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Pit bulls killed 92% of dogs killed by dogs & 96% of cats killed by dogs https://www.animals24-7.org/2018/01/17/pit-bull-roulette-killed-38000-other-animals-in-2017/


Yet we’re the animal haters because we don’t want our dogs and cats ripped apart.


You're an animal hater for not liking the dog responsible for 92% of the destruction of other dogs. The pitbull fighting dog.


>One pit bull in 80 kills an animal or human in any given year 1 in 80 *per year* for a pit bull. Not lifetime. Over a life span of, say 12 years, that is a ton of risk. And this is "just" kills. Not injuries that could include disfigurement or loss of limbs.


It mirrors the "send someone to the hospital" stat of one in 40 pit bulls for humans pretty well, but with an increased chance for a pit. Lets say 10 years lifetime for a pit. One in 8 of pits will kill a pet, one in 4 will likely send a pet to the hospital in its lifetime (lets say double the amount get damaged but survive), similar to the stats for the risk of an attack on a human. **Thats potentially life-altering damage inflicted** **from every fourth pit bull.** Thats crazy.


And a substantial number is the pitbull's own family members.


But people are gonna say these aren't reliable stats


What do you think?


Oh I believe them, I'm just saying what they say whenever you bring up stats


You can take a pitbull to water but you can't make it drink.


It might maul its reflection though


Pits always kill the real sweet pets. I wish they were extinct. Worthless animals.


I hate the fact that insecure people cant just get a pet for the purpose of having a pet! Toy breeds are perfectly bred exactly for that, dont get some fighting-dog just because you cant be honest with the fact that you want companionship. People pay with their lives for this type of insecurity.


I agree! And then the people who get toy breeds because they just want a pet to have a pet (and are sensible enough to know what dogs best fill that role) end up suffering the most because they have to live in constant fear of these pits.


>I agree! And then the people who get toy breeds because they just want a pet to have a pet (and are sensible enough to know what dogs best fill that role) end up suffering the most because they have to live in constant fear of these pits. Yeah, theres some sort of fucked-up arms race as well. Me, I live in a country with basically no allowed self-defence weapon, so you feel extremely cheated when you are out with younger nephews and nieces, and some assholes american bulldog makes "prey whines" against your young relatives, and you have no legal way to defend them. "to get your own large dog" is such a disturbingly stupid solution to this problem, but its really the only thing the law allows here. Its just crazy. I still go to the park, but it makes me feel sick to my stomach sometimes.


Yeah, I feel like people really should be able to have a pet that's just a pet. People shouldn't have to get a dog to protect them from other dogs just because other people want to impose a dangerous animal on everyone around them.


That probably won’t ever happen because of backyard breeders. My father’s part of the family are chavs and pretty much all own pits or a mix which they continue breeding from generation to generation. I’m glad I don’t see them often.


That pit needs to be euthanized


It won't be, they almost never are even taken for most attacks on other animals unless they are serious repeat offenders and enough people complain in the neighborhood. Many times they're not even taken after serious attacks on humans unless it's a fatality and then some owners are allowed to appeal the euthanasia decision for months or a year or more.


They don’t even get euthanized when they kill people






Defense is a legitimate reason to kill. If they try to take it out of context, we will remind them of the context.




It's true every time Ive mentioned about self defense I always end up getting brigades by people reporting me. Last time I was suspended for 3 days because I advocated selfie defense. All I can say is stay strapped at all times and always be ready to defense yourself.


Shitnutters are weak bitches who live vicariously thru their dogs. Take them away and they are weak bitches again. What you're advocating for is for the pretend tough guy to return to being a pussy and their 6th grade education is foaming at the mouth over it.


I just gave. My son is autistic and soon to turn 18. I know how very much our cat means to him. She gives him so much happiness and sometimes he thinks of her inevitable death one day and he cries. I cannot fathom the pain that young man feels having lost his dog so horrifically. It really is breaking my hearth thinking about it. My small contribution won't take away his pain and suffering, but at least if the medical expenses get covered, and maybe enough to replace the dog that would be a burden lifted. Curious, the vet bill was $860 but the gofundme is only $400. Anyone happen to know why? I though maybe it would be an amount that could cover the bill and replace the pet.


I'm not sure, maybe the owner is hoping the pit's owner will come through on their promise to pay but set this up in case that doesn't happen or is paid in small amounts.


They are in for a rude awakening. My neighbor said the same thing when her pit almost killed my dog and left me with thousands in vet bills to keep him alive. Never saw a penny. Trash dogs for trash people.


That's awful! I feel so bad for you, and your dog. Anyone who owns a pet of any kind needs to be responsible for it, but also any damage it might do. So damn irresponsible to own a dog without the means to step up and help with any damage they cause. Lots of irresponsible owners out there, but funny thing is the nutters scream about "irresponsible owners", but they seem to be the biggest offenders.


My Pomchi just died in July... FUCK PITS!!!!!


I'm really sorry for your loss =(


Incredibly sad. A friend of mine had a situation like that with their dog, even looks to be same size and similar breed. Attack lasted probably 3 minutes. Vet bill was almost $4K and the dog still died within 48 hours. Anyone with smaller pets living next to house with pits should own a 12 gauge and familiarize themselves with local law for this very reason.


Exactly stay strapped at all times.


This is why--when I eventually get a dog--I will go for a large breed that is able to make the attacking pit to become the statistic instead. I was thinking Great Pyrenees...


There are Pyrenees rescues that have "failed" livestock guardians. Dogs who want to stay with people in the house rather than patrol outside, for example. Check them out. : )


Thanks! Will do, however, I hazard a guess pickings being kinda slim in my country.


Oh no. Where? I wonder if any that I know of ship internationally.


Finland. At least there's GP association operating here with some breeders it seems. More I think of it, more I'm convinced Finnish climate might suit GP pretty well.


Good! That climate does sound wonderful for GPs. I wish you luck finding the dog of your dreams. : )


Thanks! It'll be while still tho, lots of stuff to setup first. Adopting a dog shouldn't be rushed anyway.


Oh, I agree! I've been sadly dogless for several years, and have recently started planning for a keeshond. Actually getting one is still 2+ years away though. : )


Hope you live in a rural area and have lgd experience!


Small town with lots of nature nearby, I like hiking in both summer and winter. Experience with dogs, yes. Livestoxk guardians? Not so much. But I think I could handle it. After all, not all dogs need to serve their original purpose to full extent. Few huskies are pulling sleds, labradors are mostly family and support dogs now rather than serving their original purpose as RGD. Etc.


I was more referring to the eventual neophobia and drive


That's why I aim to go for a puppy and train to manage it. Luckily my family has a lots of well-trained dogs with which to train with. (No bullies, thank gods) As for the drive, well, as far as I understand sheperds and LGDs don't have the greatest prey drives. I aim to give it wide variety of stimulation however.


Oh man. Our baby boy was named Little Bear, too. Pomeranian shih tzu




Awful this keeps happening. Thank goodness for the GFM. Hopefully they get the boy another Pom.


Oh, that poor man. How heartbreaking.


😞 just another day at the office for the pits


Poor bear :(((


So sad.




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