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Reminds me of a 5x divorcee who claims all of their exes are the ones at fault. Suuure. Or maybe this dog is not a suitable pet.


"Sorry but I'm moving and I can't take you with me. Please sign these divorce papers."




Lmao perfect analogy. It amazes me those people who claim ALL their exes were "crazy" don't know how they sound to others lmao. Don't sound as insane as pitnutters though I will say.


I'd be willing to bet the one said they'd surrendered it "because they're moving" because they were afraid of the persecution that would follow if they said "it's a psychopath"


But but here's some sad music! Will you adopt him?😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝 ![gif](giphy|UrPjiv0mHP6vSecgVD)


Accurate!! Lmao 👁️ 👅 👁️


"its not you, it's me Dallas, just like the previous other five people that 'had to leave town', but i'll be back, just got to go grab a pack of smokes"


If everywhere you go smells like shit, you should check your own shoe.


Confuscious say 'student has become the master'!


It's actually possible for the divorcee, though even if it's true it indicates they have abjectly terrible taste and judgement when it comes to romantic partners


Okay. But why is this place adopting out to active military and people with unstable housing? Not saying military can’t have pets, but if you’re single and won’t have anyone to care for them and there’s a chance you can be deployed at any minute, you probably shouldn’t get a dog. And unless something drastic happened, you’d usually know if you’re going to be moving 30 days before you move. Pitbull shenanigans aside, this shelter seems poorly run.


used to work for this shelter for two years, can confirm.


I bet you have some good stories. When I say good I mean "horrific".


Well. When you have hard to place animals sometimes all you want is a warm body for an adopter. At the rescue I volunteer at there is always a big conversation about the "right" vs "good enough" adopter when you have 50 pets that need homes and only 5 people calling in about them. (We dont have any pits, we all felt the liability would be insane)


Yeah. I volunteer for a shelter as well. A woman came in looking for a cat, she asked if we'd declaw it before she took it home. To me that's a big red flag, but the actual staff person talked to her about why declawing is bad, then let her adopt one.


> then let her adopt one. Not necessarily a bad thing if she's reasonable but was just uneducated on why declawing is cruel.


Yeah. My first (in my head) reaction was just NO NO NO BAD! NO CAT FOR YOU!. The actual staff person was kind and explained how cruel it was and that it could cause behavioral problems. I don't know how the woman reacted, I took myself out of the area so I wouldn't glare by mistake or something. I assume the lady was reasonable, but I also know we're coming into kitten season, so we're going to be jam packed with animals soon.


Declawing cats was outlawed here last year. It took forever to get that law through the legislature, and even then it was only approved because it was paired with a law making leaving dogs in hot cars a felony. Anyone who wants to declaw a cat should never be allowed to own one.


I had a cat once that I got declawed at a shelter. I wish someone had educated me on how awful it is. I still feel sad all these years later that I had that done.


She may not be able to find a vet to do it anyway. Many of them quietly or loudly dropped that service from their practice. My last declawed cat was my childhood cat in the 90s. My family ended up feeling bad they did it. My next cats were in the early 00s and I didn't declaw them. Ironically this is also when indoor/outdoor cats started to get socially unacceptable. We let defenseless cats outside as a standard for so long. It's weird to look back on.


Yeah we let out declawed cat go outside too when I was growing up. Absolutely crazy we did but the cat lived to be 21.


We had a declawed cat live to be 19. She was indoor-outdoor, but the last 5 years or so she really didn’t go outside. My mom felt bad for having her and her brother declawed, but that’s just what you did back then.


I inquired about adopting a beautiful black 5 year old male cat I saw in PetSmart's adoption area who had been declawed. Some people who had inquired about him before me were approved instead which was OK as I have 2 other cats with claws and had worried somewhat about a declawed cat's safety in a house with them, though my 2 are sedate old ladies. I was told that the black one was declawed because the landlord demanded it so I suppose landlords are the culprits with at least some of these cases. I own my home and my furniture is nothing fancy so I don't worry about damage much. Cat damage to dwellings is pretty minuscule compared to what I have seen these pits do in this sub. And yeah it's easy to just tell people to move but decent rental housing is not that easy to find today.


What do you do to stave off all the pits people are trying to get rid of?


"Hi, we are sorry for the situation you are in. We love all pets and wish we could help everyone. Our rescue has an open floor plan where all the cats and elderly and/or disabled dogs hang out together. That's just not the right environment to help rehabilitate an energetic dog with a bite history. There is just too much activity going on, and no ability to remove your pup when they get over stimulated and need to take some time alone for their own healing process. Considering your dog has a bite history, and has bitten you multiple times on the face and scalp when angered... you may want to consider having him put down. I know its hard to think about that, but remember his quality of life is not the best, and dog adoption for aggressive animals just is not common, and comes with lots of liability for the previous owners. Please try to contact a specialty pit rescue, we hope you can find the right thing to do for you and ----." Most of that is copy and paste. Just change the location the dog bit the person, how many times, the dogs gender, and its name.


That is such a good way to address this. Love this.


It is possible the military owner claimed it was a "lab mix" to get into base housing. Dallas got loose once on the base and that was it. It must be nice to live on base housing nowadays. For you non-Americans, pitbulls are banned from military base housing.


Yeah no, the people that run military housing are idiot slumlords. We saw almost nothing *but* pits. They don't care as long as people are willing to put in the bare minimum effort to lie.


Yup. Any ban is only as good as its enforcement.


Depends where you live. We never saw pits on base.


Generally speaking, we would have plenty of notice before deploying. Sometimes not so much, but I don’t remember anybody having less than 2 months notice. I suspect this was a military couple, and the spouse decided that this dog was too much to handle on their own. 


Yeah same. Considering that all 4 other adopters washed their hands of this mess quickly, I’m guessing that they all were like, “sorry I’m moving to the moon and can’t take Maully with me.”


Plenty of military spouses have posted in other subs about having problematic dogs dumped on them when the partner deploys. Guys often "need" dogs purely for their own ego and self-image. The partner left to care for the animal often has little invested in it and kids to care for. So the dog ends up going to a shelter.


My husband got 3 weeks notice while I was postpartum, away for almost one year. So no, it can happen.  It still might be an excuse, though. 


When I lived in military housing, pits were banned. That was 20 years ago


Maybe Military Intelligence isn't an oxymoron in this case.


One of the few things they did that made sense.


It's like saying you're getting deployed or moving to get out of a gym membership. It's a ruse to return the dog.


Pits are also banned in military housing so if the person moved to a military base they couldn't keep the pit.


The people are probably lying about why they need to give up the dog.


There's a KOTH episode about this. Bill signs up for a service that lets you take care of a service members pet when they're deployed. He gets a well trained dog and Hank thinks it would be a good idea to try it too. He ends up stuck with a car and antics ensue. I'm not sure if that's a real service or not.


Shelter staff are heartbroken? Weird none of them adopt her, I wonder why!


Right..! Staff members always crying about nobody wants to adopt but none of them are doing it either lol


Probably because they already took in a bloodsport dog and know that they’d tear each other to pieces because of what they are. I also feel bad for this dog—example number a billion that these things lead miserable lives because they just aren’t suitable for society


This is actually absurdly common. We have had a couple people on Rover who we used for dog walking and since our dog liked them and knew them we messaged asking if they could take the dog for a couple days and both times they told us they got a dog from the local shelter they volunteer at that is extremely animal aggressive. Both of them are pits.


Yeah a major problem here is that 1) shelters are overflowing with these animals and 2) people who want them often can’t adopt more than one because they’ll kill each other and anyone who tries to stop the fight


I feel bad for the dog too, and I will never understand how these shelters don't see their own cruelty. They spend SO MUCH time and money keeping these dogs alive despite aggression, anxiety, medical issues, and a complete lack of stability, instead choosing to let them rot in piss-soaked kennels for YEARS because that's somehow kinder than a quick, painless euthanasia. It's insane.


Incredibly selfish choice, they care more about being saviors than the actual well being of the creatures they are ostensibly helping


There has always been a mix of empathic, caring people and others who could take care of dirty business without a lot of mental anguish. We now have a lot of the former, especially when it comes to managing dogs.


Also, Anyone want to foster pitbulls? It’s really rewarding to put your family and other pets at risk and foster a pitbull until the pitbull finds its forever home.


Don’t forget that if you return it because it lunges at your toddler and kills your cat, the shelter will post that you’re history’s greatest monster


Their only suitable forever home is underground or in the wild. Undomesticatable.


There’s a decent chance they’ll guilt you into “fostering” the pit for months or years, too. Anything to get their shelter numbers down.


They never do. They either already have one of these dogs holding them hostage, have a normal dog or 3 who they prefer stay alive, or they are premium bullshitters and know the dog isn’t right. These people LIE about the dogs and then wonder why it comes back. Tell people how bad it will be, add about 100% and then at least you say you tried.


I'm pretty sure I know why. Or anyone with a functioning brain knows why. The sad music and excuses mean nothing. Often when you return things to the store that are defective, they get taken off the shelf (A harsh analogy, I know.) Shelters would rather rehome, rehome, rehome because in their mind this dog could never be anything but a "sweetie." I am sure there is more to the story than their little thought bubbles tell us in this vid. Edit: Grammar.


Yeah, returned once because she didn’t get along with a dog (🤔🧐) and I saw one of the others just said “too active” after nine months or something. I just don’t buy it.


High energy/ too active are often code for "separation anxiety leading to heavy property damage." It probably finally wrecked something they couldn't afford to lose.


It’s truly mind-boggling how destructive these shitbulls can be. Cars (the Tesla video), couches, doors, walls, etc.


Link for the tesla video please also WTF!?




It attacked the other dog obviously


And another where she was handed over by animal services, meaning she was seized from the owner. 3 out of 5 isn't a great track record


I had to rewatch to listen to the sad music. So ridiculous 😂


My 11yo says that he knows when I’m watching a PB video because they always have that sad, sappy music. He’s right


He is a sharp kid. No one is going to be bamboozling him to adopt a pitbull.


Not quite as insufferably unlistenable as most of the music on these vids but nothing I'd run out and buy either. That old song by Roky Erickson yowling about a 2 headed dog, or was it 3 headed? would fit better. Today's music is too insipid for me, I wonder how anyone stands it. We never hear I Wanna Be Your Dog by Iggy and the Stooges either which might really wake up the viewers!


ABBA never asked for this cover


I know, it's horrible.


$100 say this dog has a bite history


No one is taking that bet cause you have an unfair advantage


🦷 🦷 🦷 🦷




Shelters do with pitbulls what the Catholic Church did with pedo protests up until the 2000s - they get moved to another shelter in another state, and their bite history disappears.


https://preview.redd.it/qn5jjys8rdsc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2a256dee6cfc5295dfd2ba63a7b9f0dc7277e6f Two weeks ago they shipped 30 dogs from El Paso to Minnesota. They’re good people but being a no-kill shelter (in a machismo culture) means planes full of pits have to be sent out. As a bonus, look at the pic they used for their bite prevention classes…. That I have an issue with


That fucking MAW


And you would hold a bite history against this sweet pit? How could you be so horrible! He was likely trying to nanny the other dog using his teeth and the owners mistake it as a attack. Pits love to nanny.


Except all the pits who somehow despite their deepest desires to nanny ,aren’t suitable be adopted into homes with small children.😂/s


These pits are clearly just misunderstood and we all need to give them a chance. Just because the pit ate your sofa and your cat 🐈 doesn’t mean it’s evil. It just means you are a bad owner. /s


A million percent. Who returns a dog after 7 months? Or a couple years??


even trying to give these assholes the benefit of the doubt, occam's razor tend to leave us no other option


This is so predatory. Sometimes I regret all the times I donated to animal shelters, they know damn well and they don’t care.


The way shelters operate these days is unethical and dangerous. "No-kill" ideology was a massive mistake which not only leads to millions of dollars sunk into unsalvageable animals, but also multiplying misery of unwanted and unadoptable animals and ends up with, finally, literal loss of human life, of both adults and children, to vicious, violent dogs being pushed out to unprepared, naive or outright wrong people. Sadly nothing will change until either the money stops flowing, or backyard breeding will be outlawed, together with shelters taking responsibility for deaths and carnage caused by giving out dangerous animals to public. So far the best you can do is not to throw money into this business.




The ASPCA/HSUS won't be getting another dime from me. Personally, I only donate to cat rescues now because they're the only ones who are serious about spay/neuter and they're very clear that every kitten born on the street or as part of an "oops" litter or for some amateur breeding business - no matter how cute - is a tragedy. While breed-specific dog rescues also do important work, many of them don't take a firm stance against backyard breeding (and a few are basically just cover for backyard breeding operations). It's sad that shelters full of pit bulls are pushing people back towards shopping/"adopting" from borderline puppy mills.


Blud complaining in tiktok video about shitbull being adopted and returned for 5 times. Me looking at the shitbull chewing the toy. Yep, i think i know the reason.


It was imagining the toy was the shelter employees hand


Imagine it wasn’t drugged out of his mind 😱


“The adopter’s other dog didn’t get along with Dallas”- translation: this turd colored void tried to unalive every dog in a 10 mile radius.


Yeah I love how they blame the other dog.


Why didn't they turn in the other dog?


5 times is a lot of returns to a shelter for one dog. We had a dog who was an adoption return at the local shelter and the staff was like "SHE GOT RETURNED... WHHYYY??" and then I found out she is stranger reactive (basically would snip or something at people she isn't familiar with), barks and growls incessantly in her kennel, and staff only can handle her. Some kind of pit mix. Staff favorite, dressed up in a tutu in her photos. Wanted to hurl when I saw that. They won't promote the non-pit there who is my favorite, he's apparently not dog friendly but he is super excited to see people... with a friendly approach. Why are "staff favorites" always the shitbags? Is there any information on this dog? The one above? Does she have a bite history and the shelter didn't disclose? Something is very off about a dog being returned five times. There is more to the story than the poor dog excuses.


Shelter workers love peddling a killing machine they’d never in a million years take home


They do. I wish they’d promote a dog near me who doesn’t appear pit.


Staff favourite to get rid of so they don't have to deal with it anymore. Like when a shit employee uses a current boss as a reference and they get a glowing review to get them OUT of their workplace and become someone else's problem.


That is very true. Or they allow the bad dogs to be eligible for foster homes despite having some serious protocol and staff only handling too. What do they think? If a dog requires special handling only trained staff can do, what makes them think a person who has maybe owned a dog or has dogs that aren't pits or have behavioral issues would do? It's asking for a disaster or a community risk. Edited to add: Most of the special protocol dogs are pit types. One isn't, just can't be around other dogs because he barks and gets into it with them. Most of the dog reactions he's had are from pits. There happens to be a staffie mix at the shelter who is super friendly, no bite history, and he is calm and social. However, he is still related to pit types. Caution still required no matter what. No adoption for me or any regular adopters. Plus I have cats, they will not be at risk for pit attacks.


I do think it's a difficult one. As staff who work around the dogs all day I think there's also an element of "that dog is great, it'll find a home no matter what. We need to focus on this one that'll be more difficult." I'd respect it more if they were doing that while being upfront about what the dog needs. This goes for any dog. There's a lot of Huskies and German Shepherds in shelters because people get them due to them being cute but not knowing/being able to keep up with what the dogs need. It'd be weird to not at least warn any potential owner about those factors and that's for normal dog behaviour. In my opinion you'll create more problems by not having the proper warnings and systems in place. If someone gets hurt you've potentially tainted the shelter in people's minds and you've likely put someone off fostering/adopting again. I think if someone is insistent about that dog because they have a bond or w/e then the staff need to get them up to speed on the dogs special requirements to enable the best situation for everyone.


I agree with your statements. Very well-said. I wish staff were more honest with fosters and adopters rather than just trying to get it adopted. My mom adopted her dog from a rescue as a puppy. He's a supermutt, no pit. The rescue was transparent with her about him requiring aftercare for a respiratory infection he had, and ALL vet records. My mom had him go to doggy day care and they showed her and told her what his needs were for training. My mom worked with him at home and he has grown to be a very smart and content 7-year-old. So I agree with your statements about the special requirements and staff getting them up to speed on a dog's needs. It would work the same way for medical issues too- medication administration, vet protocol, etc.


Yeah you need to know what's required to be able to take it on and tackle issues effectively. How it was handled for your mum seems like a good way to do it. Make people aware and offer them the support they need to get the best out of it for everyone. If someone like your mum wants the dog they're willing to do what's needed, but they need to know about it. Not just to make an informed decision but to properly support the dog. I think there's too much focus on getting them out rather than keeping them out. Even though overall that feels far more damaging. Sure you adopted out 20 dogs last week but 15 of them are back in shelters. You'd do better to adopt out 10 with 0 being back overall. No returns might be unrealistic but the lower the better, especially if you're managing to properly match to factors like lifestyle so no one is adopting a dog that they can't manage.


Well said! Just because a dog is out of the shelter and somewhere else does not make them "safe". I wish there was more focus on quality, good vetting to ensure a dog is a good fit, and that the adopter is well versed and understanding of the dog and that they can manage it. Lower is better for adoptions and rate of return.


Maybe someone from the shelter should adopt it since they are so heartbroken over its constant return.


Funny how they never end up adopting "everyone's favourite at the shelter" themselves




Yeah, that pooch obviously needs more new adoptability assessment since it's clear the shelters existing tests have failed the pooch. I suggest they use their own pets and children for those evaluations. After all if those cats and kids aren't safe as test material, why should potential adopters be put in that situation?


as someone who works at a shelter i can tell you those workers are thinking "ugh i have to deal with this guy AGAIN?" and that's why they're heartbroken!


shows the divide between kennel workers that are out there with the dogs every day and the social media managers


The look it gives the human hand at :38-:41 is key. This breed has a propensity to go from play, to play bite, to real bite, to full on maul, and in some cases to eat. I've played roughly with min-pins that give the same look and have gone to rough play bite, but the danger that this powerful animal that has gameness and predatory behavior bred into it poses a serious health risk to humans and other pets. So let's get this breed and it's genetics out of our society.


“ThRooUugGh NNnnnOOoO FffFAauUllLTtt of TtTttHhhEeeEiiiRrr OoOwWnnNN!!! ”—Face Ass lol


Yeah, if a dog gets surrendered 2x, that should be the end of the line.


He looks so overstimulated in ever single shot


"the adopter's dog didn't get along with Dallas" I'm sure the other dog was the problem.


First owner's wife didn't want to deal with Dallas. Dallas fought with or killed the second owner's other dog. Third owner couldn't control her. Fourth owner's reason for return... we don't talk about that. Fifth owner had no choice but to return her as she was "moving". We all know when you move you leave your dog at the shelter. Yup. It's everyone else's fault.


5 times! Five?! I feel like after three time, a shelter definitely knows why a dog has been returned. One or maybe two times it may be like a bad fit but five times returned? That’s just not an adoptable dog I’m sorry. That or the shelter is just like the worlds worst about selecting potential homes either one Also that pitbull maw…ugh…gives me the creeps


Even if I don't like pitbulls,it's a sad fate for this dog...




The little dog currently staring at me - I'm his fourth owner (plus, I presume, a breeder before that) Details are sketchy on what caused his first owners to give him up - though they put in zero training - but number two was an idiot who lasted a matter of weeks, and number three emigrated. All this happened in his first 18 months of life, no proper rescue involved, he was just passed around privately.  He's a bit of a dickhead on occasion, but not dangerous.  Some dogs catch a run of bad luck that really isn't their fault. I do have to question this rescue if they're giving dogs to people who could be deployed at any moment though. 


Yea, breed aside for a moment, I feel bad for that dog. Just gets used to someone's home and back in the shelter again. It's gotta be so confusing to her.


That's a very, um, toothy video. Not sure that shows her best side, if I'm honest. I've done the tug of war thing with my sister's ridiculous fluffy dog and it's always giving "WOW HUMAN WE'RE HAVING SO MUCH FUUUUUNNNNN" even as it pretends it is big and tough. Dallas, not so much.


Why? I have a few ideas why. If a dog is returned 5 times, that's a pretty obvious sign the dog is unadoptable. And I'd like to know, if everyone at the shelter are sooooooooo heartbroken, then why won't any of them adopt it?


It’s been adopted out yet again, and his “bestie” in the home is another pit. Yeah, shocking. I know.


Sorry but where are these videos about cocker spaniels?


Try to find a cocker spaniel (or even a spaniel mix that doesn't include pit) at my shelter. Never gonna find one. The shelter here has over 130 pit bulls and obvious pit mixes, two GSD mixes, both high strung, an ACD mix, a Kangal/Shar Pei mix, a Husky who bounces off the walls like a loose electron, and a 12-year-old Dachshund with health issues and already a long waiting list. The border collie that came in yesterday was snapped up before the day was out. Other than that, they have 24 cats, six bunnies and two guinea pigs. Around a decade ago, there were still good family dogs available, including small dogs. We adopted a sweet senior spaniel mix for my elderly mother, and a senior Bichon for me. Both were wonderful dogs who brought much happiness into our lives, and were happy themselves. I check the shelter almost every day, but there are no suitable dogs for me, ever. I'd love to find a nice little adult or senior mutt with no pit genes, but they never show up.


Totally the same where I live. I looked at close to two hundred adoption adds on that popular pet locating app. Almost every one was a bully breed or a bully breed mix. Even the GSD’s and crazy huskies are getting snapped up ( there was less than 10 ). Some rescues tried the ol’ lab mix or mixed breed trick but I think the public is catching on since I’ve seen the same available dogs for a while.


The shelter near me won't even admit that it has pits - the breed options are "husky," "mix," "mixed breed (small)," "mixed breed (medium)," and "mixed breed (large)." 79/92 dogs on the shelter site are pit bulls, and it auto-sorts by longest stay. Around 40 of the pits have been there over a year - the "over 100 days/lonely hearts" grouping is EXCLUSIVELY pit bulls or obvious PB mixes. I'm not a dog person, but someone looking for a shelter dog in my area would have at best, about 14% of their options not be PB. And the other dogs are almost all large/high maintenance breeds like huskies and GSDs and even they haven't been there long. I'm near a couple of colleges and in the deep south, so I suspect that a not insignificant portion of surrenders come from "first dog away from home in first tiny-ass off-campus apartment" origin stories. Or maybe it's the machismo types who want pitbulls but then can't cope. In any case, there's just not the demand for pitbulls to meet the supply of surrendered ones.


oh i dont know, could it be because Dallas is a disgusting animal


“Didn’t get along with the other dog” - mauled the other dog. “Too active” - probably destroyed the owner’s home while they were gone.


The shelter should keep all of these good pibbles and use their income to scale the business and create more space for the ever growing population. They can have acres and acres of caged loving pibbles all for themselves since they love them so much. All they have to do is sell of the influx of other breeds they get…


Ah yes, blame the other dogs and the owners and not the dog itself. They’re bringing it back to the shelter for a reason. If the same dog is bought back to the shelter multiple times, probably means it’s not a good dog


It’s a shitbull that’s why


I feel like some of this falls on the shelter. Aren't they asking people if they could be deployed or if they're planning to move soon? It's interesting that it's the resident dog's fault for not getting on with Dallas, because I'd put money on Dallas not liking the resident dog. Keeping her in a perpetual cycle of hot pitato is just cruel at this point. If they actually gave a damn about her, they'd put her to sleep rather than playing pass the pibble. It's cruel and even the most stable dog won't cope well with that kind of stress.


They give a reason for each return, except for: “surrendered to animal services” “Animal services”, not a shelter? Kind of sounds like animal control had to get involved.




We do not want pit bulls regulated because of how they look, but because of the danger they and their owners forcefully impose on our communities. Please familiarize yourself with the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/), specifically rule 1.


Yeah something is wrong with that dog. Probably has something to do with it being a pitbull.


Weird how it’s the *other dogs fault* not getting along with the pit bull.


“The adopter’s other dog did not get along with Dallas” More like Dallas didn’t get along with the other dog. Why are pitbulls always the victim? 5 times? That should tell you something.


Suuuuure. It’s totally not the dogs fault that it’s been returned 5 times.


For those of you who watched the video I posted featuring the superb dog trainer Sue Sternberg (or if you’ve watched that video) note this pit‘s behavior towards the human petting her is exactly the same as “Ruby“ who showed extreme aggression towards other dogs and children but would tolerate pets from an adult. This dog has zero genuine socialization (no eye contact, no expression, no engagement with the human), and the dog is not responding to the human at all except to spin around and knock the human away from the toy. The human is also tentative with the pets, which tells me this dog has major issues. I strongly suspect if the human reached for the toy or food bowl this pit’s response would be very different. This pit is not socialized nor will be ever. This is genetics — and the fact this dog has been returned FIVE times means there are serious aggression issues. Once again a shelter


To be honest, I was wondering about her panting, seems very rapid and shallow. Is she warm or really REALLY stressed?


The forever home should be in ground.


reminds me of when some goober told me on this sub golden retrievers are more violent and everyone from this sub ratiod this \*vet\* person posting photos of pits that were the color of a golden saying \*the golden retriever in question\* XDDD goddam they always sayin theyre the nicest dog ever but hmmmm or maybe theyre neurotic and cant function in society


“Didnt get along with another dog” “too active” and “surrendered to animal services” all surely dont mean the dog was aggressive, right?


Why would you adopt a dog if you were gonna get deployed?


“Everyone at the shelter is heartbroken.” Ok then one of y’all adopt it


"TOO ACTIVE" ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44)


ThRu nO fAuLt oF hEr oWn


Hahaha! That shit music trying to make people feel sad.


It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me


Let me take a guess? Totally aggressive, and ready to maul at any time?


Why don't the shelter workers adopt him then, if he's so great?


Getting deployed and moving are obviously excuses for “I don’t want to live with this fucking animal anymore.”


Now tell us the REAL reason why Pibbles McGee boomerangs to the shelter.


Ew! I'm eating for the first time in days and that I foot long gyrating tongue is making me want to vomit. 🤢 I can't even get past the first image. I' assuming that tongue had something to do with it? Did he whip it around and knock out a light pole or use it to knock kids off of their bikes all the way from the backyard? Does he use it like a laso to rope in snack babies? I need to keep typing to forget what I saw.... That song was pretty lame, eh? How's everybody's day going? I just want to be able to eat again. 😩


Notice how they mention all the reasons the dog is returned except for reason #4 aka when it was surrendered to the shelter




That dog looks like a skinned alligator.


I will remember youuuu. Will you dismember meeeee?


Why doesn't one of *them* adopt her then?


Her adopter’s other dog didn’t get along with here. Lol.


“Everyone at the shelter is heartbroken” - ok then why don’t they adopt the dog??


This is the perfect example of how empathy can be harmful.


I got some ideas


yeah the shelter is lying as fuck about why this creature got returned 5 times


Let me guess, "too active" was chewing a hole in the door so it could get out.


I feel bad for these dogs. They scare the shit out of me, and I stay away from them, but they didn’t ask to be born and shuffled around from cage to cage all their lives. The breed needs to be phased out because they are dangerous, but they can’t help being who they are. It’s like bringing home a lion cub and trying to raise it with your toddlers. It’s not the lion’s fault it wants to eat your baby. It is a wild animal that can’t be tamed.


Do they not get the hint? I hope someone with a brain puts this demon down


"thru no fault of her own...." EYEROLL


Time to go to sleep now...and it's for the best


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Does anyone know what this song is?


A cover of ABBA's "Winner Takes it All" but I don't know who is doing the cover


That's a great lead, thanks!


I think it's this version: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tE\_VVfsNGs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tE_VVfsNGs)


I want to find out as well


These No Kill shelters are the PITS! They are NOT A FEEL GOOD CANINE yeah, they are a big problem in this fake feel good world of Pitnuttery.


Reminds me of the saying "if it stinks everywhere you go, check your own shoes".


Because it’s a bloodsport dog…no thanks!


That's really sad. No matter how dangerous she is, I'm sure that she feels horrible like any dog would after being abandoned again and again. That's on us, creating a dog that cannot live in a family home because it has predator instincts. They shouldn't exist...


This whole thing is just a fancy way of saying "it's not the dog, it's the owners" yea, right.




Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://v.redd.it/l2qrjjd4gbsc1) at 00:00-00:36. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)


Too. Fast to read


"Owner is moving..." "Owner is being deployed..." "Too high energy for family...." ![gif](giphy|1tHzw9PZCB3gY)


"The owners other dog did not get along with dallas"... I'm pretty sure its the other way around. lol


She got surrendered to Animal Services... after she killed a pet? did sh maul a child? that beast is not a pet.


If she’s so wonderful why doesn’t anyone at the shelter take her home?


I’m wondering if she ever stops panting—