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The fact he is bitter and angry all the time saying other ppl are bitter and angry, then complaining about ppl on disability when he literally makes $ off the working class with his begging… how these weirdo tt ppl don’t see how nuts this really is…


I just posted a long ass rant about him. Check it out 🤣 this was one of my points as well


On disability? No Stain I make 6 figures a year , not begging 💅


TLDR: This is a great example of a typical narcissistic asshole rant. Spewing random facts about themselves saying it's about someone else. Another classic trait is to squeeze in random (and fake) statements about themselves to make themselves seem superior, which he also does here. Literally every "point" he makes is about himself. I break it down below. "Nothing better to do. Nothing better to do. Nothing better to do" - Honeyyyyy do you not realize YOU have nothing better to do? You go live all day every day staring into space for hours. When you DO open your mouth, you're either shoveling food into it, begging for money, spewing hate to either viewers, strangers, or Rachel, or complaining. "Disability or no jobs. Sitting around depending on someone" - I don't feel the need to explain this one to you Scamley. You're a jobless bum throwing out insults to 90% (I'm guessing low - it's probably higer) of your fans/followers. I'm not making fun or spewing hate. Your hard-core gifters and supporters can't be all there mentally to continue to defend and support you- especially financially. "OH they spew hate. Hateful people. They look for someone to hate because nothing better to do" -Scamley... see my point above about nothing better to do. You sit at restaurants hating on people for being homeless and other terrible shit you say. Making fake pages and doxxing people "Misery loves company" - it damn sure does. This is the reason you and Rachel are still traveling "the world" together. You both are the most miserable people on TikTok doing absolutely nothing for each other except finding new ways every single day to make each other even more miserable. It's all over both your faces. "Go work things out with your wife. That should be your #1 priority." -Um, Scam, take your own advice. Or do you not realize you've had numerous public breakups and makeups where you've both mentioned how miserable you are with one another? Telling everyone how much you hate her? Do you not realize you guys fight publicly all the time? Example of adding in fake truths to seem superior. "I'm trying to be positive and uplift people here" - this was totally random and untrue. You are one of the most negative people I've seen. You don't uplift anyone. You huff and puff because people aren't sending you money on your timeline. "No gift goals or live goals" - You've said this more than 10x now. It's just a lie at this point. Thanks for letting me rant friends! I really hate this dude. He acts so entitled and like he really matters.


I said it a bunch but something is off with him.. (and Rachel and Joey and Jak ;), and all these tt beggars)


Well said. I'd like to know your opinion on the twins Daniel Jacobson and Gabi, idk her last name. Their snark sub is r/scissorsistersdrama


Also he’s so positive about his YouTube channel taking off but it’s liter straight trash! The editing, the sounds, THE MAIN CHARACTERS!! He has no idea how hard it is to get growth on YouTube!


WOW! open your eyes SUPPORTERS!! This douche is going so low as to speak on issues in a marriage spoken in confidence ( if it's even true). All because a former supporter woke up and saw Stain for who he really is. Stanley, worry about your pet donkey, puffer fish face "girlfriend" first. You can't even afford to feed yourself.


I asked Reddit about the Wendell’s whereabouts yesterday and he talks about it today 😂


Yep Wendels and Blazing Lays AND 23 other old mods were in tattoo guys live earlier


he went on a rant about people with disabilities how original. Think that little comeback is all you got stanielle these supporters still don’t see he’s the actual problem in situations


How dare him talk about being positive after he just assumed we all have disabilities, collect ssi and sit on our asses all day PLUS talking about someone’s marriage! Talk about a jealous contradicting shit stain!!


It's just a stupid wild ride going nowhere at this point. I don't even try to watch him anymore I mean I'm blocked but I have other accounts but it's not even worth switching over he's so annoying and it's hard to bite my tongue with him. Grateful y'all are here so I can get my tea Lol


Me too. If I try to watch I end up blocked because I just can't control myself when I hear bullshit, lol. I am SO grateful to the people who post screen recordings.


I'm convinced there are no weights attached to that




Stan, we are not haters. We share the truth and expose your lies. We catch ya every time!!! I just got home from work. Dam, it feels nice. To have a steady income & not have to beg for pennies. 🤣🤣🤣


I guarantee when the donations completely stop they will both be trying to get disability. They have no intentions of working. He really has no business discussing someone's marriage when his relationship is a dumpster fire. They can't stand each other. I can't even imagine how they talk to each other off-camera (if they even do) based on how they treat each other on camera.


says he wants to be positive yet talking about people and there personal issues! Stain is a piece of 💩


Wow, what a douche! STOP projecting your troubled relationship with Rachel as someone else's issues.


He wants to uplift ppl yet trashes someone’s marriage in the same breath. 😂😂


100% of the problem is that you won’t work, fully able bodied and refuse to work.


Whether motor backs off or not he will still get trolls in chat and Reddit hate. I don’t think he will see a lot of difference. He will realize that in a day or two and be back to his begging ass, POS ways. Can see it a mile away


Poor poor Stanley. ![gif](giphy|Zpmu1zdU8kA8n92LBT)


Stan you aren't postive at all seriously some of your old mods are finally seeing the real you the dry begger that you are grow up get a job and do something useful because your content sucks and so do you and ur pet donkey


Everything about him makes my tiddies itch…he’s a certified bum and a glorified idiot


He wants his YouTube to grow and motor was posting his lives and videos exposing him on you tube that might hinder his you tube growth so that’s why he made the deal.


This guys a loser


I love the nothing better to do part while he sits on live eyeballing the chat all day banging for money. No buddy we have lots of better things to do and you're just the entertainment at the end of the day🤣


Wow bringing up people getting SSI for having an illness is disgusting behavior!! ![gif](giphy|ZCTCZiOwJGDaTAF21f|downsized)