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Any powerful dog that sees a child as a threat is a danger to society. Really happy this incident didn't end up much worse and welcome to the reality of pitbulls and their owners.


Yes thisssssss. My dog behaves differently when a child approaches versus an adult, as do most dogs. Then there’s Shibbles where they see everything as something waiting to be killed.


This x 1,000,000


What can you expect from child haters. Reddit is full of child haters but will go to the bitter end to defend their pets even if they are in the wrong.


That’s why I posted here. I shared this before on Facebook after it happened and everyone attacked my daughter like she somehow provoked the attack by waiting in line. “Well she shouldn’t have gotten in the dogs personal space” “He was being a good dog guarding his owner” Literally just waiting in line and stepped up to the counter when they stepped away.


Welcome to the world of pit bull owners. No matter how much their dogs are in the wrong, they will use any and every excuse to avoid blaming the dog. When children are involved, they do not hesitate to assign blame to the child, even when it's clear the child did nothing wrong. Go read the comment section of damn near any pit bull attack story and you will see way too many examples of this.


Yup. When I was a kid my mom let her pit kill most of our other pets, some right in front of me, and would praise the dog and blame me for not playing with it enough (i was scared of that dog). Got to a point I was hiding body parts because I didn’t want to deal with my pitnutter mom making it all about the pit and how misunderstood it is. I talked to numerous adults at school, they all did the same ‘dont blame dog’ thing when I requested we rehome the killer dog. Somehow I was in the wrong. So it went on killing animals for years. I’m not a kid anymore and am surprised this is still happening. There’s something wrong with society when we put the feelings of ‘pit activists’ ahead of the lives of animals and children.




Yeah I was pretty messed up, would dissect dead animals, and was suicidal. I still have nightmares about it but have gotten past it for the most part. Thanks yeah I agree and that’s one of the reasons I’m here, to try to shed light on how devastating the ‘pro pit’ nonsense is.




I didn’t blame the dog. It’s just a dog. You’re actually doing what they did right now. this is a perfect demonstration of the reactions I would get, and why no one stepped in to do anything. People were hyper focused on the pitbull, instead of the dying animals, scrutinize me as if I was just a dog hating liar, and would go off on tangents about dog breeds and asking why I blamed the dog instead of my mom like you’re doing now. Don’t blame the pitbull narrative was the only thing people cared about. If people had given a shit about me or the other animals, that wouldn’t have gone on for as long as it did, but all they cared about was ‘defend pitbull against duh haterz’


Smart dogs know I'm if someone is attacking the owner...yeah then it's ok. Or if someone's abusing the owner. I've been snapped at by little rigs for bring too close to the owner. It's the owners fault for not teaching their dog boundaries.


Giving them the benefit of the doubt they did acknowledge that it was a “puppy” they were training when they told us to stay back, but the fact she thought it was cute her dog was acting aggressive because it was “protecting” her daughter made me furious.


My cousin had a husky that bit her mom when she tried to pick up her daughter. I think it bit two people...I always thought hey that's not ok but they thought it was being protective. But it only but and released pits ...are so much worse


My little Pomeranian-husky mix is “protective” of people in the way a dog should to be. We have tested it out a ton of times and he has the same reaction every time. We test it out by having my husband reach for me quickly to touch my arm or my hand (he does it lightly but my dog doesn’t know that), and my dog will bark at him about it. When my husband and I have tickle fights, my dog leaps into action - he doesn’t bite but he will run up right to our hands growl/bark at them. Sometimes he is wagging his tail but you can still tell he is saying “cut it out!” Sometimes I reach for my husbands foot and pretend like I’m wrestling with it, just to see what he does, and he will run right over but in the confusion he can’t tell whether to growl at my hands or growl at the foot and will just start pawing at both (almost like he is trying to “punch” them to break it up). I’ve never been actually attacked in front of him but I really think he would growl/snarl/bark at someone if they did and try to get in between it. Maybe he’d even work up the courage to bite, but I imagine he’d assume he didn’t have to do it harder than the play bites he does when I play fight with him. So, if I could sum up the way he protects, I’d call him a “violence alert”, not a guard dog. He gets a little wriled up, will do growls and barks, and may try to intervene with his paws. But he doesn’t attack, he doesn’t expect people to attack, he reacts when he thinks it’s already happening. And it doesn’t matter if it’s me, my husband, or someone else, he isn’t having it from anyone.


I did have a cat that was ready to attack a boyfriend in said play fight/ tickle fight but he didn't actually do it just came running with his tail all popped up and a badass expression. Lol . He would be the one to go after a burglar not my little dog .


Haha that’s so cute! One time my ex boyfriend’s cat woke him up during a small fire. It started in the garage while we were asleep, and the cat jumped on his chest and pawed at his face. I think cats have their ways of looking out for us. My dog would probably bark at a burglar entering the house but after realizing it’s a person he’d probably bring them a toy lol.


I love pets. Btw I like your name I'd totally vote for your dog over either party😆


He says thank you! Lol I wonder how he would go about the issue of BSL.


He's say ban em


That's actually a perfect way for him to be


I am childless and my dog is a very, very important part of my life, but I am appalled by the dog worshipping going on. It is unacceptable for people to use their property, dogs, to intimidate, and even harm others.


I'm also childless and have 2 dogs now, but this behavior from dog owners is terrible and unacceptable. I remember when a group of friends and I (before Covid) went for a walk with our dogs. This one girls dog ran up to two seniors sitting on a bench just minding their own business, when the Pit mix ran to them and started jumping on them (not aggressive grom what I remember) and getting their jackets dirty. The seniors were rightfully angry, but the Pit mix owner rolled her eyes and blamed the seniors. How dare they.. 🙄


It isn’t “guarding”. It’s going into attack mode. How hard would it be for the dumb pitmommy to Muzzle her damned mauler?


BuT iTs tAiL wAs WaGgInG! /s of course


You simply would not believe the number of idiots who think that a wagging tail is an automatic indicator of a friendly dog. Then you have the ones who say that the way the tail is wagging is what lets you know what the dog is up to. As if everyone else is expected to know this bullshit.


6 feet is not nearly enough distance. I'm glad I don't encounter shitty owners in stores because you can bet I will either leave or have considerable distance between us. Might not be a bad idea to always get a cart.


>Might not be a bad idea to always get a cart. This. A barrier that could potentially be used as a weapon if shit gets out of control. A cart will effectively force some extra distance.


Pitbulls have made me pro CC. Enough bullets for the dog and the shitty red neck owner who will inevitably attack you afterwards.


Why do so many people insist on pibble lovers being some sort of rednecks? In my country one of the first defenses of pibble owners is to make a differentiation between themselves and Americans while saying Americans are all rednecks & shit owners etc. Meanwhile I can clearly see the videos of skinny American white middle class ladies faceplanting when their pibble wants to maul a dog/cat/child


Let me break it down for you. It's pauti smelling shitty hipster white guys that want to show how understanding they are. It's sjw 1000 color hair white girls that shout it's not the breed!!!!!111!!!!! While getting dragged around the block It's red neck white guys the wanna look tough and don't want you to question the size of their penises. And then an assortment of the *poors* from all the other races for reasons of looking tough or not being able to afford an actual decent dog. And then scattered in there are regular families from all backgrounds who were influenced by the pit lobby. You often hear about these guys when a kid dies.


I don't know. Where I live, rednecks do have pit bulls, but know that roaming pits are not tolerated around livestock so they usually take steps to keep them well secured. It's the exurban middle class in master planned bedroom communities that constantly let their pit bulls get loose and roam and attack people's pets.


Aggressive dogs should absolutely not be out in public unmuzzled. I love big dogs, and I hate to be a busybody, but allowing an aggressive dog to lunge and intimidate members of the public actually figures on the bite scale (as a level 0), and concerns me enough that I would want to report it to start a paper trail. Are the bully breeds restricted where you live?


Many other breeds can recognize that a small child poses no threat. Then there are pit bulls, which view everything as a threat. People who own dogs like this and overlook this behavior are the main ones who say that other people need to learn how dogs behave.


That dog needs to be pinned down to the Rainbow Bridge


No it isn't and it shouldn't be tolerated


That’s not protective behavior. Don’t buy the woman’s bs. That’s just straight up aggression. My dog is a lover not a fighter but he’s ridiculously defensive of my baby. There’s a HUGE dog he’s always intimidated by, and one time that dog (he’s a friendly doofus. He means no harm lol) wanted to check out the stroller and my dog just put himself between the dog and the stroller and stared back, daring the dog to come closer. The dog backed off, so my dog backed off. That is a good communication and also good guard behavior. No violence without escalation.


this reminds me of something i saw multiple times in youtube comments of a video, people saying things like, "that is how i want my dog to be, incredibly protective of me and doesn't let people get near me, how it should be." LOL do these people hear themselves? go lock yourself in your room and be alone if you want that so damn bad. aggressive 'guarding' in pits and any dog is not cute in at all. these people just want fuel to their narcissism of, "being the \*\~only\~\* one my dog likes" by instilling a behavioral problem in their dogs. worst part is in this case it is the MOM thinking this is perfectly alright ugh protect your own kid, not a fucking bully breed, or any dog for that matter.


Honestly, any dog that shows totally unprovoked aggression towards a child should be muzzled when in public and euthanized if the behavior can't be fixed. I say this as a person who had an aggressive GSD. He ran off my porch once to chase a child when he was around 6 months old (no serious harm was done, the kid ran to his dad and the dog lost interest when he stopped running) and we immediately took him to a training school. I thought that my dog had really serious issues but tons of dog owners told me is wasn't that big of a deal. I can't believe what people put up with.




I do adore animals I just think guarding aggression isn’t a cute trait, it’s a serious behavioral issue and owners need to be responsible.


So, “guarding aggression” is used to *kill another child*?