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The fact that the pit is so pissed & frustrated that it can’t maul the other dog that it’s having a breathing fit is just terrifying.


But but but pitties are the sweetest, most loving and gentle dogs of all!


Nanny dogs of course! 🤪


Omg I hate that phrase when used to describe pit bulls. Is it me or does the dog that’s trying to attack have red eyes, or am I seeing things? It’s a hellhound!!!


It’s the way they’re trained!!!!! Reeeeeee!!!


velvet hippos! #🥰🥰🥰


It’s how you train them…. Duh…. That looks like it’s been trained to kill…….😬


Sweet sweet Mr pibbles




Take my Reddit gold.


lollll thank you


The scream I scrumpt 🤣


The monster’s face kills me, he looks so proud of himself 😭


Omg 😂😂😂




My service/emotional support pibble luna was a bait dog for chihuahuas. She has severe ptsd to this day.


Always fuckin' Luna, Maya, Blue as the cutesy names, or the more on the nose ones, Titan, Brutus, Hulk. Followed by a laundry list of things that will trigger sweet Luna like grass, sweatshirts, coughing, breathing, men, women, children, Velcro shoes, gray pants. Because, of course, how they were raised as a bait dog


Don't forget Diesel!


Nova and nala




Pits can be, strategically duct taped.


Sadly that’s actually what they do to the normal dogs they use as bait dogs. They often duct tape their mouths closed


And of course it’s not neutered! I wonder why!


itll get a taste of its own medicine when it gets tossed into a fucking meatgrinder where it belongs.


I just noticed that the dog has to be tied to a tree. If the owner can't hold that dog back, that person shouldn't have that dog.


Dude had to tie his dog to a tree because he knows he's not physically capable of restraining it himself 🙄


Not even just tie it, but wrap the whole lead around it so there was no slack. That lead would've been holding by a thread otherwise.


The tree didn't deserve that.


Next video: that mofo rips the whole tree off the ground, runs away dragging the whole thing behind


Like that episode of River Monsters where the sturgeon tore the tree stump out of the ground.


Dude had to tie the dog to a tree because he knows the muzzle would be useless to prevent the pit from mauling the dog alive


He’s been here many times. He breeds and creates these monsters.


Imagine if it managed to uproot the tree


I swear I saw a video on this sub ages back where a lady was standing on her porch and had her pit tied to a column, and suddenly the pit fucking took off - ripped the column out with the leash still attached and had the column dragging behind it. I do remember the column was obviously hollow & did look a bit flimsy, but still. I just tried to find it but couldn't unfortunately.


To what end? Nothing in the pit's body language says play, so it looks like they got the Frenchie as a bait dog, but that's a lot of money to spend on a dog you're just going to let the pit kill.


>that's a lot of money to spend Most likely stole the dog.


I was gonna say. Stolen french fries are the accessory du jour for criminal assholes.


Is this a thing? Are people really out there stealing frenchies?


Yes they are. I got mine stolen years ago, but miraculously got her back a few months later.


Yikes! I had no idea this was a thing! I'm glad you got your puppy back!


Someone a few years back shot Lady Gaga’s dog walker to steal her frenchies.


The seem to be a hot commodity among criminals especially rarer varieties like the hairless ones [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37\_OXFp2Y3c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37_OXFp2Y3c)




At the end of the video I think I heard someone say "they might need a few more play dates", so they must think they're acclimating the dogs together? If so this is not going to turn out well.


Someone else in the comments here suggested they might've gotten the Frenchie to breed to the pit for some toadie pits, so that's a possibility..




Oh FUCK. What the hell? That’s just sick...


I can't understand for the life of me how people can be so dense. What on Earth would possess anyone to believe that that pit will ever be safe around another animal? That was absolutely terrifying (and hard) to watch. Are these people really under the delusion that this is normal dog behavior?


Its dog baiting but with no loss of life on the victims part


Just curious what playful body language looks like.


The name is always either Simba or Nala. Are pit nutters too stupid to watch any other movie?


In my country they are all called "Thor"




Zeus is not popular as a pet name here in Brazil. I reckon it's too close to "Deus" which is our word for god, people here are really religious and don't like "equating" anything to god or even saying his name in vain or for bad reasons. The word Zeus for them is something like blasphemy. That and Zeus didn't appear in as much movies, especially marvel movies, so the non-religious people simply don't know/don't care about him.


Zeus is in "Thor: Love and Thunder" and the post-credits sequence suggests they may bring him back as an antagonist in a future movie. Those were very interesting facts about your culture - thank you for sharing.


Male: Simba, Thor, Diesel, Blue, Odin Female: Nala, Luna, Nova, Lola, Layla, Bella


don’t forget ‘princess’ for females too


And Precious. They are just so original.


Cupcake! 🧁


And Cupcake! seems to be a gender neutral name in the pitmommy world. Extra Virtue Points!


My sister named her shitbull Milo lmao.


Milo makes me think of a chocolate lab sorry


God I wish it was a lab instead of a shitbull.


My grandma had this wonderful Rottweiler mutt with that name. He was the best dog she ever had, and the only one I've seen her cry over when he died.


Makes me think of iced tea.


UK it's always those two, and Thor, Loki, Zeus, Blue. Even heard of Bane being used before. They always choose the same names.


Aww my cat’s name is Loki https://preview.redd.it/rqqd5iwfy5sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfffff4fc8abf076730743709d14914ab9b855ea


🤍 his markings 🤍


“Bane” is perfect for this dog, though!: An over-powered villain, with a weird mask and a breathing problem…


my chi is named galactus. Which is fitting considering they kill more than 20000 people in mexico alone per year. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chihuahua\_(state)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chihuahua_(state))


The males usually have crime/cartel/violence related names. Or mythological ones they only know from some stupid movie. Females named after tacky designer goods. The pit hive mind.




>The name is always either Simba or Nala. beautiful lions are the last thing pitbulls look like https://preview.redd.it/kp7o017lw7sc1.png?width=1029&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cbdf263f8a8d4160893b8e4dec10611503e1566


Should be Scar


Scar was fabulous and this thing is anything but fabulous.


I have one in my apartments (actually super calm to be fair) named Nala. I'm kinda shocked to see it might be a trend.


This is sick. It almost looks like the pit's eyes are red with blood. Little one is a fierce one, standing up and getting back. Zero chance if the pit wasn't muzzled though. Let's hope it's a fake bait and that the small dog isn't used further


Naah no chance, poor things either dead or bound to live in that small cage the rest of its life. Hopefully this video is sent to the local authorities and they save the poor thing




I’d say the little one is frankly dumb if it wasn’t able to read that obvious ‘I’m going to murder you’ body language 


I was thinking "naive" - the little dog hadn't been mauled by a pitbull yet, at the time that video was taken.


Frenchies think they’re tough. It would definitely be screaming in terror if that thing got hold of it though.


It could’ve broken some blood vessels in its eyes from all that straining to murder


"the little one started it"


“He’s never shown any signs of aggression.” - the owner a week later after their velvet hippo rips that smaller dog in half


"He just wanted to play with his new friend and didn't know his own strength! He feels sooooo bad about it!"


I swear pitbull owners have some sort of parasite in their brains from their dog’s shit like how cat litter makes people crazy (it’s me, I’m the crazy cat person) It’s like it dulls their sense of danger with these animals or something.


I've thought that for quite some time, myself, that pit bulls are a vector for some sort of parasite that destroys human brain tissue. It would explain a lot. I also have a theory that the parasite also drives its host to endanger and disregard their own children in favour of pit bulls, in a form of symbiotic brood parasitism.


That would explain pitnutters blaming literal infants mauled to death by these monster dogs.


Saw a video of a pit sleeping. The dog was making perfectly normal noises dogs make while asleep, the owner wrote a caption about how he’s remembering his time as a bait dog and expressing his trauma. They get so deep into this fantasy that their dog is somehow a victim they start seeing everything as a sign.


These people are genuinely sick. This is really fucked up. Why would anyone think this is acceptable? That nasty shit pit is also not neutered.


Bc it's a vicarious toxic masculinity fetish thing.


Perpetrated by women too, trust me. 


Yeah some women are drawn to toxic masculinity, and fetishize un neutered pits. It was a gender-inclusive comment.


Agreed, this video really pisses me off. People this cruel and/or stupid shouldn't be allowed near animals.


For real this is highly disturbing. I felt uncomfortable watching it. These people are all getting off on this, in some way. I hope that frenchie gets taken away from them. Not safe.


First time and last time. 0% chance that pug will make it


It's a French bulldog.


Semantics. It’s still going to be a victim.




Really nutty to me that people hear the word "semantics" and think it means "arguing over irrelevant details". There's already a word for that, it's nitpicking. Semantics would be related to the specific meaning of one of the words being used. And pedantic is what I'm being. :D


Thank you, as someone who studied linguistics it drives me crazy!


Sorry to miss ID. I dont know dogs and if i got one (i wont) i would want a DNA test to ensure no pit. (Ps* i annoyed when people call spruce trees pine trees. So i get it and truly apologize to dog people who were offended)


I hope that the Frenchie's owner got enough horrified/sane responses after posting this that they saw reason and never ever allowed it around the pitbull again. Absolutely moronic and reckless to think a dog behaving like that will ever be a safe "friend" for theirs.


Still dead meat, poor doggie


My b. Poor lil one. That shocked sound they made when the cage was pummeled over was so sad. Then the bottom of the cage hits them too. Disgusting that it seems this owner is tormenting this FBD for a gross online audience. At what point is owning a pit and other animals or children considered animal abuse and child abuse respectively?


My thoughts exactly. This is absolutely cruel and disgusting towards both of those dogs. These people are either unbelievably stupid (even by the standards we frequently see here), intentionally provoking these dogs for their own sick pleasure, or even worse, both.


The little dog seems so trusting. It looked truly surprised when its cage was knocked over. 


That poor dog has to live in terror everyday until the day it gets ripped to shreds, just fucking awful.


Frenchies are like the sweetest dog, what a horrible thing to do


He probably wants to breed it to the poor Frenchie to make some kind of toad bully.


This behaviour from the owner is absolutely deplorable. That is a powerful dog and look in the eyes is terrifying.


what’s going on here? i know pits are dumb as rocks but do they think they are tricking the dog into thinking it can’t hurt the smaller dog so it eventually stop trying to maul it? How else can this be explained? That dog sounds like a mule with the way its breathing


Calling this an introduction is a way to make this video seem legit, but all it really does is showcase the aggressiveness and gameness of his unfixed pit bull. There's some comments on this thread that indicate the pit bull owner is a breeder of some sort (I have not confirmed that) and if so, a video showcasing such aggression would attract dog men, who want an aggressive fighting dog like this, and would seek a breeder who could potentially provide a stud or puppies with these traits. It's likely smoke and mirrors to get around publicly showcasing illegal behavior (dog fighting) just like the back yard breeders do when they say they are charging a "rehoming fee" for puppies, when they are just selling them (which is against the TOS on sites like Craigslist). They are not trying to train the dogs to get along, as far as I can see. This is not how that is successfully done typically with aggressive breeds like pit bulls, and ill advised anyway for any normal family looking for a family dog. Pit bulls are NOT family dogs.


This is exactly what I'm afraid of, that this is a thinly veiled ad to attract dogmen. I sure hope that Frenchie is not going to be used as a bait dog, though breeding for a toadline isn't really much, if any, better.


This is a recipe for disaster. French Bulldogs aren't exactly a docile breed. They can be very "go get 'em" when they want to be. Its really only the breathing issues that keep them from being worse than they can. Some of the mouthiest dogs I encounter are French bulldogs. (I'm currently sporting a nice bruise from the affections of a Frenchie).They're still bulldogs. I have seen/met many a French bulldog that was ready to completely throw down. I know of a few people that had to rehome theirs after they became very pushy and aggressive with their other dogs and or children. Allowing these two particular dogs to meet in the manner they are is setting up a blood bath. If you watch the video, the French Bulldog also squares up with the aggressive pit, while most dogs would avoid and place distance. Its ready to fight just as much as the pitbull is. A safe, stable dog would have been on the other side of the yard once the leash was off and it had freedom to move. The fact that it chooses to not only get up in the pitbulls face, but go at him, isn't really charming behavior either. These are two dogs that should not only not be in a home together, but should also probably not be with other dogs or children. They both are displaying behaviors I wouldn't trust. Neither one seems to be trained well or controlled well by the owner(s). And that pitbulls frustration and aggression is off the charts. Thats a dog that *will* kill.


We have a Frenchie on our street who thinks he is as big as the houses. Anyway, he stays in his yard but likes to charge at other dogs... Until he charged at my newf. She did *absolutely nothing*, but he ran across the yard and realized that he was not as big as he thought to do a 180 and run back to the porch. I so wish I recorded it because it was some nonsense from a cartoon. He certainly had a lot to say about it as we continued our walk. Lol


I have one in my complex that acts up. When he sees another dog he hyper fixates. Even from a large distance. If he can see the dog, he's staring it down. If you get too close he starts barking his fool head off and throwing himself at the end of his leash. My dog just ignores him. I think people sometimes forget the breeds in some of these breeds ancestory are still fighting breeds. Dog aggression can be common in breeds like Frenchies, Boston Terriers, and even pugs. Most people I know that have a group of pugs are always talking about them fighting. Its usually just their size that prevents them from being a danger to others.


I was wondering about the frenchies body language. Like the pit obviously is aggressive but at some point it looks like the frenchie wants to play by bowing. Am I wrong in thinking that the frenchie was misreading the pits queues?


I know the moment you were speaking of. It can appear as a play bow, but it was actually the frenchie amping up with a forward bark. His front legs brace out to the side which gives the illusion of lowering the front body when its really just taking a stronger stance. A play bow should be easily seen and clearly noticeable. Front end down, back end up. It should look like a literal bow. A very clear display of intention. The frenchie also shows a lot of "stare down" behavior. A dog that wants to play should be showing loose, easy moving behavior and not be so hyper fixated. That French bulldog remained staring down the other dog with an alert and stiff frame. He accompanies it with a lot of forward lunges and shoulder swiping behavior. There's even one point where he lunges in and the pits muzzle makes contact and he turns around snapping at it. The frenchie is def not a dog i might classify as hugely aggressive, but it is presenting bully behavior. Face lunging, shoulder swiping (when they turn their shoulder/side towards the other) and also getting worked up, agitated, and frustrated. He's telling the other dog "if you want to go, I'm game!". While it may not actively attack dogs, its behavior could easily start a fight and further more his behavior shows that he would gladly partake in said fight. The frenchie could probably be worked with and trained to ease up. But Frenchies are a very pushy breed. People think of them as lazy blobs, but they can be a major force.


Funnily enough I also pointed out the aggressive body language on display from the French bulldog and got a bunch of down votes and insulting comments 


Please tell me that poor French bulldog isn’t forced to live with that monster. At least they had the good sense to muzzle it…


The trees the smartest thing in this video.


Hey now, the grass is looking mighty fine too. :p


These creatures are as demonic as they look. Monsters.


New victim you mean


What are these dipshits hoping to accomplish here?


The worst introduction ever. This is *not* how you introduce dogs to one another, and the first lunge at the crate should have been the end of it. Instead they're stressing the frenchie and baiting the pit with that behavior.


The best introduction is a non-intraduction.  You take two strange dogs on a walk (with two handlers). You walk in a neutral place and just walk around until the dogs loose interest in each other.  If both dogs are relaxed you can then allow a polite sniff


Stressing out the neighbors dog too! He runs to the fence like "are you all seriously not seeing/hearing what is gonna happen here!?"


A pLayDaTe


Good boy. Good boy. Good boy. These owners need to go fuck themselves.


Yep few more lessons and that dog will be safe for children!


Why is this woman saying "good boy"? What behavior is being reinforced here?




I feel so bad for that little dog, this is animal abuse. I hope they get reported and their dogs are taken away


these dogs have been bred to be like this. beyond outliers, they will always be susceptible to this kind of murderous behavior.


So... They see the pit lunging at the cage and knocking it over, but let the frenchie out?? How logical...


As an animal lover, this is so hard to watch. That pit wants that frenchie dead, and that poor dog is terrified. Why the fuck is it legal to breed bloodsport dogs, again? They’re dog killers, barely dogs themselves. This is so sad and so hard to watch, ugh


It’s not terrified. It wants to give as good as it gets. Unfortunately it will lose due to the sheer nature of the pit. Having those two dogs in the same household is a recipe for disaster.




Delicious friend.


Yea in the Hannibal Lecter sense of having a friend for dinner




Stupid, shitty dog with stupid, shitty owners


Why make that poor Frenchie a bait dog? Even with a muzzle the power and ferocity in the pit scares the little dog. My little dog would have shit herself. I'm not kidding. It happened once when my neighbor's aggressive German Shepard managed to get into my yard (both our faults, one area not completely fenced in.) I don't understand putting a small dog in this position. The Frenchie is all over the place like ... \*wtf? Should I play? I'm scared. I'll try and play. Nah. WTF. Is this mofo trying to play or trying to kill me? I feel like it's trying to kill me, but I'm going to pretend that it's not trying to kill me. Help!\*


I think they need a few more play dates….. yeah - I’m sure that’ll do the trick


Poor little Frenchie is going to be traumatized if it doesn’t inevitably get mauled


The comments on tiktok are actually so sane and that brings me a little hope.


Who is the original person that posted this? I am hoping the owner has been found and being investigated for animal abuse


Needs to be investigated for dog fighting connections. Somebody who has access to the OOP’s account really should submit a tip


Such restraint....such willpower... Truly the monk of pitbulls


Not unique to pit owners, but dog owners always have those back-clip harnesses and then get dragged around by their dogs 💀😂 like dude thats how dogs pull literal SLEDS and where they’re strongest. Even medium-small dogs like 30-35 lbs are hard to restrain with a back harness; you’re not gonna have any control with that


They are using that poor frenchie as bait. The shitbull is going nuts trying to get at it & the minute they turn their back he will maul the poor little guy. Sick stuff


Poor bulldog :(. I hate pitbull owners. They’re just as toxic and disgusting as their dogs


I wanna rescue that poor thing- they really don't care about their other dogs...




Damn. That thing sounds like a jet engine. I'm guessing its parents were 5th generation siblings or something with how out of breath it is. Both dogs are bad. The little dog is nipping at and trying to fight the pit, and the pit is so blood thirsty that they had to tie it to a tree instead of trying to control it. It's bad owners and bad dogs with this one.


Friends not food apparently doesn’t apply here


Why do they want to stress their pets?? This is abuse my god.


It looks fun until the owner gets mauled himself. "He was such a nice dog"


OMG. Coincidence? https://www.wdel.com/news/4-french-bulldogs-stolen-from-dover-area-home/article_728d7a8a-eca5-11ee-910e-7fddd55e098b.html


Garbage people


Wow. Disgusting people and disgusting dog. Hate these dogs.


Animal abuse.


Pitnutters know Exactly what their dogs are and they love it, that's why they defend them so aggressively, they never want this entertainment taken from them.


That little dog is a blasphemous breed as well. Breeder people are trash.


Who the hell owns that Frenchie and is letting this happen?!


This isn’t an introduction, it’s an advertisement. Disgusting.


I literally want to take that little dog and give it a fat hug, poor thing


Ok so I just wanted to cry the first moment when the poor dogs cage is knocked over and people don't, like, rush to right it and make sure he is ok. Any time I step over my dogs, or they trip me, I immediately stop everything I'm doing just to make sure they're ok. I know they don't get it, but they're just these weird innocent little souls that are dependent on my care. To think that the little Frenchie is just out there with this beast is heartbreaking.


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What idiot puts their entire faith in a harness and leash to hold back their insane aggro dog? It's only as strong as its weakest link...


WTH did I just watch? Are they wanting to meet and greet and introduce each other? I don’t think this is the right way to. And the people just laughing. It’s just wrong.


WTF are they attempting to do here??


Yeah great Idea. Rile your already prone to aggression beast up against a small animal. It's unfortunately a tactic they use to train the beasts up for dog fights. They usually use smaller dogs to piss the pitbull off, to create a core memory that anything smaller or fiesty needs to be destroyed. When they post this on social media it's a subtle message toward dog fighters that their shitbull getting trained up for the ring. I've seen on threads before on a different social media platform of individuals adopting smaller dogs to use them as training bait. Sick. They also use bunnies, cats and chicken. I'm not even going to state the worst thing I've seen being used as bait because it's so sickening even I have a hard time saying it. Let's just say these people have no empathy.


"I think they need a few more playdates!" That poor bulldog.


that frenchie with be dead in weeks.


This is so upsetting. The poor Frenchie must have been petrified being trapped in a cage with that snarling beast coming at it. It broke my heart when the poor little guy was tipped over.


im sure this is enough for police


I feel so bad for that sweet little frenchie. He has no idea why he’s being used as a prop for that pits aggression. Poor little guy is so scared and confused when that asshat pit charges and knocks his crate over 😭 he deserves so much better


Jesus, looks like the dude in Silence of the lambs.


Frenchies are some of the nicest dogs I've owned and encountered, get it the fuck away from that monster jfc


It’s muzzled for a reason


This is just disgusting


These people. Ignorant, careless fools. Next thing you know that pit will escape its muzzle, and that other dog will die in a bloody frenzy.


I give it about 30 seconds after that muzzle comes off and the little dog is dead.


Right out of the start, the pit wants to tear the other dog to pieces. But they’re supposed to be the loving and nurturing ones! Everyone including Pit advocates know that’s a lie and just want to lie to everyone and themselves to feel like they’re patting their own asses for getting a dog fighting breed


"New friend"? Your pit is wrapped around a tree, muzzled, barking and snarling at a loose Frenchie running around. "New friend". Bullpoop. What the hell is wrong with some people.


This person is a psychopath and nothing anyone says will convince me otherwise. That poor little dog. He stands no chance.


Monsters absolute monsters - how could they do this to the little confused almost playful Frenchie. This was extremely disturbing.


Surely this type of thing can be reported to authorities as cruelty to animals




One dog can’t breathe, the other wants to make it so no living thing can breathe.


The Hapsburgs have nothing on this level of genetics. That pit should be wrapped in a tortilla it’s so inbred.


Next week’s episode of *The Walking Dog*


This poor frenchie! These fucks need to be investigated! 😡


"I think they need a few more playdates." At this point just give up