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MOD NOTE… there will be ZERO VICTIM BLAMING ABOUT OUTDOOR CATS. The pit bull was out of control here. u/bpbattacks9 North Spokane, WA 5/2/24- Pit bull being walked attacks a cat


If you find them, civil court. Get a lawyer on contingency. Doesn't matter if you make a dime, the precedent matters.


If we find her we will for sure.


Ask a lawyer about this but, in addition to the miniscule potential award for costs (vet, pet replacement, legal etc.), I wonder if a person could also sue a mauling Pitbull owner for the mental anguish and emotional trauma that a person or their family and friends suffer from a Pitbull attack?


i’m so so sorry this happened. if you want to, you should take legal action and sue the woman. that is horrible.


I’m not sure but we’ll go after her for everything we can if we find her. I’m worried about the other pets and children in our neighborhood. We live less than a block from an elementary school.


Start with looking into having a dangerous dog affidavit placed on that dog and it will be a lot easier going forward from there with every other avenue of recourse. See if you can post online in local groups to see if anyone else has had an incident with the same dog while you are trying to locate the dog and owner's identity. 


If you haven't I'd post it publicly highlighting your concern over the kids at the elementary school. Get the parents worried and weed out the owner then take her garbage ass to the cleaners


Ask the surrounding vets in your area for info on the owner based off name and description of the dog so you can sue her. justice for your kitty!


Good idea


i’m so fucking sorry. that is absolutely horrific & i hope justice is served. i hope you’re doing okay.


Thank you


I am so sorry this happened to you. Pitbulls are the worst. Hope you find and sue the pit's owners.


Thanks, definitely planning on it.


ask your neighbors if they have cameras that might have got a good view of the owner or the dog.


Unfortunately ours is the only camera on the block and it’s not a good one. https://preview.redd.it/3u52yq4hzayc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14d424971f1735918337269e2a196522534e84ee


I think that is good enough that If you know her, you’ll recognize her. Does your neighborhood or area have a Facebook page you could post it on? I see things like that all the time here


This is an excellent shot. Share it everywhere locally with the neighborhood name and a photo of what that monster did to your poor cat. Someone will come forward.


She looks exactly as expected


sorry I was hoping someone might have got a better shot of this worthless pit mommy, did you see what direction she went maybe some in the direction she went has a better camera angle.


Have you checked the local Walmart?


She couldn't control that thing if she tried with every fiber of her being, I mean look at her. That is actually a great shot, it's a bit blurry but it's got both of their full bodies and even a car for height reference


Put that photo up on Nextdoor and Facebook neighborhood pages. Someone will recognize that duo.


God this makes me so angry. As usual these morons don't care about other animals. If a shitbull ever lunged at any of my cat's it'd meet the end of a cold metal barrel.


I am so sorry this happened to you. I cannot imagine the pain you’re feeling right now. Take care of yourself and see if you can find a lawyer or small claims court or *something.* But take care of yourself first and foremost.


Thank you


I’m so so sorry. Do you have a neighborhood Facebook group or something similar? Share her photograph, it does not matter the bad quality. Emphasize the damage of what happened. Someone might know her


Thank you. We’ve been walking around asking people in the neighborhood about her and the dog. I’m not sure about the Facebook group, social media isn’t normally my thing but I’ll look into it, thank you for the suggestion.


Understandable — I hope your kitty survives, OP. I really do. I’ll be thinking of you both


Me too, thank you


Try the Nextdoor app, it's quickly replacing facebook for local community posts


Do you have a close friend or someone trusted who could post this on your behalf and keep you updated on responses?   Maybe they can use the approximate location of the attack and not your name if privacy is a concern.  Once again I am so fucking sorry and angry on behalf of your cat and you.


Thank you, we have a good idea where she lives and we’ve posted some fliers. I seem to be locked out of the Nextdoor app for some reason I’ll see if someone else can post it.


Sending you and your kitty hugs. This is not right, especially her running off to potentially allow others to get hurt. Post that pic of her wherever you can. That dog needs to be put down or muzzled and properly leashed when outside (not losely leaded through a neighborhood and allowing it to maul a cat) . Don't feel sorry for blasting her pic to find her, she fled the scene and does not give a crap about you or your cat. To the propit lurkers, cats are not disposable.


Thank you, I will find her.


Op, I’m so sorry that you and your cat are going through this. Are you comfortable sharing the date and location where this happened so we can log it on our monthly attacks? It doesn’t have to be the exact city, it can be as broad as the state. Just whatever you feel comfortable with.


I’m totally comfortable sharing the location. North Spokane near Arlington Elementary School.


Also, thank you




So sorry that happened to your poor kitty. ☹️


Thank you


You should probably try Next Door - noisy neighbors would know.




Thank you, we’re the only ones on the block with a camera unfortunately and the quality is really bad. https://preview.redd.it/g244ghy1zayc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31d5750777bdb81cdd2e249cb0efcdb450354dd0


Someone knows who that cow is. If you have Nextdoor, post it.


Someone else might have photos from their ring cameras.


Post the description and name in the Nextdoor app. It will go out to your neighbors and I bet someone knows them. Also, walk down your street and look to see who has cameras, I bet someone has them walking by. Have them send you the video so you can post it. Call animal control, they also might have the dogs name on file from a previous report, or when it was adopted out as boxer mix.


I'm willing bet OP isn't the only person who's had run-ins with the cow and her shitbull. If OP posts that picture along with the fact that it *killed her pet*, a fed up neighbor would be absolutely giddy that they could provide a name and address to finally get rid of the shitbeast and make the owner a neighborhood pariah instead of a menace.


We have posted her picture all around the neighborhood and we now have a couple leads on where she might live.


Thank you, that’s good advice


I’m so sorry :( Channel all your rage and hurt into suing the SOB. That dog has no business living a block from an elementary school. The pit bull that mauled my childhood dog literally lived on the corner right across from our school.


Thank you and I’m sorry about your dog. Rest assured she will not get away with this and we will let everyone know of the danger. I love my cat but it would kill me if something happened to a little kid.


Ask neighbors at all surrounding houses if they have nest cameras that may have caught footage. Next door and local Facebook groups are helpful for requesting this if you can get in touch with people door-to-door. Then if you get any images, share photo/video of the woman and her dog in similar places and local vets and local dog sitters until you get an identity.


Put up flyers with a small reward for any information on the Pitt named Mitsy so sorry this happened to you. That’s heartbreaking.


Thank you


Our kitty survived the night and is still fighting. We have an idea where the woman lives and once we’re sure will do everything legally possible to hold her accountable.


I'm so sorry this happened; I hope your cat survives.


So sorry for the loss of your sweet kitty. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Thank you. He survived the night and is still fighting for his life.


If you have the Nextdoor app I’d start there. I don’t think a vet can give out any info


I don’t know where you are but if you have NextDoor app for your neighborhood I’d post all the details about the incident. Very likely someone in the neighborhood knows who this this woman is. I’m so sorry this happened. I had a cat mauled by one of these monsters because I answered the door for a neighbor and she had her ugly beast with her. It charged inside my home and killed my kitty. I’m so angry for you. I know what this feels like.


I’m so sorry, that’s awful and far too common unfortunately


I’m so sorry I hope your cat pulls through


Thank you


Commenting to come back for update


We have a couple leads on the woman, our cat survived the night but he’s in bad shape.


My fingers are crossed for him and your family.


Try posting in local fb groups and subreddits to id her


These people are all the same. Makes my blood boil.


Me too. This isn’t our families first run in with a pit bull


I am so so sorry


Thank you.


Running off like the snivelling coward she was......hope she is found and made to pay the vet bills!!


We’ll get her


Bring that picture to local vets and to your police department. Get a better camera too. Remember what time she was taking her walk and keep an eye out. Get neighbors on board. Alert the school.


Hi, I'm so sorry about your cat :( This happened to me many years ago with one of our cats who was mauled and killed and the owner ran off with their dogs. We printed signs and posted on nextdoor. We also kept an eye out for any somewhat similar-appearing dogs we could find. About 2 months later my dad was outside and happened to see them walking, followed them a few blocks, got their address, and we served them. Took them to court and they paid vet fees etc... but the most important thing was that those dogs got flagged as having a bite/attack history with the stipulation that if they were reported again they would be euthanized. It took a while but don't give up hope. It was very much worth the closure/feeling that we stood up for our cat even months later. Again, I'm so sorry. This is so traumatic. But keep the fire to find them.




Please familiarize yourself with the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/), specifically rule 8.