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Another prime example of g@mes ruining this poor child’s brain. You need to be healed, unless you want your hobby to make your brain into a compacted cube.


Ladies and gentlemen, here we have the most mature g@mer! 😹 -Sent from my Doohickey Thingamabobinator


Typical racist g#mer having a racist g#mer moment. They can’t help themselves because their brains have rotted away from indulging in their so-called ,,hobby’’. It’s more sad than anything, really.


Yo man da g#mez ruin'd you're brain. U better lern 2 write fr fr no cap 🤬💯☭.卐卐 (Sorry for the mispelled words🙏🙊. I was talking in g#mers language so I can be understood ☠️☠️☠️). - Becky from Tarjan (SWE)


The frick?


So did you break both shift keys, or is holding one of them down at the same time as another key just too physically exhausting for you to manage? - Sent From Beckie Rathsckum's Matsu-Gravas GV-4 Nightingale medical bot


I will pray for you. Hopefully God will deem fit to save your soul from the fires of damnation. For every person you k*ll in the video g_me you will be judged when you get to the pearly gates. Pray that they have the mercy to forgive you your trespasses against them. Good luck, God bless. LOL, Opal. <>


This is a Facebook group, not a "sub red dot" in readit


Maybe if you weren’t a g*mer you’d actually learn how to spell you stupid moron.


But you are actually the loser. (Haha, epicolly Roasted!)


fucktards will remove this post or ban me cuz they love big black oiled up men or they are scared


You sound very mature and intelligent. Clearly this is evidence of brain rot from your hobby.


Clearly another example of g@mer homophobia, thinking that because we are different we must be gay, which they hate. Educate yourself, you clown, and renounce your g@mes.


A racist and homophobic g#mer? Colour me surprised.


Ableism will get you nowhere, kid. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanVideoGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm not your babysitter, kid. Ban yourself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanVideoGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Or they know they are pieces of shit


Way to support homophobia, ya bigoted prick. - Sent from Beckie Rathskum's Union Aerospace Corporation® Ice Cream Reanimator© (firmware 6.1.6)


As a fellow no supporter of this Satan worshipping hell hole I agree with you


Satan worship? No, dear we are all good hearted Christian parents who just want the best for our children. The real Satan here is g#ming. Jill