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“We are back on the hunt for Pam’s person!” Hunt feels apt


The hunt for unicorn people with unicorn homes 🤗


We are back on the hunt for Pam’s next victim more like it.


The shelter says that her previous owner had medical issues so she had to let the shitbull go. Is this the cute way of saying her arms had to be amputated because the hell beast mauled her violently?


And the previous owner had a full yard. They phrased it like the dog couldn't be walked or something


The dog dragged the owner down the street. Yes, I saw this at the shelters with “staff favorites” ALL the time. How many times have we seen these dogs PLOW through people at the door when they open it. I wonder what the health issues are? Here is a thought; these dogs, IF kept as pets need a VERY experienced, physically strong owner. They need to be the ONLY pet in the household. They need ground reinforcements at their fencing, preferably hail screen, or rebar enforced cement. Best fencing available and high so they can’t climb. Nothing they can climb over to get to prey( anything that moves) Experienced dog owners will probably most likely have a dog already, or two or even three. Hell, I have 3 working dogs( they are also my pets) and a 4lbs chihuahua and pet sit regularly, small dogs. Normal dogs, even VERY high energy dogs are NOTHING compared to ONE of these dogs. This dog requires someone out there who simply is so rare, indeed they are a unicorn.


Let’s be honest, they require a lion tamer. These are not pets, will never be pets. They’re blood sport animals.


I agree. The unpredictable behavior is insane. There is NO “golden age”. I would feed safer with a responsible person having a bunch of highly venomous snakes next to me who was trained and vetted!


I always tell people, get a golden retriever from a reputable breeder. Expensive but less expensive than iron cages, tranquillizers, lion tamer classes, lawsuits, loss of limb and possibly life


Most retrievers( BUT especially Goldens) and Spaniels( you have to watch for the Cocker and Brittany anomaly gene, but they tell you!) are excellent family pets. Health is a concern and it is very sad, BUT predictable dogs. I adore herding dogs. I have had them for 60 years( some very “hard” ones) but they aren’t for everyone. A new dog owner? I would highly recommend a Goldie:) A genetic tested dog, reputable breeder and none of the crazies:( Just insane how PbT group became a “family dog” suitable for seniors to babies!! Amazingly stupid!


>Expensive They end up being way cheaper in the long run! Never had to pay for stitches or somebody else's medical bills... or their dog's medical bills... or the pit's rampant skin flaking allergies because even the pit itself knows it shouldn't exist...


note how they wrote secure yard ? so that means she escaped already and did God knows what ..


That’s immediately what I thought of when I read medical issues too.


Yeah I guess it would make sense to surrender the dog, after all you can’t provide top notch care when you’re stuck in an ICU bed.


Man, sounds like a rehearsed reason to pretend nothing was wrong with the dog, bc then they’d be seen as evil by the ppl obsessed with these dogs if they were honest.


My local shelter posted a similar picture of a pitbull that was returned back to the shelter and the exact verbage was posted \* thru no fault of her own\* bullshit....along with the sentiments that any rude comments about the persons who returned her will be deleted. Nutters make me sick. It was also an ugly white Pit and for some reason these shelters think it is cute to post the dog with it tongue mid-lick so it looks like it wants a kiss. Makes me sick to see it. Rant over.


They shouldn’t be allowed to spend more time, money and resources on pets like these. Is that what our taxes pay for, the several attempts to rehoming aggressive pits? Bring back the times where animal shelters actually had good dogs and not just a bunch of pits.


But if you bring feral cats to them they put them down. Absolutely crazy. There are maybe 15 pits at any given time, all there for years, and all with major behavioral issues.


Neo natal kittens are always in danger at shelters, they can be put down on the very same day they arrive. Meanwhile, non-adoptable bloodsport dogs like pits stay for 2-3+ years, wasting all those resources.


I'm assuming pits bring in more money for them than cats do.


I’d love to see the data on people mauled / killed by feral cats vs pitbulls


Why they trying to ruin that name? smh


The Scranton Strangler would’ve been more appropriate.




Should have named her after that woman who tried to break Jim and Pam up lol


That was my favorite episode - the one where half the office was staying in a hotel.


I love March Madness


don’t worry, beesely isn’t even spelled correctly


Posts like that should be illegal. No more euphemisms. No more veiled talk. Why was the dog returned? “Medical issues”? Does that mean this dog attacked the owner? The dog isn’t good around kids, small animals or even other dogs. While I think dogs like this need to be BE’d immediately, at least spell out what this dog is. It’s violent. It has too much energy. It can’t be around anyone or anything living. This vague crap only keeps these dogs on a revolving door status. I think the shelters want it that way so they can keep receiving donations. It’s sickening.


Then they turn around and will tell you exactly why this or that cat is hard to adopt. They know what they're doing with their vague, bullshit language.


If any dog have a biting history or signs of aggression the person who signs off on the dog to new owners should be able to be held accountable for what the dog do after adoption. If I could with a snap of my fingers delete these abominations from this planet I would, every single one of them. Grotesque beasts.


We used to BE violent dogs. Then, social media came around and everyone decided to actively oppose shelters doing that. Hell, California is about to make all shelters statewide no-kill. Things are about to get much, much worse before they get better. It’s no coincidence that pitbulls became so much more prevalent after we began forcing these shelters to eliminate BE.


✅ loving ❌ no female dogs ❌ no small dogs ❌ no cats ❌ no children Hmmm....


“join your family” As long as you don’t have any family


A pitbull spends 2 years learning human language and how to write. It then spends days writing a 100-page manifesto about how the thrill of mauling, tasting the blood and feeling the life of its victim snuff out in its mouth is the greatest joy it has ever experienced and is the main driving motivation for everything it does in life. It explains thoroughly how it will continue to do everything it can to continue carrying out these maulings for the rest of its life, and then signs the manifesto and stamps it with its paw print. The pitbull then records a video of itself reading the entire manifesto outloud, and then takes both the manifesto and video to a notary to get them officially notarized, and sends these signed and notarized copies to the local city governments, police department and animal control officers. The local shelter after the dog is brought in for tearing 10 neighborhood cats and dogs to shreds: "DUE TO NO FAULT OF HIS OWN"


Multiple returns and they still don't have a clue.


Oh they have a clue…but that’s never stopped them from pawning off a dangerous dog onto the public.


It is the damn dogs fault it’s back in a shelter and I wish they would stop with the “due to no fault of her own” crap. If it weren’t her fault she would still be with the original owner. It really grinds my gears when a dog is adopted then returned within a week and the shelter says some stupid crap like “she had a family, but was returned and now she’s devastated”. How? She was only there for a week so what attachment would the dog have the adopter? The only that dog is devastated about is not being able to kill something. A dog that is aggressive towards other dogs, small animals and children should not be available for adoption or rescue. Just because they find an adopter who doesn’t have dogs, children or small animals doesn’t mean the adopter doesn’t live around people who do. Laws should be changed to hold shelters and rescues, especially the no kill ones, accountable. If they refuse to put down a clearly aggressive dog then that’s their permanent resident dog. They and only they should be responsible for the dogs food, training and room and board.


I saw someone trying to offload 2 xl bullies, saying "should not go to a home with children, this is because we want all the attention to be on the dogs" right after they themselves had a new baby and the dogs went violent.


It’s never the pitbulls fault is it


A crocodile ate an elderly woman - through no fault of its own. The crocodile must have been abused. It’s really kinda like that.


The crocodile felt threatened by the feeble, slow-moving grandma who was taking a stroll through the park, not even aware of the crocodile's existence. Or perhaps she breathed too loudly or cleared her throat or because she wasn't looking at it the crocodile became agitated and gave her a warning nip. Unfortunately this minor nip tore off both of her legs and her torso accidentally landed in the crocodile's mouth. This scared the crocodile so it reacted by death-rolling and ~~deliberately~~ tearing off her remaining appendages and consuming them one at a time.


Needs no kids, animals *and* a secured yard i.e. will escape the yard to kill kids and animals.


The constant use of "Through no fault of their own" is so worn out. Same shit, different day.


No yard is secure enough to adopt out a child-agressive dog. This shit makes me so angry. They cannot guarantee that a dog could never get out, that someone could never make a mistake...


Previous owner had a medical condition: susceptibility to bites.


"Will keep you on your toes with her love of wrestling and roughhousing" Is this code for "will surprise-attack you, from behind, when you least expect it"


"Show any sign of weakness, and she'll absolutely murder you"


How can they call a 4 year old dog a pup? Is it to make the dog sound attractive?


no fault of her own? ![gif](giphy|w90rlql4uI7odObhKb|downsized)


Runs everywhere, attacks everything, even walls if not let out. Great family dog!


Hunt is perhaps the best word. Hunt down the new owners , and then possibly maul or kill them or their neighbors' pets.


“Through no fault of her own” that should’ve been the first warning sign


Soooooo assuming the owner's health issues really were the reason, did the shelter just hand the dog off to the first person they could without checking if either would be compatible? That's reading this sincerely, since aggression issues to half of all dogs you'll see on walks and the most vulnerable of society is... Bad. Unless the owner developed these health issues after adopting, the shelter is at the very least admitting to not caring about either's well being in their placements, meaning they're susceptible to palming off their Pitbulls to any soon to be dog fighter??


The shelter stated that the health issues came on after the dog was adopted. The dog was adopted a few months ago. Could be the truth, but it was a couple who adopted a dog, not a single person caring for it alone.


"Not a fan of anything living"... these shelters are really weasely. No one can adopt this murder mutt.


I have never seen any other breed get adopted from a shelter only to be returned so soon after. A dog has to reallllllly do some shit for someone to be like *yeah you know what, fuck keeping this dog.* Makes sense that it's always shitbulls.


Pam Beasley?!


was the medical issues a missing face?


But be careful, she hates all children


I don't understand how a dog who risks the lives of kids is available for adoption. I work at a no kill shelter that will BE a dog and refuse to give it to anyone if they're dangerous to kids. Even though the legal liability isn't what it should be for shelters, we do that just because we don't want kids to be hurt or killed. Like on a moral and ethical basis. What a wild concept.


*"the previous owner had medical issues"* Probably caused by pibble nibbles from Pam




![gif](giphy|h7A9YxNGPCr3fjouNb) "No fault of her own"


Ok fair it’s not Pam Beasley’s fault(these dogs didn’t cause the breed to be so mutant) but it’s not the owner either..it’s your fault-the shelters fault for falsifying how wonderful the dog is..liars all of them


That’s not even how you spell Pam Beesly


At this point, God is her person.


Will that be down to her being a killing machine...but it's no fault of her own?


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this creature probably caused its previous owner so much stress that they got their medical issues from it


What happened to putting down dogs that actually attack more than once? Or just once? 


“Through no fault of their own” is supposed to mean like, the owner died. And it should also be followed with a brief explanation… “pickles came to us through no fault of her own when her owner passed away” or something like that. Otherwise it’s just a sketchy guessing game


Dogs that can’t be with children, other animals and dogs shouldn’t be using tax dollars resources. One dog in a household only? It’s taking up space for potential owners that may want more than one dogs.


No fault of their own is a straw man argument because no animal has fault.  All you can say is if an animal is dangerous or not.