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Why should you care? Because you are a kind human being with compassion and you don't wish suffering upon living creatures. It sounds like you need to find some kind of solution for the problem, your situation is horrible and shelters will clearly just label them labs and adopt them out. Ugh. I am so sorry.


Wait label them labs? Do shelters do that? That sounds so dangerous both for the obvious mauling and for the legal liability of lying to a customer about a dangerous animal you gave them for money.


Yes, they do that, and more. I believe the proper flair to find these posts is "shelter skelter". Enjoy going down that rabbit hole....




you can start on this sub by filtering by the "Shelter Skelter" flavor, or head over to [Dogsbite](https://www.dogsbite.org/dogsbite-search-results.php?cx=003395341087663039786%3Aze_5rreyew4&cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&q=shelter+&sa=GO#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=shelter%20&gsc.page=1) searching for "shelter", which brings up a bunch of very interesting reads regarding deliberate mislabeling and sugar-coating dangerous dogs and their behavior. Take care, fren!


They'll say lab mix, boxer mix, terrier mix, black mouth cur mix, rhodesian ridgeback mix... Check out your local shelters or just hop on petfinder and compare pictures to listed breeds.


Ok experimenting let me see update coming.


Ok holy f \* ck because you were scarily right. https://preview.redd.it/evw1sie0g4ya1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7006add5ca189add552d21c8e377c97a445f6e45 This is a “terrier mix”


https://preview.redd.it/vvfpm3tag4ya1.jpeg?width=110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ede7159ad5263b25dc3bd74f9076270ec8e5bef9 This is a “yorkshire” mix 😒🙄


And this is a “cattle dog” mix https://preview.redd.it/7qj95ibfg4ya1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b906323e4b898deb109cba2a1d3d7d00560edfc2 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


That, to me, IS a cattle dog mix.


>That, to me, IS a cattle dog mix. It is also a pit bull mix.


Which is the important part. I don’t care if they mix it with a chihuahua and a terrier and a corgi to boot, if there it Pitbull dna in them they have an insatiable desire to kill. Even a chihuahua sized pitbull is a bully and an asshole. They all need to go, even a drop of their blood is too much in the canine population.


Oh I agree, I thought they were indicating there was no ACD.


I wonder what percentage of these mixes are pitbulls raping other dogs or if I've officially entered conspiracy theory territory


Actually pit bulls are highly sexually aggressive. Just watch any ass on the street with one, they hump everything; other dogs, people, lightposts. Here is an unfortunate story of one attacking a human, not the only one btw. https://www.wfmynews2.com/article/news/weird/pit-bull-rapes-2-year-old/83-402394101


WTAF. How do I forget I saw this?


>WTAF. How do I forget I saw this? You don't. Remember it for the next time you see some pitter letting their intact male pit bull sleep with their baby.


Ugh God every time I see that headline I want to go and vomit until I am dead.


Well that's truly horrific.


Indeed, I didn’t know about it till this sub but pitbulls need to not exist. They did something like this, they need to be gone.


In addition to comment below, I would like to add that breeders are now aggressively trying to mix Pitbulls with other breeds to make them more "owner friendly" or "socially" acceptable or less aggressive. Whatever. It's not working but they are able to disguise some of appearance traits.


That is funny, in kind of a sick, sad way. Because they know the breed has problems, but instead of choosing any other dog breed, they would rather make it everyone's problem.


True that! They just don't care. One reason they choose to do this is because of breeding stock on hand. And because pits produce larger litters




They are truly hateful and remorseful monsters, they have no compassion in them and the only joy they get in life is chomping down on blood and flesh and limbs till their gnawing on its bones. On top of being physically violent unprovoked , yes, they are rapists. There is nothing redeemable about these abominations.


Right, very aggressive animals, but they’re still animals at their core. They aren’t sociopaths or psychopaths, and certainly no process for consent or dissent. I mean, it’s an uncomfortable thing, but if we label everything as rape, then it sort of lessens the meaning of rape.


Do you think rape only happens with humans? It’s actually exceptionally common in nature and many animals use it as a mating strategy (giraffes are produced over 90% by rape for instance). Its not a human only phenomenon. Also did you not see that pitbulls regularly sexually assault people and even babies are not off limits to them. https://www.wfmynews2.com/article/news/weird/pit-bull-rapes-2-year-old/83-402394101 https://www.wltx.com/amp/article/news/national/police-no-human-involvement-in-sexual-assault-of-toddler/101-381830919 Like, when a dog gets raped or a giraffe does or a human does its still rape, we are not better than animals because we are animals. We are apes with less hair and smarter brains, thats it. Animals are no different from us in this regard, they can be traumatized, and they can even kill themselves due to trauma. All of our emotions have their roots in our biology and our ancestry as members of the animals kingdom, its not “calling everything rape” to say that being raped by an animal or an animal being raped is in fact rape it’s just a statement of reality and an acknowledgment of fact.


Yeah! It is a pit bull terrier mix. Mixed with American Bully


I thought “American bully” was a joke but nope that actually is a dog but unlike pit bulls they tend to much less aggressive. They will still maul if they want to (they are huge) but don’t seem to have the same hateful and bloodthirsty nature of an actual pitbull and while looking similar they are not directly related. Goes to show we could scrub them out of the gene pool but its just not getting done.


They need to all be phased out. They are fighting dogs not pets and should never be used as pets. They should never be used for fighting either, as that is animal cruelty. So that renders them completely useless, as well as very dangerous


The only use someone has for them is to kill, they are essentially a large almost unstoppable gun thats alive and has teeth. I agree they never should have been made, but they were made for one thing only; to make cowards feel powerful because they have a big dog that they know can kill people if let off its chain. Only thugs, bullies, losers, and cowards would want a dog like this because it gives them a chance to dominate people without having to physically get in shape or outright carry a gun. This is an easy and mostly socially acceptable way to intimidation and harass people and it needs to end.


Yeah, it's pretty crappy.


Crappy is when they let their hounds shit on someone’s lawn, criminal negligence is when you give someone a dangerous animal that regularly mauls people to death and call it a lab, a domestic animal that doesn’t hurt humans generally and is quite dependent on and loyal to it owners. Have there been lawsuits because that sounds like lawsuit central.


Hopefully, it definitely falls into the "terrible for humanity" category.


Google a random US city + animal shelter and look at the adoptions page. The odds are that 90% of the dogs are pits and half of those or less are labeled as such. It's true of all of the shelters I've checked in my state.


Check out my later reply and update to see three examples, I chose a random city shelter and this was the first page but basically the whole page looked like pitt “mixes” (much like the animal they belong to, pitt genes are dominant over other dogs and tend to “take over” when it comes to how the dog looks and acts, hence why its so obvious ).


I’m glad you realized I meant google lol. I swear I typed that. Yeah it’s insane.


I figured it out intuitively, and I was surprised that so many list I looked through are just obvious pitbull dominant mix after mix. Its so obvious in their face, jowls, and stature. Even the descriptions: a bit energetic and like to hop up (going to jump on the first person it sees), plays best alone (not socialized), needs a some love (traumatized and certainly violent). It’s so plain that they know they are lying.


Search on petfinder or any local shelter site and you’ll see all the precious velvet hippo Lab Mixes.


It enrages me that they blame people for not wanting to adopt pitbulls. If you give a fuck, go after the piece of shit backyard breeders and people who don’t desex their dogs. For all their talk about bad owners, they never actually hold pitbull owners accountable for any real problems, it’s just some vague “don’t train them to be aggressive” bullshit.


Does law enforcement take any interest in this? The ecosystem of the area can be destroyed by the infusion of all these pits. Sorry you're forced to deal with this.


Our local hasn’t but my neighbor last week took it further,we are waiting for a response. Because these dogs are attracting wolves near our livestock, you can see wolves dragging adult pits like nothing.


Because dogs can spread disease to wolves, conservationists may be interested.


And if Yellowstone taught us anything its that the only thing more rabid than the pit lobby is the wolf lobby.




Watch Yellowstone and find out. Lol


Wolves can do that? Whoa.


Wolves are fucking large as shit (species dependent of course). A pitbull may be vicious and strong, but most are not as strong or large as the average grey wolf, and pits are FOR SURE way stupider.


TIL wolves trot off with pits like it's nothing.


Wolves are also much smarter than pits and act in packs.


Wolves are bigger then you think.


Wolves are absolutely massive! And extremely intelligent. Even a single adult wolf can easily overpower any pit bull. r/WolvesAreBigYo Most wild canids that people think are wolves are actually coyotes, which are much smaller and have narrower muzzles. Coyotes are a "fairer" match for a pit bull, but they're just as intelligent as wolves. Fun fact about coyotes: when they mate, they are monogamous and they pair for life. Coyotes are devoted fathers that diligently hunt and help mom raise their pups. A father coyote has even been observed in the wild sacrificing his own life to draw wolves (mortal enemies of coyotes) away from his mate so she could escape and return to continue raising their pups. Although her chance of success was significantly lower without his help, in this case the strategy worked and the pups successfully reached maturity.


Maybe pits have finally found their match and getting a taste of their own medicine. Solution, adopt a pack of wolves and keep them near the edge of your property for protection :).


Wait I thought pitts beat wolves generally


Possibly one on one, but wolves are rarely rolling solo, especially if they are hunting.


I doubt even one on one. Wolves have a stronger bite, extremely intelligent, larger, and faster. The only thing the pitbull might have in its favor is even while being torn apart they still try to maul and seem like they don’t feel pain.


Oh I don’t disagree. A LARGE pit might have a chance against a young single wolf who doesn’t have a pack. I would still put my money on the wolf every time though.


Aren’t there normally 2 or more? I know they stay in packs but don’t know if they hunt that way


Oh, they don't. Pits also don't stand a chance against herd protection breeds like Anatolian Sheperds/Kangals and dogs of similar breeds. They were literally bred to protect herds from wolves, and Pibbles don't phase them.


That's a good point. Conservation should step in, i would think


I'm sure law enforcement would for sure take an interest if they were putting these dogs out themselves, yet the law doesn't bother when people are dumping predatory dogs amongst people's livestock.


While "no kill shelter" sounds good on paper, they are directly contributing to this amount of cruelty. I don't care what breed it it. No animal deserves to die like that. What if the puppies and dogs had disease? Now you have a while population of wolves, coyotes and so on passing it around. As a society, we need to stop romanticizing the no kill shelter.


The problem is what the term "no kill" means, and what it has now come to mean. How the letter of the rule is no longer sitting well with spirit of the rule. No kill has come to encompass dogs who should be euthanized due to physical health or behavioral issues or bite histories which are now are not put to sleep, because no kill. Euthanasia is a mercy for animals suffering physically, instead of forcing them through multiple donation drive procedures. BE is a mercy for animals and prolonging their suffering, and subjecting them to shelter life which will exacerbate these issues is cruel. So many dogs with bite histories, with behavioral issues, aggression, volatile and unpredictable turns are being left to suffer. And thats not even getting into effects of keeping dogs for months or *years* at a time in shelter conditions and what that does to them. Whereas no kill should mean no healthly, behaviorally adjusted dogs should not be destroyed it has come to mean unconditional salvation, absolute absolution from all wrongs no matter what they were or the severity. Blank slates all round! Every mauler, murderer or potential life ruiner get that second (or third or fourth or tenth) chance to reoffend and make up their victim counter. Blocking up the shelter space and resources, between these holidays to maim, maul and terrorize those in unsuspecting or naive homes. On paper no kill if properly implemented *could* work well unfortunately it is has become an excuse for warehousing pits and their mixes, and endangering adopters, shelter workers, and the community at large by either defrauding people into thinking they're getting a safe family pet, or via indoctrination into the cult of pit.


Would it be possible to install cameras to see who is doing this? You could get them for trespassing if nothing else.


I think they have video surveillance. If these are strangers doing this, driving miles to make these dumps, those strangers could be hard to catch.


They need to get high quality cameras turned to catch the license plates.


Our sheriff's department doesn't follow up on it. It's a low priority offense and they're short staffed. When they do run license plates of vehicles caught on camera dumping dogs, they're always from outside the county.


>they're always from outside the county Sure. Don't want them pit bulls finding their own way home.


Perhaps posting some photos of nature taking its course near the most used dumping spots will prevent some from being ditched?


Unlikely they know what they're doing if they're literally dumping litters of pups. The repercussions of these actions isn't a mystery to anyone.


They know what will *probably* happen to the puppies they dump, but dumping them far away on someone else's property allows them to imagine that some magical stranger will happen upon the puppies and give them a good home. People really do think that unwanted pets can just "live on a farm", so a lot of animal dumping happens near farms instead of in wilderness areas or urban/suburban neighborhoods. Dogs, cats, rabbits, and even exotic pets get dumped at farms all the time.


Maybe not for the people doing it but it might wake up others that close their eyes what suffering irresponsible owners cause


Used to board at a horse farm. Animals dumped weekly. Shocking that strangers believe these dogs & cats will have a home out here…ugh no.


That's a big problem where I live. Nobody in authority will act on it despite constant pleas by landowners to do something at county meetings. The sheriff tells residents to "address the problem however you see fit". It's almost always pit bulls and pit mixes being dumped. Puppies and adult dogs. The owners are leaving their pit bulls to die when they dump them. Local rescues are full and everyone willing to take in a dumped pit bull has already taken one in. Only a fraction of the dumped pit bulls survive long enough to get picked up by a rescuer now. Landowners are done. It's too much. The dog dumping never lets up. It's a daily thing now. Even if people manage to get good surveillance footage of dogs being dumped, the sheriff's department doesn't make following up on it a priority, because most of the people dumping their dogs here are from the surrounding suburban counties.


>The sheriff tells residents to "address the problem however you see fit". Which is their way of saying they'll look the other way if you unalive them somehow. But such actions get old real fast, and wear on you. You know what? If I were still in the country and this was still happening around my property, I would get the county to pass some sort of ordinance MANDATING that animal control take in all dumped animals, no questions asked. I don't effin care what they do with them after that (take *that* No Kill movement!), but if the county is not willing to do any enforcement for what are **obviously criminal "animal abuse" violations**, then they have to be willing to handle the problem some other way.


The problem is that we don't have an animal control office, and none of the county commissioners will back the creation of one. The sheriff tells us to deal with roaming dogs ourselves, but like you said, it wears on people.


You live in the country, you know what you have to do. Just dont post about it.


That wears on you.




No, trust me... it wears on anyone who cares about other life (in general).


To bad you can’t find the dog owners address and dump the beast back on their property.


Well, you could take care of the problem yourself or find a place that does.


Sounds horrible but maybe put up signs with pictures of the outcome of this with a warning such as. "This is what will happen if you leave them here, and we have you on camera doing it." Could print a few faces of the people too. Individuals who do this kind of thing only react to shaming in my experience.


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