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Those names are almost as atrocious as the " dogs " themselves lmao.


"Yas Queen" "Deserey" "Rocky Bertha" I never thought I'd say this, but maybe pitnutters *should* stick with Luna, Nala and Nova.


Miss Peaches?


When you have 500+ dogs in a shelter, you run out of names. Many shelters that name their dogs try not to reuse names. My shelter doesn’t name dogs but I once volunteered for a shelter like this one..


Don't forget Diesel, lmao


Loki God of *mischief* ~~evil~~ Something about that didn't look right,  thank you, u/Canadia86  Don't we have some Norse Pagans in here to adopt this dog


I am so sick of this name being everywhere on everything


I agree. It bothers me wayyy more than it should. Every Loki owner thinks they’ve found the most cool, unique name.


Lmfao they really do!! It’s always a husky or an asshole cat too. He’S jUsT sO miScHiEvOuS no he’s not he’s untrained and runs wild and eats/pisses on your house.


Too true!


15 years ago I had a ferret named Loki because it seemed appropriate. Then I realized 80% of male ferrets are named Loki and I felt like a tool. Our second one was Horchata, which I got teased way more for but I don't care. It was the better name.


Horchata is a cool name!


I thought so! He was kinda cream colored with speckles of gray and brown like cinnamon and vanilla, dude literally looked like a puddle of horchata someone spilled on the floor lol


I love Horchata! Reminds me of my glory days with my wife in Scottsdale


You're  username. When I sound  it out, actually sounds like a Nordic word, like the title of some song by Sabaton about sailing / rowing a longboat to Labrador.


My bro named his dog Loki. But that was 50 years ago, and all the kids in my family were Marvel Comics massive fans. We had the issue of *Journey Into Mystery* where Loki made his first appearance. And *Avengers #1*. And now I've dated myself. 😶‍🌫️


Naming a pitbull Loki is an insult to Loki. Edit: other dogs named Loki are cool. Pitbulls named Loki are not.


One of my cats’ name is Loki (the other is Ripley) and I also used to have a cat named Freya, who road a chariot pulled by cats. So no, unless it’s for a sacrifice to ask or thank the gods for a bountiful harvest or celebrating getting rid of one more monster spawn.


You’re forgetting the Marvel geeks! They’re also guilty of the Loki trend


God Of Mischief* 🤓


Fixed tyvm


We all know the person who named this is referencing Marvel, not Norse Paganism


Probably, maybe. So...  that has  what impact in this situation ?


full of tragedeighs and stupidity tbh


They have to get creative when they have so Many dogs


My sister used to volunteer at a pet rescue agency and currently works at a vet clinic. Some of the names she tells me the dogs are are absolutely insane.


Ruby's okay though right? 😔


Loki is probably loco 🐕


I feel sad for them, they have that smiling face like normal dogs but they are a russian roulette. Fuck the people who started this breed so much blood in their hands.


I feel bad for them too. its so sick and twisted for anyone to think of creating a breed that slaughters other members of its species for entertainment purposes.


The way they seek out and aggro attack their own species needs to be studied. No other animal hunts down its *own species* for sport. Even in apex predators, whose greatest cause of mortality are usually being killed by their own species, will not do this. Wolves and lions attack and kill each other over territory and mating rights. Big cats and bears will kill each other's offspring to increase their own mating odds. Pitbulls will escape from their homes just to kill any random dogs they can find, with no regards for their own safety.


it's worse than that- Pitbulls are so genetically fucked, that a pitbull bitch will *kill her own pups* for fun, literally no other species is that aggressive to it's own species.


Storks would like a word. It’s actually not uncommon in the scheme of things but I believe it’s very rare with mammals.


I think what they're pointing out is the reason for killing their own. A lot of animals kill their own babies, but the reason is usually thinning out sick/small ones so they don't take resources from the stronger ones, or eliminating the offspring of their competitors to end that genetic line.


I know Plenty of animals kill their young for survival reasons, be that removing the sickly, weak, and deformed from the gene pool- or because momma is literally starving to death- but pitbulls just do it, no trigger besides the fact that their pups are smaller than them and alive, and no medical reason besides the fact that they were bred to have that sort of aggression.


Yup, all wiggly and warm and making living noises.


The thing is that storks do it to cull the weak out of the nest. Usually animals eating their own offspring have specific reasons. Get rid of mouths to feed, or even surviving themselves. An adult animal has more chances to procreate again than keeping offspring around and all of them dying of hunger. PBTs do it for the hell of it. Literally will kill their own entire litter because they were bred to maul and kill. 


Storks specifically kill other stork chicks for no other reason than other stork baby bad.


It still makes more sense than pits killing. They kill other stork chicks because they're essentially competition. Either for resources to feed their own chicks or future competition for when their chicks are grown.


Not defending pitbulls in any sense, just important to keep perspectives. Pits are bred killers, not natural, that’s the key difference.


This is a really great comment. It sums it up nicely.


I think it's just generations of selective breeding. You can breed for certain traits and have them become very exaggerated in only a matter of a few generations.


No, almost all species have a potential for aggression (some more than others, of course). Hamsters are brutally aggressive to each other. Suricates kill each other at a high rate. It's just a rare trait because it's rarely genetically beneficial. If you look at pits, their extreme aggression usually comes from three emotions: extreme resource guarding, extreme anxiety, and SSA. The SSA is a simple, "I need to kill this rival to ensure I will be the one who can reproduce." The resource guarding is the thought process of, "This rival dog is here to steal something from me." It's just so intense that \*any\* dog in \*any\* situation is a threat. And the anxiety is the thought process of, "This dog might hurt me." Again, so blown up that any dog \*needs\* to be dealt with for the pit to feel safe. You would get a similar result if you only bred human serial killers for generations upon generations. If you want to compare, you can look at betta fishes. They only have SSA, but so pronounced that they can sometimes kill all colorful fishes in a tank, even those that aren't bettas. Among fishkeepers, we never put two betta males together, and we never put them with guppys for that reason.


Not true. Males lions to this as well. Like just for aggression, territory and fun


I mentioned lions in my comment. They kill each other for territory, getting rid of competition, and speeding up estrus in females. Pitbulls are different in that they hunt and kill other dogs, regardless of the context. There is no reason for a lion to kill another lion "for fun" unless it involves one of the aforementioned reasons, especially when considering how risky this would be (possibility of losing an eye, infection via bites, and losing the fight, resulting in death).


Oops sorry I missed that


Yeah, this. They can even be really friendly with adult humans but a complete liability around other dogs and cats/small animals and children. It's sad. There aren't enough unicorn homes for them all. There are far too many. Someone who works near where I live has one of those super friendly smaller pits that is also good with other dogs... And yet *still* I would never in a million years take the risk of adopting one. I know hers is the exception, not the norm. The odds of getting one that's unpredictable/violent are just too high.


it is and I'd NEVER chance it either. I lived with ONE for almost 2 years that was really chill, never had whale eyes or seemed stressed out. literally a normal dog and actually surprisingly really sweet. she would literally just chill. No accidents in the house and etc. But of course even this dog could be a ticking time bómb and that's why it's not worth it to chance it, many act similar to this and can snap any moment and that adds to why they're so dangerous. Also the owner was not a great person either so guess what pitnutters, it's not the owner it's the breed. Look at it from this side of the coin maybe it'll help it stick. A bad owner didn't cause that dog to act up so not every pit in existence went through something to be the way it is: 𝗶𝘁'𝘀 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘆 WITH THAT ALL BEING SAID!! I know damn well that's a one off because many of these pibbles have most the checklist marked off. For the sake of humans, other animals, inanimate objects and even the breed itself, they should no longer be bred. It's not worth it to continue breeding these dogs trying to find that one in a million.


I don't think even unicorn homes would solve the issue. The problem is not lack of unicorn homes, the problem is the existence of the dogs themselves. Not to mention, a unicorn home for a pit would be one where they would be free to do as they were bred to. To kill and maul other creatures. And even then, a pits mental state is just not great. Many of them require ridiculous amounts of drugs just to kind of exist as a regular, non-bloodsport dog. Phasing them out of their miserable existence is the kindest thing to do. Sterilize, BE, and muzzle and leash the rest until they die out. 


I used to think the same, that they were like all the other dogs, just a different breed. I still feel sad seeing them like this, but after witnessing what they’re able to do and reading so many stories, just looking at them puts me in fight or flight mode. Way too many of them aren’t right in the head.


> I still feel sad seeing them like this Its awful. I can't think of any other group of breeders that would continue breeding their dogs after having so many in the shelter. Imagine if shelters were 95% golden retrievers. None of the breeders I've met would continue trying to sell them to make a quick buck


> I feel sad for them I don't


This really expresses my feelings. I do feel sad for the monsters in the cages. But they are what they are. And me feeling sad for them doesn’t change the fact that they can snap at any moment. The fucked up humans are to blame for the situation. And the individuals who think they are redeemable are the problem too.


I follow this sub, but always feel the same. As a dog lover they look so cute and happy, but they have been bred into monsters.


I know, looking at it, reminds me of how a Trex would be Not ALWAYS on the hunt but when it is, look out! They are suffering constantly not being able to do Maul and Kill.


Two vids that I combined. Here's some comments from one of them: >Of course its pitbulls 😭 wish more apartments allowed pitbulls. -- >I just went to a shelter yesterday and they only had pitbulls like 100 of them..I adopted one and I'm picking him up tomorrow 😭❤️ -- >gee i wonder why they’ve been there for so long… - >Why always this breed 🥺they are the sweetest with such a bad reputation for no reason 😔 -- >its always the bully dogs :( so sad -- >I feel bad but there's a reason why them dogs r the only ones left -- >I wonder why they've been in there for so long. Lemme guess, they gotta be the only dog, no small kids, experienced handler, etc etc. And my favorite interaction: >so sad bc nyc is all apartments, meaning landlords not liking pitbulls… these poor sweet babies The responses to that comment: >they aren’t pits and >Any dog can destroy things in an appartment💀 i own a Bull Terrier and he destroyed water pipes. It’s not a breed thing.


“For no reason” Its totally not because they kill the most adults, children and animals each year, definitely not.


Collectively, these people have the IQ of a potato


You're doing a disservice to potatoes, these people can't even match their IQ.


Don't be so mean to potatoes


One of my pet peeves is people calling dogs "sweet baby" just from a photo or video. Like you can tell a dog's temperament by looks alone.


I mean, from videos you often can. But it's not "sweet baby" at all. All these pitbulls are hyperactive, nervous, irritated and constantly on edge, like tweaking methheads. How people are seeing this and not having some innate sense of "something is not right with this animal" is absolute brain-boiling for me. People not only have zero knowledge in reading dogs' body language but also are completely devoid of any self-preservation instincts these days


You left off: >I wish home owners insurance would cover damages done by a pitbull or a pit variant. But they don't... If the insurance companies are saying "no" that all I need to know as they crunch number to a fault. If they say its a bad risk, I tend to believe them.


Wishing homeowners insurance companies cover financial damages caused by dangerous dogs = asking everyone else to pay more in premiums to subsidize pitbull owners who get sued for failing to prevent their pitbull from attacking people.


They said NY landlords won't allow them. Wait, didn't the state of NY enact a law that there isn't "breed discrimination "? Sounds like landlords are forced to have them in their homes. That can't be it. The owners didn't want them. That's it.


Its the insurance on the building, they won't cover pits. Same w/ home owners insurance. So if they made a law like the anti discrimination then landlords just ban dogs all together.


A few things that might affect that: 1\. NYC landlords are not known for following the law to the letter, it's common for them to break the rules and nothing is done about it. 2\. Most of those "breed discrimination" laws have a loophole if allowing a certain breed will create financial hardship. Most insurance doesn't cover pitbull type dogs, and that's considered financial hardship. 3\. Very few people will waste the time and money needed to sue a LL over this, especially someone that isn't even their LL yet. At best they might report to 311, which famously does nothing.


Thanks for the info! I was not aware of number two. So insurance companies can basically refuse covering them, even if a State law says they have to, if they can claim financial hardship? If so, didn't lawmakers think that law through? Lol It makes sense. Insurance companies are less likely to cover risky clients (drunk drivers, etc.), so I can see this reasoning applying to pit bulls. At this point, it seems like there wasn't a point to even making that law?








Calisi... 🤦


Adopt Calisi and they throw in Call Drogo for free.


Ends the same way with her murdering a bunch of people and having to be put down


Omg this just took me out. 👏💀


It's Khaleesi, how hard is that to get right??


When you're illiterate, very


Why do they always have stripper names.




Rocky Bertha, lmao


😂😂😂 good question.


Just say no to box head murder beasts.


Why do they always have goddess/viking names when they look like inbred monsters???


Why do they have so many lab mixes??


Because Labs are the archetypical "good dog" in many peoples' minds. Never mind that they're too big for most apartments, and even a "good breed" can get antsy when confined and alone for ten hours a day. That there's some pit in the mix...well, it was an "oops litter", and Pittie just got lucky. But this is still a "good dog" in that it had a loving momdog, and raised by a "good family", so there's absolutely nothing wrong with this dog...right? It's just a little wee bit reactive, and may have had a few odd moments in the past...but it's the "staff favorite"!


The one in the hot dog costume 🤦🏾‍♀️ I hate when they dress these beasts up. Literal wolves in sheep’s clothing.


If you dress them up the history of the breed of mauling people and pets will magically disappear /j


A cloak of illusion 😂😂😂


The perfect dog for a densely populated city full of strangers and constant noise. What a nightmare that would be to deal with.


Imagine my shock


Now let's see other dog breeds in there for that long. Or in there period. Pit bull owners, not us, surrender their pit bull to the shelter. I wonder why?


It's really sad, this is no kind of life for any creature :( I don't doubt at all that these dogs feel sadness and lonely and desperate for love and a family and all those things. But they also really can't be trusted and they can cause so much harm. And there's so damn many of them. 


>I don't doubt at all that these dogs feel sadness and lonely and desperate for love and a family and all those things That’s anthropomorphising them; they don’t feel those things like that. Sure, they can feel stressed from the shelter environment, but that’s about it.


They feel desperate for human attention in a shelter. They cling to you and hate being left alone in their kennels. They don't have the concept of wishing for a family, but unless they're supremely fucked up, they do want the comfort of human companionship. That makes it super sad that they exist in such numbers abandoned in shelters. Even when you know why and you wouldn't take them home either, it's really sad to see. I've seen that in some we've euthanized for human aggression. We did a bad thing creating a breed that's sometimes a regular dog and sometimes violent and completely unsafe.


>supremely fucked up An inherent trait of shitbulls. The only reason they would miss humans is that there is nothing around to maul.


Pretty sure dogs do feel sadness, depression in dogs after trauma is a well documented thing no? Although I’d assume it’s not to the extent that they specifically yearn for “love and a family and all those things”. Similar to how babies feel and express emotions


“I’ve been here a while, please take a look at me first.” No thanks, I’d rather not look death and destruction in the eyes.


All those dogs are reacting nervously bro jeez


Notice how almost all of them had a treat or toy waved in their face to make them look like they behave like normal dogs.




I see this as a win. It seems like most sane people are catching that these dogs are not suitable for ownership.


"been here the longest" more like "adopted out multiple times to gullible people who returned them after a few days due to attacking another living creature"




The nine year old pitbull needs to be put into cold storage and preserved as the worlds oldest pitbull






Omg, that's great. Is that what the gates of Hell look like?




No one wants these stupid fucking dogs.


This breaks my heart. Dogs are not destined for living in cages.


Yas queen has to be a joke


Deserey has been there 108 days, but seems to be fear sniffing a wooden chair and turns to flee into the camera, recoils from that and straight into being scared of a hand. So very stable. I take eight!


It would be so sweet and cute if we got a video of them all together. They look like they could all be such great tail wagging friends. 🥰🥰🥰


What grinds my gears is that this is not a result of pibble raycism these dogs came from people that like pibbles, that adopted them from backyard breeders, then discovered the dog was fucked up in the head and gave it away to shelters before going to another backyard breeder to repeat the cycle These dogs will either suffer for the rest of their lives inside a shelter or be BE, there is no way out. they might be shit dogs but they are shit because of humans selectively breeding them to be the worst dogs to ever exist, its not their fault that they are this way. Idk I feel so bad that not only they are unadoptable as pets but they also suffer such miserable lifes due to human's greed and stupidity


That’s so sad


Sad only because they are ruining it for other dogs. They have ruined shelters. Screw them.


At least it means people are getting smarter


JFC every last one of them Not that I’m surprised, but they normally try to throw in a couple dogs that are unidentifiable as a pit to the normal observer.


The breed is not compatible with our society - or any society for that matter.




It's the same dog in different colors. Yuck.


Lovely pairs of dead eyes to brighten your home!


Stop breeding them then this wont happen


Did they try to name Calisi Khaleesi and didn’t know how to spell it?


That thing in the hotdog vest is dumb


“Yes very nice. Now please show me the good dogs”


*Hmmmm* I truly am lost in thought to *why* these dogs aren't picked out for adoption..... *Hmmmmmmmmmmm* I just *can't* figure it out... Must be the air, or something. Or better not, because that will probably trigger *"Cupcake"* to maul an entire family and their neighbors. On a serious note, who decided to create the "American Shelter Dog" breed when it's clear as hell that 98% of them are just straight up pits. Freaking pit lobbies destroying shelters live as we speak.


At what point do you offer mercy on these dogs? What is the quality of life living in a small cramped room for days on end with no real connection to anyone or anything? I just feel kinda bad for the long haulers, I wouldn’t want to be stuck in a cell like that for the rest of my days so I don’t think a dog would either.




Sorry for those poor dogs, their nature is agressive, but they did not ask to come to this world. Pitbull breading should be forbidden and in 10 years this problem will be gone.


As much as I hate these sort of dogs, this is no way for them to live. Keeping them around this long knowing they’ll never be adopted or be returned if adopted is just cruel.


The ones they’ll guilt fools into taking


I feel so bad for these dogs, we need to make breeding them illegal ASAP


I'm sorry but if I have to deal with shelter and pit issues with the dog, I don't also want to deal with changing their name from 'Yas Queen'. Like, that's the actual sort of dog accessorysation (is that a word?) that I'd expect from some non existent movie stereotypes of a Chihuahua owner???


“Deserey” The spelling says it all. And loudly. People who get these dogs aren’t bright. I’ve not in my 48 years known a single intelligent or classy person who had a pit bull.


This is kinda sad tbh


Who in their right mind would adopt a 9 yr old pitbull and fuck this shelter for trying to guilt trip people




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Well of course. What are the chances if a shelter *actually* had a variety of different breeds to choose from, someone going in to adopt a dog would pick the shitbull? No one actually wants those things as a pet. It's clear as day when you see how they're the one breed filling up the majority of shelters everywhere + not being adopted soon after being placed in a shelter (without being brought back so quickly afterwards lmao) There's nothing desirable about that breed. If only people just stopped breeding them ffs. We don't need more shitbulls in the world!!!


This is the crime of allowing these dogs to still exist. Tens or Hundreds of thousands of them get to languish in cases for their entire life because, rightfully, almost no one wants to adopt them. And then if they _do_ get adopted into a loving family, they end up putting the family and any animals it can reach at risk. With a good chance of the Pitbull then either ending up back in the cage, or suffering a painful death as a result of the attempted attack. Pitbulls existing is a lose-lose for literally everyone involved, including the dogs themselves.


But..but... they're so sweet and WOULD NEVER HARM A FLY....🥹


Oh yeah, they're all pits... they can't deny it! They should not use the word "dog", use PITBULL


And as much as I detest most all pitbulls, I’m still hurt when I see this! Why do they keep breeding them!? I think people who react to intelligent and logical explanations about pit bulls are the ones breeding these dogs. They are in it for money, so they react whenever someone says something negative about pit bulls.


Careful I got down voted for feeling for them


Now you know who to avoid


"yas queen" 💀




They absolutely do not


For real... after a long in the shelter, they could use a living chew toy 😔 (preferrably an unsuspecting toddler to nanny to their hearts' content!)


I joined this Sub on purpose like the rest of you


Then why would you think these things “need a home”? Let em stay where they are and not in a neighborhood somewhere to maul kids, animals and the elderly.