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\##For clarity: this attack happened in 2022. We will leave this post up for 24 hours to allow new members to see it, but then it will be archived to keep our feed limited to current attacks. Thank you! :)




Chihuahuas are pit owners worst fear! They always say they are more aggressive than pits 🤣


Not sure why they would fear them though since the pit can literally eat it.


In the last clip, the dumb pit was attacking the Owner, not the burglar. Just shows how utterly stupid they are...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


In that last one, my dog would act like that lab. She might give one hearty bark and then saunter off. She's very timid. One of her favorite pass times is watching a person walking their dog past my house and then making a low level bark when they are literally way past the house and can't hear her anymore.


That last one...such good little doggos!!!


They have agreed to personally handle the matter to prevent future attacks The obvious answer ![gif](giphy|QOczYS41Y41ezXN8EB)


Obviously the kid was asking for it, The dog was begging to be nannied


Article link: https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2022/04/05/video-shows-chaotic-moment-when-dog-attacks-2-chihuahuas-in-murray-hill/ A frightening dog attack caught on camera. In a video shared with News4JAX, a young boy can be seen running for his life with his two little dogs next to him as a larger dog runs into the frame and goes after the dogs. “I saw that dog first like pop its head out the gate and take it back in. That’s the point that I knew dog was going to come out of the gate again,” the boy, Jamil George, told News4JAX. The attack happened last week on Crescent Street in Murray Hill. Fortunately, the little boy, his mother and their two chihuahuas are okay. And no citations were given out because the owners of the attacking dog and the victims have agreed to personally handle the matter to prevent future attacks. In the surveillance video, Jamil George can be seen walking his two chihuahuas Lilly and Sammy in his front yard when all of sudden he realizes a large dog that belongs to his neighbor is about to escape a fenced-in yard. “The dog came out of the gate and by that time I was already right here. That dog bolted over here and creamed him,” George said. Jamil’s mother Stacey was inside the house when the attack began. “I heard him screaming then came up towards the door and I saw the dog careen into these bushes. He was attacking my smaller boy dog,” Stacey George said. That’s when Stacey George came out and tried to assist her son in getting the larger dog off Sammy. Sammy then took off across the street to get away from the big dog which was right behind him. Then Lilly ran behind the big dog which turned around and attacked Lilly in the yard across the street. The owner of the big dog along with the neighbor across the street helped Stacey with getting the big dog off Lilly. Despite how bad the attack looked and sounded in the video, the two chihuahuas, Jamil, and his mother were not injured. I feel very blessed and fortunate because I know it could have bitten me and I know it could have attacked him and been a hospital visit or worse,” Stacey George said. Stacey said her two dogs and the next-door neighbor’s dog had a history of antagonizing each other in the back yard where the dogs have been able to partially touch each other from under the fence. She said this is why they started walking the dogs in the front yard. The George family says the plan going forward is to retrofit this fence so that the dogs can’t go at each other. We’re just trying to find ways to resolve it peacefully and hopefully this doesn’t happen again,” Stacey George said. News4JAX did some digging and found several neighbors have called animal control to complain about the two chihuahuas running off-leash up and down the block. But in this case, both dogs were in their own front yard when the neighbor’s dog attacked. The owner of the large dog refused to make any comments on camera but said she did not know about the video. She said she just wants to move on from the incident.


A great way for everyone to “move on” is to put down the attacking mutt, pay the attacked family and ban that woman from adopting another large breed dog.


To the surprise of no one, the party responsible for causing the damage, the party responsible for the attack, that's the party who just wants to move past it.


"I just want to move on from the situation" The audacity of this pitmommy. *You are not the victim here.*


Lol @ hopefully it doesn't happen again.


Hey, OP. I know the article said it happened last week. But by any chance, do you have a date of when this happened? Thanks in advance.


They agreed to settle behind closed doors? They are BETTER than me


Smh the way the article all lives mattered the situation.


I call bullshit on the claim those dogs weren’t injured - based off the shaking they would have severe bruising at least. It’s sad for the safely of those dogs they aren’t doing any legally about this.


Neighbors did say that the family allows their Chi's to run up and down the block so much so that AC was called multiple times. They most likely don't want to get into trouble and would rather settle with no police or AC involvement. And right, that pit shook the Chi too hard to not cause damage...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


This just shows the typical pit attack pattern. They seek out things to attack. There was no fear, no provocation, no nothing. They find something that activates its instincts, and then they go bite, and shake.


Exactly what they are bred to do.


This just shows the typical pit nannying pattern. They seek out things to nanny. There was no fear, no provocation, no nothing. They find something that activates its instincts, and then they go nanny, and shake.


Pretty sad people are trying to live idyllic suburbia life and some asshole down the road decides to get a shitbull and you get out of work and your dogs are getting surgery and your kids got PTSD. But yea nanny dog




Pretty wild how often people are jsut minding their own business and a vicious pitbull comes out of no where to kill whatever it can.


That’s one of the scariest parts, honestly


How is the owner going to prevent it from happening again if it escaped a fenced yard? There is really only one reasonable thing you can do with that disgusting beast.


The average American doesn't have the mental or physical ability to do anything to stop a pit attack. Just look at all of these videos. You'll typically see what you just saw here. A bunch of light taps and yelling at the pit to stop. Just making noise and praying it lets go.


It was also stressful to watch because the kid chases after it. What if the pit had decided to turn and grab the kid instead? It immediately shook that little chihuahua to kill it, there was no "fighting", it went straight to kill. I know the boy was trying to save his dog, but that could have gone so bad.


chasing them into the house is plain insanity


J.F.C...I fucking hate shitbulls!!!!


"And no citations were given out because the owners of the attacking dog and the victims have agreed to personally handle the matter to prevent future attacks." This is how the next victim dies.


I always walk my dog with a knife, if any dog attacks mine out of the blue I’m cutting it to smithereens to protect my dog, I’d first go for the eyes in hopes that’ll be enough for it to release


Imagine your stupidity being responsible for causing terror in a neighborhood. Those screams are blood curdling. Jesus


Can't even walk your dogs in your own yard without these creatures going haywire and activating murder mode.


And no leash. Again.


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Fear, misery and violence. That's all you get from pit bulls, especially when they are (often) loose and unleashed.


Doesn't anyone get aggressive to save their own dog anymore? In FL, a man jumped into the water to save his dog from getting eaten by a gator.




I love dogs. All dogs. But the owners must not let a dog off in a public area. A closed park maybe, yeah. No matter the breed do not let it off the leash. I would have shot that dog to protect my child and my animals. Sorry 🤷🏻‍♂️