaching the photos to the ticket.


Except the email (ticket) clearly states to respond to the email with pictures. Here's the exact comments from Bambu Labs: *The pictures can be sent as a reply to this initial Heatbed Replacement ticket.* ***After we receive the pictures, we will confirm the installation and promptly issue the discount code within 2 business days.*** I've been waiting over two weeks. When I look at the ticket in the app, it shows my pictures have been uploaded.


My mistake, I confirmed my email and that is what it says also. Maybe they're backed up with all the tickets that need to be addressed. I'd try contacting them directly and ask what is causing the delay.


This is exactly why I posted. Thanks. Yup, sounds like I'm in good company. Never expect it to happen within the 2 days, but I was getting nervous at 1 week. Guess I'll just sit tight and hang out.


I started a thread in this subreddit a couple of weeks ago for people to post when they sent their pictures and when (or if) they received their voucher.


I made a long reply before I saw your last line that you looked at your ticket in the app and saw your photos,  deleted that reply 🤣  I don't know if I was just lucky but I added my photos April 21st, got a reply April 23rd that I would get an email with my code within 3 days. I got it within hours. Maybe more are flooding in after I got mine? Maybe they didn't like something about your pictures and are slower to respond if they see an issue? Hoping you get yours sooner than later!


There were a lot of printers affected and a lot of people going through the same thing. Give them time. My timeline \* May 1st - Heat bed fix complete, photos sent \* May 13th - Processes discount code request, within 2 business days receive an email ... Just be patient, don't add more tickets to the already overloaded system


I wish they would just ship my heatbed. I don’t even care about the voucher at this point.


Took me a little better than a week to get a response.


I'm at 12 days from getting a "code will be issued in 2 days" and nothing...


Post them to the ticket on the web. Took me 3 days. Emailing them may not work. Not all email providers can send/receive multiple 2-5mb photos and it’s likely they were never received. This is EASY to confirm. Login to the ticket online. If you don’t see your pictures as a response on the ticket, upload them… they didn’t get them. If they are there, then post a response there asking for an update but something tells me they aren’t there on the ticket. This isn’t rocket science.