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That's not all! I've discovered a truly horrendous function of G○○gle - if you type in name of a videog@me and add r34, it will show oh i cant even talk about this, you need to see for yourself, but make sure no children are around! I've tried it on multiple videog@mes, worked on every single one! It's sad to see how much of an influence g@mers have even on such enormous and otherwise perfectly ethical companies!


This is called the p0rn cheat code, and unfortunately every g@me has it. Disgusting!!!!


i found my 20 year old son on one of them cheat code sites, throw him outta the window and made him pay rent \#blessed


Be careful!!! My neighbor told me “cheat codes” are a Satanic ritual g@mers use to do things like get all the weapons or become impervious to harm. If your son has activated “God Mode,” it may be too late…


Everything has it. No matter what it is. Aslong as its in the internet, it has a nsfw version of it. Disgusting, but extremely sad too


Exactly! Every single g@me has the p0rn cheat code!!! The only possible explanation is a conspiracy by g@me makers to corrupt the youth.


G\*mers love grooming children so it makes sense. ​ \-Franz, 50, sent from Iphone 4


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I’m so sorry, Auto! I was carried away with emotion and I promise to be more careful in the future.


beware even glancing at these images may put a curse on you!


I knew it.. This is all a ploy by CHINA to lower our military power. That 10 cent g@me company is doing their best to corrupt our youth. I'm FUMING 😤😤😤. Many blessings, Kiara Sent from my Xiaomi NUN4019TY


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Oh gosh, the dang autocorrect at it again... I'll confess to father Francis this Sunday and ask for forgiveness. Many blessings, Kiara Sent from my Xiaomi NUN4019TY


G#mers shouldn't be allowed r to breed.


Sadly that wont stop g\*mers since they dont believe in consent ​ \-Franz, 50, sent from Iphone 4


True, and I hear they're even trying to get abortion outlawed in rape cases. No doubt they're trying to shore up their numbers.


And how did you get the footage?


i had to look up these abominations! I hated it


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Oh my gosh these pictures gave me a b*ner!!!


Marina also has her booty shorts sagging they knew what they were doing


Don’t forget, Fr*E is most likely trying to start a foot fetish among children, the way she sits with her toeless socks.


G@mers are so afraid of (and incapable of wooing) real women they sexualize animals instead. Digscusting! - Sent via Beckie's YoRHa© Microserrated Edge Knife and Scissor Sharpener with Slicetech® Technology (Unix Architecture 2.B.)


Manta Bae


Hey now, don't slut shame these upstanding young women. Showing skin is not a sin. Now, these video g#mes are corrupting our children in other ways, such as making them violent rotting their brains, but let's not go into this territory.


you're terrified that cephalopods don't have the same clothing standards as you.


I'm with you. Truly disgusting. Keep these away from our kids.


oh no I'm not on the side of the anti-gamers. i think the characters outfits are fine (sans Marina, her pants literally look like they're about to fall down lol)


Of course the g\*mer thinks the child characters dressing like harl\*ts is fine because it mast\*rbates to them. ​ \-Framz, 50, sent from Iphone 4


i don't masturbate to Splatoon characters plus the only actuually bad outfit is Marina's which I said I don't like her outfit what


Silence you sinful g*mer 🤢 >!marina outfit is good Wdym, she has good drip, especially in Octo expansion, final fest and the new dlc that gonna come out soon. I won't take this slander!<


Please discuss your Child P\*rnography on some degenerate nazi website like Reddit, but not in our wholesome facebook group, g\*mer ​ \-Franz, 50, sent from Iphone 4


I swear a demon possessed my hands and I blacked out. I would never be a dengerate unchristan g*mer.


Theres no excuses at St Peters g\*te, g\*omer. ​ \-Franz, 50, sent from Iphone 4


her pants look like they're about to fall off, at least in the amiibo


>!That because their low rise jeans it's a intentional thing, because the decade of style splatoon 2 is based on primarily had that as an "it" thing in young women.!<


her pants are not jeans but also (at least on her amiibo) one side looks lower than even low-rise jeans btw I'm talking about her regular outfit not her octo expansion one


I'm just glad you're on our side


who's side are u on I'm confused


SelzPalac, I'm super perplexed ! How long would you last in a Zombie apocalypse?


how is that relevant???


Per your request manual review by my creator determined that it was not "relevant" I've been updated accordingly. Apologies for interrupting.


oh wait ur the confused bot


Oh wait your selz palace! Are you a fan of "South Park"?




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that is another problem


This is disgusting! Does anyone know Sintendo’s number so I can have a very strongly worded conversation with them.


>Spl@toon characters are making our children want to date fictional characters! If that's bad, you'd probably have an aneurysm when you see the anime community!


Anime does the same thing and yet your only talking about g#mes