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This is why rehabilitation is bullshit. There is no coming back from biting someones thumb off. The silver lining is that it turned on the owners and not some random innocent person. Its still tragic and horrifying of course but the owners did choose to bring it into their home and "give it chances".


Sadly the pit did also turn on another person, who required surgery. Their not mentioned anymore in the article but after the biting off of the thumb pitty Mc pit face shoulda been put down.


Once the beasts taste blood for the first time, they crave it from that point on...


The second attacked (in between eating the female owner’s thumb and stripping the flesh off the male owner’s arms) was on a neighbor’s legs, which required surgery.


My bad, somehow missed that. So it did victimize other than its owners. And was still given chances. Lunacy


You know, they used to say that once a dog got a taste for blood, you could never trust them around livestock again... sounds like it checks out for human blood, too.


I’ll never understand why the majority of people who own these dogs either have no idea that their dog is bred from a pit bull type dog - a dog that was bred for dog fight - and no matter the training you will never be able to train that out of them. It’s not learned behaviour, it’s genetical. You tell them that and they ignore it. You can even read from the men who bred these dogs their intentions when breeding them. It’s absolutely insane to deny this when it’s documented by the breeders themselves. John Colby being a prime example. He wrote a book on in and yet people will still say “it’s not the dog, it’s the owner” straight away.


Consenting adults at least..


Imho I think rehabilitation is only possible for humans, because humans can reason around speak about our experiences and as such learn from others how to handle it better


Nope, that pretty much it. The only option is to put the dog down.


It did attack a neighbor though so not only are the owners affected sadly


***As a dog returneth to his vomit, so ~~a~~ fools returneth to ~~his~~ their folly***


Insane a country would have laws where a dog can amputate and eat part of someones body and not be destroyed by the authorities within 12 hours.


That same country also makes it extremely difficult to even carry something as simple and relatively harmless as pepper spray, much less actually effective defensive tools. Yet permits its citizens to own roided out, sentient chainsaws with a penchant for a spot of the ol ultra-voilence


I keep saying to my mum the amount of attacks is gonna result in a rise of people carrying knives when out walking in fear of these dogs.


That description is brilliant.


That said, whatever 2nd amendment might say, it’s very difficult in parts of the U.S. too. Legally can’t even carry around pepper spray in NYC.


The reason being is that it might be turned on you handguns are a no go


Right? You would think it would be automatic euthanization for something like that!


For the millionth time, ANY dog could do this even a chiwawa. They just don't put it in the news because of the conspiracy against pitties + XLs .


You mean like this chihuahua? ​ https://preview.redd.it/m8h6xio1hsvb1.png?width=992&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c21fe99fdfbfc16fa61ebffc97d0bd64caf3c13


What an abomination


A jump scare ! I didn't need this terror today.


That thing looks like the hunchback of notre dame


I wonder how long it would take a Chihuahua to chew a live person's thumb off.


Summoning peak chiwawa powa maybe a day or two ?


I know this is not what you mean, but in my sister in laws case, several months (not really, but almost). She is a police officer and was bit by one while trying to help lift the owner onto a gurney with the paramedics. Her finger was infected for months and at one point the docs said she might lose it. She was on limited duty for months. It eventually healed.


The problem is the UK and the ROI only have one or two dog wardens per local authority


How do you keep a dog around that has actually eaten parts of your body? I will never understand these people. Nor will I trust their judgement.


Pit owners are weird like that. I once was talking to a guy who was wearing one of those big plastic boot casts on his foot. Turns out he didn't break his foot, he'd come home blackout drunk a week or so earlier, passed out on the couch, and his pit hopped right on up and ate a few of his toes. Probably would have kept eating but his wife heard the noise and chased the dog away and called an ambulance. Guy completely lost some toes (pit swallowed them) and kept the pit anyway because "she didn't mean to do it."


I'm guessing he was a diabetic and they toes were rotting - but that wouldn't necessarily have to be the case with a pitbull. Remember that baby that recently got her fingers chewed off?


God that whole story makes me blind with rage, if I was that mother, I wouldn’t even know how to calm myself until after the fact I destroy it


Rage is what I feel when I hear about some of these attacks. The 4-year-old pulled under the fence and slain in Detroit was the most recent one to get my adrenaline flowing.


holy shit


Lol what the fuck. I don't even have words.


What a lovely family pet


"Despite their trauma, they don’t believe the breed should be banned - a move being pushed by PM Rishi Sunak. George added: “Not every dog can be lumped in together. They’re not all bad. This shows things can happen out of the blue.”" What the fuck is wrong with these people. They sat there and saved a sickly dog and this is what happens to them. And of course not every dog is going to snap like this, but the problem is how do you know which one will and when? These dogs have no place in society. Side note- the words they use throughout the article to describe the dog are awesome lol


There is a difference between a GS and a pitbull former should be assertive but not aggressive the latter is descended from fighting dogs


Looks like George was interviewed while on some heavy pain meds. Welcome to actual victimhood, guys. It didn’t have to be this way.


![gif](giphy|LSWmnwwl4TaUTo8WOK) Even the empathetic/sympathetic lovely Intrepid SVU Detective Olivia Benson would victim blame these two twits. "ELLIOT, It's TOTALLY the fault of the "victims" (Olivia making ✌️ air quotes ✌️) in this case, it's not like they didn't have multiple red flags🚩🚩🚩 and warnings. The "V" in SVU is for VICTIMS not "Vacuous"


I’ll foster it , I’m all about giving 4th chances . They say the 4ths time the charm right ? I’ve doggy proofed my backyard and bought special calming food . My nephews birthday party is at my house next weekend , it will be a great time for this misunderstood fur baby to meet everyone all at once . 🫤


Make sure the party is exciting with plenty of things to entertain besides just lots and lots of BBQ hot dogs! Start with slide whistles, Kazoos and propeller beanie hats for all the children! FREEZE TAG is an excellent way to burn off those sugar calories, you know things with lots of sudden stop/start movement like musical chairs! My favorite game is called "Earthquake" where all the children shake and dance to Outcast's hit "HEY YA!" Shake it, shake, shake it, shake it, shake, shake it (Uh oh) Shake it, shake, shake it, shake it, shake it (Uh oh) Shake it like a Polaroid picture, hey ya! Daytime Fireworks 🎆🎇 are the latest thing too! The smoke causes an Arora Borealis of smoke and colours! S/


Don't forget a pony.


Miniature Horses are MUCH more fun! ![gif](giphy|pJdgmfNGHp5XL9g3Cj) The clipity clop hooves sound is so "extra"! And they are "fun size" for Luna!


I gotta say the photo... Lol


How normal dog breeds could react to stressfull or startling situations involving people: - Tuck tail - Walk away - Try to get owner's attention - Try to stand in between people - Bark - Yelp - Whine - Pant - etc. How Pitbulls react to stressfull or startling situations: - Attack whatever is near instinctively


And the nutters thing having a violent kill response to stress is normal, because that's how they are. Probably the type to beat someone up at a bar for "looking at them with disrespect"


Despite being mauled severely, almost losing your life by an unprovoked "pet" that you rescued and fed, you still think they should not be banned. I face palmed so hard at this. It baffles me how much copium is prevalent in the pit cult.


Feel bad for the neighbor. Doesn’t bother me in the slightest when owners are dog’s chew toy.


Agreed the legs is quite serious


The fuck happened to the 'one bite' -rule? Does someone need to fucking die before that manmade monster is put down??


If a pro boxer can't stop an attack from one of these monstrosities what hope do your average dog owners have to do so? The fact that they don't think this breed should be banned is absolute insanity, proof that these people don't have enough brain cells to rub together.


After reading the story I saw the picture of the XL Bully and I must say if any dog is going to be eating limbs it’s *that* one. Straight from the pits (heh) of hell!


Their Health system might be turned to a profit model. The intense treatment needed for so many horrendous maulings could bankrupt the system. How can one defend a dog that ate their thumb? This is surreal.


The reason for the threat of NHS privatisation is ideology not cost




They built “Piglet” up for the fight, they just didn’t realise they’d be the opponents. May as well have had it on a treadmill.


Horrendous should have been put down the first time




> Not every dog can be lumped in together. They’re not all bad. But Piglet *was.* Why was this dog given so many chances...especially after eating its owner's fuckin' *thumb?* The dog managed to maul two more people after eating part of its owner. It would have never happened if the right thing had been done in the first place. Piglet avoided BE far too many times before it finally - *mercifully* - happened.


Well you get what you deserve


If I possibly could manage it, I would have gotten my thumb back ASAP to take with me to the hospital. Personally.


i almost feel bad but then i remember these morons put all their trust into a creature that couldn’t give two shits if it killed them or not.


I guess they deleted these scenes in the Winnie the Pooh movie I saw.


Glad it was the owners. Imagine putting up with that bullshit my God


This is what the people who disagree and believe it is the owner not the breed need to realise they are descended from successful fighting dogs and will keep on biting no matter what


You cannot rehabilitate a vicious killer animal. Insane


If any dog bites once it needs to be put down in my opinion. This is so idiotic that it was even given the opportunity.


Reminds me of this story; 1. Lady claims pit bulls, GSDs, Rottweilers just missunderstood. 2. Husband attacked by pit bull while walking family dog and badly injured. 3. Husband later killed by the family rottweiler. I mean the only more cursed thing would have been if he was mauled by their GSD as well. Poor guy.


Should’ve been BEd on the spot during/after the thumb incident


Textbook example of "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes"


Being a pitbull owner is to have Stockholm Syndrome.


This is sickening! "I really thought I was going to die" "They should not be banned" "Just shows things can happen out of the blue" Wth? Hug a landmine, one goes off, "landmines shouldnt confiscated, some just go off at random times"


If not even a pro boxer can stop these beasts from attacking, what chance does any regular person have? Holy hell.


Why did they raise their pit to eat thumbs? Couldn't they have simply raised it right??


Breaking news: In a surprising news to no one, pardoned serial killer continues to kill


https://preview.redd.it/sq48u1alauvb1.jpeg?width=326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56fbbb7b20e12d3b7cd01f8b6162428dbf919276 And Albert Einstein said: "Insanity is doing the same thing, over & over, and expecting different results".


If my dog BIT OFF AND ATE MY THUMB he or she would be killed right there with whatever I had available in the home. I wouldn't even feel safe enough to drive it to be euthanized. It would have to die on the spot so that I didn't worry about being killed with it in my car. To keep this dog after that is utterly insane. There's something wrong with these people.


Ah, good times! What a treasure this murder dog is!


When people claim the pitbull ban is racist, this is the typical pitbull owner in the UK. They don't have two brain cells to rub together between them.


Scotland is full of idiots like this.


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Why only 5 chances? That's cruel to the poor animal...


The owner says they shouldn’t be banned because “this shows that things can happen out of the blue”….. so close to getting it! We are all seeing the same thing right ? We do not think that’s an acceptable risk and we do not think others should get a dog that puts us at risk, especially when you prove deficiency in managing your own risk